Ambrose a Vampire RP

Abram was surprised that Vinny was still holding him so, even petting his hair, coddling him still. There was just too much raw emotion, and still an uncertainty in in Abram’s mind. Where would he stand now in Vinny’s eyes, in his heart? At his name being called Abram would look up as if he could see the face Vinny was making, only for an apology. An apology for what though? Still this close, coming this far, Vinny’s words could unnerve him so. ‘Eve was the closest I could get to you’ these words were held in repeat in Abram’s heart. Such words, were they a confession of sorts? He might have been able to sort the words out of the confusion if he didn’t feel a wetness come from Vinny’s direction. “V-Vinny” Abram’s voice was full of shock and alarm in that one word. He would pull back some only to reach up and try to wipe away the tears. “Why are you crying?”


After awhile Lynix would start to roam, a drink in one hand a plate of food in the other. He was looking for a place to sit and quietly eat while he watched others. Sooner or later his eyes would drift and rest on the weak vampire that bumped into him earlier; only to roam over her as he kept moving, pausing only just a few feet away though. Damn it. His eyes slowly glanced back over his shoulder at her . . . she wasn’t looking too well. Why was it any of his concern though? She was one of THEM and even if she wasn’t a bad one, her children would be, or her family at least.

Sighing softly he would make his way over to silent sit next to her. Eating some of the food he got for himself, and drinking as if that spot was the one he decided to just sit in and she just happened to be there. His eyes roaming to her once more after awhile before a frown crossed his face knowing he would feel bad if he didn’t do anything. “Are you okay?” he said after awhile those cold eyes studying her knowing the answer already.

Vinnie blinked surprised hearing Adam’s concern in his voice, moving one of his own hands up to touch his cheek. “So that’s what that is, and here I thought I was leaking.” He joked; it was always easier to hide behind a joke after all. He honestly couldn’t answer Adam’s question as in why though. There could be so many reasons as to why the tears came and he didn’t notice or couldn’t stop them. “I don’t know.” He finally said a deep hurt and softness in his voice he would let Adam pull away all he wanted, do what he wanted. In truth when it came to stuff like this Vinnie didn’t know what to do. Then again, that’s how most his life felt . . . he didn’t know what to do about much of anything. He could see lights in the distant know what he wanted to go for at times, but those usually faded before he managed to get there.

Kew groaned and slowly opened her eyes to see the serf from earlier. Trying to sit up to be polite, she spoke softly. "I am okay..." She turned to face him, only to look away in shame. "You.... You're a serf, right...?" She asked quietly. "I want to abolish the slave system..." That part she had whispered. She didn't know why she suddenly blurted that out to him, she wanted it to be only between her and Lily, but she just... Had the urge to tell him.

At the groan of the smaller one Lynix would actually sit down his drink and foods to the side of him helping her sit up gently. “You’re as bad a liar as you are at trying to cover up.” He said coldly frowning when she asked if he was a Serf. He didn’t want to answer that “Isn’t that answer obvious?” he muttered remembered the girl with black hair earlier pretty much stating it was. Then she spoke of the slave system and ridden it and he would actually break out in laughter. A dark laugher sure but an honest one, so hard it actually made him cry a bit.

“You’re nothing but a weak fool you know that.” He said after he managed to catch his breath again. A hand going up to wipe away one of the tears it caused. “If you weren’t such a bad liar I would believe you were trying to trick me.” He looked her over nudging her some with his arm. “And how do you plan to bring down the mighty in the state you’re in now? If this keeps up I wouldn’t be surprised if you died before the night was out.” Truthful and blunt, and in an uncaring manner, Lynix was honestly cold. “What is wrong with you anyways? Is it a sickness?” he paused a frown crossing his face wondering if it was something he could catch even.

Abram couldn’t help but laugh at his joke, it was just so… Vinny. Even now it seemed he needed just a bit of the protection of a silly retort or the likes, Abram would easily accept that, after all he didn’t have the slightest idea just what kind of battle Vinny may be raging in his head. He would simply decide to press his lips to Vinny’s cheek “Whatever it is, I’m here for you as always” he would mummer, still hesitant and unsure.


