Ambrose A Vampire Signups

I believe every character is of Noble descent so that should not be a problem

I'm going to wait until the end of the day before I make the match ups in case Chaos or anybody else wants in
Mkay, 14. :3 Oh, and let me know if we should wait for other people to get on to continue with Jen and Xander, haha. ^^; Since they're beginning to take up a page or two, lolz.
She probably finds the invite in his mess of stuff btw.

OH and he clearly stated to mark it down as the first of every month lol, I swear your girl doesn't listen.
Oh my gosh, Lilly, we keep having the same ideas. xD That's exactly what I was thinking, lol!
Ugh, computer decided to act up, so I'm on my iPhone now. Hmm... I could have someone send out the invitations if you wish.
Maybe the invites should be sent out via a messenger on horseback to each manner. When ever you have the invite you can post it here and each person can separately post about receiving the invite. We should probably wait until Chaos is online and every character is on the same day. As of right now I think Vinnie, Adam/Abram/Eve, Rosa and Lynix are all a day behind everyone else
Xavior and Reverie are such an odd pair. They both prefer different things. I can see them getting very angry at each other, well if Reverie can really bring herself to get angry. Maybe more disappointed.
It's funny how at first I thought Timothy was actually going to work out better than Jennifer, but I'm really liking Jen and Xander paired together. xD There's so much conflict and drama because of their different personalities.
Yus yus, I know. > w < I luffs him. I just haven't gotten to roleplay him very much since Chaos hasn't been on. D:

--- Merged Double Post ---

Woah, where'd everybody go? xD It got so quiet all of a sudden, haha.
Kinda, sorry, stole her for a short while for a personal issue. I need to just get the right frame of mind back again.
Chaos is back. I was supposed to be able to get online from my camping trip, but forgot a button on my phone didn't work so I couldn't log in... Give me a bit and I'll be all caught up RP wise... And I'm somewhat caught on the OCC. Though how is EVERYONE waiting for me? *hides*
I shall be the best chaos there ever was... what can I disrupt now? xD

Okay, Abram's mother would try to do an arranged marriage for him since he's a 'grownup' now but I want to give a fair warning to anyone that could end up arranged with the guy... wait that's all the warning you get.
*totally oblivious, staring off into space* o3o Hm? *turns to look at Chaos*
*giggles* anywho... Missed you guys! *Hugs forums*

(This one is trying to catch up in rp now... geez I'm gonna make you guys start 'tagging' who you are rping with in the title of posts so I can find my people :P )

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