Ambrose a Vampire RP

Xavior blushed slightly at her compliment. "I'm not that good at this sort of stuff..." He murmured. He looked at her when she mentioned about being able to make more of her own choices. "I suppose when it comes to freedom... You and I have a lot in common..."

Xander would have managed to watch the dancer’s after awhile. He sat silently waiting for the whole party to be over, by now finding it a great waste of his time. The rhythms and movements at least gave him away to past the time. Then of course she had to cross his line of sight, and a sigh left his lips. Why was that girl everywhere he seemed to turn at times? His eyes going to rest on the one she was dancing with. He . . . he was at least a serf right? A frown as he was unsure how to take it, only to tell himself. Maybe . . . if she found herself someone of her ranking to love . . . maybe then things could be okay between them.

Something about that last statement hit Reverie rather hard. She almost pulled away from her serf, but she didn't want to stop dancing with him. She looked down at their feet as they danced.

"I'm sorry," she said almost too quiet to hear. Why and for what, the vampiress was not sure. She was brought up feeding and using humans. She was taught to think of them as pets or anything lower than them. But then she feel in love with Alexander and was told that was wrong. Maybe now as an adult, she could begin to make up her own mind on how serfs should be treated as well.

Tress bowed to Jennifer, glad to know that she wouldn't mind his mess-ups. He took her arm and got ready to dance with her. "It is not problem really. I am mostly just waiting for Lady Marque to go home. So I have time."

Tress moved pretty well once they were on the dance floor. He had to focus though as he stumbled a bit in the beginning, both unfamiliar with the movements and nervous. But as they continued, Tress began to relax and enjoy himself. If Marque asked him about tonight, he would say he met a few humans and had fun. That he got to dance. He wondered what she would say. She'd probably be happy for him oddly enough. But that was how she was.

"Thank you Jennifer," he said as they danced. "I wasn't sure if I'd have a good time by myself. If I would find other serfs to socialize with."
Xavior noticed a change in her mood, and immediately he regretted saying what he had. He could have sworn she apologized to him, but he wasn't sure. "I'm sorry..." He apologized, looking away. However, when he expected her to pull away, he was surprised that she didn't.
"I...I must tell you that I was worried the same for myself. I'm even surprised that I...had enough courage to ask," Jennifer responded slowly as they danced. After a few stumbles in the beginning, the two became in sync, their feet gliding across the marble floor as if they were weren't touching it but floating in fact. The brilliant blue dress Jennifer wore twirled and spun, flying out and retracting with each change of movements in the dance. Her bright blue eyes glanced from Tress to their surroundings and the sweet sound of the music caressed her ears. But no matter how much she enjoyed the dance, Alexander kept wiggling his way into her mind, like a stubborn pest you couldn't get rid of. Subtly looking over her shoulder, she caught his gaze as her watched her. Immediately, she looked away, not bearing to see any emotion in his eyes. Surely he didn't care if she was dancing with another.
There was silence before he felt Vinny helping him up. At the opening of the door Abram would be able to see Vinny for the first time in a while, and be offered a hand with an all too familiar smirk. “W-what are you up to?” Abram would ask nervously as they stepped out into the open. He would blink as Vinny dumped Eve only to confess his feelings for another. For some reason Abram’s face would start to burn up, just what was the fool doing? At the announcement Abram would go beat red as his heart quickened in his chest. With a laugh he would pull his love closer. “You really are a fool” Not caring who saw them, or how they were seen he would kiss the one he loved passionately, only thinking of love and not possible consequences for such actions. Nothing of their parents and how they may react.


Vinnie chuckled as he was called a fool, only to blush deeply as Adam gave him a kiss right then and there. Happy to return it, he warned Adam earlier that if he took this step he would do so openingly. He would lean in to teasingly whisper “Do you think Eve would ever forgive me?” Kissing his cheek he pulled away to playfully wink. “Let’s say we rewarp this hand a touch better, before going around telling everyone who might have missed it about our love.” For some reason he was feeling high as a kite, as if that talk in the closet had freed a lot of his worries and problems up. "Or we can just dance if you prefer that" he would laugh deciding to add in another opition in case he was already pushing his luck.
"No don't apologies," Reverie said, her voice almost pleading but not quite. She didn't want to see him upset. She stopped dancing and looked at him seriously. "Boy-Xavior. Do you hate me? Because I'm a vampire and I have control over you?"

It was blunt questioning, but Reverie could be forward if she wanted to be. She was sure not one to sugar coat things.

