Ambrose a Vampire RP

Abram would step into the bedroom, nude except for silk night pants that had been put on post shower, and a towel he was drying his length of hair with. Flipping his head over he would finish towel drying and go to the armoire to pull out a long sleeved frilled shirt too pull atop his now dry body. He wouldn’t even take notice of Lynix’s smugness until he came to the bed, fully intent on feeding, only to be thrown off by his face. “Lynix… you’re looking ever pleased with yourself. What did you do?” for some reason Abram felt he had to worry when he saw such a face on his pet.

Xander glanced up to her once more at her reminder. Was he truly losing his head around her that much, that even such simple things could be forgotten? Gently her would take his arm in his hands, pulling her closer, be it subconscious or more comfortable for him that way. He lifted her silky smooth skin to his lips only to pause like that before biting. Was . . . was this too sinful? Surely not right? For every vampire had a serf they drunk from, his eyes glanced up to her once more in thought. A light blush crossing his face when his thoughts continued, they usually drunk from the neck, surly he couldn’t get away with that though, not and the temptation. Sighing he would finally gently bite her, wondering how he fed, how the others manage to do so there so easily. Maybe it was just him who had such sinful thoughts went it came to serfs surly.

Lynix ignored his master for the most part; he was much to please with himself. It was when Abram spoke to him that the man’s head would glance to Abram as if finally noticing her was there. He laughed even more amused that his master had no clue why he was so smug. “Well, you see master. I just took out the trash, protected my master, and aired out the room all at the same time.” He subconsciously would move his head closer to his master as if expected Abram to rub his head. Damn that vampire, already getting him used to enjoying such simple gestures.

Jennifer's head beat fast as she was pulled closer to her master and her arm was tenderly fingered in his hands. Her legs seemed to melt beneath as she sat on her desk chair next to his. How was she to go on like this? Every morning feeling his touch and being so near. Noticing his hesitation, she blinked and followed his gaze to her neck. The slight blush on her face grew and her eyes flitted about, thinking over the matter. "If you may feed there. Despite what most people think, the feeding actually goes much quicker and is less painful because the vein in the neck is larger than the wrist. B-but it is your choice. I just wanted to let you know that...I don't mind," she explained quietly, even giving him a soft smile before turning away.

Jenny's eyes moved to the window, watching the storm rage on outside. The rain was simply coming down in torrents and the streaks of lightning lit up the room and her face quite frequently. She was grateful, though, to have something else to focus on for the time being. She couldn't let her mind dwell on Alexander for long or else she might do something the night before... When his fangs gently broke her skin, she inhaled deeply then let it out. Really, she didn't mind the pain at all. It wasn't much and Alexander relied on the nutrients he received from her blood. She wouldn't let him down.
Xander of course listened to her words, and considered taken up the offer. If only it didn’t excite him in words alone, his heart quickening at the thought of being that close. She did say it was less painful or her though right. When he finished he couldn’t help look her over, was he causing her more pain than he realized. “It will hurt you less?” He asked hesitantly, actually considering the idea now, cursing himself for where his mind teased him, saying where it might lead. A simple bite, could it really be that dangerous a risk? “I . . . I’ll consider it for future feedings then.”
Amber would notice Timothy trailing her and would slow and turn, only to see him holding his hand out. What did he want… oh, realization hit and she offered her arm to him, holding it out palm out. He had yet to feed this morning after all. She was no longer fearful in an archaic way, instead a different fear made her tremble, his touch alone and how it affected her so. At his words she would look up to him, only to notice him staring out the window. Something heavy seemed to be on his mind, was he angry at something she had done, or perhaps it was the rain and delaying of the trip he had wanted to get out of the way, surely it was that. “The storm should pass quickly” she mused, thinking that it had bearing to what weighted on his mind.

Withdrawing her thin wrist, Jennifer grabbed the cloth she'd brought with her and wrapped it up efficiently, pressing tightly to stop the bleeding. At his unsure question, she nodded quietly, running her fingers through her long jet black locks a few times nervously. When he said he'd consider it for future feedings, she couldn't help but meet his gaze with her own. He was...actually thinking about it? She tried hard not to let the blush take over her face as she imagined the scenario. What had she just done? "You did what your heart told you...what you're feeling inside...," was the mental answer she kept coming to, knowing deep inside it was true.

"A-are you done with your tea...?" Jenny then asked, hoping to disperse the silence that soon followed. If he said yes, she would lean over and take his cup and saucer from the desk, holding it delicately in her hands. Realizing how close she was, feeling her arms brush against his, she would chew her lip anxiously, but not jerk away. She didn't want him to think she was afraid, yet she was sure he didn't want her this near. She pondered the situation frantically, trying to find the best course of action to take.

