Ambrose A Vampire Signups

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] it's not your fault! And they're not pathetic!

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I think I'm done for the day. x D
Mkay, Kioku. I'll be going to bed here really soon. :3 I'd really like to get a good night's sleep tonight so my aim is to not stay up past 10 pm which is in half an hour where I live.

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Haha, if you couldn't tell, I wish I could have my own horse sooooo badly. I love them to death. ^^ <3 So that part of me definitely is reflected in Jen's character, lol. xD
lol poor girl's going to be the death of Xander I swear. I figured loving horses had to come from somewhere. ^.^;
Awww, well if he'd just buck up and accept the fact that he slightly likes her deep down, then it wouldn't be so hard for him. >:U Rawr. lol

Yus, me = horse lover. View attachment 4030 Nothing more said, rofl.
*sigh* Nu, I guess not... *pouts, sticking out my bottom lip unhappily* Though if his mother had married his father out of pressure, not love, and was really in love with the serf, she shouldn't be judged for that. Stupid vampire society and their dumb, strict rules. D:<
lol even if she wasn't married she would have been harshly judged. and yeah Simon isn't really one to fall in love with anything besides his work.
Exactly! So I don't judge Alexander if he does or doesn't care for Jen even a little bit, haha, he can do what he pleases. o w o I can't wait until the coming of age party. It's a good way to get all our characters to interract. ^^

Alright *yawns* Well I'mma try to get a good night's rest tonight. Hopefully I'll be on tomorrow. *crosses fingers* But if I'm not, then that will at least give you a break and let your brain fill up on ideas, Lilly, haha. Hopefully I'll come up with some as well. ^.^
Okay, Dear Lord, you guys are killing me...I'm gonna try and read but there is no way in heck I can keep up. What's happened in the past eight or nine pages? I have skimmed it but not really read it.
Soooo sorry 14! D: D: D: Don't worry, pretty much all of it is Jennifer and Alexander. ^^; I knew I wasn't going to be able to roleplay very much if at all today so I wanted to get some good rp time in yesterday. D: Again, I apologize! Please don't fret though, because most of it is Jenny and Xander so you didn't miss very much at all with everyone's characters.
Sides a good part of the post aren't long. xD lol *really does prefer short posting at times*
Yay, well that's good. ^^ Sorry it was so long, haha. *head desk* Once I get on a role, it's hard to stop. X3
Wow, the thread's actually getting a break lol, it's been almost like 2 days now! Addiction must be wearing off, eh? Lol.
Haha, well I've been wanting to post but I decided to give Lilly a break at least for one day, lol. X3
No it's fine, I usually get frustrated when I have to read all of the posts but everybody's posts were relevant and interesting.

Would anybody's vampire be interested throwing the coming of age party thingy?
Yeah, I thought I heard her mention something along those lines as well. :3 We'll ask her when she gets on.
Lilly a break? As in trying to break Lilly of her rp addiction? So cruel Tyra so cruel. :P

And that works, if no one else can you can NPC Simon doing it.
Ffff, haha, well we can't have you running out of ideas to try now, can we? XP I figured your brain needed a rest as well as my own, rofl!
Why is it me people always expect to have ideas. @.@ xD

I do my best, but honestly, even I hit dead ends at times.
Exactly why I let you have a break yesterday! xD I know I run out of ideas if I continue on constantly and don't take breaks. ^.^

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