Ambrose a Vampire RP

Lily glared daggers at this person. How dare he insult her, but even moreso, how dare he insult her Mistress?! "Being gentle does not make one weak!" she said, her expression never changing from that of anger. "Being foolish, pushing others away makes one weak!" This person didn't know anything about either of them, and even though he was bigger than her, and obviously much stronger, she wasn't about to act submissive for someone who spoke highly only of themselves while degrading others. "She's weak because... She refuses to take blood..." Lily sighed, wishing Kew would wake up. "No matter how many times I offer, she won't take it. She says it's disgusting, but she will die without it. Her fangs cannot pierce skin, but I've offered the use of a blade and still she declines..."

“I never said it did.” Lynix smiled at Lily and her bravery. “I said you’re probably both.” Only to frown when she went on about pushing others away made one weak. This girl didn’t know him, didn’t know what he did or didn’t do besides ignoring Kew’s apology. It was when he heard the reason for Kew’s weakness he broke out in laughter almost insanely so, what a little hypocrite. “Some great savor she’ll be then.” He smirked glancing to Kew annoyed over the whole matter. “Do you want me to carry her somewhere? Or shall we leave her here as she turns into the dirt she is laying on?” He figured Lily must be all bronze but no glory. “I take it you don’t care enough for her, or you would have forced her to drink.”

Abram laughed. “If you say so” he was still unsure, but once Vinny was done working through whatever he needed to he could get him to go into the light to see just how bad the damages were to know if it warranted a doctor visit or not. “I think of all people you would be able to find a way” he said, believing in his words fully. At hearing Vinny mention his father he couldn’t help but to pull him into a hug. “You’re nothing like that… man. Please don’t think such things” his last words barely whispered, for he knew just how bad of a man his love’s father was, and to compare the two… there was nothing to compare. He would lean and whisper into his ear “I’m the foolish one that loved from afar for years, so let us be a matching set of fools then”


Vinnie couldn’t help smile some at Adam’s words. He leaned against him more just enjoying his comfort and closeness with the other. “So . . .do you think it’s possible to love another for many years without even knowing that it was actually love you felt?” He found it cute that Adam didn’t see the similarities in him and his father, although the seemed so painfully clear to Vinnie. Adam’s last line was corny and he would lean to whisper into his friend’s ear. “Never a true fool around me.” He said softly, blushing a touch deeply glad for the darkness himself, it was comforting in it’s own way. “I’ll tell you what, when you are able to pronounce your love to me, in front of a crowd, dressed as a guy . . .” he paused realizing he was making a joke of it. “No . . . that’s not right.” He said softly moving to kiss Adam’s cheek if he could. “When you allow me to kiss Adam, not Eve in public on the lips . . . “ He laughed he couldn’t even figure where he was going . . . it was just something he felt . . . something he knew he wanted to do for some reason.

Abram’s face would redden at the question “I-I wouldn’t know but I guess it’s possible” damn this closeness and Vinny’s tease, he couldn’t even think properly. At the line about a true fool he just had to laugh, obviously things looked different from the other side. He would listen to his words, profess his love as himself, no kiss him in public, what was he getting at? Only to hear a laugh… surely his Vinny wasn’t teasing him so, here and now. “What are you getting at?” he would blurt out, wishing things could be simpler between the two instead of all this back and forth

Vinnie went silent when Adam asked his point, only to slowly shake his head and say after awhile. “I . . . I don’t know to be honest.” He said softly before given out a sigh, why did he have to make it so difficult? Why was this so weird for him? “My head is going probably a million places at once; I guess that’s just one of them that stood out for some reason.” Now he felt stupid, silly, he wasn’t about to explain that it was easier to say this stuff when Adam looked like a girl to a crowd. That maybe Adam was taken it all too easy . . . not realizing the difficulties of if they were to be like that. That Vinnie didn’t want it hidden if he was to finally give in.
Abram was lost at what to do. He was glad to have his feelings out there and to be heard, but it seemed such things were only causing his Vinny discord and uncertainty. It hurt him to see the one he loved so in such a way. “I never expected an answer… this… this is more than enough for me” he would manage, hoping that his words would put the pressure off of him, that his words would make things easier for Vinny. After all love was selfless, why would he want his feelings to make the one he loved most suffer?


