Ambrose a Vampire RP

When Iliana was finally ready to drag herself from her bed, she stood and opened her curtains to let in some daylight. She stretched and smiled as she saw Bret was already hard at work. He'd changed a lot since coming here. He was also a lot less rebellious then everyone said he would be. She wandered away from the window and saw that a female Serf was standing there with a tray of food and orange juice. The girl set it down and left Iliana alone to eat, returning with a second girl a few minutes later. The first girl removed the tray as the second drew Iliana's bath.

Afterwards, the human girl returned to help Iliana dress and do her hair. "Sorry it's me and not your personal Serf, Miss." said the shy human girl. "The other Serfs have been keeping him very busy today with the gardening and such." Iliana nodded wordlessly to show she understood. "It's a good thing..." she said, looking into the mirror and trying to memorize the loops and twirls the human did with her hair so she might be able to replicate it later. "Keeps him out of trouble." The human girl nodded in agreement with a small smile and left the room once she'd finished.

The Vampirette sat silently at the table, and merely stared at her food before nitpicking at it. She was lost in her thoughts, so many things had happened, and she wasn't quite sure how to handle it. She was very emotional after all, even if she tried her best to hide it.

((sorry for such a short post! Dx))
Lily took notice of her mistress's unusual behavior. Se was hardly eating anything and other than her spiel earlier she had been silent all day. Lily ate a little bit, still observing Kew as she did. She wondered what was tormenting the young vampiress so much. Finally she asked, "I know there's something wrong Miss, what is it, if you don't mind my asking?"
Reverie looked at her former serf and was amazed. She had freed him from his servanthood and that meant that this was something he was doing of his own free will. It made her feel like she had chosen the right course of action. Xavior may no longer be her serf, but he was still her friend. His willingness to allow her to feed made her want to hug him but she did not.

She moved forward never taking her glaze off his as if making sure the moment he changed his mind, she could back off. Once she was close enough she stroked his cheek, smiling at him warmly. "I am lucky to have someone like you in my life."

Then she lowered her head and feed. Reverie would never tell Xavior that she enjoyed blood drinking. Blood was warm and it filled her with it's warmth. It was sweet as well, at least to her. It also gave her a feeling of connection in a weird way. After a few minutes she pulled back and then looked back up, her eyes wide and sparkling as they did after a feeding and she smiled at Xavior.

"Thank you." This time she leaned forward and kissed his cheek, leaving a little blood behind on it. "I must go to bed now. It is late. I shall see you tomorrow?" She only asked to assure that along they were no longer mistress and serf, he would not leave.
Bret could hear movement and talking coming from Illiana’s room but he did not make a move to look. He was tired of being proper, and civil, the hard laborious work was enjoyable to him. Much better than the fine delicate work of the house which he was trained to do. He spent a good hour weeding and watering the garden before walking back into the Mansion. The serf knew that his Mistress most likely had some kind of plan for the day and wanted to get started on it. He quickly washed up and changed into fresh garb. It consisted of a crisp white shirt and coarse grey pants that contrasted with his tall black boots.

Bret made his way through the extensive halls of his Mistress’s home while contemplating what the day might bring. He knocked on Illiana’s door than entered not really waiting for her acceptance. “So what’s the plan?” he asked striding into the room. The serf plopped into one of the winged chairs and rubbed the fabric back and forth.
"Nothing you'd be willing to give...," Jennifer couldn't help thinking as she lay there, her eyes now gazing up at the ceiling above. Allowing her tensed, bruised muscles to relax, she sunk more into the plush blankets then twiddled her fingers together a bit nervously. "Isn't this backwards...," she remarked finally after several moments of painful silence, "The serf supposed to be the one serving the master, yet here we are, completely opposite."

A soft smile lifted the girl's lips for a moment as she turned back to Alexander. Shaking her head, she replied, "No, I-I don't need anything. I'm fine...thank you..." Another streak of lightning bolted through the sky, lighting up the bedroom in a flash of white followed by another crack of thunder. Jenny flinched slightly at the noise but seemed much calmer now despite the circumstances. Letting her eyes wander to the window, she watched the rain come down in torrents from the thick storm clouds above.

Maybe it would just be better this way. To die in her sleep from an unknown injury, peacefully. That way, Alexander wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. There would be no more ruckus in his life, it would return to normal for him. He's just get a new serf and that would be that. Yet...there were those invisible strings keeping her tied to reality... She would never be able to just leave him all alone.

"A-actually...there is something I...I'd like," Jennifer whispered softly, almost afraid to ask in fear of how Alexander would react.
Xavior cringed a bit when she fed, but a part of him enjoyed it as well. When she pulled away, he had to admit to himself that he felt a bit relieved. He blushed just a tiny bit when she kissed his cheek. "Of course, I'll still be here." He smiled.

(Autocorrect sucks sometimes)
Xander was about to leave her due to the silence alone only for Jennifer to finally speak up. A small laugh leaving his lips, was she really going to start to mock him now? “Well, not when you’re hurt. Of course if you prefer one of the other serfs tending to you instead . . . I could just as easily manage that.” When she spoke of needing nothing he started to walk away. The crackling of the lightning had him turn to check on her once more. “You do realize it can’t hurt you in here right?” He asked softly, wondering if she flinched due to being afraid or something else.

