Ambrose a Vampire RP

Eth smiled gently and walked forward gesturing that his entire body belonged to the vampire, they seemed to get along for the most part. Marcus was also kind and considerate, more so then what Eth's imagination implied for what to expect and live with. He pulled his lips to the side thinking, he pulled his pony tail loose for a moment "I think capitalizing on my initial looks concerning my intelligence would be wisest, if you don't mind my contem-" He cut himself off unable to speak, he was already tackling the idea of what he would like to have to make himself convenient. A monocle, maybe, white gloves more then likely, thin vest, leather shoes, and perhaps a ledger with multiple sections. What type of business should they get into? Honestly he was already considering a patent program on inventions, but investments were needed first. Rental property was a bright idea, fixing up older places and then selling them for labor and parts would be a more likely idea. How ever sticking ones fingers in a merchant trade was always best, and considering he already had a route, or multiple routes was appealing.

He was still standing there unsure if the feeding was over, he couldn't quite tell since the intoxication of thinking was still lingering "Sorry." He said feeling a drop of sweat forming, he didn't like the thought of keeping people waiting, but sometimes the call was too strong to ignore, quickly he relaid some of his ideas and added some new ones "-oil to slick my hair back, not the thick stuff just thin enough that it shines and makes it seem like my hair is almost glowing with knowledge. Mind games and honest straight forwardness is the best way to run a business, contradicting as it sounds they are not at the same time. The game of my appearance is to... magnify my intelligence and give it clear definition. I'm sure before I started thinking and came in the door I looked like a regular serf, a little lazy though." He said the last part with a short chuckle "As far as business goes I think buying broken down properties and having them fixed is a wonderful idea, but there are lines that need to be drawn such as how the foundation is, if the wood or stone is decrepit. Its ok to take a building that need a new wall or even to be recolored, but expanding and fixing what is existing is cheaper then starting from the ground up." He concluded.
Marcus enjoyed listening to his serf speak, he had a glorious understanding of business and valued appearances just as much as him. Everything he said he agreed with and for a moment Marcus forgot that he was speaking to someone who was inferior to him. As far as the whole serf vampire relationship went he found himself to be pretty comfortable talking to a serf as long as they were respectful, he hated those quivering ninnies without two brain cells to rub together. It was the exact reason he had purchased Eth. The serf was not some muscle head made for work in the field but at the same time he wasn’t some sickly little bookworm. No he was an intelligent confident serf who knew how to make the best of his situation and so far had not stepped on any toes.

Marcus had taken his morning meal from Eth’s wrist, he tried to be gentle when feeding unlike his brother whom serated his teeth against his serf’s neck. It was miracle the young blonde girl was still alive; his brother was an aggressive loud beast of a Vampire. He spent his money gambling and drinking bars and Marcus constantly had to bail him out and cover up the fights so his father kept his Noble place in the hierarchy. As he finished feeding he listened thoughtfully to Eth’s smart requests and ideas a small smiling playing at his lips as the serf slipped into one of his daydreams.

The Vampire cocked and eyebrow at the slew of business options Eth was providing, “Well you are certainly ambitious,” he paused, “I like that and so far I agree with everything you have said. We will have to find a proper tailor and bifocal maker to acquire some of your requests but I think it will be money well spent. Now in terms of business, I will loan you money and you may open business under my name as long as you can manage them. However I will be expecting a five percent portion of all of your profits and if you go bankrupt I will revoke certain privileges and take over for a while. I understand that mistakes happen but if things are opened under my name they have to work. I am obviously here to help you and give you advice because your success looks well on me,” and at this point he stopped pacing looking straight at Eth, “You and me, we are smart men and in some ways are equal but I am always your Master. Together we can either own this town or look like fools. I do not take kindly to fools,” as he said this last part he was smiling and his voice was near to a laugh but his eyes conveyed how serious he was. Marcus planned on ruling this town and making his own name for himself.

After coming to her senses, Kew jerked up and took a look out her window to see if Lynix was still there. It was hard to see the bench from where she was, so she quickly dressed in a simple dress with an apron and ran down the stairs of her home. She observed that the serfs were hard at work, cleaning up the mess left behind from the party, which in the eyes of the head mistress of the home, was successful.

The vampirette became worried and began to wonder where her serf had gone, but her attention to Lynix returned. She strolled outside and to the bench only to find that Lynix had gone already, and that the blanket was neatly folded on the bench. She sighed, a bit disappointed, though unsure as to why.

The well-being of her serf, Lily, tumbled back into her mind. She called out. "Lily?!" She began to look around, a bit worried.
Reverie just about had it with Xavior. She was tired and she didn't want to deal with his just dismissing her like this. She moved towards him and slapped him across the face, regretting it, but feeling a bit better.

