Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Just as long as the break isn't too long. I tend to lose my characters if it is myself. My guy does that to me alot. >.> Goes a month or more even a few weeks and I have a hard time getting back into character.
Okay okay! *pants* I'm here! *Falls over from rushing to the threads* So, the plan is Kew's mother will host the party, correct? Well I suppose I should get started!
Wait Cake, maybe give them a few days to be all ooo a party how should we prepare? So maybe invites or something that was handed out.
Well I was going to let them be all "oooo" a party with invites. I wanted to see how each individual prepared, first.
Ooh invites good idea :3 building up some excitement. Are all the other Serfs going with their owners or just the vampires?
Okay cool! xD Just wanted to make sure. Didn't want it to all be 'and now the party!' lol maybe set a date to have everyone start to show up at the party, like an actual ooc date. On this day start to show up. So we all know when to wrap up preparing and such.
Yeah, this sounds cool! The serfs should be with their masters so everyone's characters can interract. :D

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*starts bouncing off the walls* Can't wait! lol
You just want more people for Jennifer to flirt with :P

Hmmm I wonder if there is any female vamps I could set Xander up with. *Grins and ducks*

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I'm thinking kinda like a birthday meets prom meets sweet sixteen (you're an adult) thing.
Considering the time period it would be more of a ball with dancing. However if you wanted to make it an all day event you could have horse races and vamps could maybe have a competition where they showed off their serfs in categories such as beauty, skill, etc..
Good idea. And lulz, you both want people to flirt with your characters. :P

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Excellent idea. An all day event would be good for our characters. [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION]

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By the way, please excuse my typing today. I found my old laptop in the basement and am using it. The keyboard is sticky, especially the space bar. And when I'm roleplaying long posts, it's hard to pay attention to every mistake. (That's why authors have editors x D)
Not really . . . just thinking Xander is trying to escape his mother's path and perhaps that pushes him to look for a female vamp for once.
Nu I don't! >:U How dare you judge meh?! lol *swings my arm at Lilly, but she ducks and I end up losing my balance, faceplanting into the floor* Ow... Q . Q
*lifts head* Fff, let's face it. Everyone wants more people for their charies to flirt with. xD Rofl!! *lays head back down*
[MENTION=2372]Lilly Spiritdreamer[/MENTION] I've seen this pattern before. I've known her for about three or four years now. >:V She may act like it's a joke, but inside... You better watch out.

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Oh, and not me necessarily. :P Kew is Kew. SHe has no need for a lover.
Cake- AH you may know her but you don't know me. I'm the type who likes to poke the bear. *grins*
AH but I know myself better than most people know themselves, my shrink said so! Hell most the counselors did as well . . .

If I have a hard time reading me perhaps you will too? Sides what fun is reading when you can just watch. :P
[MENTION=2372]Lilly Spiritdreamer[/MENTION] are you waiting for Chaos before you reply to Rosa?
14= yeah, we were going in order. ^.^ You, Chaos, Me, so no one got to miss out on a chance to post or comment.

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