Adam may not have meant them too, but his words cut Vinnie deep like a knife. It may have been more than enough for Adam, but to Vinnie . . . the boy deserved a lot more. Now he was stuck either taken the plunge or pulling away all together in his mind. Slowly he lifted his good hand to stroke Adam’s hair. It wasn’t like this choice was something small . . . to admit something like this . . . it would be life changing in Vinnie’s eyes. He could feel his heart quickening, be it due to fear, panic or something else. If he could, he would lean in close to Adam, the tingling on his cheek proof enough that he was blushing and grateful for the darkness that hid it. “If I do this, if I give myself over to such thoughts . . . I refuse to hide it from others. Do you know what that means?” He would try to move so that his face was in front of Adam’s, a hard task with not being able to see. He could only be certain by being able to feel the other’s warm breath on him.

Abram was confused at such words, give himself over, hide from others? To him Vinny’s words said only one thing, that he was holding back and wanted to be with him, and off limits to the rest of the world. Were his thoughts wrong? Poor Abram couldn’t see them another way. “It means… that you do love me?” he would ask in an almost whisper, his heart racing as he could feel Vinny’s breath against his cheek.


Vinnie would blush deeper at that, the one before him, just had to put it in that way. “I . . . I guess it does . . . if so though, it must mean I always have.” At that if he could and Adam let him he would give the other a gentle kiss on the lips. It was nothing deep, nothing over board, just a small meaningful kiss. Only for Vinnie to realize his foolishness and pull back. So quickly there was a small bang and Vinnie slammed into the wall some. “I’m so sorry.” He said his voice in a panic, so very happy for the darkness. “I . . . I should have asked if it was okay first. I know . . I said I wouldn’t kiss you again since that day. I’m sorry.”

Was it possible for a heart to stop completely, only to restart once more? Abram felt as if such had happened at his words. He… loved Abram back. Never in a lifetime had Abram considered such a thing in reality, barely letting fantasy edge at that idea. He would be at a loss of words only to feel Vinny’s lips against his once more, and this time he wasn’t the one initiating such a thing. He hadn’t a moment to react before Vinny would pull away, apologizing. Dread kicked in only for Abram to hear his words and he couldn’t help but laugh. “Vinny you really are such a fool. Don’t you know why that kiss had hurt me so? You were kissing me, yet… you were kissing another.” There were mixed emotions in that head of his at the return of such a memory, but he would push them away and reach out for Vinny once more, only to find air.


Vinnie was afraid, worried he might have hurt Adam again with such a move. Waiting for tears maybe, but over joyed he got a laugh instead. Then it was when Adam would call him a fool, he raised an eyebrow only for Adam to explain why it had hurt him, that it had hurt him. “But . . . weren’t you two always the same person?” That confused Vinnie a touch, he got the difference, but . . . that’s why it was so hard for him. Sure Eve was female in every sense, but . . . she had so much of Adam . . . no she WAS Adam . . . right? Vinnie had no clue Adam was reaching for him, or he would have allowed the boy to find him. Instead he just stayed put once more confused, he thought he had worked it out, no he knew he did. Did this mean Adam was confused at times when it came to these matters just as much as he did. “Did . . . did you first start to love me . . . as Eve?” He asked worried a touch.

Abram’s face would redden. “I’m not quite sure the difference, but I never caught you looking at me as myself the way you looked at me as Eve. To me you had separated the two” he would barley manage to say such thoughts out loud. Only for him to ask such a question. “I-I loved you long before Eve” once more Abram had to thank the darkness for his face was burning up, he could only imagine how he would look to Vinny now in such a state.


