Ambrose a Vampire RP

A smile played in her eyes, still after all of this he wanted to get back at his parents. “Why not,” Rosa shifted her dress so that it fell even lower off her shoulder in a very seductive manner. “Although once they hear of your little affair, especially after they set you up with that other Vampiress, you may not have a family to anger,” she added a flash of pain running through her eyes. She knew now that she had not really seen her Master as someone fall in love with, she had just longed for his compassion. Yet his requests for her to find her own path scared her, she hadn’t seen a possible direction to go. But it still hurt that he felt so deeply for Adam. Was she going to lose him and his kind voice just as she had decided to accept it and fight for it? Rosa was going to show him that she could be her own person and toss in a little rebellion but would it matter anymore?

Vinnie leaned in closer only for her to mention his affair and for him to laugh. “I told the one they paired me with of my love before I announced it. Do you really think I would be so cruel to lead someone on like that?” He was a foolish idiot to be sure, but before she could protest and answer he would lean in to gently bite her neck. Feeding softly on her, before he pulled away a smirk on his lips, he once more offered her water. “I told you I have a bad memory of these things. I didn’t mean to make you suffer.” He said softly honestly before he would try to straighten up her dress some. “If you’re too weak I’m willing to carry you, but its cold outside so you might want to straighten up a bit first.” He laughed amused at how his serf alone did more damage than he did that night. Well outside of the fact he announced his love for Adam but that wasn’t done to cause damage. Standing he would remove his suit jacket to wrap about her, waiting for any sign that she might be ready to go. His eyes falling to the mess of a journal on the ground he would pick it up to hold it out for her. “You still want this? Or did you carry it around this whole time just to try to hit me with it?”

Rosa relished the feeling of the venom coursing through her veins. The affect although not immediate was still powerful and she felt stronger. She took a sip of water and her headache fell to a dull roar. The serf had a feeling she would have to sleep it away but she at least now felt functional. “I can walk…I think just give me your arm. Actually, just based on everything you have told me about you parents I have feeling I wouldn’t like them. Carry me, let’s really piss them off,” she whispered straightening her dress and pulling his jacket about her shoulders. When he said something about the journal she just shook her head then gave him a little wink. Oh when his parents found out about this next bit they were going to go crazy “Master, please carry me home. I am so so weak and I need you,” she paused putting emphasis on the word you before continuing, “to help me.” All the while Marella was doing her best to sound weak and seductive pouting her lips and gasping for emphasis. But her eyes were laughing.

Vinnie smiled about to help her up only to look surprised at her chance of words. At the fact she would actually cuss blew his mind. “Al . . . alright.” He said gently taken her in his arms when she was ready. Her words were cruel to him in ways she didn’t even realize, mocking the fact he did tend to do his best for the weak and such. He of course ignored the others’ making sure she was comfortable as he held her closely. Outside he would say calmly to her. “We’re not going home you know, I promised Adam to meet him in his chambers. I figured he wanted to help . . . well . . . me with you?” He felt a touch foolish and embarrassed admitting such things, although he would keep her in his arms the whole walk if she wanted. “I’m sorry if I did something wrong when it came to you earlier. I just . . . I just really don’t know how I’m suppose to react, or treat you anymore. I know you want more from me, but I don’t think I have it in me to give. I hate how most Serf’s are treated and could never forgive myself if I brought myself to that level.”

Rosa nodded sensing something off when he picked her up. Once again she thought she was pleasing him and in the end she seems to strike a nerve. The hesitation is what tipped her off, if everything had been well and fine he would have smiled mischievously and played the part to make his parents furious. She started to puzzle over this but his words broke her from her thoughts. She shifted a little until she slipped out of his arms but she still needed his help to walk. Rosa was still a bit weak but as long as she had something or someone to steady herself on she would be fine.

The serf nodded listening quietly, how long had they struggled with this. Her desire for more orders his desire for freedom. She was going to have to become her own person whoever that maybe. That nigh she had tried to be reckless and that had left her passed out on a chaise than carried out by her Master, that wouldn’t do. Maybe she was just a quiet girl who was submissive and didn’t want to take control. But that was not what her Master wanted out of her right?

“Your doing your best and none of that was your fault. I should have taken responsibility for my own care instead of putting it on you to remember. I appreciate your sentiment about the treatment of serfs but we are all so confused right now that helping can sometimes just make things worse,” she consoled.
Xander would tense at the knock taken a deep breath. His voice gentle but trying to get back his business matter held a tab bit of sternness. “Come in.” He as always would be at his desk working, seeming busy but in reality he couldn’t face her and try to say what he felt needed to be said. The smell of the food reached him and he couldn’t help manage a smile even then. Xander before was one who rarely ate food, if any at all. Since Jennifer had joined him, well he felt bad refusing her efforts to bring him stuff now and then.

