Ambrose A Vampire Signups

If you wish, I could keep the same back story, I have a few pictures that will work too, just need a new first name.

Edit: I do have to warn, the character will be strict, I made it to balance out Vinnie's more laid back character.
​Okay, I fixed it. I was right the first time. For her to be 15 in Vampire years, she must be about 83 human years.
[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] I made a post :3 I thought maybe you missed it so I wanted to say something just in case but i'm not rushing you, promise.
If you'd be willing to do that, then that'd be great, Lily. :D It will be interesting to see how Jenny's stubborness will collide with Sandra's(or whatever his name will be) strictness. X3 But only if you want to make Sandra a boy! I don't want to pressure you.
Thanks Kaitwink I had missed it, let me go read it real quick and reply. Sorry its been a little crazy but I am so glad people are interested :)

Name: Alexander Fargo

Gender: Male

Age: 100

Species: Vampire

History/Personality: His father being a famous inventor he was merely lost in his shadow after his mother did the most despicable thing ever . . . fall in love with and run off with a human. The rumors and talking behind his back of the mockery almost destroyed him. Due to suchshe’s very strict with serfs, and does his best to keep the place between them well known. Despite the insult having her mother’s blood brings, he has raised his social standings back some. Now that it is time to get a serf of her own though . . . he fears losing it again merely due to getting one privately owned by him.

*Also has a dislike for females due to his mother’s action, but takes a female serf because it is the norm and he wishes not to draw any more negative attention to himself than his mother has already.


How does this look?

BVAbram- BHLynix


BHXavier- BVTimothy

BVAlexander- FHJennifer
No problem ^.^ It's a really great RP :3 Hopefully I get to use my FH at some point (: just gotta wait for someone to make a MV lol...
Eh, Timothy isn't really the one to take on a boy serf since he sees it as another male threatening his authority. I believe Amber paired with him worked better. D:
I actually liked the Amber and Timothy pairing as well. (I had thought it was still in effect until I just saw the post saying elsewhat)
Hmm... Ok, I think I've got it. :3 If Xx-Katherine-xX can finish up her characters, I think our situation will be solved. ^^ Can you see if you can contact her, 14?
Guys if I'm slow please forgive. Does this mean I can post for Xander as well? Or should I wait to see if things are fully settled?
I wish this pairing wasn't so hard. @.@ Lol. But if you can get Katherine to finish her charies and get maybe one more person to make a couple charies, then I think this can all be sorted out. ^^ I really like the Timothy and Amber pairing though, because at the beginning, I was actually thinking she'd make a great serf for Timothy, haha. :D
[MENTION=705]Chaos[/MENTION]: Ffff, oh don't worry. xD Timothy might act all stern and tough but really, he's just a big pushover deep on the inside, rofl! I'm excited to play him because he has an interesting temperament that I've wanted to try out. ^^@Kioku: I own Jennifer and Timothy. :3
[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] sorry it took me like forever to write back... I'm on mobile now so I might be slower between posts but it's finally up lol
Trust me it is fine I am so busy that if you are posting slowly I won't even notice.

Lilly: You should probably hold off on posting for Xander until everything is settled

I am trying to get in touch with Katherine about her characters but until than I can't really change anything. If you want to try and figure out pairings the only ones completely set in stone are Adam and Lynix, I believe.
Ok, well I really have to get some sleep now. D: Hopefully we can get this all figured out, haha. I'll be on tomorrow as soon as I can!
I'll really try my best to help you with the pairings, 14, since I know you have a lot on your plate. :3

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