Suddenly, a deafening crack of thunder rippled across the sky above, startling Jennifer out of her wits and causing her to jump backwards. Her foot unfortunately caught the leg of her desk chair and down she went, falling onto her back with a thud. The dishes flew out of her hands but luckily they hit the thick carpet without shattering. For a while, Jenny just lay there, stunned and dazed as she tried to make sense of what just happened. Once she managed to get her head to stop spinning, she winced and attempted to sit up, though still a bit confused. A dull aching pain ran up her spine through her head, having hit it on the floor on her way down. A few bruises began to appear on her arm and leg where she had collided with the chair, but thankfully nothing was broken. However, she would definitely be feeling it the next day.
Reverie looked at her serf, thinking of what to say first. Maybe she could educate him with a history lesson? Why not.

"Let me begin at the start. Long ago humans lived in his land by themselves. We had yet to come over. Eventually we arrived at your shore. We were a large group and had barely any food. As you know each vampire feeds on one human their entire life, or you do now. The humans in this land were plagued by demons and in return for our much needed help, we made a deal with the humans. They would supply us food, themselves.

"Of course we didn't take all the humans. Not at first. We weren't as many as we are now. But as the years went on, the demons died away and we grew, slowly taking over the humans. Now we rule over the humans, having tighten our control since the day we arrived."

Reverie looked at Xavior and a small, curious smile played on her lips. "It sounds weird. To know that humans were once their own people. Some vampires believe that the humans should not be our...slaves anymore. I am unsure of where I stand. It would be hard to change the way things are. But I do know now that I have come to enjoy your presence and I do not see you as a slave either."

What she did see him as was something else. "Shall I go on?"
Rosa smiled as he spoke of some hidden beauty. She was not sure if it was true but he obviously believed it and for now she would have to just believe and accept it as true. He went on to say thing about being unable to harm anything or anyone due to a promise he had made to Adam. It seemed selfish and controlling to her, why should Adam be able to dictate when or how her Master defended or handled himself. As he said it could and would put her Master in a series of very binding situations and could possibly endanger her. She smiled at the soft touch it seemed very personal and sweet but in no way romantic. He almost behaved like an older brother to her who was always pushing her to loosen up and be herself whoever that may be.

Rosa watched her Master nervously as he began to scale the wall wondering but when he reached the ledge she sighed. She did not expect that once he reached the easier part of the climb for him to plummet unceremoniously into the thorny bushes at her feet. “Master, are you okay?” she asked scurrying to his side. The thorns pulled at her dress and the fast movement brought her headache back to the forefront but she ignored it. “What happened? Maybe I should go first although right now I feel a bit woozy,” she whispered sitting down beside him in a crumpled pile. “Oh what a pair we make, you falling from window ledges into serrated flower bushes and I a serf so addicted to the venom that just the beginnings of withdrawel throw me into a tailspin.”
When Reverie explained the history about the relationship between Vampires and Humans, he tightened his fists on his lap. How dare the Vampires just take advantage of them like that? It was wrong... The serf system was wrong. He looked to Reverie with an emotionless expression. She was unsure where she stood? She just explained the situation, and she couldn't understand what an evil thing this was?

Sighing, he shook his head when she asked if she should go on. "I'm sorry... I'm getting tired..." He stood and then walked out of the room without another word.

Xander nodded when she asked about the tea. In truth he was probably going to make more but he didn’t have strength to say much to her now. The arm brush wasn’t even that noticed, and he would just lean back to wait for her to finish removing the items so he could continue his work. It was the crackle and the way she jumped suddenly that had him throwing back his chair himself to stand. Reaching out to try to grab her of course she would have been just out of reach as she fell.

A deep sigh and he would head to her side kneeling some. “Are you alright?” He asked softly doing his best to just look her over without touching. “Take it slow just in case something was damaged.” He frowned as she was already starting to sit up. “I think we should call in a doctor to look at you.” He was being careful with his words, a frown and worried look when he noticed some of the bruises he stood. “Don’t move, I’ll go get one. If you are hurt you may not know it and moving could make it worse.” It was probably weird though that he would worry so much about a minor fall to call a doctor. His head was spinning with everything though, and he couldn’t help thinking knowing his luck she was seriously hurt.

