Ambrose a Vampire RP

Kew's eyes widened in shock. How could someone as evil as he play such beautiful music? She was speechless, and a bit afraid, enough to drop the lantern which put out the flame in the process. "I-I.... I...." She stuttered and froze up. "Didn't know... I-it was you..." She grabbed the blanket and covered herself with it when his eyes examined her over. She began to sniffle.

When she dropped the lantern Lynix merely sighed and laid back down. “What were you expecting prince charming?” He muttered annoyed at how she suddenly changed towards him. Typical though he was a serf after all and she was in the role of a vampire. The sniffles are what caught his ear though and he hesitated to sit back up and glance to her. “Hey . . . what’s wrong with you? I didn’t do anything to you, you don’t have to go all weepy on me. Look . . .look . . .” He would hold up his hands for her to see before placing them on the back of the bench. “Not much I can do with my hands sitting here is there? Just go back to bed and dream all those fantasies you tend to talk about okay?”

Kew wiped her eyes and took a deep breath to compose herself, once he assured her he wouldn't hurt her. This made her feel a bit relieved; as innocent, gullible, and naive as she is. "I thought you went home..." She murmured, curious as to why he had returned. At least, she swore she saw him leaving with his master. Perhaps she was wrong. "But... I was telling the truth... Your music... I really liked it..."

At her words, he knew she was questioning him. A soft sigh left his lips as he ran his fingers along the back of the bench. Not moving his hands though since it did seem to be a security thing with her. “I was kicked out for now.” He muttered glancing off to the side not about to give her any more information than that. “I didn’t know where else to go so I ended up here.” When his music was spoke of he actually seemed to lower his head some. His music was probably the one thing special to him, and after some thought he would bark at her. “Well I don’t play it on command, so don’t expect me too, aright?” His music was his . . . and now that he got his mind working again it would be the last things he would allow the vampires to control.

As he explained the situation, she began to feel bad for him. But even if he had no where else to go, why would he come here? It was obvious he hated her, loathed her very presence... She bowed her head. Kew jumped a bit when a sudden outburst came from him. "I... Wouldn't expect you to..." She whispered. Kew looked at him for a moment, a long pause, taking him in. He was quite handsome, if one was to get passed the emotional and sociopathic disorder... She blushed a bit at the very thought of admiring his physical appearance. She gently laid the blanket on his shoulders and picked up the lantern, relighting it and setting it beside him on the bench. The vampirette then turned around and began to walk towards the door. "You can... Sleep inside if you want..."

Lynix didn’t know what to expect from her to be honest, huffing to glance away slightly at her words. Only to look surprised at the blanket being wrapped about him. Watching her go only to frown at her words of the inside and smirk. “Can’t keep my hands here if I did that.” He lightly teased, his fingers drummed the back of the bench some perhaps a bit nervous. “Sides I don’t want to be blame for you suddenly dropping dead out of stupidity. So I would have to end up making sure you stayed alive for the night . . . sounds almost troublesome if you asked me.” Did she actually get him to start mumbling words, words he found foolish and embarrassing.

Kew paused just as she was about to open the door to go inside. His words stung her. Was she really stupid? Did everyone think that? They sure treated her that way, but Lynix seemed to be the only one who told her like it was. She turned to face him, and gave him a weak smile. "Th-thanks... For being truthful..." She sighed. "It's cold out... I promise you won't have to make sure I don't... Drop from stupidity..."
Reverie sighed deeply. She had to go and figure out what was wrong with Xavior. She had a feeling if she did not remedy the situation, it might become something to cause a rift between them. She didn't want their relationship to be awkward, not even for a moment. She was just beginning to like her serf. She had no reason to want to see him upset with her.

She slipped out of her room, heading towards where Xavior was. He wasn't that far from her own room, close by for convience. She knocked at the door and then opened it, not sure what she'd see when she entered.