“Sit down.” He said softly and he motioned to the bed knowing that angle will probably keep his back to her easier than the desk would. “You . . . by now realize I never want to lose you.” His voice seemed soft yet brittle in ways. “We must try to stop the impropriate actions though. Do you understand at least that?” Yes, perhaps this would work, he would of course take some of the blame as he wished for her to understand.

He tensed suddenly, the next offer never being an easy one for him, but he had made it once before so perhaps . . . “I think . . . I think we need to at least try to find someone you could share your love with, without faults or problems.” Once more, perhaps if he could get this into her head. He didn’t mind being lonely but she . . . she was obviously the loving type. She burst with kindness at times, and him being the cold bastard he was . . . he . . . he could give her no release.

Vinnie would look at her worried when she moved to walk. Unsure, not one willing to make her if she needed the support, in fact he just wanted to look out for those he might have seen weaker than him. He gave her a questioning look when she spoke of him doing his best, followed by a weak smile. “But my best will never be good enough.” He said softly and would gently squeeze her in a hug wishing it was. “I haven’t tried to help a serf since that night Rosa.” His voice seems to fade a touch, he remembered that night pretty clear still. Her words about him just cause them more pain in ways, confusion even. He never wanted that . . . never wanted to cause more freedom. He just . . . didn’t have the heart in him to treat them so badly. “I’m sorry if I make things worse for you, I never once wanted too.” Defeat as always, never being able to do things right. Why couldn’t he manage . . . he would never be strong or fierce enough in his father’s eyes, and now even in a serf. Sure he could take blows, even give them when it came down to it, but never once could he do so unless it was to help others. He couldn’t help laugh a touch at that thought that was one thing he refused to change. It was the first thing Adam had taught him, and he would cling to it even if it cost him his life. To him . . . the promise and lesion was worth at least that much.

Jennifer set his tea and little quarter sandwich on a plate upon her master's desk, taking the tray with her own lunch over to his bed where she sat obediently at his command. She attempted to nibble on her sandwich to try and get some nourishment into her body, but the anxious knot in her stomach prevented her from really eating anything. His words were soft, and yet they had a sting to them as she listened, almost knowing what was coming.

As Alexander spoke, Jenny's spirits sunk and raised back and forth like he was playing tug of war with them. Did he not realize how his words contradicted one another? First, he says that he never wanted to loose her. But then he says he wants to find someone else for her to love. Jennifer stared down at her bare feet in silence. Was...that really what she had been feeling? Did she...did she love Alexander? No, it couldn't be true. She was a serf, he was a vampire. Yet, her heart kept telling her otherwise, no matter how she tried to deny it.

Jennifer pursed her lips together and allowed her hair to cover her face, clasping her hands together. Even...even if it was about love... Love wasn't something she could manipulate. It just happened; she couldn't force herself to love another when her heart was already taken. Indeed, she could share some of her kindness and hospitality with others of her kind, but she couldn't change her heart... This entire time, she remained completely silent. Not one peep came from her lips at his proposition. She was almost in shock, not knowing how to react.

Jennifer stroked a lock of her hair, just listening to the sadness in Alexander's voice. Is this was he really wanted from her? To be so close to him, yet so far? It was almost torture, knowing that he enjoyed her presence but not allowing her to really show just how much she felt for him. She mulled over and over these things, trying to sort out her emotions. At the very least...she could try. All attempts, though, she was certain would be futile. Already, she ached inside at how he expected her to withdraw any...any feelings towards him that she had.

Finally, the black haired serf set aside her lunch, not being able to even take a single bite of the sandwich. "What you're asking....I won't say I won't try, b-but...." she trailed off. She couldn't speak anymore. It was too hard and surely she knew she wouldn't be able to recompose herself if she started to break down.
Xander would continue to shuffle papers around some in her silence, at least the ruffling sounds of it to him, the scratching of his pen was a bit more of a distraction of his own thoughts. His food barely touched like always, he kept mostly to hot tea obviously preferring the beverage over food by far. When she started to speak he gently put up his ink pen, waiting politely to listen only for her to seem half hearted about it. Sighing he knew this was where the trouble might start. “But what Jennifer?” He couldn’t blame the girl anymore for not knowing her place, he didn’t even know it by this time.