Vinnie gave Rosa a sweet smile when she asked if he was okay, not wanting to worry her. He wouldn’t answer though, after all . . . it hurt bad and to answer would defeat the point. “I think his serf doesn’t like me.” He chuckled when Rosa asked what happened, winching in pain as he had to push himself up embedding some of the thorns even deeper as he did. The back of his shirt was probably all ripped and bloody and with his luck he took some of those thorns with him when he left the bush.

“Nonsense Rosa, you had a hard enough time getting out my window, I wasn’t going to ask you to climb this one.” He said with a smile although the wind itself stung against his fresh wounds. He would start to unbutton his shirt knowing how useless it must be at that point and glance around for a fountain or anything. “You don’t think . . . Adam might have gotten mad at me again so soon do you?”

Reverie did not believe Xavior and she could have called him back. Despite their growing friendship he was still her serf. It hurt her to watch him go off like that. Did she offend him? Did he want her to say that she wished the humans could be like they were before? She wasn't sure if she did feel that way. After all she had just realize how thoughtful and interesting humans could be. Maybe she did want to change it, but her words were true. It was be very hard to change the way things were and Reverie doubted she'd be able to do much.

She sighed deeply, wondering at her life. It had got so complicated lately in a way she did not all like or hate. She just wish she knew what to do right now.
“Well the serf is a special case, neither of them really like me so you are not alone…I mean obviously Adam likes you but Lynix is not crazy about me either. I think he views you as a threat to his relationship with his Master and I…well I always seem to upset Adam in some way,” she whispered grimacing as he pulled himself from the bushes. He was badly cut and she could tell he was really in pain. Rosa backed up giving him space move about and give her a bit view of his injuries.

The serf nodded knowing that if she tried to climb she would most likely end up falling, ending up useless to him. “Okay stop trying to remove your shirt, you are only making it worse. Let me help,” she whispered helping him undo the buttons. She pushed his hands down by his sides. “Relax your back, once we get inside this will be easier but your shirt holds more thorns and therefore more problems,” she added pulling the shirt slowly off of his body. “Did you do anything that might make him mad? Is there another entrance?” she asked.
"N-no no, I'm fine, really!" Jennifer protested pitifully, finally managing to pull herself to a sitting position. Her head pounded with a dull headache and her back was more than likely bruised from the collision with the floor but that really seemed to be the worst of it as far as she could tell. Really, she was more in shock than anything.

"I can't just sit here, there are numerous t-things to be done," the black haired serf stated, reaching for a hand hold on her desk to pull herself to her feet, but she had a hard time finding something solid enough to grasp. Her trembling hand kept slipping off the desk's smooth surface and her vision blurred slightly. A frown crossed her face as she became frustrated with herself. It wasn't that hard to stand up! She avoided reaching for Alexander at all costs as she flailed to stand, for she was still quite angry with him. Who did he think he was that he could force her to fall in love with another? Next thing she knew, she would probably be hearing that he wanted her to go through the breeding program!

Timothy held Amber's delicate arm in his hands, fingering it lightly. A strange thought, one that had never crossed his mind before, entered his head. What was it like to be a serf? To go through the pain and withdraw of life blood every single day? His eyes searched her face as he pondered the thought, remembering the fear that had resided in her soft, amber eyes the first time he'd fed from her. What must it have been like to cause such a frightened expression? What had they done to her at the plantation? More than likely the nasty brutes had torn open her flesh, not bothering whether it would scar or not or how much agony they actually had caused her. The thought of those vampires treating a serf, HIS serf, that way made the anger swell up inside of him. He would definitely be having a talk with the plantation owner and it would not be a friendly negotiation...

Finally after all these ideas had passed through the nobleman's head, Timothy lifted Amber's wrist to his lips, feeling the touch of her smooth skin upon them for a few moments. Only then, did he let his fangs tenderly puncture her arm. Cradling her arm in his hands, like a mother would her baby, he drew her blood and released the venom as gently as possible. When he finished, he personally would withdraw his handkerchief from his own pocket and press it into her wrist to stop the bleeding.
Vinnie would pause at her words, given her a worried look full of concern. “I don’t think I know anyone that Adam actually dislikes, well besides people like our parents.” He said softly, he couldn’t help wonder about Rosa felt. Something about her words, how she said them, made her seem very lonely in ways.

When she told him to stop he would. Doing what she said, feeling like a useless child in ways. His eyes continued to drift up to the window he fell from. He wasn’t sure how to answer her questions; he didn’t remember making him mad after all. Then again Adam didn’t seem to notice him fall or that he was there. “The front and back doors, but . . . his parents really don’t like me.” He answered honestly, knowing part of that was mostly his fault. He never gave them the chance, not many got a chance after they upset Adam somehow.