Vinnie seemed surprised by Adam’s gentle acceptance, wasn’t he going to mock him for being weak? Sure Adam cried now and then, but it was one of the reasons he thought his friend saw himself weaker than Vinnie. At the kiss and kind words he actually manages a smile feeling a touch better just with that alone. “I know.” He answered calmly, hoping it was true . . . for he always wanted to be there for Adam as well. He would gently feel for Adam’s hands in the dark before moving them to his lips to kiss soft. Now knowing why, but he needed at least something like that to try to calm his nerves a bit more. “It’s not proper you know.” He said after awhile his thoughts roaming again. “It’s not normal for a guy to crush on another guy.”

Lynix' words stung, even more so when he began to laugh at her. He was laughing, to the point of almost crying. He laughed.... As they all did. They always laughed at her. The vampirette then hugged her knees and her face became expressionless. "I know I am... I know I'm too weak for this but... I have to try... Even if I die trying... Isn't that what matters...? Even though you know your chances are very slim, you try anyway... Just giving up is weakness... Even if my body is weak... My soul isn't..." She turned to him, sadness written all over her face. When he asked if she had a sickness, she shook her head. "No... It's just me... I don't know why but... I think my mom and family know the real reason...."
Lynix paused as he seemed to upset her, frowning some. “See that’s just it.” He point at her motioning how she acted and reacted. “You’re not even strong enough to handle me properly. You need to give up this little dream of yours weak one. Those dreams are for people who can take the beatens and survive. You’re nothing but a moth trying to fly towards the flame. Not that I don’t thank you for caring enough to try. It makes me feel a touch better that someone seems to care even if it is you.” He frowned some shaken his head a bit firmly. “Just makes me ever so more sure that I have to talk you out of it though. To be able to change things, you need to be dirty, to be strong, and be willing to step on others. You . . . are nowhere near what you need to be.” He paused poking at her cheek some, closes thing to trying to poke at a fang. “You aren’t strong enough to live life normally as it is. Don’t you think you should just find a nice gentle man and settle or something? Let the dark world handle itself, it's own dances with shadows. A light like you would stick out like a sore thumb and be stuffed out.”
The vampirette clenched her fists on her dress. "I won't deny your words are true... At least some of them." She then smacked his hand away from her cheek and scowled at him. "But I can be strong, and I will be. The strong are the weak and the weak are the strong. And I refuse to give up just because you have... I know what you're like... Beaten to the point of insanity. I've seen it in my father's plantation. You act all bold, but you're nothing but talk. But I swear... I swear that I will prevent others from falling into the fate you were forced into." For a moment, Kew had looked healthy and strong, but the illusion quickly faded. She hugged her knees tighter and fell into tears.
Lynix smiled when she said his words were true, frowning when his hand was slapped away. That was one, she was little, and he could easily kill her if he wanted. He let her go on only for his eyes to widen as she spoke of him and how he was. A growl crossing his lips, her words hurt and he couldn’t help wonder if anyone would notice if he strangled the insightful vampire here and left her limp body in the corner. Her tears matter not, she had already struck at him in such a painful way. Whatever bond they were starting to build would have been broke. If he could, he would grab her by the front of the dress and try to roughly slam her against the wall his eyes so full of that insanity. “What . . . what did you dare to say about me? About my life? How would you know! How would you know anything about me?!”
Kew seemed almost unsurprised, as if she had no emotions at that moment. The tears still fell from her eyes, but her breathing was steady. "I've seen it... Many times... In my father's plantation... I know how they act... But the lucky ones were killed early on... You... You're in so much pain... And you hate us... And you have every reason to be..." The vampirette whimpered. "You can kill me... But you have nothing to gain from it... Nothing..."

Lynix growled at how calmly she took it, leaning in to growl and whisper into her ears. “I don’t know . . . the joy alone of killing one of your kind might be enough.” He pulled away never the less letting her drop for all he cared. “Shame it would be only a half victory.” His lip would curl as he stumbled to get up and leave spitting to the side. “I hope you die tonight out of your own stupid foolishness weakling. You’re more sick and twisted than I thought . . . the ones who died were weak or unlucky far from lucky. The strong ones . . . they know they have to do whatever it takes to go on living, even if it is to lose a piece of their mind in the process.” If he could, if she didn’t call attention or try to stop him he would storm off.