He couldn’t keep given in though, it made him just as guilty if not more so for doing so. “What can I do to make it easier?” He said slowly moving a hand to rub the bridge of his nose between his eyes. He planned to take her to as many plantations as possible, in hopes that at least one serf would catch her eyes. Maybe bring the spark of life back into them that he seem unable to see without running of snuffing it out in some way.
(Thank you [MENTION=2742]Zyphon[/MENTION]@ you can still sign up if you would like)

Sighing squeezed his arm softly, “You keep pushing me to be myself to find out who I am and then to be that person. Your best is good enough and maybe my job is to let you be yourself without questioning you. Master, you can’t beat yourself up because the rest of the world will do that for you…I know that and I’m pretty sure you know that too,” she whispered as they walked through the night. Everything was still alive even after the warm sun had faded. “I am going to be your safe space, I will tell you what I need but how you handle me is your choosing. You own me and if you want me to be my own person than I should do that if I don’t than you can decide how to handle it. You can punish me or you can assign me extra work or you can do nothing, it is all up to you. I am the guinea pig here, you won’t be able to get rid of me because I am not one to run away so what you do with me is completely of your choosing. I will just ask of you what I need and nothing else,” she whispered realizing in some ways he was just as confused as her. Everyone was pushing him to be this all powerful vampire and he did want to or know how to fulfill that role. “I am not going to take offense or think any differently of you if you scold me, even if you strike me as long as it is warranted I am strong enough to take it and it may get people off of your back. I can take care of myself.”
"But nothing...," Jennifer fibbed, her voice a bit hoarse. Of course there was something. There was always something... She tried to give him a smile, but none would come. Grabbing her untouched meal, she began heading for the door. "There's nothing you can do to make it easier.... This is just the way it should be. I'll just...just have to get used to it...," she murmured, not bearing to even look at him, "And..i-if that's really what you want...what will make you happy..."

Jennifer's first reaction was to flee to Alexander, to sit by his side, grasp his hands, and make him look at her as she explained how she felt. She desperately wanted it to be like it had been at the party, when he had actually smiled and laughed. Where they had so much fun together, dancing the night away without fear that someone would think wrongly of them. She wanted to stroke his face and tell him he didn't need to worry about his reputation. Nothing that society thought mattered. How it was stupid how obviously humans and vampires could be on the same level if only given a chance. She wanted to pour out her feelings to him. To tell him that she...she.....

Grabbing the doorknob, Jennifer shook her head. No...she couldn't say it. She couldn't go there... If she did, she would only cause more harm and pain to Alexander. Obviously, he was trying to separate himself from her but oddly, it only made her want to be with him more. She could feel the tears rising but she forcefully shoved them back. She couldn't break down, not here, not now. Later, she would pour out her feelings to Sky. it seemed that gray mare was the only one who understood.
Xavior sat in the carriage next to Reverie as the driver whipped the horses to head home. He watched as the estate and the party became further and further behind them until it was no longer visible. Soon they had arrived back home. Xavior then hopped out of the carriage and held his hand out to Reverie to help her out like a gentleman should.


Kew watched from her window as everyone slowly began to stroll to their carriages and roll away from the house. She would be lying if she said she had a good time. This just wasn't a night for the little Vampirette. Sighing, she walked into the bathroom and started a bath, hoping soaking in warm water will wash away her troubles.

After a few relaxing hours in the tub, and drinking some blood stored in a bottle, the vampirette felt a bit better. Better enough that she decided to spend some time in the gardens, and make sure her serf, Lily, was okay. However, when she arrived, Lily wasn't there. Kew began to worry a bit, hoping Lynix didn't harm her. Panic began to arise, and Kew hit her head with her fists at how stupid it was for her to just leave the serf out by herself!
Reverie was quiet during the ride home, thinking about the party and what she could expect when she got home. She knew her mother would not know until at least tomorrow, probably afternoon or evening, depending on when Xander told his own parent about their un-engagement. It was sure to be an event. She could almost already hear her mother scream at her, disappointed and furious. It made her think of when she was with her first Alexander. Her mother was so angry when she learned. It was almost too much for Reverie. It was why she had stopped interacting with people. At least properly.

She was pulled from her thoughts as they made it to the house. She looked out the door and down at her serf, smiling faintly and taking his hand.

"Thank you Xavior. And good night Nick," she said to the driver. He nodded and went to put the carriage and horses away. Reverie looked back at Xavior, squeezing his hand affectionately before dropping it.