“If you don’t mind Rosa, I have two choices I can make at this moment. Go straight home and leave it at that, or have you throw pebbles at the window, and find a place to wet that shirt and try to clean my back some while we wait.” Finally he looked her way again with a smile. In truth he was willing to take in her opinion, maybe even of need of it. He was in pain in more ways than one, and one way may tend to both wounds quicker, but leave one rawer in the long run.

“I said sit still!” Xander barked at her annoyed that she couldn’t even listen to him then. Was she really just trying to go against everything he ever told her? Even when what he spoke of was for her own good, he was now wondering if that’s all this serf was really about. If she did what she did just to . . . to see how much she could get away with. Sighing he moved to take the pillow from the bed to put under her as she once more found herself on the ground.

“Can’t you manage to get at least a little common sense?” Sure his words were harsh but there was only so much even he could take. He couldn’t help wonder if all women were this frustrating. “Now you stay put, I have someone coming to look you over.” At that he would just sit on the bed with a huff, really this girl was going to be the end of him one way or another. “You don’t plan to ever really listen and do anything I say do you? Well unless you in the end want to when it comes to the matter.”
While tending to his back Rosa listened to the options. “I don’t like other of the options and here is why, you think Adam is already mad at you and if you just leave him here than leaving him is only going to make it worse, secondly throwing stones at the window will only make Lynix even more agitated and if it wakes his parents you are in real trouble so none of those are going to work. And on another note I do not want you walking home with this back” she said carefully pulling out as many thorns as possible.

Sighing Rosa tried to conjure up a better idea that might be more functional. “I can slip in the back through the kitchen, Master all you have to do is just tell me how to get to Sir Adam’s quarters and than we can sneak you in or try to lift you from here,” she whispered wiping some of the blood off on her skirt. “When Sir Adam finds out you are hurt, and if he likes you as much as I think than he is going to help me get you into his mansion,” even if he does not like me but she kept that last bit to herself.
Amber would watch him; his touch most confusing and equally desired and despaired. She hated how him of all people could make her feel conflicted so, only to realize it no longer matter who caused the conflicting for the thoughts swarming in her head would never be allowed more than thoughts. As he raised her wrist and went to feed Amber couldn’t help but to think something was different about him, aside from his regained strength and persona, something aside from that, something she was in no way certain of its origins or if she only thought so in her head.

The bite would come soon enough and she would find the usual pain, one could never get used to such inflicted wounds, at least not in her mind, and of course the burning as the venom made way through her veins. He would pull away, she would go to press the small punctures herself, only for him to take it into his own hands and bring his handkerchief to her wrist. Thanking him for his gesture she would reach for it to hold pressure to the wounds until they would close.

At this she would turn away only to hesitate a moment, what had she been going to do before this? Oh yes, change from her hay laced dress. It was now raining and a storm was passing, she hadn’t a need for this dress any longer, at least until the rain died out or in at least lessened some, but even then she might not go back to the horses today for the market might still be a viable choice. Either way a change of clothing was her next avenue and she would head off to do so.


Abram would study Lynix as he laughed so looking quite… pleased with himself. The mention of trash would leave him quite confused only to hear words such as protection and window. Just what has this cleaver pup done now? In all honesty Abram had a feeling he didn’t want to know. An uncertain look upon his face, Abram would approach said window, only to look out and glance down. Trash indeed. His Vinny and his serf stood below talking amongst themselves, Vinny seemed to be missing an article of clothing.

“Vinny?” as if there was doubt who it was. The pieces falling into place he didn’t even want to think of Lynix and the thoughts now in his head as what he had done. “Come around the side door, ask for Clair, she will be more than willing to let you in” just about the only servant of his parents that had grown to like him despite his teases. But at least at that he had a moment to recover his thoughts before turning his attention to Lynix.

The guy actually had a smirk still upon his face. Did he care so little for his actions and consequences, did he care so little for the safety of others, did he view Abram so lowly that he would do such a thing to the one he loved? Taking a deep breath, trying to remain somewhat composed he would meet his serf’s eyes, one question on his lips, one question to ask him, one last chance. “Did you know it was Vinny when you ‘took out the trash’?” his words were low, seeming to be cut from all emotion, as he hoped his face could be, after all if Lynix had done such a thing to hurt him, he wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing.
Vinnie would stay silent listening carefully to all of Rosa’s words. Doing his best not to flinch as she pulled out some of the thorns, he just smiled some. “I won’t risk you slipping in because of me, a serf breaking and entering is far more likely to lose their life than a vampire.” When she spoke of Adam finding out about his wounds, slowly Vinnie turned to face her with even more uncertainty. “He’ll worry too much, he always does we should go quickly.”