Lynix smirked a bit at her words gathering the blanket about him tightly he also took up the lamp. “Oh but I would, you see I’m the perfect fall guy if such a thing happen.” He actually approached her at that holding out the lamp for her, he never minded the dark himself. “You just have to answer me two things before I go in. You get the amount of blood you needed tonight? And enough food as well?” He glanced her over seriously, if she couldn’t put two and two together he sure would. “Sides if you can’t even take care of yourself you surely can’t look after anyone else.”
Kew blinked at him, especially since he held the lantern out for her. Didn't he hate her? When he asked if she had gotten enough blood or food, she hesitated for a few seconds before shaking her head. Blood was truly disgusting to her, and she was a vampire, she didn't need to eat, did she? She kept her head low, ready for another insult from him at how stupid she was for not taking care of herself. Perhaps in a way, his insults were his own unique way of showing that maybe... Just maybe, he cared. It was a long shot though.

Xavior was sitting on the cot he had for a bed. A lantern was lit next to him, and the poetry book in his hand. When Reverie entered, he looked at her at first surprised, but then his expression became blank and emotionless. "What is it, mistress?" He asked in a low, quiet tone.

Lynix didn’t have to say a word, he merely went to take the blanket off of him and return it to her as well. “See, you die, stranger serf in the house, guess who gets hung out to dry. No thank you weakling, maybe if you start to learn to take more responsibility for yourself.” A smirk and he actually patted the girl on the shoulder before heading back over to his bench. He planned to be gone before the sun rose anyways, he didn’t want anyone else to find him there. Well anyone who might attack him . . . sure he wanted the vampire scum dead but he knew he had to take his time if he was going to do it right.

"Mistress? If we are not going to call enough by name then fine, boy," Reverie said, feeling an angry she wasn't sure why she felt. Was it because he was being informal? He was her serf after all. He had no place in addressing her by her first name. Or did he? She guessed it was up to her really, though she could not help be reminded of the social structures.

"I...I did not mean that Xavior," she said softly, standing in the doorway. She looked at the book and a fond smile appeared on her face. "Are you reading that? I never thought you would actually read it."
Kew kept her head bowed as she walked back to the bench. "At least... Keep the blanket." She gently set it on his lap and smiled before returning back inside. Walking up to her room, she yawned and stretched before sitting on the floor with her arms and head rested on the window frame. She hoped he would play more music before he left, or she falls asleep. He truly was an interesting person, and she would hope that he and his master troupe patch up, assuming his master wasn't cruel. Kew truly was a naive, innocent, but stupid girl.
Lynix blinked as she returned the blanket glancing down to it. Before he could respond she was gone and he couldn’t help laugh a bit to himself. Was there truly some foolishly kind vampires out there? Shame that they were so easily hidden within the trash then or things wouldn’t be so bad. Folding the blanket up he would use it as a pillow before glancing towards the house. A smirk as he looked towards the open windows. His music was beautiful eh? He merely shook his head at the thought before his eyes went back to the stars and he would play until he was tired enough to sleep, late into the night.
Xavior turned his attention back to his book only for her to become angry for not using her first name. He sighed. What would she care? She said so herself that she was unsure of where she stood upon the serf system; how she felt about it. Even though what happened in the past was the most dispicable thing he had ever heard, he could not comprehend how it didn't seem to phase her. But now, she was unhappy about him using the title he should be addressing her by? He was truly foolish to think he could ever be regarded as their equal. Foolish to think he even entertained the thought of the two of them being friends, or perhaps even something more. When she noticed he was reading the book, he licked a finger to turn a page. "You commanded me to read it, and so I shall..."

The vampirette smiled and closed her eyes, listening to his music. It truly was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard. Kew allowed the music to sweep away her mind to an unknown part of her consciousness, until her fatigue gave way, and soon she was sound asleep against the window frame. Her blonde hair spilled over the side, as if she was rapunzel, letting down her hair. But in reality, she was just too careless to make sure she had gotten into bed. Perhaps she would catch a cold.
Reverie was taken aback. Xavior was acting quite like he did in the beginning of their relationship. Distance. Did nothing that had happened between then matter to the boy? Or was this how he truly saw them. As a mistress and serf and all the other times had just been pretend? Fake to please her or something? Reverie did not know. What she did know, was that she was unhappy. Angry in fact still. How could he just act this way again? It hurt.

