Ambrose a Vampire RP

Amber couldn’t help but to study the beauty before her before Timothy would push her forward and introduce the two. She would force a smile to her face and curtsy “It’s a pleasure, Ma’am” she wanted to rip out her own tongue for acting the obedient lesser, but to keep him at ease she would at least try, for now. Stopping herself from taking a look at him as she noticed her head was starting to turn towards him her smile would falter before she corrected herself.

Tress nodded. He could understand that. Even with vampires, there was usually a distance between them. After all most vampires saw serfs as tools and meals than anything else. But he cared for Marque anyways.

Tress searched the crowd and pointed to her, "There she is. My Lady Marque. I..." Tress didn't know what to say. He felt in the minority, liking his vampire mistress. "What about your's?"

Reverie giggled a little more and rearranged Xavior's hands so that he was holding her correctly. "I guess I must be the man," Reverie said with a smile. "That is if you don't mind that I lead?"

It had been quite some time since she had danced with a partner, but Reverie had always favored things like dancing and poetry. So she was sure the moves would be easy to remember and do, even if they were opposite of what she was taught.

After awhile of pouting or whatever Vinnie was doing he would stand annoyed and determined. He was sick of this confusion Adam had left him with, and he needed some answer. Was it something Vinnie had done to hurt him? If so he was willing to do whatever it took to make it up. But . . . but if it was something else . . . if Adam was just playing game or getting him back for the past. It really wasn’t that funny and they needed a talk. Either way it looked like the option was to find him. Sides, the way Adam shined in a crowd it shouldn’t be that hard.

After a bit of searching he finally spotted him only to pause. He was with a lady . . . a very beautiful one at that. This sent mixed emotions through Vinnie for some reason and even he couldn’t pinpoint why. That mutt was there as well . . . he waited a far until Lynix would leave before trying to get closer. He wasn’t about to disturb them though but . . . darn it if the party wasn’t so loud . . . he wanted to hear then. He knew he couldn’t get closer though without easily being spotted so he watched from the crowd, facing the dancing but looking back a lot over his shoulder almost in wait.

Abram blinked and looked this girl over as she spoke, it sounded as if she were describing him almost to the T with these words alone. He noticed her falter and then she was to apologize for the mess earlier and he couldn’t help but to laugh. “Yes because me and Lyni-“ he would turn to his serf only to notice that he was indeed gone. “Lynix?” he would call out lightly, wondering where his pet had gone. Abram knew full well that he had told Lynix he could go off as he pleased, but he was the one that had wanted to come back to Illiana, to ‘play’ or whatnot. Perhaps he grew bored? With a shrug he would try to go back to what he said, “Anyway, I was hardly an innocent party earlier. In fact I’m quite glad we had a chance to meet alone… you see I don’t want to allow my parents to choose my path either. I already know where I want to end up in life”

Iliana nodded. "I can tell." she said. His heart seemed... Somewhere else. Or with someONE else. She knew the two of them would never love each other like their parents wanted them to. Maybe they could talk them out of it, since neither Abram nor Iliana were willing to cooperate. "And I understand, neither party was particularly kind in the situation. We were both twits." she smiled.
Abram laughed, perhaps he just might have made his first female friend, a bit late in the game perhaps. He would give himself a moment to take in her beauty and to consider it, but even though she seemed such a lovely lady there truly was nothing there, not like he had expected there to be, but sometimes he couldn’t help but to wonder. “To the undoing of our parents plans, may they always foil and never come true” all he needed was a fine drink and he would have had a beautiful toast.

Iliana grinned. "Agreed!" she said. She was happy that if she had to be wed, it was at least someone she could get along eith, but it didn't make her any less opposed to being married off in the first place. Abram was a nice person, but if she was to be married she would want someone with a certain... Something. Abram was a very nice Vampire once you got to talking to him, but whatever she was looking for wasn't there. He could never be more than a friend, even if he became her husband. "Where has, ummm..." she realized she didn't know the name of the rude human boy from before. "Your Serf?"
Xavior blushed a bit out of embarrassment, being in the female's role. It took him some time to master the steps, but soon he figured it out, and the two were soon dancing quite smoothly. The whole time, however, Xavior was looking down at his feet a bit awkwardly. He was dancing, finally; something he thought would be difficult for him to master, but he was doing it. Of course, in reality, it was as simple as right, step, left, step.
"Lynix" he would assist her with the name."I haven't the slightest idea" Abram would rub the back of his head with a slight laugh. Only for his gaze to drift up as he started to think of the trouble he might get into. "Perhaps I should see what he's off getting into... He can be a bit, well you know" he laughed as if Lynix's behavior were an enjoyable thing before reaching for her hand with his own. "It truly was a pleasure" his parting words as he pulled away, trying to locate his pet, not to stop him persay, but just to make sure he wasn't into any trouble.