Of course that was Vinnie’s luck the moment he realized how much he may worry or upset Adam was the moment Adam called down to him. He gave Rosa a cute charming smile only to shake his head. “Well . . . I guess that solves that.” He sighed holding out his hand for the now ruin shirt. They couldn’t just leave it there and perhaps he could hide it from Adam some.

He would do as Adam said, and allow the serf to lead them up. Trying to be as quick and silent as he could not wanted to cause trouble for Adam. He paused once outside the door to glance to Rosa uncertain. “Don’t let him worry too much.” He requested of her a gentle smile on his face. “It really doesn’t hurt much at all.” Ah a lie, but of course he didn’t want either of them making too big of a deal over something that could heal.

Lynix’s smile only faded at the question and the lack of emotion. He would stand as if ready to take any force or maybe even defend against any attack. “Does it matter? You have a fiancée now you shouldn’t have others climbing into your window.” Sure he knew how Adam felt about Vinnie but he also knew Vinnie tended to hurt Adam a lot in ways. His eyes glanced back to the window, annoyed that Vinnie seemed fine enough to come up. Well if Adam could call him up he would assume. That guy had to have some darn thick skin. “Sides . . . it seems everything turned out alright . . .” unfortunately.
"What if I don't want to sit still...?" Jennifer muttered in reply, even going so far as to roll her eyes at him. Huffing in exasperation, she reached up and attempted to fix her unruly long black hair but soon gave up and merely tucked it behind her ears. However at his comments about her being difficult and the end of him, she sighed and lifted up slightly as he slid the pillow beneath her. Cringing, Jenny then carefully, slowly lowered herself down. It really wasn't that bad, but after everything that had been happening lately, it was just the last straw on her haystack of troubles.

Crossing her arms, she would pout, though really succeeding to look cute instead of angry. "I'm fine, I-I mean it... I just...need to rest for a bit then I can get back to work. The horses need to be checked on after the storm, your chamber needs to be cleaned, my own room needs to be tidied, dinner needs to be made, the kitchen needs to be mopped..." The young girl just went on and on about the immense load of chores she had to complete. Her face became creased with worry as she though over these things.
At the sound of the window opening above their head Rosa looked up to see Sir Adam leaning out. His instructions were simple and she was happy for her Master because he did not seem angered with him. The bloodied shirt was too gruesome to wear into the house, “Try and cover yourself with the shawl, if you go in with a bare chest you will embarrass the other serfs and if you wear that bloody shirt you will make one faint,” she whispered sneaking to the back door and requesting Claire.

The serf snuck them through back hallways and the passages ways used by house serfs keeping them out of sight. When they were finally before Sir Adam’s chamber door she could not help but let out an exasperated breath at her Master’s comment, “Would you hush, I am going to make a fuss because I need you to live so I can get venom. Otherwise I am in a world of hurt, by taking care of you I am taking care of myself and I will to whatever I please when it comes to taking care of you because it is my job. You are obviously in pain because as you may or may not know you have a serious of wounds running down you back so I have to handle that. Claire, would you please bring up a bowl of water, cleaning rags and bandages. Thank you,” Rosa said shifting her attention to the serf who had helped and giving a curt nod to her Master. She than straighten her dress and knocked once on the door.
Abram’s mouth would widen, had this been the one he had chosen to confide in not this very night? “Do you truly believe I could marry one my parents had set me up with? I love another. I love… the one you threw out the window” most would end up yelling at this point, but silly Abram, he hadn’t enough anger in him. “Just… just go for now. I’m disappointed in you” his words would be barely audible and Abram would be at a loss, knowing that such a thing deserved punishment of sorts for anyone, but he didn’t know what to do with that aspect when it came to Lynix. He had foolishly thought he wouldn’t need to take such actions with him. Perhaps Vinny could help him make sense of all of it.

There would be a sudden knock and Lynix would take his leave whilst Abram greeted Vinny and of course Rosa. Getting a better sight of his beloved he would go to step towards him, only to falter in her presence, what was wrong with him? “Vinny… what had happened to you?” seeing him from only the front so far he would only notice the lacking shirt and scratches about his arms. Two and two clicked together soon enough. “I’m so sorry Vinvin” he would say softly, still unsure of himself around Vinny in another’s presence “Are you okay?” he was afraid to ask, but knew he had to.