Tress was really enjoying himself as he danced with Jennifer. It was relaxing in a way and the moved so together. Tress forgot about this previous worry about messing up. He lost himself in the music and the dance. But he noticed Jennifer looking elsewhere. Did she wish to dance with someone else? Even if they moved smoothly together, Tress was still not a great dancer. He was not even the best looking here, if he thought about it. His reddish brown hair, disheveled from dancing, his clothes sort of matching, sort of not. Jennifer could dance with someone much better.

"Is everything alright," Tress found himself asking. In the moment, he looked around to see if he could locate his Lady. He didn't see her and it almost made him sad. But he didn't want Jennifer thinking he didn't like dancing with her, so he remained happy.
Xavior was caught off guard when she paused and asked him a serious question. Did he hate her? Because she was a vampire? It was a tough question. On one hand... In a way the vampires at the plantation taught him how to be strong and survive when given a difficult situation, but on the other hand... They were the cause of most strife amongst Humans... All of them were guilty in some fashion. Even Reverie. But how could he say he hated her just for being a vampire? The truth was, she was growing on him, and at that moment he realized... She being a vampire meant almost nothing to him. She had almost treated him as an equal, and in return he treated her as a person with feelings, not just his vampire overlord. He shook his head at her. "I don't hate you at all..."
"Huh?" Jennifer was snapped from her deep thoughts by Tress's voice and she turned her head to face him. "O-Oh, I'm sorry... t's not you, I guess I'm just...a bit distracted," she answered, their dancing slowly until finally coming to a stop off to the side. Looking up at his face, she sighed. "I...I messed was an accident but still a mistake and I don't know if my Master will ever forgive me for it..." she finally admitted, lowering her gaze, "W-When it didn't feel like a mistake. Yet, it was. I just...don't know how to make it up to him. Every time I've tried to apologize, he gets all distant." Chewing her lip, she continued to stare down at the floor. "I just don't know what to do...," she whispered softly. Very subtly, she shot a glance at Alexander, then quickly looked away.
Reverie was relieved by Xavior's words. She wasn't sure how she would feel if Xavior told her that he hated her. She wouldn't be able to blame him. He reached out a hand, stroking his cheek, a small smile on her face.

"Good. I do not hate you either. I never knew humans could be so...interesting. And you have put up with me as well. I am glad you do not hate me." She was not sure where to go from here. She did not hate Xavior, but her feelings for him were not clear. Did she like him? As a friend? As a master liked a favorite servant? Sometimes masters and servants developed a weird bond. Or was it more? "I am sorry that I stopped the dance. Unless you are glad that I did?"

Tress was relieved that he had not done anything wrong. His first interaction with a human in a while and he did not want to mess it up. But he frowned a bit as she continued her words. Something had happened with her master? Tress felt like he wanted to help her out. Something about seeing a girl upset made him feel uncomfortable.

"Is hee anything I can do to help? I mean...I don't like seeing you upset."
The serf blushed a tiny bit when she confessed she didn't hate him either, and when she gently placed a hand on his cheek. "I never knew Vampires were just as interesting." He smiled some as well but noticed they had stopped dancing. "Oh, it doesn't matter to me..." he said, rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed.
"I wish there was...," Jennifer replied, lifting her gaze and giving him a solemn smile. The music slowed and came to an end as the song they'd been dancing to faded away. Taking a deep breath, the young black haired serf curtsied politely. "Thank you so much for the dance. I...I really enjoyed it...," she told him, reaching up and gently placing a soft kiss upon his cheek. She figured that was the least she could do for spilling all her problems onto him as well as dragging him out onto the floor for an unexpected dance. "I hope to meet again sometime," she remarked, then turned and walked back into the crowd. Making her way through the throngs of people, she finally made it to a side wall where there were less people. Leaning up against it, she closed her eyes and just stood there. Maybe...if Alexander didn't need her...she could escape back to the mansion. It didn't matter if she had a carriage or not, she didn't mind walking. She just felt so crowded and overwhelmed by the multitude of vampires as well as her own emotions that she didn't understand. Her light blue eyes clenched shut as her fingertips grazed the wall's smooth surface. Why did Alexander torment her so? It almost seemed like he was playing games, being so distant most of the time, but then gathering her in his arms on another occasion.
Abram pulled away from the kiss with a laugh on his lips, perhaps drunk on love. “I think she shall manage” he would respond, only to look down at his hand and nod. His cheeks would burn some when he spoke of going around to say such things. “E-Either works fine for me” he would bury his face into Vinny’s chest some to hide the blush now that he didn’t have the darkness to assist him in the matter anymore.

