Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Xavior(Kioku)-Reverie(vassel) and Kyra(pandaa)-Tress(Vassel) are possiable matchups for the one's that are left...
[MENTION=1978]KiokuLovesCheesecake[/MENTION] I'm sorry it took so long to write so little >_> lol nom break xD
@Lilly it does that to me too ): I found though that if you type all out in black first then highlight things then select color it works a lot better :>
I think I just made myself another vampire character lol, it's a side character mostly. Just a father, but he shows so much personality I love him!
:D Lol, I love it when I do that. xD haha, and sometimes the side characters actually end up being great main characters for other roleplays. ^^
Well Simon actually is a main character in another roleplay, single in that one and not a vamp, but I felt eh we needed something to keep the characters moving. Xander keeps to himself mostly after all, and this will allow your character a bit more interaction. *Grins* I also set you up so that you could leave and meet the other characters at times as well if you wished. Something most don't have due to the rules and such and the master's tending to keep their serf's close.
[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] I was going to post in the actual thread but didn't think I should do OOC posts, but your post for Bret seems to have gotten messed up D: It starts off as a new post but then the post from before is there too, so i didn't know if I should ignore the reposted part or if you meant to have something else in there
I'm glad, and your serf managed to see past those walls for a short while! Go her!

You can have him for the low price of 999.99. jkjk
Yaayy! haha xD yeah, she has a tendency to get people to open up, one way or another, lol.

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