But of course ever a valuable helper, as Abram teased her so, Clair would run off to do as the other girl instructed, taken aback some at another human’s firmness, something to be admired, if not somewhat feared. She would come back once more a few minutes later with a tray balancing the water and bandages as instructed, even grabbing a soothing cream, knowing full well the bite of the rose to be a nasty one.

Lynix seemed a touch lost ah his master’s words a frowned crossing his face. Throw was such a harsh word, he just gave the man a little nudge at most. It was all a fool like that needed. When Adam told him to leave the boy’s face actually paled some as if feeling lost. His eyes glancing around uncertain only to head for the window himself to do what was asked. How could he argue with a man like Adam anyways? The fool couldn’t see the rain too busy with the blue sky and cloud shapes. He would pause before climbing down, wondering when he should be back, only to growl not willing to ask and take off.

Vinnie looked at Rosa surprised only to smile proud of her at her words. “I knew that spark was somewhere.” Was all he could say before the door would open and there was Adam. When Adam hesitated it would fill Vinnie with worry, the questions all timid and fearful. Vinnie would only laugh pretending everything was okay as he went to embrace the other. Of course the poor guy would be causing himself more pain if Adam ended up returning it.

“Nothing much, I just slipped and fell backwards out of your window is all.” Was Vinnie really lying so easily? He knew Adam cared for his serf, and he didn’t want to get in the way of that ever again. When Adam started to apologize Vinnie would pull back quickly shaken his head. “No, no you don’t.” He smiled trying to calm him in any way possible. “Don’t you go blaming yourself over an accident done by my foolishness.” He nodded when Adam asked if he was okay. “Just a few scratches nothing more.” His eyes went to Rosa hoping she wouldn’t comment to make it worse only to glance to Clair as she helped. “Thank you Clair, I owe you one.” He called back to her before she probably left and gave a cute wave.
After watching a few people leave in their carriages, Kew figured it would be good for her to rest. A good night's sleep would hopefully help her feel better. Kew travelled to her chamber and closed the door. To prevent any party guests from entering or wandering inside, she locked the door. Lighting an oil lantern and dimming it so it had a faint glow, the vampirette undressed from the outfit and put on her nightgown. Kew then opened a window to let some fresh air inside her room. She then sat in front of her dresser mirror and began braiding her hair so that it would be wavy the next morning before slipping in the comfortable covers of her bed and falling asleep, the lantern still lit. She remembered giving Lily, her serf, a key to her room, so whenever she was ready to go to bed, she could.


Lynix had been kicked out of the house for all he knew. The fool master of him too soft hearted as always. No yelling, no beatings just a simple command to leave. In away though, that was far worse, for if he hurt Adam it would only be fair if he was hurt back in return right? Sides if he could get Adam to be more coldly towards him that would mean one less Vampire he liked.

Oddly enough Lynix would find himself back at the garden in which he visited during the party. The bench he calmed down before at seemed welcoming. At first he would sit, and then actually lay upon it enjoying the beauty of the night sky wondering if that would be his bed for tonight. He wouldn’t mind if it was after all . . . it had a nice view and something about it made him feel comfort. Not thinking he would subconsciously take out his flute and start to play it, a lovely melody his audience merely the many stars in the sky.

Kew woke up to the most beautiful and soothing music she had ever heard. Wondering if people were still at the party, she walked over to her door, but then realized that the music was coming from outside. Someone was playing a flute out in the garden. She stuck her head out to see someone laying on the bench. Though it was too dark to see who. Tilting her head to the side, the vampirette decided to go greet this person. Grabbing a blanket and a lantern, Kew slipped out of her room and to an alternate route to the garden, so no one would see her in her nightgown. Walking along the garden path in inner bare feet, she arrived behind the flutist and set the blanket over the back of the bench. "It's beautiful..." She stated in a small gentle voice. Kew was still nervous around new people, but the music he played seemed to draw her to him.

Lynix couldn’t help jump some when he was spoken too. His eyes going to the blanket confused as he lowered the flute. That voice . . . he had heard that voice before hadn’t he?” Slowly he sat up to see who it was, only to blink confused. What was she doing there? Pausing he frowned and twitched some. “You’re a stalker aren’t you? I never thought a vampire would stalk a serf though.” This from a guy who was in HER garden but it worked in his mind, he couldn’t help give a slight smirk looking her over. “So you got some blood in you finally weakling?”


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