Ambrose a Vampire RP

Jennifer looked back up at him, hearing his words. "I suppose so," she answered calmly. Even though it was only for one song, they seemed to dance for hours. Jenny closed her eyes for just a few moments, relishing this warm touch and strong emotion, for she didn't know if this would ever happen again... This was such an amazing experience, surely it would not last, as all wonderful things come to an end; some sooner, some later. Finally, though, the music slowed and finally came to a stop, signaling the end of the waltz.

"Thank you, Master Alexander... I very much enjoyed this dance," Jennifer told him, somewhat solemn that it was over. That was it. More than likely, she would never have this chance again... She was, however, thankful; thankful that she had enjoyed it while it lasted. She never wanted to leave, feeling so caught up in his arms, but she knew he cared much about his reputation and she figured she'd already damaged it too much. Very reluctantly, she pulled away from him and curtsied once more in respectful thanks. She couldn't help but glance over at the hat, still simply sitting there on the end table. Even if this precious time with her master was over, she would always remember it. "I...I believe this is a start in making those new memories you spoke of," she remarked, giving him a gentle smile.
Xander sighed a bit himself when the dance stopped. A blush crossing his face as she spoke of memories, he didn’t mean like this, he didn’t mean with him. She would never understand how he deeply wished for her happiness, it would just be much better if it was in any other way. His glance following hers to the hat and he would start to fiddle suddenly with his pocket getting an idea. Pulling out some money, maybe way more than the hat was worth he would gently press it in her hands. “Put this where you found the hat.” He said softly with a smirk, god was she starting to influence him in ways as well? “Then we should probably quickly take up our new hat and leave.” Sure he felt foolish saying such things, and a bit guilty. That hat though, something about the memory it represented . . . he figured the owner wouldn’t have anything close to the attachment it might have earned when it came to Jennifer.
Marque noticed Timothy’s change in position and posture, he was just as uncomfortable with the marriage as she but he showed it. While the Vampiress joked about their situation he showed his emotions clearly, she could read him like a book. Marque was broken from her thoughts when he mentioned the race, “Aw yes that would be just glorious and make sure you put her on a beast as fast as my Lilly I want to see which of us will get the upper hand. In the end the horses may be equally matched and it will come down to the rider staying out of their ways,” she said thoughtfully. The Vampiress noted the shifted emotions upon Lady Amber’s face and wondered what she might be thinking at that moment.
Amber would turn to Timothy as he pulled away completely at just the mere mention of his parents, even his demeanor seemed to change once more. She began to wonder if there was anything that could help with such a pain only to hear about receiving a horse of her own. Her eyes would widen as she mentally went back to his words ‘Amber will receive a horse of her own’ at such a thought she couldn’t contain her excitement. A horse… of her own. To be able to treat such a majestic beast as her own, a partner in sorts… she didn’t think such a thing could happen. Turning to Timothy she couldn’t help herself but to give him a hug, only able to realize what she had done and quickly pull away, the damages already done. “T-thank you… and sorry” she would mumble, knowing full well such interactions were frowned upon. She didn’t want to think of what his fiancé Marque thought of such actions, and was that much more fearful of Timothy’s thoughts and reaction.

Reverie nodded and watched Xavior walk off. Taking the time that she was finally alone, she looked around, trying to see if she could recall anyone's name. She had barely met most of the vampires here, but she felt she should talk to at least one or two. If she didn't, her whole night would have been her cancelling her engagement and her dancing with her serf.

'Which is not all that bad.'