Tress wasn't sure where he was going as he looked for his Lady. Was she still with her fiance? Maybe. He just wanted to find her and see if she was ready to go home. A few others had left and he didn't want to be left behind. He didn't think he would be though.
Xavior smiled a bit and escorted her inside and in front of her room door. He yawned, obviously a bit exhausted. "I'm dead tired... What about you?" He asked her. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I don't mean you being dead tired... N-no pun intended... Ya know, being a Vampire and all." He chuckled a bit. "I've been around Vampire my entire life but I honestly know nothing about your race..." He sighed a bit, realizing how much he was rambling again. "Goodnight." He stated before walking away.
Reverie smiled and laughed a little, tired herself but not ready for bed. She shook her head, amused by her serf. "Don't worry Xavior. I do not mind." She started to watch him go and then she reached out, grabbing his wrist, then dropping it unsure.

"I could tell you more. It'll be much easier if you knew more about vampires. But you can go to bed if you wish. I do not wish to see you tired in the morning." She smiled a little. "Though it would be my fault. But I promise I won't keep you up too late."
Lady Marque made her way about the ballroom with the sad realization that the night was ending. Guests were leaving, serfs were cleaning and the music was fading. Sighing she looked about the ebbing crowd trying to locate her serf. When she finally saw him he seemed to standing in the same position as she, Tress was looking for her his head craning about. With quick steps she made her way to his side, “You ready to leave?” she asked predicting the answer to be yes for a few reasons. He never disagreed with her and it was obvious she was ready to leave and secondly he was not speaking to anyone at the moment or appeared to be occupied.
Xavior blinked a bit confused before he realized it was Reverie that grabbed his wrist. He tuned to face her as she made a proposal to talk to him about vampires. Such a discussion would do him well to try to understand their kind a little better. He nodded. "Alright, I'd like that... And I'll be fine. I don't normally go to bed this early anyway."
"That is...good to hear." Reverie would not admit but she was relieved when Xavior said he would stay and listen to her. She didn't want to be out of his company just yet as well. She nodded and opened her door, motioning for him to enter.

"We can talk in here unless you prefer another place." She didn't mind Xavior being in her room at night, but she wasn't sure how he would feel or anyone else. She could almost see her sister's face. But he was her serf and she could have him in her room if she wished. Besides it wasn't wrong. They would just talk.


Tress was relieved when Marque finally found him. "I am ready to go Lady." He couldn't wait to return home, but he wished he got to say goodbye to Jennifer at least. Still he might see her again. Maybe.

"So how was your night," he asked.
The serf hesitated for a moment before walking inside her room. He stood awkwardly in a corner, it wasn't exactly appropriate for a male, much less a serf, to be in a lady's room at this hour. But they were just going to talk, right? Hopefully...
Reverie shook her head and pointed to the bed, then motioned to one of the few chairs in the room, pulling one close to the other and sitting in it. She didn't want him in a corner, but the bed might be too far for right now. The chairs would be fine though. As long as he didn't take her previous thought wrong. She only wanted them to be comfortable.

"So," she began, trying to ger rid of the awkward air. "What do you want to know?"
“Just Splendid and I have a question for you but first I want to hear every detail of your evening. You said yourself that this is your first time experiencing the grandeur of ball room. Did you enjoy the music? Was the food pleasant? Did you know anyone? And most importantly did you dance?” she asked walking quickly back to the carriage. Her energy never seemed to fade and Marque was always looking for a way to keep the conversation rolling. Some called it annoying she called it a gift.
The serf gave a bit of a nervous smile when she pointed at the bed, but then was relieved when she instead motioned for a chair. He then sat in one, facing her. When Reverie asked what he would like to know, Xavior thought for a second, but then came to the conclusion that he didn't even know where to start. He simply shrugged. "Whatever you can tell me."
When Rosa seemed suddenly supportive Vinnie couldn’t help smile some, glancing to her he merely nodded. “I know whoever you are it’s very beautiful.” He spoke gently. Only to blink cutely when she spoke of being his safe space, wondering what that might mean. Only to frown at her comment of being a guinea pig, thinking that was far from true. “You’re a person you know, I can’t just hit or yell at you. I can’t even hit half the people who probably deserve it out there.” He gave a laugh and shrug at that thought. “I promised Adam a long time ago never to hurt another unless well . . . to defend him to be honest.” He had gotten himself in many a sticky situation due to that promise alone, but at least he could laugh when he thought back at them all. Stopping when they reached Adam’s place he would just poke her nose gently. “Take care of yourself, that’s all I wanted. From the first day I saw you, I saw this spark in your eyes. I knew you had a bright spot deep down, you just need to find it yourself is all.”

At that he would head to start and climb up, willing to greet Adam in surprise and a grand gesture of sorts. He opened the window, was about to pronounce to his love he had arrived. That’s when things got fuzzy though; just as soon as he was spotted Lynix would dash over to push him backwards with a smirk. Vinnie of course was lucky that the bushes below caught his fall or he might have been seriously damaged, unlucky of course that they were roses. Yeah . . . that was painful, the thorns digging in and scraping up his flesh from the fall alone and now he was expected to get out of them?