Vinnie couldn’t help but look down a bit in shame at Adam’s words. “To love you as a man is . . . no was . . . unheard of.” He said softly hoping these words didn’t hurt Adam as much as he thought they might. “For all I knew . . . you felt the same way . . . you only went after the fairer sex. Not that you don’t out do them and everyone else in every way gentle or not.” He muttered not sure how to put it, Adam was the fairest of them all when he wanted to be. Vinnie lightly hit his head up against the wall, where he was now, edged in the corner pretty much. “I guess . . . I guess I just . . . was . . . in denial.” He closed his eyes, the pain those words caused his heart alone. He didn’t want to hear Adam’s reaction, feared it more than anything really. At least Vinnie reasoned with himself, he finally managed to be honest with his friend about it. It was harsh and cruel, and it proved just how stupid he really was . . . but Adam deserved to know . . . right?

Abram couldn’t be hurt by Vinny’s words. After all a long time ago he had thought similar things when he first realized his own feelings. But he’s a boy… but I love him. How could he blame the one he loved for taking longer to process when the end result was the same? He would smile at Vinny’s odd compliment only to hear some sort of movement on the other side. He would carefully try to step towards Vinny, having no idea where he was, only to practically fall into him. “Say the words… can you say it for me?” surly Vinny could say that he loved him now right, he had so much as admitted it, and it seemed that he had wrapped his head around it now. It might be selfish of him now, but he so wanted to hear those words come from his mouth.


Vinnie couldn’t help laugh some as he felt Adam pretty much fall on or near him. Gently he would take both his hands even his hurting one to help him up, closer even if need be. Once more there was a deep blush feeling the boys face and a surprised look that Adam would ask such a thing from him so soon. Hesitating, he didn’t find it right for the first time he said those words to Adam to be some stuffy closet. Instead he would stand helping Adam up even the best he could to open the door. They both probably looked a tad a mess, Vinnie’s hair having bits of dry blood in it where he ran his hand through it; down and sloppy like he usually kept it. He would reach out his hand for Adam’s a smirk on his face, the fool was up to something as always.

Once he was out and they were both in the light he would turn to Adam gently taken his hands in his own. “Eve there is something I have to tell you.” He knew some were probably looking and assuming the worse since they both came from the closet looking worse for wear. “I can’t see you anymore.” His words were serious although he couldn’t help smirk while saying so. “You see . . . another has stolen my heart away when we both least expected it.” At that he would pull back and face as many people as he could if there were looking or not. “All you, I have something to announce. I am in love with Abram Adam Sainclair!” The fool, the idiot, he would actually yell the last part as loud as he could so that everyone he could get to hear would hear it.

Reverie found that she enjoyed dancing with Xavior. It had been so long since she had danced with anyone, that she was happy to be able to do so again. Yet this felt different too. She was enjoying not only the dance itself and how it felt to be able to dance again, but her partner as well. She was happy that it was Xavior who she was dancing with. Not that she would say so outloud.

"You dance quite well for someone who hasn't done it before," Reverie commented, her tone light and happy.
Xavior would have sworn that Reverie was also enjoying the dance. When she complimented him, he replied in a bit of a happy tone, "In my plantation, we had to learn fast to survive." He smiled some. "You're not bad either, but it's obvious you've done this many times."
"I have. I was taught dances when I was younger," Reverie said as they continued their dance. "But I have yet to dance since I turned around what humans would consider fourteen. It is nice to be doing it again."

Reverie moved a little closer, trying to slowly let Xavior lead the dance.
Turning to Tress, Jennifer smiled softly, but it was a sad, melancholy smile. "Master Alexander Fargo," she replied gently. Her crystal blue eyes searched the crowds for a few moments before finally spying him off to the side, watching the dancers. "There he is," she pointed him out with a timid wave of her hand. Her heart sagged as she saw his expression. He lonely and solemn. Jenny clasped her hands together, her brow furrowing. No. She couldn't go to him. Not after what had happened the day before... Besides, he had his new "fiance" to tend to, didn't he? Surely, his attention would be on her and not Jenny, a meager serf. Sighing, she gazed at him for quite some time before looking away back to Tress. "I apologize. I'm just not...not feeling myself today," she explained, rubbing her arm.