Still she knew she was expect to socialize with someone. Still she didn't think she could find anyone to talk to for more than a few minutes.
"Hm?" Jennifer responded, suddenly feeling several cold metal coins being pressed into her palm. She carefully listened to his suggestion, her eyes widening. "O-oh, well...sure," she replied, not being able to hold back a giggle at the thought of taking the hat with them. Her head quickly nodded up and down and she slipped back into the crowd, making her way towards the solitary room which held the closet. Opening the closet door quietly, she reached up and placed the money on the shelf where the hat had once been, hoping the owners wouldn't mind selling the headpiece. Then, she closed the door and hurried back, though very careful not to run into anyone for it was at the hour in which most of the guests arrived. Deep on the inside, she was relieved she and Alexander were leaving. She didn't know if she could handle herself around all the other vampires that were now pouring in at an amazing rate. Winding and weaving, she finally returned to her Master's side. " like to be going now then?" she asked, smiling a bit at the hat that would now be going home with them, "Going home?" one knew how much it meant to Jennifer to say that. She had a home was not only Alexander's home, but now it was also hers. A place she could relax and feel safe.

Timothy couldn't help but allow a small, subtle smirk through at the way Amber's eyes seemed to light up. It was almost as if someone had lit a torch inside of her and her eyes sparkled in the light it shed. Suddenly, though, he felt something wrap around his middle and squeeze tightly. For a moment, he just blinked, startled at the feeling. Then, ever so slowly, he allowed his gaze to drop, finally settling upon his serf. Amber had stepped forward and...and... How long it had been since Timothy had come across that word: hug. It had been literally decades since he'd felt someone else's arms pull him into an embrace. Not since his parents were still alive...not since his mother had grasped him in her arms before sending him off to school... After his serf had already pulled away and murmured an apology, he still remained there, stuck fast in mere shock. It took several minutes before he was able to snap out of his trance and meet his serf's eyes with his own. " is alright for now....," he finally answered slowly. Leaning close to her, however, he did whisper sternly, "We will discuss this later..." Straightening up, he turned back to Marque. "I'm not sure about you, but my own throat is a little parched. Would you like a refreshment, my Lady?" he asked calmly, though mixed emotions were perfectly clear in his emerald green eyes.
Marque smiled as the serf showed her affection for her Master and his surprised reaction. You did not often see vampires and serfs interact in such a manner but she liked it. She wished Sir Tress, her serf, would be that comfortable with her. As Timothy whispered in his serf’s ear she felt as if he had reprimanded her. She frowned, was he uncomfortable with the physical contact? Marque looked into his eyes watching the slew of emotions wash over him in a wave of frustration. “That is nice,” she replied still watching him carefully. She took his arm even if he had not offered it and let him lead her to the refreshments table. “You know, I wish Tress would show that amount of affection for me. Sometimes I wonder if I am being too rude or harsh with him even if I know I am being perfectly polite.”
Amber’s face was red, why had she done such a thing? She knew it was wrong and his stern whisper only confirmed her thoughts and she paled. Always the gentleman he acted indifferent and offered Marque… no Lady Marque a refreshment and she said nothing, watching them go. Her feet seemed to be cemented into place, as if she couldn’t move even if she had desired to. Cursing herself for such a childlike action that would bring much reprimand she would glance to the couple, only to look away, she’d rather look at all the dancers than the two together. Ignoring her speeding heart she asked herself just how long this foolish crush will last.

Timothy turned his head to look at Marque then turned away. "You know as well as I do that serfs should not be doing such things...," he snapped, pulling his hands from his pockets and straightening his collar. Truly, he had a good heart deep down. It had just been covered and locked away when his whole life crashed down around him. Why? Why did his parents have to die, leaving a young boy to take care of the mansion as a man. His fingers curled tightly into fists and he clenched his eyes shut. Taking a deep breath, he attempted to calm himself. "I...I am sorry, Marque. I did not mean to raise my voice, especially at a young lady such as yourself...," he apologized quietly, opening his eyes once more and glancing back at his serf. Her sadness stung his heart and he scolded himself mentally for making her feel so degraded. "No, she needs to know her place...," his brain told him, yet the kindness of his own heart argued differently.