When the serf released her, Kew fell to her knees gasping for breath. Her sight was blurry, but she observed him storming away nonetheless. Wobbling to her feet, she began to follow him. She wouldn't call out to him, but in a fit of rage, he could do anything to anyone. And if the vampirette could somehow prevent this, she would.
Abram smiled at his words, glad that he was able to still be by Vinny’s side, and to be welcomed still none the less. At the brush of fingers against his own Abram’s face would redden, wondering what he was doing only to feel a soft kiss laid on his fingers. He wanted to grab Vinny then and there for that action alone. Lucky for him he was more sensible and way to shy for such things so he would only stand there with a scarlet face. “Perhaps it’s not proper, but that’s okay with me, for what I feel is much more than a mere crush” at those words alone he would bring his face up to Vinny’s, their foreheads would press, and their noses would brush against one another, and yet the lips… he was so hesitant now.

Lucky for Kew, Lynix didn’t risk going into the crowd. He knew shoving his way about would get him more noticed then he liked. Instead he would leave out into the garden turning the knob of the door before harshly kicking it open the rest of the way. It was beautiful out there, the stars and the moon, and the cool air . . . perhaps it was all he needed to cool his own fiery temper.
Still following him, Kew stopped when he entered the garden. Also walking out, she sat behind a bush, somewhere he wouldn't notice. She gently touched where he had grabbed her. The area was tender and probably bruised. She felt... Pity for him, and those like him. If she could prevent anything like that happening to anyone else, she would. She was also intrigued by Lynix as well. She wanted to help him, like everyone else. But she knew she was incapable. He was right, but she wanted to try anyway.

Vinnie would deliver many small kisses to Adam’s fingers as they were pressed up against his lips. It was a thing of soothing or calming to him in away. It allow his thoughts to be more gentle when they came, less tangled. Adam was always the one who could sort out his messes, but this was one of those messed he had to deal with before. Adam’s words got him to laugh some, even through his nervousness. The other moving close to press up against his face and pause, leaving Vinnie a touch confused. He was still lost in the whole matter, trying to understand and organized his feelings. Adam deserved at least that much, for him to be sure 100% right. Slowly he would try to lift a hand to stroke Adam’s cheek. “I need some time to understand how I feel about this . . . no . . . more . . . more like, what my feelings really mean.” He said softly. He wasn’t trying to reject his friend, he was just trying to have him understand how lost and confused he was. “I will give you anything you want though. If that doesn’t matter to you, if it doesn’t matter that I’m confused and lost right now. I can be whatever you want, however you want.”

Lynix would sit in a huff yanking off leaves from a nearby bush in his anger, ripping them into smaller pieces if he could. Concentrating on those pieces and ripping them into even more smaller pieces until they couldn’t be made any smaller. It was maybe an exercise he taught himself when he was trapped to get his anger under control. It allowed him to destroy things but also was so nitpicky and hard to do past a point that it took concentration which calmed. Why did he let that little vampire go? She spoke of impossible things, stuff that she could never achieve. If it was anyone else he would have tore them to shreds. Maybe it was because she was so fragile that she lived. Sighing after awhile he would pick up the smallest pieces of leaves and look them over some . . . small and fragile . . . really useless now. How could he hate yet feel worried for that weakling. Abram . . . it had to be his master’s fault . . . he was starting to rub some of that weakness off on his serf.

Peeking through the bush, Kew observed him concentrating on ripping the leaves of the bush. Her mother wouldn't be happy, especially since he was a serf, but Kew decided to let it go. She could tell that this was his way of coping. Standing to go back inside, she became dizzy and lost her balance, falling. She held her breath, hoping he didn't notice her. She would be lying if she said she wasn't afraid.
As he felt Vinny’s warm hand brush against his cheek, he could already tell what was coming, a sweet rejection. Abram would brace for it, only to hear of time and what his feelings really meant. He didn’t quite understand because feelings were feelings to Abram, but he would never fault Vinny for how his head worked, after all this was the man he had fallen in love with. “I…understand” he would manage, unable to mask the emotion from his voice. At his next words Abram would pull away. “I-I want you to love me, not my body” his voice would be so very soft at these words. It meant so much that Vinny was so willing to be what he wanted, but in ways he couldn’t explain it hurt him so that he would offer that way.

Lily was concerned, having lost track of her mistress. She wandered through the crowds until finally she saw Kew hiding behind a bush. When the Vampiress turned to leave, she collapsed, and Lily ran to her side. Lightly shaking Kew, she asked "Miss, wake up, are you alright?" She wondered how to get the Vampiress inside by herself.