Jennifer, spotting Alexander, rolled her eyes and sighed. No more Miss Nice Girl, that was for sure. Making her way through the crowd, she found her placed by her master's side and crossed her arms stubbornly, refusing to look at him. "Look at you all alone here by yourself... I figured you'd go and spend time with your...your...'fiance' but it seems that I have to babysit you once again, don't I?" she sighed, looking out at the dancers. Just by the tone of her voice, anyone could tell she was mad at Alexander. She didn't care how much he would probably yell at her or stare at her with those cold, unfeeling eyes; she was going to let her stubborn streak out. Before, she had always had to shove it down deep inside herself for fear of the whips and beatings. Now knowing that Alexander wouldn't lay a hand on her, she felt safe enough to come out of her shell at least for a few moments. Alexander, whether he knew it or not, had brought out the beast, and now he was going to have to deal with it.

Vinnie couldn’t help chuckle some as Adam tried to hide against his chest. “Okay . . . so I guess this means I may have gone a bit overboard.” He would gently wrap his good arm around Adam trying to find a nice quiet place to escape, perhaps outside. Of course he would paused spotting Lynix once doing so. Trying to lead Adam off into a different direction before the boy notices him. Vinnie just wanted somewhere nice and quiet to try to fix his hand up more. Maybe to think of ways to make up all those years Adam may have been hurting because of him. “Will you do the honors?” he would ask holding his hand out after he found a nice bench to sit on.

Xander actually jumped some not really expecting someone to talk to him. It was the rudeness coming from Jennifer’s lips though that surprised him the most. He lowered his head making sure not to look at her although now he wanted too . . . with that tone and attitude. He couldn’t help feel even his ears turn red slightly. “Don’t you think you’re being a tad cruel without knowing all the facts Jennifer?” He said softly, some reason her words hurt him. “ex-fiance” he started to correct her gently, slowly sitting back up and keeping his eyes on the dancers. “It found out today, I asked her if she wanted to keep it, I was told no, and it ended today.” It was that simple in his eyes, he came and did what he needed to do. “Don’t you want to go enjoy yourself more? I’m fine just waiting here for you. But if you’re ready to go we can leave.”

Jennifer took a deep breath and opened her mouth to reply, but seeing all the people amongst them, she shut it quickly. Reaching out, she grasped his hand firmly and dragged him subtly through the crowd. Weaving back and forth, she dodged the guests, amazingly not running into anyone. Finally, she came to a side room, unoccupied by anyone else. Catching her breath, she turned to face him. "I...I'm sorry about your fiance...e-er, I mean your ex-fiance...," she apologized, rubbing the back of her neck, "I...shouldn't have exploded like I did. I-it''s just...." The poor girl trailed off, her face reddening slightly as she looked away. It's just what? What was it that she couldn't bear to tell her master? She herself wasn't even sure...

"Well...I'm not happy....ok? I didn't know if you could see it or not but..." Once again, Jennifer trailed off, not finishing her sentence. What was so hard about this conversation? Why couldn't she just talk to him?

Xander’s eyes widen as the girl suddenly had him by the hand and was dragging him. He stumbled at first to get his balance not expecting it. Then into a room alone and his heart would race. Didn’t she get at all what she managed to do to him? He of course backed up some his face all red when she turned. Only to hear that she wasn’t happen and a bit of sadness to fill his eyes “did you fall for that serf?” He asked softly wondering if that was where it was going to lead. “Is it that . . . you’re hoping for a love of your own.” Okay he might be shooting for the moon here, and it might hurt as hell to do so. It just . . . could also solve both their problems if it was right. If she was taken by another . . . perhaps he . . . he wouldn’t have to worry so much around her.

"W-what? No!" Jennifer retorted, rubbing her forehead, "I-I....Ugh, why is this...this so hard just to talk to you..." Leaning against the wall, she rubbed her arm and sighed once more. Hearing his question about a love of her own, her eyes fell to the floor and she curled up a little. "Isn't that everyone's dream...? To be loved....?" she whispered, her voice totally changing from irritated to melancholy. Her dress fell about her, draping to the floor as she just stood there, her back to him. "I...I'm so confused....," she murmured, clenching her eyes shut, "I'm afraid to think anymore." The mood seemed to change completely, becoming serious and solemn. Silence fell between the two, coating the room in awkwardness.