Iliana watched Abram's eyes search the room. He seemed to know that Lynix would be fine on his own, but that he was still quite a trouble maker. Abram dismissed himself. "It was nice meeting you as well." Iliana said sweetly before he departed. Once he'd left, she decided to go get some refreshments, maybe punch or even some wine, depending on what was being served to the guests. She walked to that area, excusing herself as she passed by a male - whom she didn't even realize was Lynix himself - and a small girl who looked much too young for this party. Iliana got some wine and headed off to watch the people dancing in the ballroom.
Vinnie hesitated at first when he saw Adam finally break off from the girl. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath to follow. "Eve." he called out softly, he would have used the name Adam but he didn't want to ruin his friend's cover. "Is it me, or does it seems that we might be stuck playing a game of chase with each other for the rest of our lives?" He was serious with those words frowning as he tried to catch Adam by the eye. "Do you really plan to keep running from me?"
Even when Abram heard Vinny call for Eve, it still made his heart skip a beat. He would turn in the direction of his voice, for some reason frozen in place while the one he love approached him. His words were loaded and for some reason Abram couldn’t find a way to reply, there were just so many meanings to be interpreted from the question and the answer, he feared replying wrongly. Only for his eyes to be caught while being asked such a heart wrenching question. “No.” his voice was surprisingly firm “I’m here, and I’ll stay by your side as long as you’ll have me” his words might have overdone it, but alas that was Abram for you.


Vinnie would pause at Adam’s question before laughing some and going to hug the fool. “Did I do something wrong earlier? You . . . you took off so soon.” He was confused, and this was a crowded place . . . not as easy to talk to him as Adam in. “Come on.” He said softly before trying to find them a private area or room to talk in. Probably finally finding a closet, if Adam followed he would close the door behind chuckling some. This as bad as it sounded reminded him of his many make out sessions of his youth. “We need to talk don’t we?” He asked softly the darkness of the room making it almost impossible if not impossible to see each other.

Abram couldn’t help but smile when Vinny laughed, his laughter was always so beautiful to him, only to be pulled into a hug with wide eyes before he relaxed and embraced the one he cared for more than words could tell. “No, I-“ he was cut off when he broke the hug and led him away, surprised that he would bring him to a… closet of all places and would give him a quizzical look before going with it. The room was small and stuffed with hung clothing which pushed up against the now hesitant Abram. Here he was in a small enclosure with Vinny not inches from him, he could practically feel his breath on his face. “Yeah… I guess we do” he said softly, not knowing where to begin, or to what extent this talk would go. He just wanted to stay by Vinny’s side forever, and if he was to do that, he would have to risk it all in trying to keep it. Hardly fair if one may say so.


Vinnie didn’t mind the closeness or the dark after all he had probably seen the inside of many a closet. “Why did you run?” His voice grew soft it even manage to hold a more serious tone with it. He knew if he moved an inch or so he would probably be a bit too tightly pressed up against his friend for comfort. But . . . he also knew he couldn’t safely talk to Adam himself out there. Maybe to Eve in away, but in here all the looks were faded with the dark. “Was it something I did? Something I said?” He paused taken a deep question before asking his next question. “What . . . what had happened before you ran.” As he asked the question he would reach out to grab the door knob, just in case his friend decided to run again, trapping him in away.
For some reason the darkness was a comfort. Abram could be heard and not seen and perhaps if he ended having to say a truth not for Vinny’s ears, then he wouldn’t have to see the pained expression or whatever face that he may make at it. First question was easy “I was afraid” he could even answer it calmly, if not flatly trying to contain the emotion in his voice. Second question was easier than the first. “You did nothing wrong” with these words he would try to reach out for him, only for the final question to be asked. His heart skipped and he heard the doorknob be gripped “I kissed you.”

