Ambrose A Vampire Signups

@Lilly: Haha, I believe so. > w > However, it may or may not be right. Obviously, he doesn't want to end up with people thinking he was going to run off with his own serf like his mother. But he's having a hard time cuz deep down inside, he likes Jen just a teeny tiny itsy bit. X3 Fff, you can tell me if I'm wrong though. That's just how I interpreted it, lolz.

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Gotta get to bed now. :3 I'll hopefully be on earlier tomorrow morning though. ^^
[MENTION=2174].:Vassel:.[/MENTION] That was an epic poem btw.

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I'll give you Xavior's reply when I see if you're on. I don't think you'd like to have to search for it.
Lol Kioku you're not being boring ((sorry I didn't see that, I rarely check this thread unless I have a question lol))
Oh, that's good. ^^; I was thinking I should step up to the plate a little and have Kew's mother host the coming of age party that 14hca14 mentioned... Or something.
@Lilly: Let me know if you're having trouble replying with Alexander and I'll add more to Jennifer's post. ^^
Oh, I forgot three of those characters are yours. xD But yeah.

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I've actually had this idea, but I didn't really want to say anything because I was afraid what you might think of it***EDIT***.. But Kew is really half Human *le gasp, spoiler*. When I read the Alexander's mother ran off with a Human, I thought "wow, she could have been Kew's real mother". x D But it was just a stupid idea that popped in my head when I read that.
If you approve it by 14 I won't mind. Xander would have no clue about her though, and I would like to check over her appearance first before it's final as well. You know . . . seeing if she looked anything like Xander since she probably couldn't get everything from her father side.

Speaking of Xander, POOR GUY, Tyra you're evil . . . making him drop to a serf level and doing task of such to help a serf. :P She should be waiting on him not vise versa.
But like I said, it's a stupid idea. What I had originally had planned was to just have Kew either adopted or her mother had an affair. ^^;
They share similar eyes, and gentle expressions, and I always thought Xander's mother would be blonde so works out when it comes to that.
Ffffff! I'm sorry! xD Every time Jennifer's tried to serve him, he's pushed her away so what was she supposed to do? rofl! *looks both ways* Though I do have a habit of creating certain circumstances. - w - Muahahaha! *starts coughing after an attempt at the evil laugh*
To be honest Cake, the more I roll the idea of Kew being a half sibling of Xander's the more I like it. Just for the fact if he found out . . . the poor guy would try to end up looking after her like he does his father and such. And she's so gentle and a klutz lol, it would be one girl he could get close to without fear of people judging.
*chokes and falls over* @ . @ Ok, too tired to do the evil laugh right now, lol. o A o I apologize! DX I can make her more servant-like, rofl.

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Aww, so he's never going to be able to trust Jen fully? xD haha
Tyra- Rule one of role play in my book, NEVER change the character to fit what others want, be the others players or characters. A character must be themselves, do what they normal do, and grow in the path they decide to take. It's what makes role play interesting, and other characters will have to deal with it in their own way or tough.

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Cake - So you're starting to see the possibilities as well? If you've been reading the role play you can see Xander not expecting a sister of his to do anything. And be willing to support, take care of, and do his best for her without risk of rumors.
Haha, I know. > w < Really, Jennifer wants to please Alexander but with his personality, it's making it quite challenging for her. xD Aww, poor Jen. She's going to be quite jealous, lolz.

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