Xander looked confused as she just flustered herself before sighing and looking away. How was he to fix this, he . . . he couldn’t just take her in his arm. He couldn’t go down that path himself he just knew it. “I can take you around the plantations if you want . . . we . . . we could see what serfs there are . . . maybe find you a few friends?” Even he wanted to kick himself; there was after all no nice way to say it. He could only put it in as gentle a fashion as he could. “I don’t want you to feel unloved.” He spoke up softly after awhile hesitating before gently placing a hand on her shoulder. “I don’t want you to feel trapped. So if . . . if that works . . . I won’t deny you the chance to find love.”

"You don't get it, do you?" Jennifer retorted, her voice strained with stress and anger as she jerked away from his touch. Balling her fists, she turned to face her master, her brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed. "I-I don't want just another serf. Do you understand how many of them are just broken? They have no spirit left in them. I don't want someone like that! I n-need someone calm and collected, w-who can protect me from those who seek to do me harm. S-someone" Shaking her head, she let out a frustrated grunt and turned away once more, knowing if her eyes met his, there would be no stopping an emotional melt down. She didn't know if she could handle herself. "Someone like you...," she thought, gritting her teeth together. No! She couldn't think of her master that way... I-it wasn't logical. It was against every serf law. And yet the feelings still thrived within her, every time she looked at him, every time he kissed her wrist after a feeding, every time she was merely in his presence. Those feelings were always there...

Xander dropped his hand to his side as she snapped, her words cut him deeply. No . . . he probably did get it, that was the problem wasn’t it? “You’re very calm and collected.” He said softly a gentle smile forming on his face as he thought over it. “Great spirit and such a strong . . . you’re such a strong person.” He wanted to run his hand through her hair, to maybe even take her in his arms to comfort her. He couldn’t though . . . out of all the sins, please don’t let him commit this one. Sighing he just shook his head. “I’m sure there are many out there strong, and we would be saving them in away doing this.” Of course some of the stronger ones might try to kill him, but . . . even that would be worth it if it managed to make her happy. “Why do you have to be so difficult?!” It was finally his turn to raise his voice some, her being like this felt like she was ripen his heart to shreds. “Why can’t anything just be good enough?”

Before anything could get out of hand between Lily and Lynix, Kew found a burst of strength to push them apart. She had shoved them both away from each other! Looking at Lynix pleadingly, the vampirette then ran off back inside, through the crowds, and to her room. Slamming the door, she sniffled, and hugged her knees after climbing in her bed. She was so confused. There was no way she could help anyone, much less someone driven to insanity. She was just becoming her own person, but now this... Now Alexander was engaged, her ex-fiancé refused her, and this serf almost tried to kill her. Yes, Kew was at her lowest point, even though she tried to be upbeat and happy despite the hardships her life threw at her, she was now at an all time low.
Marque smiled at the introduction and curtsied in an exaggerated motion and with a flourish of her hand for affect more befitted for meeting the King. “Oh please I am not a Ma’am my mother is a Ma’am, I am Marque plain and simple. But that is enough about me, it is nice to meet you Amber. Oh! I have a deal for you; you can call me Lady Marque if I can call you Lady Amber. This is a tremendous idea and I will have to propose it to Tress. Maybe I can get him to loosen up,” she added with a giggle. “I forgot to ask, do you accept my deal?” she asked still smiling warmly. It was Marque’s nature to be of such a bubbly personality and breaking barriers was a strong point of hers that she relied on.

However before she could answer Sir Vinnie came out of the closet with Sir Adam or according to tonight’s attire Mistress Eve and announced their love. (No pun intended J) “Oh, look at that the Gossip’s got an early Christmas present this year. I hope they are happy,” she said cocking her head to the side curiously.
At her master's reply, Jennifer inhaled sharply. "Because you're the only one good enough!" she cried out, though soft enough that it wouldn't alert any other guests to their presence here alone in this room. Tears began to glaze over in Jenny's pale, crystal blue eyes as she stood there, breathing hard and slightly trembling all over. She couldn't believe she had just said it. Those thoughts were supposed to stay in her brain where they belonged. They were supposed to stay a fantasy, one that she thought and dreamed about but knew she could never accomplish. Oh, how she wished she could just run up to embrace him, to feel his arms around her, and for him to tell her that it was ok, that she didn't have to worry about anything anymore. But she held herself back. Fear gripped her heart in its icy grip and began to consume her entire body as she slowly began to back up. What would happen to her now? Surely, she would be sent back to the plantation as a "defective" serf. She cringed and immediately threw her arms up in a defensive position, revealing the numerous white scars slashed across her arms, for it was just instinct from being beaten so often for so many years, as she waited for the rejection that she was certain would come from her master's lips.

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