Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Sorry, Chaos. xD I believe it's mostly Xander and Jenny's fault, rofl. *looks off into space again, acting as if I had nothing to do with it* Oh, and I can repost Timothy's last reply to Amber if you want to make it easier for you. :3
She has the page now Tyra. ^.^ And no one can stop my rp! Well except maybe the person who is rping with me. *mutters about having a whole day with pretty much no rp's yesterday*
Hey, you even said yourself that you needed a break once in a while to think of ideas. xD I didn't want to run you ragged! *pats Lilly's head*
@Lilly: Ah, well am I helping you enough with ideas? I'm really trying. D:

@Vassel: I can't wait for the party either. Poor Jen's gonna be freaked out at all the vampires, haha. xD She's quite shy when it comes to large groups of people, especially high class vampires.

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Holy cow! There are 11 guests viewing the thread?? xD Didn't know we were so popular, haha.

Anyway, I gotta get some rest now you guys. :3 I'll try to be on early tomorrow morning though. ^^ Night!
That's just weird, hello all you ghost people! ^.^

Edit: LOL Tyra, I thought I was waiting on your post >.< and just notice it was up there.
Sorry my post for Lily was so short this time Kioku D: I couldn't think of much to do at that point.

Woo, adoring fans :D
I'll do my best to get Vinnie back to rp with rose by tomorrow 14 so you can post with her more. ^.^
Guys, what do you think about the party also being a place where arranged marriages can meet? well couples for marriages.
I've got the feeling we're being stalked. xD Already there are 8 guests viewing the roleplay page and it's only 11:30 am my time!

Hmm, well we could do that. However, we could also save the arranged marriage idea for a different time instead of combining it with the party idea so that if we run into an idea block later on, we could use it. :3 It's up to 14 though. ^^
Whatever 14hca14 decides is good to me. x D

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Lulz, Lilly Spiritdreamer isn't on. x D She must be... *le gasp* sleeping.

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Tyra, get on Skype. >:V
Yes, trying to wake enough to kick Xander into action and try to figure what to do with the bum lol.
Cause he's an overly nice guy >.< and all my characters so far in this rp are nice. We need some mean people. xD *isn't used to not playing a cruel or evil character in a rp to help balance or produce plot.*

hmmmm and plot is what I need . . . so how do I manage evil in a calm, gentle base.
It's ok if you don't know what to do with Xander. :3 Take your time. ^.^

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