Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Let me go check it out really quick [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION]

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I fixed the post [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION]
lol, sorry I tend to try to make something unique or stand out in each of my characters. I had originally planned Xander to be female because well females like that usually get saved easier. But a male is working oh so much better.
Night Kio!

Well I'm really glad it's working out, Lilly! :3

--- Merged Double Post ---

Oooh, well I really want to stay and continue but I need my rest as well. xD So goodnight! I'll be on as soon as possible tomorrow. :3
I posted the character sheet on the front page with match ups. Below are the new match ups @KiokuLovesCheesecake @PandaaPopsiclee ​ [MENTION=2174].:Vassel:.[/MENTION]


Kew FV ((Lilly FH-KaitWink)) p8

Xavior MH ((Kyra FV- Pandaa Popsiclee )) p8

PandaaPopsiclee: -Approved

Kyra FV (( Xavior MH KiokuLoves Cheesecake )) p11

Exavyir MH (( ))


Tress MH (( )) p18

Reverie FV ((Exavyir MH-PandaaPopsiclee )) p18
...Well I got maybe three hours sleep before I woke and wasn't able to get back to sleep. If I post during this time please forgive me of any mistake or weirdness. Although I have been told to sleep role-play on the phone before. >.> Also no clue when I may pass out again so once more, sorry ahead of time.
Hey 14 it's looking good! I have ONE suggestion *hides from possible thrown objects* (Thanks Lilly, see what I learn from you?) If you move your char sheets to your first reply instead of in the original post, it will keep all the information at the top, and the match-ups won't be hidden by all your chars ^^ Btw I'm glad you liked what I did, hell I know I use it to keep from being confused xD
Hey 14 I have a favor and or request from you.

Would you be offended if me and Chaos did a 1x1 roleplay of vinnie's and adram's earlier years in a private 1x1 thread? I figured it would be fun and it would help get their base down more.


I officially refuse to post with vinnie again after this next post without 14 posting Rosa first. xD
[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] I don't want to be rude, but .:Vassel:. and I already matched Xavior with Reverie. Would that mess everything up? D=
Sorry Tyra I laid down earlier but couldn't sleep well. I forgot to do parts of my post and missed reading some of yours somehow. So I edited to fix. xD You don't need to edit if you won't want. I just thought I would let you know.
Ah, it's totally fine. :3 It was probably my fault anyway for keeping you up so late last night! xD so I apologize for that. ^^; haha
nono I get like this at times, I'll go for days for little to no sleep, then I'll pass out for a whole 12+ hours easily at times.
Mental illness perhaps?

I'm getting another wind at least so my post may improve once more.

Luckily like I said before I have been told to rp in my sleep before :P
Ah, ok. ^^ Well I used to sleepwalk and have conversations with my parents ALL the time in my sleep. xD
when i was young I used to sleep walk. I still wake screaming like I'm about to die once in a blue moon. You want to see people run do that. I won't even have a clue why I was screaming just sit up screaming.
That's so weird because I used to do the same thing when I was little! o . o My mom says I used to have night terrors and wake up screaming bloody murder. Interesting, haha. xD
My sister once had a night terror. It was weird. She was awake and yet she wasn't. She was screaming and trying to push something off of her, like she was dreaming something was attacking her. She used to frequently suffer from nightmares when she was younger.
Yeah, nothing my mom did trying to wake me up worked. She actually had to pretend that she was in my dream and saw what I saw and that she was there to protect me before I'd calm down, haha.
I'm actually looking it up via Wikipedia. Night terrors are also referred to as Incubus attacks. An Incubus or Succubus being types of demons that bring nightmares and other.... Things innopropriate to say...
Fffff, sure... I don't believe that. xD Mostly because I can't or else it scares me. Q . Q

Oh, and btw I posted my reply, Lilly. ^^ Just to let you know.

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