"Xavior..." She shook her head, moving more into the room, no longer caring. "You do not have to read it Xavior. I..." Reverie wasn't sure how to continue her sentence. Why was she even here? It was clear that Xavior knew where he stood after all. That should make her happy. Her serf was her
serf. Her mother and sister would expect this from their serf, but Reverie was not her family and Xavior mattered to her.

"Did I do something wrong?"
Xavior felt a bit more uncomfortable when she further entered his domain. If Reverie's family were to catch her, they both would be in a situation that would be difficult to weasel out from. Besides, he got just a little close to her, and he regretted every bit of it. He would keep his distance; he would keep his distance until the day he died, or until the day he would be replaced. Then she asked him the dreaded question. Did she do something wrong? In the eyes of a human, she was just as guilty as everyone else, and deserved to be struck down by the heavens, but in the eyes of a vampire, she did nothing wrong. If anything, she was too soft on him. After a long pause, he shook his head, still staring into the book to keep from looking at her. "No, mistress." He stated simply.
Ignoring his words Rosa thanked Clair for the supplies and slipped into the room. She began to separate and organize the supplies she had been given. She set everything out while she waited for Master and Sir Adam to finish their moment. She knew that at this moment there was most likely still a multitude of thorns in his back and she would not pull those out along with any other debris. She dipped a washcloth into the water letting a dry portion hang over the lip. She checked the bandages to see if there would be enough than just waited.

It took everything she had not to rat out Lynix, he was not right in the head and if Sir Adam was going to keep him he needed to do something. The serf was in need of therapy or help of some kind, this behavior could not continue. The serf had a feeling that what happened to her Master was not going to be a one time occurrence. The serf seemed threatened by others who received attention from Sir Adam, he was protective of his Master for one reason or another and Rosa felt sorry for the Vampiress whom was supposed to marry Sir Adam. How was Lynix going to take yet another “companion” coming into his Master’s life.
Abram tried to return the hug, only for his hands to press against unnatural lumps and some dampness. Pulling away slowly he would bring his hand to his face and stare at Vinny’s blood on his fingertip, his expression lost if you could call it that complete. His chest became heavy and breathing had become somewhat difficult, but as always Abram pushed through such trivial things. “Vinny…” his voice would be soft, knowing he was ever the fool to believe that perhaps his love’s shirt had taken majority the damages.

Without another word he would go to Rosa with the supplies and thank her for getting them ready and trying to access the damages while removing the thorns and taking care to mend his Vinny back to shape, as he found himself doing much before in their youth, despite protests of fussing too much.

When Vinny’s back looked much better with the ointment spread and bandages over the worst of it Abram would try to face his love once more “I… Vinny can I talk to you… in private?” he would ask softly, glancing somewhat to Rosa. Hating to try and push his love’s surf away when he had brought her, but he wanted to talk of Lynix privately, and Rosa hadn’t earned the level that Vinny had when it came to speaking of his own private matters.

Before anyone knew it, morning had finally arrived. Kew was laying where she last fell asleep on the window frame. The room became freezing cold, enough to make the vampirette sneeze herself awake. Sitting up, she yawned and stretched, then sneezed again. She felt horrible, her sinuses were clogged, and her nose became runny. She groaned, feeling stupid.

((EDIT Damn autocorrect!!!!! It corrects things already correct!!!))
Marcus York was not one to fool around, and the picking of his serf had been no exception. He had chosen a boy who went by the name of Eth and had fiery red hair and oddly colored eyes. However due to the business of managing his father’s political affairs and his own personal pursuits he knew nothing more. In fact for the past couple of weeks he had done nothing but feed on the serf daily and left the rest of the training to the house serfs.