Timothy finally spun slowly to face his fiance. He bowed respectfully as a gentleman. "You was just...she brought up memories I cannot handle," he confessed in a low voice so the other guests wouldn't be able to eavesdrop. Then, he gently reached for her wrist and kissed it gently in farewell. "I will contact you when I have found a suitable horse for Amber. Then, we shall have that race; I promise..." he told her. He managed a melancholy smile then turned and made his way back to Amber. "Come along. We're going to head back home...," he told her, though instead of terseness there was compassion filling his voice. Very gently, he placed a hand softly upon her shoulder and walked towards the exit. "There are...some things I need to explain after we've returned to the mansion," he sighed.
Amber’s mouth opened in shock that they would leave before the party was through. Was her action that unforgivable, or maybe by chance did he have enough of such a thing? She was hopeful for the second reason, knowing full well it had to be the former. His touch was once more unexpected as he led her, and Amber couldn’t help but to follow silently, not having a thing to say sarcastically or not. At his words she would look up to him worried, only to glance away still embarrassed and to nod her head so he knew she had heard him. Silence would ensure on her end.

Stopping at the doorway, Timothy turned his head slightly to peer down at her. "Unless....would you want to stay a bit longer? I've had you cooped up in that mansion for so long...," he asked, having second thoughts. He himself knew it was important to socialize, even though he didn't do it much himself. It was important to have at least a friend or two. He was lucky to have such a friend as Marque, who would still stay by his side even though it had been decades since they had spent time together.
Amber would raise an eyebrow at his odd… yet kind gesture. He was so ready to leave, yet for her he would remain, considering her feelings. Didn’t he realize that his kindness could be so cruel, didn’t he see how looking out for her and putting her higher would only make her heart race and set her up to fall? She would quickly shake her head “There’s nothing here for me” her words seemed distant, “Let’s go home” she would speak softly, turning to give him a quick smile as if it could make up for her mistakes of the night.

Marque watched the two walk away and sighed. She had obviously upset Timothy but she had also made him think. She wouldn't take back a thing she had said and at least the race was still on. The vampiress knew he struggled with his own demons and her statement had been pushing it. Than again he needed to know her point of view before he slid headlong into a marriage to her. The male was the only one who could really halt the marriage and she had laid her cards on the table it was his choice how he dealt with it. Yet a smile still curled across his lips when Timothy kissed her hand softly but it was a sad one.

"Now the night is far from over, find another soul to speak with this evening," Marque thought to herself turning now to face the rest of the room. The music was still playing, the dancers were still swaying and the wine was still flowing she needed to get herself out there and enjoy the ball.
Timothy raised an eyebrow, making sure she was positive about leaving, then continued his walk outside. Martin was waiting loyally out on the front porch, sitting upon a bench. He had been told to arrive early in case his master had wanted to come home early, and sure enough Timothy had been right as usual. Standing up quickly, he straightened his jacket and bowed at the waist. "Are you ready to return?" he asked, his gaze going from Master to serf. "Yes, indeed we are, Martin. Please go fetch the carriage," Timothy commanded.

It wasn't long at all before the coach rolled up in front of them and Martin hopped down to open the door. Timothy entered first, as always, then waited for Amber to join him at his side. Usually, he would sit as far to the side as possible, but this time, he allowed himself to sit closer to his serf. "
She doesn't have rabies...," he reasoned mentally with himself, "I can afford to make her feel like she isn't an abomination." If his serf followed him into the carriage, Martin would hop back up into the front seat, flick the reins, and they would be off. They endured most of the ride in silence except for a few occasional loud bumps from a stone in the road. When they reached the mansion, Timothy exited but stayed close, extending his arm to help Amber down.
Amber wondered if there was a reason she was supposed to want to stay, he seemed somewhat persistent about it. Either way she couldn’t figure out why and didn’t really care for such a place so she would actually be glad to see Martin. It was odd that he would now sit closer to her, and odder still was the air of the silence over them while they went back home in silence. They would stop and Timothy would get out only to hold his hand to help Amber down and out. She blinked at this but would take the kindness, perhaps he wasn’t as mad as she had thought he had been. Still she knew she had been in the wrong, so she would make sure not to make such a mistake again. God why was she getting so compliant all of a sudden, was a little kindness her price?