Lynix smugly would brush off his hands as if he touched something dirty and got them dusty. He moved to sit on the bed that sickening grin on his face, proud of himself. If his master scolded him or snapped he would merely explain he thought it was an intruder, and he was just doing his best to keep his master safe. Deep inside he hoped the other was dead, or at least seriously hurt.
Giving Alexander one last cute, broken hearted look Jennifer walked out of his chamber. Sighing, she trudged downstairs to the kitchen, first putting away the uneaten food then plunging the dirty dishes and her hands into the hot, soapy water of the sink. A crashing roar of thunder scared her out of her wits, causing her to jump as least a foot in the air. Nervously wiping her hands on her apron, she ventured to the door outside and opened it, letting her face get sprayed with the icy rain. "What? What else am I supposed to do?!" she yelled into the storm, her voice swallowed up by the howling wind. No thunder answered her call, and so she withdrew, shutting the door firmly. "Yeah, that's what I thought...," she muttered angrily, going back to her dishes.

If Alexander really wanted Jennifer to find a love of her own that wasn't him, then fine... Maybe if he saw her actually happy with someone else, someone other than him, he would finally realize what he had once had but let fall through his grasp. Of course, he really could be true to his words...maybe he really...didn't truly want to return the feelings she showed towards him. Maybe...he wasn't fond of her as much as she had originally thought. What if...she had been wasting her time...?

Grasping a rag, Jennifer furiously began scrubbing the dishes. Why had she let herself fall into this hole? She had been so strong before she met Alexander. What had he done to her...? After she had finished the dishwashing and placed the fine china on a rack to dry, she pulled out a cutting board and began to chop vegetables for the stew she would make that evening. Her thoughts broiled and simmered in her head, causing her to not pay attention to what she was doing. Suddenly a sharp pain shot through her finger, causing her to yelp and stick it in her mouth. When she pulled it out, she found she had cut herself. Luckily it wasn't deep; in fact, it was quite shallow and barely bled at all. The red liquid did, however, remind her Alexander had not fed yet that morning. He would need it if he wanted to accomplish much that day.

Rolling her eyes, Jenny shook her head and scolded herself, both for being so careless with the knife and forgetting Alexander's feeding. Now she would have to return and face him once more. What a mess this all was! A tangled, intricate mess that ever time she tried to get out of, it only tightened more around her. Marching up the steps, she knocked on Xander's door. If she was allowed entrance, she would walk in and over to her master, thrusting her wrist out to him a bit firmly. So many emotions swirled around inside her but the most prominent one now was anger.
Xander sighed, he knew it would be hard for her, probably him as well but . . . it would be for the best right? He had let her go, knowing to stop or give chase would just make matters worse. Instead as always he let his worries and thoughts fade always as he buried himself in his work and studies. Hearing a knock brought him back around though and he questioningly looked at the door, only to move to his next item of business. “You may enter.” He spoke, always so trusting of those who worked for them. Easily any serf could come up and stab him in the back and he wouldn’t know till it was too late.

When the wrist was suddenly there he actually jumped back in surprise at the sudden movement. Slowly his eyes trailed up it to her a bit confused at why she was given him such a look. “Yes?” He asked calmly, taken in her features. She really must have had a hard time keeping that lovely hair of hers managed he though. It seemed a mess already in ways and she hadn’t left him that long ago. Sighing he merely looked away finally, he wanted to reach up and straighten it some, or perhaps that was just an excuse to touch her again. He would behave though, he couldn’t ask her to do so and him not too.
Jennifer was about to make a sassy remark but catching Alexander's eye, she blushed and quickly looked away, realizing he really didn't know what her gesture meant. "You forgot to feed this morning...," she reminded him tersely, yet she couldn't help the gentleness that seemed to seep into her words. Why couldn't she be stubborn and bull-headed with him as she could the vampires at the plantation? Sure, she was still angry with him but she couldn't bear to yell at him. He looked pitiful as it was...

Jennifer sighed softly and waited for the bite, shifting her weight to one side impatiently. Shaking her head, she blew her long hair out of her face. Already she would need to brush it again. For some reason, it seemed to love tangling up on her and getting in her way. Maybe she would put it into a braid. Yes, that would work. Maybe then Alexander would quite staring at her, surely thinking on how untidy she was. Didn't he know how much harder it was making it for her? He wanted her to stay away, yet those eyes...those deep troubled eyes of his seemed to peer into her soul and tug at her heart every time...

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