Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Yeah, what Lilly said. ^^ It was only a suggestion, 14 has to approve it first.
Well, my mother's being slow so I guess I have a little time. xD

@Kioku: Oooh, me me me!! :D
Excuse me for a bit guys, having a hard time focusing and I fear if I post a character, it may be slightly out of character when it comes to this place and how happy go lucky and kind most characters are in it.
Alright, I have returned! o3o^ lol

@Lilly: Ok. :3 You go get some rest, k?
Nuu! Jenny's magnificent paper ball failed! DX lol. Now she's tempted to chuck a pillow at Xander. xD
Hey guys? :C I'm most likely going to leave rpnation, so I wanted to let you all know first. There's just a lot going on and roleplaying seems to be a big distraction.
*blinks and hugs Cake* RL comes first I guess, but you know . . . if you need us you can always toss us a line.
Awww... D: Ok, Kio. *hugs* I'll try to get on Skype more often!

Ffff, Jennifer and her little quirks. *shakes head* Most of the time she's quite mature but every once in a while when someone pushes her buttons... xD
That being said, Tyra, I won't be on Skype either. ^^; I've decided to delete everything. So... I won't burden you guys anymore. Cya.
Q A Q B-but but but! Kiooo, nu dun go! D: *sniffles* You're not a burden!
Okay Cake, now we need to get serious . . . and it seems she's offline >.>

Well Cake if your still looking to see if there are reactions listen up. You're not a burden and I know semi signs when I see them. We may need to talk, if in private it's fine, but still.
Seriously, Kioku, get your butt back here! We need you! Who's going to host the party now without you? D: *jumps up and down, waving my arms frantically*
Ok so I am online finally between finals, class secretary, horseback riding and family I can't be on as much as I am used to. So my original rp idea included werewolves but I can't remember how I had them involved so I edited them out so we can talk more on that subject but that is not of importance because we have seemed to have lost Cake :( . Your not a burden and if we need to slow down so that you can keep up that is totally fine and understandable!
Sorry, I've just been really emotionally depressed, and last night was rock bottom... I won't quit, but I won't be super-duper active. I'll still pitch in some ideas and host the party, though.
I feel like I've failed you Tyra. I can't seem to get a plot going with our characters. I like drama, pulls, twisted stuff, but they're doing so well. Best I can think is a run to a plantation or what not and even that would be easy to just get over. ^.^ If you have any ideas I would gladly listen, but I have a twitch if things just go well too long in a role play. It's like playing house to me, everything repeats.
Oh no, Lilly, you're totally fine! Truth is, I've actually wanted things to start going well, just for a little while, haha. Before, there was soo much tension and conflict, it was almost too much. xD Trust me, though, I'm sure the party will stir things up a bit and cause some drama. ^^ You're not the only one, I've been running out of ideas as well and I'm starting to panic now, lol. *anime sweat drop* So I'm sorry if I've been dull or boring.
Perhaps the arranged marriage and party will help the both of you. I'm running out of ideas, as well. So we need to set a real-life date. It can't be this thursday, though. I have a job interview.
@Kioku: Yaaayyy! ^^ *hugs* Sorry things have been so rough for you. D:
At least Vinnie's family keeps plot running one way or another. Lynix and his insanity gives me freedom to run. It's just Xander . . . he's so . . . strict and cold but a nice guy deep down. The type of guy hell even I wouldn't mind marrying :P .
*Shrug* It's life, I just need to learn to get over things quicker, but I honestly don't want to talk about it right now. But the good news is, I might be getting a job that pays a bit higher than minimum wage. It includes lifting and packaging car parts, but it'll help me get into shape and earn some money. xD

--- Merged Double Post ---

Awww, a girl and her creation. Romantic. xD [MENTION=2372]Lilly Spiritdreamer[/MENTION]

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