Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Lord knows Kew's mother would make any excuse to get her out of her hair, especially a marriage. :P Throw Kew within the arrangement.
You can use Timothy in the arranged marriages if you need another guy, lol. xD I can say that his parents had set up an arranged marriage for him a long time ago before they died. :3
Oh! By the way, guys. I have been doing some sketching on my computer lately, and I did one of Kew. I was wondering if any of you wanted me to do some sketches of your characters, just for the fun of it. This one isn't finished, though.

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Here are the characters have to be match up. There isn't an even male to female ratio so not every guy is going to be matched sorry
If anyone wants to have an arranged marriage they may turn down at the party I can oneshot for them... Id offer to just make a female but then I'd need a serf too xD
Mkay, well you don't have to use Timothy since there are too many guys to be paired up.
Well that would make the numbers uneven so I'm gonna cut Xander since Lilly has two characters in the match up list

This will also be posted on the front page


Vinnie- Kew

Vinnie: My parents . . . want me . . . to marry a child? Wow they really don't think much of me.


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