Timothy, feeling her dainty hand grasped in his, slowly walked towards the mansion. Opening the door, he slipped through, guiding Amber to follow behind. He led her upstairs to his personal chamber, closing the door behind them. When he turned to face his serf, he sighed then sat on his bed solemnly. "I feel...I must explain," he began, resting his chin upon his fist, "When you....embraced me..." He paused, furrowing his brow as he tried to find the best way to put it. "It is not necessarily wrong for a serf to show kindness to her master. It really just depends on how the master runs things.'s just....I haven't been embraced ever since...." The nobleman trailed off, allowing his eyes to meet Amber's before he quickly turned away. "Since my mother was alive...," he finally finished the sentence after a few moments of awkward silence. "As you know by now, my parents died when I was very young. I became...withdrawn, shutting myself off from everything and everyone except the horses. I...I would probably...not have minded so much what you did earlier...but when you did h-hug me. I just....I saw my mother and couldn't handle such painful memories of her...of what I lost..." he explained, his throat becoming dry and his voice very soft. Emotion that he had kept locked away inside him for so long began to well up in his heart, but he tried to keep it back. He most certainly couldn't...couldn't let his serf see tears...see such weakness in him. He avoided making eye contact completely, knowing if he looked into those deep amber eyes of hers, he would crash. He just knew it...
Tress found himself wandering around a bit in the place, not sure what to do now. Should be find Jennifer? Or maybe Marque would be better? He could even go and talk to someone else. He wasn't really paying attention and so bumped into Reverie.

"Oh I'm sorry," he said, looking at the vampiress in front of him. Reverie gave him a small smile, finding him amusing. To Tress the smile was unsettling.

"It is no problem human boy. I just did not expect to have you walk into me."

"Well I didn't mean to." The woman in front of him was quiet pretty, but Almost like she was covered in blood. That that made him feel uncomfortable. He looked around for his Lady, trying to get away from the unsettling vampiress, who was watching him.

"I am Reverie Linden. What is your name boy?"


"Tress. What a funny name. You better go and find your master Tress. A human shouldn't be so alone in a place like this." Taking it as a threat, Tress hurried off to the sound of Reverie's laughter.
Just as Xavior walked back with two glasses of lunch in his hands, he noticed the serf scurrying away from Reverie as of he had seen a ghost. Sure she was kind of... Scary. But she didn't scream death. When he walked up to her and handed her the drink. "What's HIS problem?"
Amber followed quietly, not sure what to expect while in the company of Timothy alone. When the door would click shut, Amber’s heart would skip a beat. Her eyes would follow his form as he crossed the room and sat atop his bed. It seemed whatever he had to say was difficult, personal, and she was quick to realize she wasn’t in trouble for the reasons she had anticipated. As he talked Amber’s solemn gaze grew sympathetic, not knowing much of loss, but what she lacked in experience she could reference his voice or expression. “I-I’m sorry… I’ll be more careful from now on” There was no way Amber would want to bring such an expression to his face again. She wanted to go to him, but that was part of the problem wasn’t it.

Xander would gently take the hat in his hands if she allowed, twirling it once more. For some reason he found joy in doing so, nodding at Jennifer’s question. He wasn’t sure how much more he could hold out in the public. He would lead her outside and wait for the carriage to arrive, opening her door as always. Getting in himself after she had settled only to place the hat back on her head and push it down over her eyes with a smile. “I don’t know what you will do with it . . . but something tells me . . . it will be something you cherish.” He would end up looking out the window again, the night was lovely, but he knew the harsh reality of it all would soon crash to dawn. They would have to find something that worked, perhaps for them both. She was stubborn, not even happy enough for let him die alone if he found her a love. How difficult . . . he couldn’t help thinking as the carriage made its way home.
Once he had recomposed himself, Timothy turned back to her, finally allowing his emerald green eyes to meet hers. Inside, he could just feel his heart melt at her sadness, nodding at her apology. "However....even though the embrace brought up such painful memories...i-it also felt....felt nice to feel the touch of another after so long," he explained, his sad smile returning, "And I couldn't help but smile at the joy on your face. You really love the horses...don't you?" Sitting up straight, he rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "If...if you feel the need to show such an expression of your happiness again...I won't mind if you embrace me. Just...make sure we're here at the mansion if you do so...," he told her, chuckling a bit in embarrassment, "I can't have others thinking I'm going soft now. I run a distinguished business here and I do have a reputation to uphold." As he made sure she knew she could only do such things at home, he pointed his finger at her for emphasis, but it was almost slightly comical as well.