Hearing the announcement, Jennifer turned her head to see a vampire, one by the name of Vincent she remembered. And did he just say he was in love with...with Abram?? Her eyes widened. That Abram? The one she'd run into earlier? The guy dressed as a girl? She suddenly felt dizzy, wondering if she was really in a dream this whole time. The incident with Xander, running into a man dressed as a lady, now this announcement that a man was in love with another man? Groaning softly, she reached up and rubbed her forehead. This was just too much to handle for one girl. That was it, she was merely dreaming back home asleep in her warm bed at Alexander's mansion; that had to be it. Didn't it?

At that thought, Jenny allowed herself to think back to that last evening. She'd...felt something when Alexander had caught her in his warm embrace, pulling her body close to his. But why...? Why would she feel that way around...around a vampire? Nothing made sense. Vampires were evil and cruel, no matter how kind they were to their serfs, they still held them in bondage. She hated herself for even allowing the very idea to enter her head. She'd been letting herself get too close to her master...
"I bet you hated those lessons... I know I would..." Xavior explained. He then felt her shift a little, now putting him in the lead. Now that he had gotten used to dancing, he was glad to take the lead.
Tress smiled at Jennifer as she pointed out her master. He looked over and was surprised to see him all alone. He would have thought a vampire, any vampire, would be talking or with someone.

"No it is okay. I am just happy at the chance to talk to anyone really besides my Lady." Tress though was surprised by the sudden announcement. A man loving It seemed ridiculous and outrageous as well, but Tress kept silent about it. After all it was vampires. It should be none of his business.

"Well none of my partners were quite as good as you," Reverie said with a soft smile. She could barely remember them, but she enjoyed complimenting her serf. Seeing him get flustered sometimes was fun. "But I didn't mind them too much. Thankfully as I aged I have been able to make more of my own choices."

Still not all of them, Reverie thought when she remembered her engagement or now ex-engagement. Her mother still had a hold over her in some way.
Jennifer shook her head, dispersing her brooding thoughts as Tress responded. She clasped her hands together in front of her, thinking for a moment. Glancing over her shoulder once more, she looked at Alexander and frowned, feeling almost abandoned inside. "I don't need him...I don't need anybody..." she thought to herself in resentment. Turning back to Tress, she lifted her chin, meeting his gaze. "Pardon me for asking...but would...would you dance with me?" she asked timidly, her face growing slightly red in embarrassment and shyness, "I...I've really been wanting to dance for some time now but...I-I can't go out there by myself...." If Alexander wouldn't even make an attempt to look at her, she would just find someone else to dance with. Reaching up, she tucked the soft curls around her face behind her ears as she awaited the other serf's answer. Is this really what she'd come to? Revenge against her own master? "No, of course not. I'm just going to show him that I can have a good time without him," she told herself mentally, taking a deep breath.
Tress was startled by Jennifer's asking him to dance. He wasn't that good of a dancer and it was a little sudden. Still he wouldn't mind. Jennifer was beautiful, though not as beautiful as Marque.

"Sure. I would be happy to dance with you as long as you don't mind me messing up a bit," Tress said with a small smile. He could sense nothing of Jennifer's desire to somehow get back at Xander for ignoring her, but even if it was obvious Tress might miss it unless she said it directly. He was still somewhat slow.
"Oh, no worries. I don't mind at all, a-and I promise I'll get out of your hair as soon as it's done," Jennifer answered, smiling. She couldn't believe he actually said yes. Growing up in rejection, by vampires just from being a human, she was always expecting the worse, so it surprised and gladdened her when something turned out right for a chance. Grasping the folds of her skirt, she curtsied politely, her long, black hair rippling over her shoulders. "I am honored to have this dance, young Sir," she spoke up, smiling softly. She hesitated at first, but then extended her arm for him to take, still very nervous. Her throat was dry, never having danced in front of this many people before, but she was determined.

If Tress would take her arm, Jenny would lightly walk out onto the dance floor just as one song was ending and another was beginning. It was a faster paced song, lively and animated, and she quickly picked up the beat, her feet moving swiftly in sync with the beautiful violin music. She looked up at Tress's face, smiling a bit, then looked away, still embarrassed slightly. She was careful not to do anything complex, for Tress had said he wasn't a master at the activity, but still allowed herself to have a good time, the music partly filling the void Alexander had left. However, deep at the back of her mind, she wondered why he wasn't with his fiance.

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