Ambrose A Vampire Signups

Name: Amber or Wilde (They call her Wilde for her attitude and ability to get into trouble, and she was named Amber for her eyes)

Gender: Female

Age: '15'

Species: Human


To say her plantation was harsh would be putting it kindly. The youths in their custody were only good as stock and were treated as so. Since appearance is important to many possible buyers they only whip their legs, leaving their faces backs and arms pure for display purposes. The rest of their punishments were 'creative' to say the least.

The poor child is an idealist. She sees the world for what it is but believes it to be wrong and refuses to give in. She has the most escape attempts to the record, once nearly escaping for good. The one that found her told her to count her lucky stars that she was a rare commodity and not killed on sight. Punishment was painful enough, and within months she was 'good as new'. She is snarky despite herself, and is known to do small things annoying enough to upset her captives, yet typically not enough of something for a punishment (unless they're just that onry).

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Ah. I thought it was just to even it all out. Give me a bit for a vampire.

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Do I NEED to make a vampire?
If you are the only one making only one character than yes but if someone else is making just one character and its a vamp than your fine.
[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] Sorry for the delay, I've made an opening post and Iliana is awaiting Bret's response :3 By the way did I need to make a second character to even something out or are we okay for now?
This looks very interesting, and I'd really like to join! :3 I wouldn't want to mess up pairs and such, but it seems like you actually might need a pair to match with someone else's so hopefully I'll be able to help in that way, haha. ^^ Either way, it looks pretty cool. I'll go ahead and put my character sheets here in this post so you can review them.

Name: Jennifer

Gender: Female

Age: 15 (Though she still looks 14 due to the vampire venom)

Species: Human

Rank: Serf

History/Personality: Life has definitely never been easy for Jennifer. As all to be serfs, never once had she heard her mother's soft, loving voice singing her to sleep or her gentle touch. Instead, those luxuries were replaced with whips, pain, and suffering. Ever since she could remember, she'd grown up on a strict plantation stationed way out in the countryside to prevent its serfs from becoming "tainted" by outside influence. Seclusion and silence had always been Jennifer's only friend, for the only voices she'd heard were harsh and irritable. Despite the almost unbearable conditions on the country plantation, Jenny always had a yearning to learn and discover new things. Many a time, she'd been caught squatting on the ground, drawing pictures in a patch of dirt. This, of course, was considered ludicrous and she was immediately beaten or whipped on the spot, leaving many scars across the back of her legs as well as bruises on her slender arms and shoulders. She was determined never to be broken and has attempted to escape numerous times. As each year passed, her stubborn, creative spirit grew and flourished despite all attempts to squander her creativity, but a young child can only take so much... Finally the agony of the beatings was just too great for the poor girl, and eventually she was forced to comply to their wishes, giving in and becoming semi obedient. Deep inside, she's still that strong, intelligent, spirited girl, but she's made sure that side of her stays hidden, ever hoping to stop the neverending agony of the punishments.

Appearance: She's quite tall for her age with long, jet black hair and crystal blue eyes.

Name: Timothy Arion

Gender: Male

Age: 99 (Appears around 18)

Species: Vampire

History/Personality: Born into a high class family, Timothy was raised up in luxury. His father was a famous horseman, becoming rich by running the finest stable in Tyradul. Timothy always had everything he ever wanted, even learning to ride his father's magnificent black steed at an early age. Calm and level headed, he was the pride of his parents. He never saw the tradgedy that befell him coming... When he was only around 16 years of age(vampire years that is), his mother and father were both murdered by a rebellious group of humans, who were quickly caught and executed. This left Timothy the head of his father's mansion and horse farm as well as scarred for life. His mother's and father's serfs reminded him too much of what he had lost, so he sold them off, using other ways to feed. The normally outgoing young vampire became quiet and reserved, cutting himself off from everyone and everything he loved, even his beloved horses. No one, in fact, had seen him in years as he tried to recover from his parents' tragic death, until now. Just in the past few years, Timothy ventured out from his mansion, beginning to reconnect with some of his fellow friends and colleagues, and regaining his stable's pristine reputation. He has definitely changed, though, becoming withdrawn and very reserved. No one thinks he will ever be the same, but who knows, maybe getting his own serf will help soothe his troubled spirit.