The vampire had ordered Eth to be well versed in his care and needs by the time things died down and he was ready to receive his serf. So far things had seemed decent enough but who knew if it was his own serf’s doing of those of the house serfs. With a grunt he pushed out of his bed and rang the bell that would signal for his personal serf to come to his room. Today he would not dismiss him after he fed, no they would head to town and purchase the needed uniform and a new identification bracelet. He felt those collars to be so ugly and unpleasant to the eye. He would not stand for that, Marcus believed in appearances and his serf was to look dapper and fine when he stood beside him, thus showing off his family’s wealth in a more than obvious fashion.

Rosa moved out of Sir Adam’s way and allowed him to take over, albeit reluctantly. She stood back watching his every move knowing full and well whether or not he was tending to her master correctly. Once satisfied that Sir Adam was experienced and could handle a rag and bandages she let her eyes wander about the room. It was lavishly decorated like most Vampires’ houses and she had to resist the urge to run her fingers across some of the intricately carved furniture.

It was when her Master was fully tended to that her focus returned to the two vampires. However it seemed her presence was no longer required or wanted. It was obvious that Sir Adam did not want her to hear something for one reason or another. She resisted the urge to bow her head and looked straight at them, “Where am I to go?” she asked having no understanding of this building or hiding places. If she was spotted in this house and recognized as an unwelcome serf she would be sure to be beaten.
Xander sighed frustrated when she questioned him. Listing off chores that were never set to her, he had her tend to him, the horses, and herself only. The rest she seemed to jump into helping the others on her own. “Fine. “ He said softly defeated by her once more. “Do what you want, you always will. Someone is still coming over to check on you. Try not to be difficult to them at least.” What was he going to do with her, here she could be seriously hurt and she seemed to wish to fight him over resting. She wished to risk it instead of letting him try to take care of her in his own way. He was starting to see it as a waste, why even try when the one you’re trying to look out for couldn’t even understand you enough to try to listen.

Before the sun rose Lynix would be going, leaving only the folded up blanket as proof that he had ever need there. The poor guy really didn’t have any clue on where to go so he roamed about the streets of town acting like he was doing errands for his master. Playing the submissive part all too well, although deep down he dared anyone to cross him or try to beat him. A dead vampire body in the alley might make this town more interesting after all. Luckily for the town nothing was pushed and he was ignored outside of the dirty looks in which serfs got now and then.

Vinnie would take a deep breath at Adam’s soft words moving to lay down on the bed. His back expose to whoever decided to treat him. He rested his head on his arms as if this was some sort of special massage doing his best not to flinch or show any pain when being taken care of. This of course was difficult, unlike bruises cuts of this sort tended to sting to air alone let alone people messing with them. “Are you going to continue to give me massages in my old age?” He would tease his friend hoping to at least get a smile out of the one he wanted to worry the least.

At Adam’s hesitation he would push up a little so that he could glance at his friend a bit worried. Taken in how Adam looked Vinnie merely nodded before laying back down. Due to lying the lack of gravity lessened the pull on his wounds so they tended to hurt a lot less. He couldn’t help worry about Rosa some though; he had dragged her here and now was to send her off. “Maybe make some nice hot tea for yourself and relax? I’m sure you’ll probably be seen as just another serf around this place. They’re not as harsh here with theirs as they are at our house.” Oh how he wished he could give her something to do while she waited but his mind was a touch more worried about Adam at the moment.

He wouldn’t move from the spot on the bed where he made himself comfortable though. In fact he would close his eyes just to help concentrate on dulling the pain a bit. “Adam, make sure she’s well taken care of and of course you can have all the time you want. Just look after her kindly first please.”

Jennifer stopped her rambling when she heard Alexander give in. He was...letting her do what she wanted to? Biting her lip, she heard the disappointment in his voice and it stung. Why did he always have to manipulate her in this way? No, he wouldn't punish her, just argue with her so far then seem to give in, just to make her feel guilty. That may not have been his plan, but that's how it always seemed to work out. Now, in fact, she did feel guilty... Here he was, trying to take care of her, and she kept shoving him away. Did she have feelings for him or not? Maybe this would be an opportunity to get through to him...somehow...