When she spoke up, when something came to her mind, Xander would merely walk back over to her side. “Should I get you a bell so you can ring when you need someone?” He glanced over her, noticing the fear, only to look towards the window. “Do you want me to shut the shutters? Make sure they’re good and tight perhaps?” He took the fear to be due to the storm nothing more, after all what else would there be.
Jennifer blushed slightly in embarrassment as he mentioned how the storm couldn't hurt her from here. "I-I know, I guess it's just deceiving. It sounds so loud, so close, like it could do harm, but most of the time, in fact, it's quite harmless," she explained, trying to calm her own nerves as well as convince Alexander she wasn't scared.

As he gave several suggestions of what he thought she would ask for, the young serf could feel a tight knot forming in her throat, almost losing her courage entirely. He had no clue what she was to say, did he... Sitting up slightly and leaning against the backboard despite the dull ache in her spine, she stared towards her master's shoes for a few moments before taking a breath and speaking.

"...I want the truth," Jenny stated, firm but very quiet, "Are you have....any feelings for me at all?"

There, she had finally said it. That dangerous question that had haunted her mind for so long; maybe it had visited his as well. Her eyes shot up to his face for a split second in hopes of catching his reaction, though she dreaded what she might see.
It had been one month since Kew's serf had left her. Of course, it was not of her own volition; an unsolved mystery of who took her life. And the only people who seemed to care were Kew and the other serfs. The investigation only lasted a few days; after all, she was a lowly Human in the eyes of Vampires. But not to Kew, she was like a sister, her best friend.

The Vampirette became her normal silent self. Lily had taught her to me more outspoken and bold, but now that she was gone, she became a product of her mother once again, and abandoned any such thoughts of independence. She had fell into a depression, not speaking to anyone, and living in a life of solitude.

But she still had to show her kindness to the other serfs. And that meant a trip to the market to buy them necessary food supplies and other things. Kew wandered the marketplace holding a basket in her hand. She wore a blue dress with white stockings and a brown cloak. Walking up to a veggie stand, she began to browse through the many different vegetables for dinner.
Xander couldn’t help give Jennifer a deadly glare as she propped herself up. That girl never listened, never seemed to care or understand the purpose of his words. Instead she seemed to always wish to be stubborn against them. It was as if the act or rebelling was for her own benefit even if it hurt her at times.

Then she had to go ask such a foolish question. One that made him stumbles back subconsciously even. He couldn’t look at her for sure at that question. She didn’t want the answer truly . . . she just wanted to see him squirm. His mind slowly filtered over the events they had together, and he frowned grumbling. “At times, not all the times but at times, if I understand what you mean by feelings correctly that is.” Now THIS was degrading in many ways, to admit that even off and on he found her attractive.

His eye narrowed and he glared down a nearby dresser as if it was its entire fault. “Do try to remember your place.” He said a bit coldly, truly annoyed at this turn of events. “If you want freedom fine, but even freedom has its costs. Try not to keep treading over the line . . . even I can only take so much.”
Jennifer clenched her blue eyes shut at his reply, receiving just the answer she expected. The serf waited until he had finished his low, degrading words before opening them again. "I understand...," she whispered, "It''s what I needed to hear. Sorry for upsetting you, Master."

The girl glanced at Alexander's troubled and now dangerously angry expression, then allowed herself to lie back down onto the bed. "No, I...I do not wish freedom nor do I deserve it," Jenny answered, turning over on one side so that she faced the wall, not her master. Her hand shook as she pulled the comforter over her thin shoulders before she took a deep breath. "Master, I wish to go visit a...another household, just meet others of my own kind..." the girl requested quietly, still refusing to look at him. Even just saying the words "my own kind" made her grit her teeth. How could she forget that she and her master were, in fact, not the same? Two totally different species that just shared similar physical appearances.

Clasping her hands underneath the blankets, she awaited his reply.
Reverie had a fair night, but before she managed to fall asleep, her mind whirled with all the events that had lead from getting Xavior to tonight. It seemed odd and off to the vampiress. Somehow it didn't seem quite real either. Still Reverie knew her relationship with her once serf was going to be very different now and she wanted that. She also wanted to make plans to leave. If she left the house and brought Xavior with her, he'd have more freedom. She could only wonder what her mother and family might think. How could she go about telling them?

But Reverie slept and then she awoke. She went to her usual drawing room, taking a book of poetry. She smiled at the words. Maybs she could write Xavior a poem? The thought made her face go warm. What was she thinking?
The next morning, Xavior awoke before the sun even had risen. Walking outside, he inhaled the fresh morning air. With a lantern in one hand and a small blanket in the other, he strolled out onto the hill Reverie took him long before. Unfolding the blanket and laying it on the moist grass, he sat crossing his legs and pulled out the poetry book from his pocket, opening it, and began reading from where he last left off.

When the sun finally began to rise, the serf closed the book, folded the blanket, and grabbed the lantern waltzing back to the house. He hoped to arrive before Reverie awoke as to be there when she did. A slight blush crossed his face, but he soon shrugged it off.
Reverie thought to head out and do something. She was a bit bored with being inside and she didn't want to deal with her mother or Shay or anyone when they heard the news she broke off her engagement. Reverie could only imagine the kind of trouble she'd be in. And if they learned she released Xavior from his servanthood? Oh that was going to be a whole tons of fun. She could just imagine the faces her mother would make. She actually laughed at it.

Reverie shook her head as she quieted down and headed outside but then she saw Xavior. She stopped and waved to him.

"Xavior. I didn't know you were awake."

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