Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Whoever is playing as Abram, we're at your house O: ((sorry I'm on mobile. It's hard to keep track of all this))
Sweet last post he was out front. Lynix is in the window playing his flute, so Abram is probably who you will meet.

This only means Chaos might get to play mommy dearest at the party.

Also means I have an extra few people I might have to play. Then again knowing Vinnie he would go and not tell his parents about it if he could get away with it lol.

Simon: I get to go to a party? hmmmmm *comes wearing all steampunk looking weird gear*
"I has cooties and now you does too" he would tease before grabbing his invitation once more and shoving it back into his mouth. "Mine!"
Okay, so we need to pick a date of when we can do this party thing. Everything is up to 14hca14, so only she can approve a date, but maybe sometime this week?

When is everyone free and available?
You really think we'll all be here the same day and be able to fit a whole party in it with all the mingling?

Are the arranged marriages even set up? I thought they were supposed to meet up at the party and such too. I think there's a lot that would be going on, the party could be an ongoing thing for a few days for some of us, while others of us might only rp it for a few hours xD
It should definitely be an ongoing thing, I work til like 3-4 every day so I mean if you only did one day it'd be almost impossible for me to reply until evening.
Well what I meant was a date for everyone to *start* with the party. Not just a one day thing. I know everyone has different schedules, but take a day to start the party.
Ummm, I'm not sure of a date right now and I gotta get some sleep, but I'll check out my schedule and let you know tomorrow of what days would be good for me. ^^
Okay so I never got a lot of definite answers on who wanted to be part of the arranged marriage so I am a pretty sure Iliana was one character and so was Vinnie but other than that it was a bit wishy washy.

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