"Mistress? Have you forgotten my name
boy? It is not that hard to remember. I asked if I had done something wrong because I knew I had and I wanted you to tell me. Do NOT lie to me like this."

Reverie took a few deep breaths and looked away. She saw that she had left a mark and she reached out, touching it gingerly. "I..I am sorry. I just. You were treating me like a person and now you act as if I am Shay or mother. You may be my serf, but you are still my..." Reverie wasn't sure what to say next. Friend? Crush? Someone she cared about? "I do not want there to be this wall separating us Xavior. You are not just a servant to me or food."
Xavior nearly dropped the book at her outburst, but he was completely shocked when she had slapped him. He gently placed his hand on where she slapped him, it was beginning to swell a bit. Who knew Reverie could pack a punch like that?

The serf remained silent as she continued, however, when she set her hand on his aching cheek, he jerked away. Everything she began to say, everything about how he wasn't just a servant or a food source; it all went in one ear and out the other.

He couldn't do this. He wasn't meant to be a personal handmaiden, nor even a house serf at that. He was meant to be out in the fields in the blazing sun, working like a dog. Not cater to a vampiress who was emotional to the point that even following the rules lead her to strike him.
Reverie felt tears spring up when Xavior jerked away from her. What did she do? Why did things like this have to happen to her? Could she not like a normal person. She could feel the tears begin to flow, but she was angry now.

"Fine. If this is the way you want it, if I mean so little to you, if you hate me so, then fine. We shall be as distant as a mistress and her servant can be. If that is what you want Xavior." She then shook her head. "Or maybe I'll just get someone else. A girl. At least then I won't li- It'll be easier for me." She shook her head again, not caring that she was crying now. "Well? Say something? Do you want me to get a new serf? Do you truly hate me after all and what you said before was a lie?"
Turning to her, Xavior's eyes widened. She was, crying? "Reverie..." He whispered, then turned Hos head away. "I thought... This was what you wanted..." He stood up and walked up to the poor girl. "I don't hate you... I don't think I could of I wanted..." He sighed and bowed his head, now feeling guilty. "It's just... What you told me..."
Abram’s face would redden at Vinny’s tease. All a sudden he felt sorry for all the girls that he had wooed in his youth, there was just something about him that made your heart skip a beat from the simplest of words or actions coming from this guy. “If you stop tearing apart your body every few months we’ll talk about it” he would tease back, Vinny’s habit of looking out for others always one for getting him into trouble, and coming out of it with a surplus of injuries.

Abram would nod. “You should be fine in this household, my parents believe that punishing one’s serf belongs strictly with their owner, but I can send you off to Clair if that would make you feel safer” he would quickly tell her how to get to Clair’s room, warning her that the one beside it belonged to another serf that wouldn’t appreciate being woken.

Rosa listened quietly to the instructions having no desires to go bother Clair. She was sure the house serf needed rest or had other things to deal with aside from babysitting a serf. She nodded her thanks before striding out of the room, so much for that whole therapy session her Master had spoke about. Than again she really did not want to talk to Sir Adam about the struggles she and her Master were experiencing.

Instead of going down the stairs and making a left to the serf’s quarters Rosa slipped outside. She would rather spend the evening with the horses and Sir Adam’s family seemed to have an extensive supply. It was empty aside from the quiet breathing of the beasts; all of the grooms were by now fast asleep which left Rosa alone with them. The serf tred silently, she even removed her shoes for they were clicking softly against the cobblestones. She did not want to disturb the horses from their slumber merely match them and admire their beauty.

Vinnie closed his eyes feeling a touch bad for making Rosa leave. That was the problem with having a serf though, you felt bad if you left them at home, felt bad if you brought them at times. He had no clue what to do half the time when it came to her. Adam needed him now though for something and he could never deny his friend. “Don’t be mad if I decide to lie here, or fall asleep okay?” he teased a bit. In truth moving around hurt and he didn’t want Adam to know. “The party seemed to have wiped me out a bit. Did you know I forgot to feed for a day or two or more?” He laughed as if it was no big deal. “You wanted to talk about something though?”