Vinnie was confused when Adam pulled away, finding his words so weird. He actually laughed at the innocence of it before trying to roughly push Adam against the wall his body pressed up tight against his friends probably for the first time like this. “Do you really think . . . that I could be so confused if it was over your body?” He leaned in whispering gently into his ear. “If it was for your body I don’t think you could have gotten away as Eve for so long around me. If it was your body I would have easily tried to take her by now as far as I could to the point where she would be still female.” At that he pulled back blushing in embarrassment from the temptations alone. “ Don’t you understand where I’m lost at? Hell if it was confusion about your body I may have even taken YOU in your purest form long ago.” He paused his eyes widen at those words and now he found himself wanting to run. What had he just said to Adam? He would try to punch the closet’s wall hard in frustration, annoyed. “I don’t know what love is!” he would actually yell after awhile. “I . . . You speak words and I feel the same, and even have thought the same about you. But . . . I . . . how was I to know?!”

If it wasn’t for Lily, Lynix might not have even noticed Kew was there. Standing to turn and look over the scene a growl coming from his lips as he snapped at Kew. “Are you wishing for death!?!” He would walk over to stare down at the two of them annoyed. “Is this your master?” he would ask Lily with a dark voice showing his anger strongly. “Would make sense . . . you’re probably weak yourself in ways, gentle even.” He bent down to get a closer look at Kew before huffing. “So why is she so sick . . . she says she’s born this way, but she seems to keep growing weaker. She’s being stupid about something isn’t she?”

There was laughter, then Vinny’s usual softness, turned to force as he shoved Abram against the wall. This wasn’t Vinny, this wasn’t the one he had fallen for, yet this was his body pressed up against his own, pinning him to the wall in such a way. His whispers seemed both dark and somehow excited Abram, though he was lost as to where they came from, it seemed the two in complete honesty were still missing signals. He blamed the darkness, not being able to see Vinny’s face as he spoke. It seemed in the darkness they were blind in more way than one. Abram would jump at the sudden violence, only for Vinny to yell. Abram would have to take a breath before talking, his own heart racing in his chest, almost in fear itself. “Then… I’ll wait for you to find out, until you know for sure” he would say softly, not wanting to upset the one he loved further, not wanting such anger or pain, whatever was driving him now to have to surface. “I’ll wait for you” so please just smile again, I can tell that there isn’t one on your face now.

Of course there wasn’t a smile on his face, there was hurt and frustration, and anger more at himself than anyone though. Now he ever had a freaking busted hand, he just wanted to go, to leave, but he was stuck. He had set this up to get answers from Adam only to trap himself instead. If there was enough room Vinnie would slid to the floor to sit, taken down his hair so that he could run a hand through it not caring if he might be bleeding or not. “You can go now . . . you can leave if you want.” He said in a broken tone. He didn’t want Adam to wait . . . he didn’t want to hurt Adam anymore . . . he just wanted things to make sense!
Abram would kneel beside him. Remembering full well his tendency to get into unfair fights with inanimate objects. “Your hand… you okay?” he would ask softly, he couldn’t leave now, even if Vinny wanted him to. Not when he heard such a tone coming from his voice. He would reach out and find his arm, only to trace down to gently reach for his hand. He would sigh. “Did you at least win this time?” he would ask, ripping a piece of cloth from his own trim to wrap the hand that was in the least bloodied, at worst busted. Perhaps Abram would benefit from becoming a doctor, at least he would know how to check such things and what to do aside from wrap and tie a bow around it.


Vinnie moved his hand when he was asked if it was okay, allowing Adam to take it gently. “I usually win.” He gave a weak smile at that confused at why Adam would even want to still be near him in this state. “The way I know I didn’t win is when I break it.” He leaned against Adam some at that, wondering if the boy was trying to think back to how many times Vinnie had came around with a broken hand. “It’s why I can’t play the violin you know . . . would be a waste to learn if only to lose the talent due to . . .” He frowned some closing his eyes some. “ . . . due to me being like my father in at least this way.” The pain in his hand at least helped to calm him, and if he could he would stay there like that. “Adam . . . how could you be so foolish to fall for someone as worthless as me? I . . . if anything I should always be by your side looking over you as you reach a true form of happiness.”


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