Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Yuusss! The party idea is great. ^^ That way all our characters can meet. :3

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION]: Awwww D:

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brb guys! gotta go do somethin', lol

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Ok, I'm back. xD Haha, guess it didn't take as long as I thought.
@Kioku lol I'm just going on what Kew's mom said, I didn't know if that was the truth but I'm just going on that :3 you don't have to change anything
IF I got the facts straight serfs just need venom, can be anyone's venom. It's the vampires that are bond to one serf. I could be wrong though. It's how I explain people having MANY serfs though and just one main one.
bad xander bad, you're bad at remembering things, so here is a list of other things to get as well. I forgot to mention them earlier don't forget anything.
xD Rofl! You better listen to her Xander, she seems quite serious. o3o
OH what would be away to punish, that doesn't leave much marks, is small and easy to carry around but painful all the same?
Oooh, ok. Nvrmind then. :3 I thought you meant something different, haha. With that, I'd say a tazer. o3o
Don't think they have tazers back then. I thought of that too, and smile in dark amusement of those thoughts.
btw sorry for my post. I get dizzy spells and have a hard time focusing at times.

I swear older you get the more things you worry about lol.
Oh, no problem. ^^ It's no biggie. :3 I've had short posts before, don't worry about it.
My are becoming shorter and shorter each time I post.

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You guys have serious talent to keep posting as long and detailed as you do.
I wanted to make sure I got some good roleplay time in today because I might not be on tomorrow. D: It depends on chores and other duties I have to complete.
lol I don't worry about details. When I was younger I did. Now as long as the emotions are portrayed, but my head is spinning at the moment so it's hard.
Aww, well we don't have to continue if your brain is shot, Lilly. D: I know it must be tiring for you.
lol sleep isn't something I'm blessed with at times. I'll be fine, just need to wait for the iron to set in is all. I'm already doing a tad bit better. I'm just amazed that I can tell the differences when I'm tired or have a dizzy spell in my post. Tired I mess up more, mix words up or what not, dizzy it gets short . . . fast. @.@ I lack ideas more.
Aww, well if you need to rest, don't hesitate to tell me. :3 We can always pick up another day. ^^

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Ack, short post. x . x I apologize, haha. I promise to make it up during the race!

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