Eth nodded along with his master hearing most of what he expected, after all he was dealing with a vampire that wasn't filled with pride, but wasn't with out it. Taking advice from a person in lower position took two things, a brain that required a splash of meekness, and the same brain being able to sort through the zinc and diamonds. Though what he wasn't expecting was the implication that he was to have monetary gain, if his mind were a coach it would have came to a complete halt and flipped over itself "M-me? Have money?" He stammered, the thought of this its self made him quiver. The possibilities unfolded in his mind and worlds were expanded in his sight, if someone looked close enough to his eyes they would see a glimpse of his amazement. Quickly it crashed and Eth bowed from the hip with one hand over his chest "My master I do not deserve such a blessing, but in light of you decision I promise to make you the most important vampire in the world, kings and queens will bow to you." He said not standing yet. He dug for a paper and bit his thumb drawing his symbol with his blood, he could write his name but his personal symbol was worth much more to him "As a sealing of my oath." He said sucking on his thumb and waving the paper around to let it dry.

{Bah humbug, I gtg its not finished but it twill do}
Marcus was both surprised and pleased by his serf’s loyal gesture. Eth was so humble but being a serf he probably did not expect much from his master, I mean he was already giving the human the gift of immortal life. Even if it did come at a cost but the Vampire wanted more out of his serf hence the whole business venture. Free intelligent labor, only and idiot would pass up that deal.

He let out a laugh when his serf said Kings and Queens would bow to him, “That is an interesting proposition but unless the money is talking that way we are going to avoid politics. It’s a nasty business and we are much too smart for it.” Marcus’s opinion of the political world was a bit cynical to say the least he had seen how his father shifted between his two personas ‘Nobility’ and ‘Family’ and he hated it. The Vampire knew that some believed that false faces were necessary in both business and the royal court but he strove to prove them wrong.

“Well my serf it is time we head into town, shall we go by coach or shall we ride? Did I have you taught in the ways of horses in that year before you joined me at the Manor York?” he asked trying to remember what he had ordered of from the plantation. Seeing as money was not a problem and Eth’s price had been hefty after everything was said in through Marcus would be surprised if he had not ordered it.
At Vinny's confession to not feeding he would make a startled face, his face contoring to anger some. "You fool... you need to feed regularly and keep up your strength." he would sigh and sit on the bed beside Vinny, reaching to ruffle his hair, afraid of any other touch with the thorn bites and their new intimacy. Yes Abram had been in love with the man since youth, but it was another thing to act on such feelings, the idea of it leaving a fluttering in his chest as if butterflies were flying around inside of him.

Abram would nod, thinking of Lynix and what he was supposed to do, not to mention the fact that he and Vinny were alone now. "Vinny" he would speak softly, hesitantly. "I know he did it... Lynix shoved you" his words became a mere whisper losing volume as he said such a thing. But he had to speak the words out loud, get it in the open and have Vinny help him find a solution... because he was failing.


Vinnie laughed some at Adam’s concern finding it sweet but unneeded. “I have strength and energy to spare always. You know that.” He would try to look up at the other with a smile the best he could at that angle. “Sides you know how forgetful I can be at times.” He smirked teasing Adam a bit, even if it was true. Vinnie usually had too much going on in his head to keep it organized, which made him seem stupid to others, but in ways he was too smart for his own good.

When Adam seemed . . . more worried than usual the smile faded from Vinnie’s lips. His words about Lynix and such merely made him sigh. “He hasn’t hurt you right?” The man actually moved to sit up despite it being a more painful position. His eyes studied Adam carefully before looking over him making sure there were no marks. Not caring if the boy lashed out at him but if he touched Adam that was another thing coming. After awhile when he figured Adam was safe he would merely laugh and rub the back of his head like it was no big deal. “You got yourself a good guard is all, right? Like a dog protecting its master, maybe he just has to get used to me or realizing I’m no threat?”

“That’s what worries me… one day you’re gonna eat it all up” Abram’s words came out as a tease, but there was truth to his words, concern for Vinny. With a shake of his head Abram would narrow his eyes some. “And you’re not helping your case mister” as if he could scold the one he loved seriously, it felt odd and wrong to make demands of him after all.

Abram would quickly shake his head at Vinny’s question, of course Lynix didn’t hurt him, but that wasn’t the issue, he had hurt his Vinny… in ways that was worse for Abram’s tender heart. “Really he hasn’t” he would speak defensively as Vinny looked him over. Vinny’s next choice of words were both unsettling and a relief, but of course it would make Abram smile that Lynix would care for him so much, but would he run around attacking others? The idea made him sick to the stomach. Though the idea of him warming up to Vinny and no longer seeing him as a threat helped… but still. “How can I keep him in check Vinny? Punishments are like a treat to him… and even if they weren’t… I couldn’t lay my hands on another” once more he lost his voice, thinking of his own memories he tried to keep locked away.