Jennifer lifted her dress with one hand and allowed Alexander to open the door for her as she stepped inside. The carriage jerked forward as it started down the long road home. Jenny herself was busy looking out one of the coach windows when suddenly everything went dark as Alexander pressed the velvet hat over her head, covering her eyes. She chuckled and slightly lifted it up so she could see her master's face as he talked. "Yes...I believe it will...." When he turned to look out the window, she couldn't help letting her eyes stare at his face. Sighing softly, her lips slightly upturned in a gentle smile. He was so serious, so anxious almost all of the time, yet when he finally did relax and let loose, he was actually...kind of cute. Already, she could feel a blush come to her cheeks, but this time she didn't try to disperse it and just let it come. Ever so slowly, she began to scoot closer to him, almost entranced by the way he looked out at the peaceful night. The cool breeze flowed into the coach and played with Jennifer's hair a bit. However, when she had gotten close to her master, she realized what she was doing and quickly backed off, sliding into her seat far on the other end of the coach. Embarrassed at the mistake she'd almost made, she reached up and pulled the hat from her head solemnly, letting it fall into her lap. No close they might get, it would never be what she imagined...what she wanted it to be....
Xander did his best to ignore her advances, the window holding his interest strongly, or so he acted like it did. When she moved away it surprised him though and he couldn’t help look up and over to her wondering if he did something wrong. Running a hand through his hair he would let it be for now. Enjoying the silence and the wonderfully lit sky, he really didn’t get out much, but the few times he road home at night with it clear like this he always enjoyed. Once arriving he of course got out and opened the door for her, offering her a hand to help her down. He was at a lost of what to do by this time though, she had confessed so much . . . and it just made it harder. He knew it wasn’t fair to take it out on her, how he felt about the world and such . . . but . . .he also knew to give in was a sin. So if she allowed he would just silently walk her to the house door and open it as well. “Good night Jennifer.” The foolish man . . . it was as if he walked another home and was saying his goodbyes at the door, what was he thinking?
"Nothing," Reverie said with a smile. "I think it's just the way he is," she said honestly. She didn't know the human though, but she wondered if their master knew her. Maybe he would tell her about meeting some strange vampiress.

She took the drink. "Thank you Xavior." She began to drink and looked around, then to her serf. "I think we should try and go socialize. Alexander was a mess, but I did manage to make a friend, sort of. Maybe I can make another one. Besides my constant company must be beginning to bother you?"
Amber felt herself reddening at his words, how could she not, him talking about the touch of another like that. Still red she would manage to nod “Yes I do” at least she could convey her feelings for the horses well enough, if only then. His next words of being able to do such things but not in the company of others… about a reputation… would make her expression harden. But of course it was painfully obvious that such things should be discouraged, but to encourage them in private, how could that translate to anything other than shame. “Don’t worry, I’ll control myself from onward” here he had a light face, but she couldn’t help but be hurt at such. She knew they were on different levels but her damned heart seemed to want to suffer, looking for any reason, action or word to cause the stirring in her chest. Perhaps it was for the best, if she grew to dislike him once more it would be easier for all involved.

Xavior rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I don't mind being around you. Besides, the thought of trying to talk with other people makes me a bit queasy." He sighed and shook his head. The plantation practically starved him of any socialization of any kind, and he preferred it to stay that way.

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