Ambrose A Vampire Signups

I said I dun care what gender. Roar! >:V

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Be back in a few hours, guys! I'll accept whoever you pair my characters up with!
*Just looks all so confused and is so glad I stepped back from handling it besides switching characters about for whatever was needed*
Lol, Lilly. X3 I think we have it all figured out now, though. :3

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So...Do you think it'd be alright for me to start roleplaying Timothy and Jennifer since we're pretty sure who they're paired up with? *eyes shimmer hopefully* X3
Mkay, I think it should be alright then for us to post since things seem to be straightened out. ^^
Was just talking about feeling bad for making you wait, and asking Chaos in the shout box if it was official. lol I plan to try to post for Xander when I can get my brain working. But if you wish to start as well you can. xD
[MENTION=705]Chaos[/MENTION]: Lol! Don't worry, it's still Timothy-Amber and Jennifer-Alexander, haha. If that's ok with you, Lily, of course. :3
Lmao.. I thought you meant Timothy and Jennifer were gonna be together.. I was like O.o . Ignore me I didn't sleep much last night... funny thing is I made the damned list today from the pages.. obviously I suck at names. On to epic RPage
@Kait: Yus! o3o haha. I'm pretty confident this will work because Kio can mix her characters with Katherine's but if Katherine decides she doesn't want to do it, Chaos said she'd make a serf for Kioku's character, Kew, so she can start roleplaying as well. ^^

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@Lily: Ok! ^^
@Kioku if you don't mind your FV havin a FH you can match with my character Lily? I feel bad that you aren't matched.
So I see that you guys seemed to figure something out?? Could you maybe post the match ups for me so I can figure it out, I think Katherine is interested because I have been messaging her but I am unsure.
Hey 14, if it isn't much trouble, can we PLEASE change the title of this thread? To include OOC or Sign-ups. It's starting to get confusing to keep up between the main and this one.

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AlwaysChaos said:
Okay, here's what I gathered, let me know if I have any mistakes or if I need to update this please

Marcus MV ((Sakura FH -Shiyoumi))

Rosa FH ((Vinnie MV-Lilly Spiritdreamer))

Marque FV ((Cain MH-amdreams))

Bret MH ((Iliana FV-KaitWink))


Ryoma MV((Whisper FH-Lilly Spiritdreamer))

Sakura FH ((Marcus MV-14hca14))

Lilly Spiritdreamer:

Vinnie MV ((Rosa FH-14hca14))

Whisper FH ((Ryoma MV-Shiyoumi))

Lynix MH ((Abram MV-AlwaysChaos))

Alexander MV ((Jennifer FH-Tyra))


Cain MH ((Marque FV-14hca14))


Iliana FV((Bret MH-14hca14))

Lily FH


Khloe FH

Ayiko MV


Amber FH ((Timothy MV-Tyra))

Abram MV ((Lynix MH-Lilly Spiritdreamer))


Jennifer FH ((Alexander MV-Lilly Spiritdreamer))

Timothy MV ((Amber FH-AlwaysChaos))


Kew FV

Xavior MH

PandaaPopsiclee: -To be Approved

Kyra FV

Chaos did all this awesome work.
I tried to change the title but can't :(

Everything looks great I will message Panda about her characters

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