“Never will run out, endless supply.” Vinnie laughed at Adam’s words and teases only to cutely pout when he was scolded. He had the nerve to lean against Adam not caring about the thorns just wanting the touch of the other in some way after that long night. All these questions did Adam really expect him to have the answers? In truth Adam was usually the one he came too for advice. “Maybe try treating him like a human? It hasn’t done me a world of good at times with serfs though.” He sighed and closed his eyes, why did they have to take on such stressful things? “Who knows though, if you can’t punish and you can’t treat. All you can do is try to explain and hope he understands, and maybe respects you enough to listen?” He frowned at the idea of what he had to say next. “If that doesn’t work . . . you have to figure out where the lines really are drawn or not.”
Abram would sigh, only to smile at Vinny’s words. Vinny was good at that, taking all the unease from him… Abram only hoped that his love didn’t find a way to put it all on his shoulders, he was carrying enough. At feeling Vinny lean against him Abram would shift and lay backwards, pressing some against him. Something so simple, an ordinary touch, to Abram it meant so much. “Yeah, guess it’s time for us to grow up some more” Abram would say in light tone that had some weight to it. Taking responsibility for another… it was quite hard having another life in your hands, but perhaps the two of them could figure it out… together. “Thanks Vinny” He would look up to him with an encouraging smile. Surely as always they would find a way.


Grow up? Why did Adam have to tease him so? Vinnie gave a cute fake whimper as Adam said it was time to grow up. “But I don’t want to be a stuffy old vampire. Come now, we have plenty of youth left in us don’t we?” He chuckled although moving to some to get a bit more comfortable with the change of angle. Vinnie couldn’t help feel a touch bad when Adam thanked him. He didn’t feel like he did much at all . . . Lynix was going to be a problem, but Adam . . . Adam stated himself that he wanted to help the boy.

Then there was another matter Vinnie knew he would have to deal with soon, getting home without his parents noticing the wounds. Add on to the fact of the party and how rumors spread he knew he would be on the edge of leaving that house, if not out within a few days. He knew Rosa still had his jacket in one piece; he had put it on her when they walked not wanting her to catch cold. Maybe it would be enough of a cover in the dark to at least get him to his room. A light sigh escaped his lips . . . the world was much simpler before his last birthday that was for sure. “No matter what happens, Adam.” He would start to say softly seemingly out of the blue. “I want you to know I love you.”

Abram laughed. "You will never be stuffy or old. Only perhaps more independent a man that stands tall for what he believes in" he most certainly didn't like the idea of their youth fading already so soon, but to think that they could keep defying their parents and do their own whims as adults... it was only a matter of time until things got ugly. Abram only hoped he was ready for it and would be able to be there for Vinny as always.

At his adjustment Abram would look up to his love with a smile. Was it thinking too much of himself to believe that he gave Vinny the same comfort that Vinny gave him like this? Perhaps but he would take it for now. Watching his love's expression as he seemed to think of some more of his never ending issues he would be startled by Vinny's words. his heart catching in his chest. Surly he had heard them before, but it didn't mean the words couldn't throw him off guard and make his heart race. Smiling he would reach for Vinny's hand and give it a squeeze, sitting up to press his lips to his love's cheeks. "I'll always love you fool" he would somewhat chide with his honesty, wondering where his words had come from.

Eth chuckled "With immortality as a factor and possible inbreeding? Ill leave politics for blood sucking parasites." He half punned "No through monetary gain only, we only have a few life times to manage it right?" He asked smiling, he put his hands behind his head and began walking where ever his master would lead "Oo, oo, oo, can we get some candy when we go out?" He asked reminding his master that he was still somewhat juvenile "And maybe something shiny?!?!" He asked with excitement, but not loud, being loud was reserved for emergencies only. At least that was what he had always thought, though the excitement that he showed was something that only youth or stupidity could muster, and since everyone who spent more then five minutes with Eth could tell that normal people could not attain his mind through talent or hard work. He was pure genius with a large splash of creativity, as they were walking he pulled out one of his business books and read while keeping his feet under him and not bumping into anything. Not that he was that hungry to get power, it was something to do and it didn't cause him to get hurt, so it fit into his time management, much better then walking and then just stopping and falling flat on his face or running into a wall because of his spastic thoughts.

{{Lol, he is going to be in the middle of something important and spas out bad, I can see it sometime in the future xD }}
Xander merely sighed as she got up only to fall and hurt herself more. Taken out his own handkerchief he would move quickly to wrap her arm with care. He really didn’t know what to do with her anymore. Her reasoning had gained her a stern look from him. “This is not the plantation, and to keep judging us to it is an insult in ways.” When she spoke of actually listening to him and doing what he said he would actually laugh as if that was some sort of joke she just told. “I have learned by now you will never be like the rest of the serfs.”