Taking a deep breath, Jennifer tried to stand once more but let out a soft cry of pain. Fear surged through her heart. What if she really had been hurt? What if she had broken something? She had landed partly on the chair and cut her arm slightly against the sharp desk edge. Reluctantly looking over to Alexander, she bowed her head shamefully. "I-I'm's just the plantation, whenever they tried to 'help', usually they just made things worse... I guess that my brain still partly resides there, instead of here. The other serfs can a-attend to...the other chores. If I can't even stand, then my work will be sloppy anyway..." she apologized softly, "You're the master of this household and I keep degrading you. I'm a serf, I shouldn't be denying what you ask. If you....really think I need a doctor and for me to rest, t-then ok."

Jennifer knew Alexander was unhappy. All the time, it always seemed there was something bothering him. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't feel like a master in his household, not with her. It was about time she started treating him with some honest respect. Suddenly realizing she had never made sure Alexander was alright, she quickly looked up. "A-are you ok? I meant to ask, I couldn't tell if I hit you on the way down or scared you to make you bump into something when the thunder hit. I'm sorry for not asking before," she inquired worriedly, her eyes searching him for welts or bruises.
Eth awoke with a start upon hearing his calling bell, he sat bolt upright and looked around. The feeling of being owned by an important person was itchy to his mind, something to turn over, scratch at and contemplate. He was consuming the teaching like he was board with it, advanced algebra, advanced literature, politics, though starting from a historical view, the most of modern science, and accounting. He was consuming it all like a starving dog, and wanting more, he took his books with him every where in a messenger bag, it wasn't rare for him to finish one or two of the thick ones in a day. He paused to wonder when he had fallen asleep but shook his head quickly to keep his mind on task, he stood quickly and donned cloths, not knowing that he would be shown around town. He pulled his hair back in the usual pony tail, he only let it out when he was sleeping or thinking, looking down at his cloths to make sure they matched he decided that brown pants went with anything. The cerulean blue shirt matched his eyes and by his eyes his hair, an odd trick that only worked for him, he had never seen another ginger with violet eyes. He walked quickly to the room that he had grown accustomed to and knocked, he only waited a moment to be thoughtful seeing as how he was called and knew that he was to be expected. The moment he walked in he was hit by a thinking thrall, what would life be like if he didn't have a decent master? He might have sat there for an hour or so if it wasn't for Mr. York standing in front of him, it was very nearly like he was the center of his world able to draw him back just by standing there "Good morning." He said betraying himself to his late sleep. He walked in only a few steps waiting to be allowed closer, he put his hand behind his head and chuckled nervously "Sorry for spacing out, it wasn't long was it?" He asked very conscious of the down side of his expanding mind. He smiled softly hoping that he was more of a comfort then a worry.

{{Sorry, I'm still a little rusty >.> its been two or three years I think}}
His serf was prompt; Marcus was actually astonished by how quickly the human was able to make it to his room. However he did seem to have this odd quirk, the vampire had begun to notice the way the fiery headed ser seemed to lose himself in thought. The human seemed to fade away and go to a different world only to snap back when the moment was broken. This did not bother Marcus; he liked an intelligent serf and so far Eth’s little fantasy’s had not interfered with his work. “Not a problem, I like my serf’s to be smart and so far you seem to be learning. Now for my morning feeding than off to town,” he stated plainly gesturing for the serf to approach him.

He felt that serf’s always seemed a bit brighter and more alive after a feeding, thus he fed off of his serfs every morning so they may look their best for the rest of the day. After feeding, if Eth allowed him to, as if he really had a choice, Marcus began to make a mental checklist of what he would need to purchase for his serf. He eyed the apparel the human currently wore and decided a new wardrobe was in order, the boy looked decent but not up to the standards Eth would like. He wanted people know immediately how wealthy he was and how better to show it than by dressing his serf in the finest. “Is there anything you need or desire? Most of the cleaning is the responsibility of the house serf’s so I assume you have time on your hands. I mean eventually I will need your services while I manage my trading company but even than it won’t take you a significant amount of time. I need you to be one of the most successful serfs in the country because I plan to be the most successful vampire. So what interests you?” he asked curtly pacing about the room an air of confidence surrounding him.

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