Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Course that's if Cake wishes to go with that idea and gets it approved by 14.

Tyra- His personality is what makes him, him. If it wasn't there I'm sure their connection would be different.
Yes, I see the possibilities. x D And I have been keeping up with Jen and Xander's story so far. However, I didn't get to read the first few posts, but I get the idea. I've also been keeping up with Rosa and Vinnie, and Lynix and Abram.
I had to stop trying to keep up with all the stories after awhile. @.@ I just couldn't do it with my juggling.
You also seem very passionate about your characters. I admire that. ^^ My characters are very real to me, especially when I'm writing short stories and such.

And well, I like the idea, but ultimately, they are your characters, so whatever you decide is fine with me. ^^
Haha, exactly! But that's also what she really likes about him of course. If he wasn't the way he was, she probably wouldn't have begun growing a fondness for him. > w > She'll find a way to get him to trust her eventually. ^^ Maybe even get him to like her. *le gasp!* o3o
Tyra I'll just bite my tongue and smile. Since I tend to do a manner with my characters most always say that about them and I just can't help but shake my head.

Cake - I try to keep them real, and in away they are to me. I like to say THEY tell me what to say and post, because every time I read a new scene and have to post for them, it's the first thing that comes to my head, seeing their reactions. I used to want to write stories but it was harder to work characters when I played them all. It's why you won't really see decent reactions if two of my characters are together. I suppose that's my bane. I can only tend to step into one at a time.
I completely understand. I have a similar way of doing things. When I write a post, I have to thoroughly think about it. Kind of like a WWJD, only like "What would Kew do?" and I try to see myself in my character's shoes.
Argh I forgot to also reply to what else you said. The characters I make for most rp's are on the spot. Their stories, past and such I have to leave open for things just in case others want to step in for fun. Like Vinnie and Abram, I loved how that worked out due to his past being open except for the basic drives. Kew would work fine with Xander because in his past he doesn't know what happened to his mother and serf past them leaving. So it would be easy to drop that bomb shell on him.
Same here, you guys. ^^ I always try to think of what I'd do in my characters' shoes; they are all individual pieces taken from my own personality and heightened. ^^

Hehe, sorry, Lilly. ^^; I shouldn't assume things to happen, even if it looks as if it's going that way. D: Yeah, I'll shut up now. o x o *duct tapes my mouth shut*
Tyra- reading and writing at least the basics would be something she would have learned in that year. It's important for Xander and his business ways. Oh god Tyra your ooc reactions amuse me more than your IC at times.
Yeah, I just remembered that. ^^; *goes off to edit post* Haha, glad I amuse you. X3 I'd rather make you laugh than irritate you, lulz. ^^;
Why does everyone care so much what others think? Either they like you or they don't like you. lol If people don't like me the can deal and move on. If I don't like them I don't hang around, and just save my efforts.
@Kioku: Yus?

@Lilly: Well I hope you like me, haha. xD Hmm....I wonder if Xander would get jealous if Jenny met another male serf or vampire that took a liking to her at the graduation party? *taps my fingers together evilly* Oh gosh, I have GOT to shut up now! *slaps self* #> . <
Plot what you wish, do what you wish. I always like a challenge and tend to roll with all given to me. Keep in mind though, any outcomes, good or bad . . . from my characters are how they react. Do not ask me what will happen, I can't say till that moment unless I ponder over it some. All I can say is my characters are just themselves, sometimes when some things are crossed they just can't go back. xD

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Pretty much, you'll have to see for yourself lol.
Not really it's just fun that way. xD I would hate anyone to fear trying stuff out in a roleplay. I really do like surprises and such, I love when my characters get all . . . @.@ and lost within themselves, or have to make a choice they never thought they had to before.
*joins in Kioku's clapping* A genius! A roleplaying prodigy! :D Brilliant, Lilly, haha. X3 I definitely agree, things already seem to be happening between Jen and Xander, we just have to let them figure it out themselves and see if anything happens. - w -
Trust me, if Xander was one to cuss as bad as I did, she would have him cussing all the time in his head. F word, D word and so forth every slip up he thought he made.
Haha, well she doesn't mean to. X3 She's really such a kind soul, though Xander irritates the heck out of her sometimes, rofl!
Hush, she's lucky, his strict, stern ways are normal . . . if she likes it or not.

Think of it this way, she COULD have had Vinnie as a master. "Yeah yeah do whatever just remind me of the important stuff" is his usual outlook at times.
Fffff! xD She probably would have run away first chance she got with Vinnie. She's very lucky Alexander picked her out instead and that his stern ways convinced her to stay. Otherwise, she probably would have been captured again after her escape and either put down or allowed to age until she died. D: *gasp* Jennifer, you better be grateful! >:U haha
You guys are fun to read in this thread lol, &&all your plot stuff sounds really cool, we should seriously do the party thing where they all get together. ^^

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Lol, tyra my serf will grow old & die anyway D: suckish lol

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