He would once more check her arm before standing. When she asked if he was okay he frowned. What was he to tell her? That he was clueless when it came to her? That she was so stressful at times and if she wasn’t running him one way she was running him another? “I’m not hurt.” He would say calmly before actually trying to pick her up in his arms to carry. If he could he would take her back to her room to rest on her bed. Since the little fool had moved around enough as it is. No serious damage besides maybe her leg or what not being hurt not allowing her to stand.

“Good because you never know when I may find myself on that street.” Vinnie laughed as if it might be some big joke. “Especially with what happened tonight right?” He grinned some at the kiss gladly taken what happiness he could from it. “I think I’ll start looking for a place or two to buy tomorrow before my parents cut me off. Well if I’m lucky to catch it before then. “ His eyes held a slight seriousness and he would sit up doing his best to hide a wince. “That may mean going home earlier tonight though to get some rest before doing so. Any ideas of what I should try to invest in besides a pub if possible?”

Vinnie was a sneak in his own way; he would use his access to his parents funds to buy the places while he could. Saving his own funds for now until they officially cut him off. Sure some of the places may be taken back, but if he planned it right he knew he would at least had a roof in the fights for any property. “Here you deserve a prince, but settle for a pamper, how foolish can you be?” He joked once more glancing to the door really not wanting to leave but knowing he must sooner or later.

Marcus was a bit shocked by the serf’s choice of words, Eth had overstepped his boundaries. Ordinarily he would have said something, nothing harsh but the vampire’s father did have a successful career in politics even if it was a dishonest business. But by that point the serf had already moved on, revealing a side of him Marcus had never seen before. Although the Vampire was mature for his age he could still fathom why the human wanted such treats. He would expect a lot from Eth but at the same time he would allow him to have his small pleasures.

“Well as I said before, would you rather ride by carriage or by horseback? Once we get into town we can look into the confectionary and if something catches your attention at the jewelers we can purchase it,” but Marcus had lost his serf again. Eth was deep in his mind again but he knew that he would be back soon. Marcus prepared himself to leave grasping his leather gloves and coin pouch which he tied to his belt. He then walked over to the door and waited for his serf to join him.
Eth sighed slightly and looked at Marcus, noticing his look "Poly ticks." He say gently "Meaning many insects, I don't trust many people, Id rather trust insects and animals with what they are then people who hide behind pleasant faces. I'm just nice you know, with law, politics, and other things like that I'd trust no one. Well except for you." He said with a warm smile. He walked out with his master smiling "Horseback would be great. Carriages draws attention." He said with a knowing smile. It would have been more of a hassle if they went by carriage, but then again he didn't know what all he was getting into, at the moment all he knew about was text book and numbers. But those numbers were common to him and didn't have much value in his mind, the equations and meaning was his only real understandings of it, the monetary system was lost to him, but knowledge is power for him and it would only take research and time. It was this reason he was looking for regular cloths as well, to get a decent understanding of clothing prices, and work his way up, they would be more expensive then other things of course since they are not often bought but are a necessity to life.
Abram would give Vinny a good look at his words, out on the street? He thought back to the events that had transpired this night... perhaps he was right. "Are-did we..." he was unsure of what to say or how to say it, so after a sorid attempt he shut his mouth quite prompt. Instead his head would find sanctuary against Vinny's chest. "A pub sounds just charming" he would look up to Vinny and his gaze would settle on his love's lips and would move to press his to Vinny's mouth, ever briefly, yet a wide smile at such a small thing was evident on his face. "When it comes to you I'll always be a fool, but never foolish my love"

Jennifer couldn't help but shiver slightly as Alexander reached out to her and swiftly bound her arm with his own handkerchief. It was almost as if her body was numb to everything now. Nothing seemed real anymore. Her heart skipped a beat and her eyes widened as she felt herself suddenly being lifted up off the ground. "M-master, you don't-don't have to-" she stammered, though trailed off, knowing her speaking would only just make things more difficult for him. Curled up there in his embrace, she suddenly felt quite small and powerless, realizing really how strong he probably was compared to her.

Letting her hair fall across her face, Jenny surprisingly didn't struggle. True to her word, she allowed Alexander to do what he thought best. Down the hall they went, finally reaching her quaint little room not too far away. If he tried to set her down, however, she would flinch a little, deep down knowing she just wanted to stay there with him and as soon as she was situated, he would more than likely leave. Taking a deep breath, she glanced out the window at the pouring rain. It was all the storm's fault... If that thunder hadn't scared her out of her wits, this situation would have never happened.

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