That of course left Vinnie all sorts of confused, and if he wasn’t in a stuffy dark closet he would be looking around in case others were spying. He would get closer if it wasn’t already starting to get weird enough with them both in there. That’s what he had thought had happen, he just couldn’t believe it. “. . . on the lips.” He would add softly after awhile fear gripping himself as well for some reason. “But . . . why? I thought . . . I thought that was something we both agreed was not allowed after that one night.” Why was his own heart starting to rush with these questions, it was all confusion. “And who was that pretty girl?” He paused only to lean forward to laugh some as something came to mind winching as he bumped his head against Adam by mistake. “You were . . . you were trying to scare away your fiancé with that kiss right? You forgot about what happened so long ago and it remebered when our lips brushed.” That all made perfectly sensed now, here he was worried over nothing. “If that’s it you shouldn’t have ran . . . I really didn’t mind.”
There was a silence and Abram feared the worse only for three small words to come from Vinny. Before he could even think of a reply Vinny would continue to speak, and remind him of the night all those years ago, the reminder itself enough to bring tears to Abram’s eyes. He had to ask why? What reason but the truth could Vinny possibly see? He wanted to tell him and when he tried to give him the real reason so that Vinny would open his eyes he would speak up about a girl… the one that Abram had been talking to? Had Vinny been watching him? Abram would wince as he felt Vinny’s head knock against his own, only to pull away and rub the sore spot, Vinny’s next words bringing him that much closer to death. He would do his best to regain himself while he felt a piercing… emptiness inside. “The one I’m supposed to marry” his voice sent chills up his own spine, why were his words so dark? “And you really don’t mind someone using you for your kisses?” his upset was easily heard through those words. Abram would smile, such a cruel smile, might as well stick the dagger the rest of the way in. “That wasn’t the reason. Care to guess again?”

Vinnie paused wondering why Adam was making such a big deal out of a simple kiss to the lips. “It’s not using, it’s just . . . I guess not as big of a deal to me as it seems to be to you.” It was when Adam said it wasn’t that reason Vinnie would glance up in surprise. He was not able to see his friend’s reaction to judge if it was a joke or not. He frowned deeply not liking this game at all, not liking how his insides felt like they were being twisted about. A pause and he would move forward to press against Adam, sick of this all by now. “You know this isn’t funny right.” He would move his hands the best he could to try to move and pin Adam against the back of the closet. “I’ve had enough of being yanked around, of our fights, of dealing with both you and Rosa over stupid stuff. Over us not even being able to talk about it because . . . because if we do you or I may run off, or not want to be friends anymore. Have we really started to grow so much apart Adam? To the point you can’t just tell me things ?” At that he would lean in to whisper in his ear still deeply annoyed. “or do you really think I’m that bad of a friend to not accept anything you might be hiding from me?”

Abram’s heart was aching from the words exchanged and knowing that there was only one resolution, and it’s outcome would be deadly. Abram would feel Vinny against him and let out a small gasp, unsure of where his head was without being able to see his face, his expressions. “I’m not laughing” he would say solemnly only to be shoved back against the wall. His heart would race, practically beating out of his chest, only for Vinny to tell him his every frustration of Abram’s secret that had slowly been unwinding and throwing them into chaos. His breathing was heavy, as if adrenaline were kicked in, and he could feel only Vinny’s hot breath as he spoke of friendship and hiding. “You do know I’ve been telling you for years, you just haven’t been listening” he would say and before Vinny had a chance to take his words and find a way around them he would press his lips up against his mouth and instead of an accidental chastity kiss, he would put in his every emotion that he had been afraid of feeling, his arms wrapping around Vinny automatically while trying to let his mouth and tongue do the talking. The kiss wasn’t rough, but it was raw, and even though he knew he would most likely regret this kiss for what it would do to their friendship, there was joy to be had in actually kissing the man he loved while he saw him for who we was instead of a stupid illusion. Pulling away, ragged breath Abram would speak up one last time. “I love you Vinny, it’s always been you. I’m not running, I promised you that I was done with that, but what about you, what about now?” his fierceness was lost and by the time he was asking about Vinny and what he would do his words were barely audible.