Katherine you need more information and Ayiko can only be 100. After that you are accepted and once everyone has made their characters I will begin to match people.

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Kioku you are not imposing if you want to make characters that is fine and Tyra you are accepted.
Hey 14, if no one else has made plans or posted yet, you could always remix the new in with the old. It might be easier on you that way.

Edit: I mean for those characters not posted yet.
I've thought about that but I'd rather not change things up just because I have already sent out messages to everyone concerning the pairings
That's cool, mattering if I can get ideas I might try to make characters to help balance if you need them. I have a base strict female vampire I could do, but it's not like it is special or what not.
That's fine lilly, whatever you want to do. I want to see what characters Kioku makes and if I need some other characters made I'll post asking for help.

As of right now unless you have previously posted saying you want to make a character or are already a member of the rp you can not join. However if you are still interested just post and in the future if we need more charries I will message you thanks!

Sweet I'll wait to see then. I had a semi set up I was tempted to post with just wasn't sure how busy I would be with all four.
Can't wait to get started! :D lol, hope everyone posts their character sheets quickly. X3
[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] should I skip one year into the future then post again, or did you want to do that when you posted a reply? :3
I have to say 14 I adore this roleplay. >.> I stalk the site in fact and get all excited when I see a new post. *is a dork*

Edit: Because I'm enjoying it so much!

Here are two more. If you need to balance by only using one I understand. I'm still iffy on my Male human, but that was the female vampire idea I have had since the start.

Name: Lynix (vampire has rights to change name if they wish)

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Species: Human

History/Personality: This serf is nuts, no really. It’s got to the point if he isn’t bought soon they may just put him down. At first he would rebel, trying to get freedom, even fight back. When they finally broke him . . . he seemed to . . . start to enjoy the punishment. The captivity, the sickness of it all started to be like home. His mental state is far from sane, but maybe . . . a good home would help tame him again. Bring his sense back and make him whole. Question is, if this is done . . . would it risk him reverting to the rebel he once was . . . and/or is it worth the chance.



Name: Sandra Fargo

Gender: Female

Age: 100

Species: Vampire

History/Personality: Her father being a famous inventor she was merely lost in his shadow after her mother did the most despicable thing ever . . . fall in love with and run off with a human. The rumors and talking behind her back of the mockery almost destroyed her. Due to such she’s very strict with serfs, and does her best to keep the place between them well known. Despite the insult having her mother’s blood brings, she has raised her social standings back some. Now that it is time to get a serf of her own though . . . she fears losing it again merely due to getting one privately owned by her.


@Lilly: I know right? *sits patiently, waiting for people to post their character sheets for the new pairings* I'm dying here! xD
[MENTION=2371]Tyra[/MENTION] what else do we need? (I mean who is not paired up, do we need Serfs or vampires?)

Abram 'Adam' Sainclair








Abram comes from a posh family of uptight vampires. Imagine their surprise when he would always 'volunteer' his services to help with the serfs at the plantation his parent's pets came from. He likes to do the unexpected, and is always one looking for a change of pace or a new challenge. If you were to give this guy an alignment it would be grey, he holds neither good or bad intention, just lives for his own amusement.


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Has a feminine appearance and has used that to his advantage more than once for his own amusement.

I wanted to make a Serf since the beginning of this. If I don't get matched with someone for awhile that's okay but just write on my profile or tag me if I get paired up with someone :)

Name: Lily

Gender: Female

Age: 14 when purchased, 15 when taken to a permanent home

Species: Human

History/Personality: Lily was never really 'broken' by the Vampires that run the Plantations. She obeys most of the time, but she never answers the Vampires when they are talking to her. She just stares down at the ground, never speaking or replying. She taught herself to sing. She has a beautiful singing voice that she has never let anyone else hear. She seems sort of lost in the lonely sort of way; she expects that she will never leave the Plantation because of her shyness around Vampires and her stubbornness. Since she seems almost terrified of most Vampires, they were going to just stop giving her venom and leave her to die until they found someone who might actually take her, flaws and all.



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