Vinnie wasn’t expecting that, he had expected to have to fight and tug at Adam till he was given an answer. He went on about telling him for years and then . . . suddenly he felt Adam’s lips on his. And he couldn’t help let it take his breath away. Something was wrong here, but deep down it was something he seemed to have wanted as well. He couldn’t reject it, not if it was from Adam, so he would accept it, and all Adam was willing to give or show him. Adam’s arms pulled him closer and he would find himself closing his eyes despite the fact it was already dark. His breathing heavy afterwards and of course Adam had to be all dramatic. He allowed it to remain silent for a long while before leaning forward and resting his forehead against Adam’s.

“First off . . . where did you learn to kiss like that.” The fool had to have a chuckle; it was hard to face such things without it. He stepped back the best he could then to give Adam his room. “Honestly . . . I . . . I’m not sure. I . . . I was trying to talk to you earlier about . . . well . . . since when were you interested in boys? And why didn’t you tell me that sooner?” Vinnie deeply enjoyed the kiss . . . and he couldn’t help wonder if that meant, he was interested in boys as well? He paused frowning; no . . . men never caught his eyes before. He sighed wishing there was a way to see Adam’s bright eyes sudden. He had to correct himself . . . most men never caught his eyes. There was another small chuckle, Adam had him running all sorts of circles. Before realizing something and his head perked up. “Ah . . . Adam . . . whatever you do please don’t start crying now . . . we can’t discuss this if you cry . . . I . . . I can’t do anything when you cry.” It was true . . . when Adam cried all Vinnie wanted to do was to make him smile again somehow, any way he could think of even.

Abram was prepared for any and every reaction, yet not ready for a single one. In the silence he heard nothing but his own pounding heart and uneven breathing. Then there was a touch to his forehead as Vinny leaned against him. This was… not bad right? At his question Abram would redden greatly, glad for the darkness that could conceal such a reaction on his part. His words were confusion to Abram’s ears. He wasn’t sure about what was going on, or about his own feelings, or about how he felt about the whole thing? “It’s… not like that” he would try to reply when he asked about his interest in the same sex. “I never saw women, I never saw men, I only saw Vinny” how pathetic his words sounded to him, and they came from his own mouth, he couldn’t help but think of what Vinny would think of such a thing, but he had asked for truths so he would give that now. “I-I’ve tried somewhat, but” but what? It was a lot easier hiding such feelings to stay by your side than to say such things only to lose you? As the tears began to fall Vinny would beg him not to cry, which would only make the tears fall faster, stupid Vinny, he could see his tears without even using his eyes. “I-I’m not crying” he would say, his voice shaky despite efforts to keep it calm and neutral.


Vinnie listened as carefully as he could, after all their ears and touch was all they had in such darkness. A deep blush crossed his face when Adam spoke of not seeing sex but just him. How stupid he felt . . . that . . . that was how he was like with Adam really. If he could he would reach out and try to pull Adam into a tight hug, an almost clinging hug. A gently chuckle leaving his lips. “You’re lying to me now?” He said softly whispering into his ears but holding his friend close. “I’m . . . I’m just confused is all. I . . . I was trying to talk it over with you earlier.” He sighed he really couldn’t go on with Adam crying, so instead he would gently feel around for Adam’s face before leaning in to gently try to kiss away his tears. “Please don’t cry.” He would beg the man softly keeping close to him now; he wasn’t going to leave . . . no matter what the outcome he was going to stay near Adam. “I’ll do whatever you want . . . just don’t cry alright? I can’t seem to think of anything but trying to make you happy when you cry.” He knew he sounded stupid and foolish, but it was the truth, when Adam cried his tears flooded the rest of the world from Vinnie’s sight.

Abram would be pulled into Vinny’s warm embrace and the saying ‘so happy I could die’ suddenly made so much sense to him. But of course Vinny knew he was crying, he always knew. “Sorry” he would say softly, for some reason it was always hard to cry in Vinny’s arms and he found the tears stopping while Vinny would kiss away his tears as always. Slowly his words and kindness sank in. Surly Vinny hadn’t professed his undying love, but he wasn’t telling him he never wanted to see him again, or freaking out, aside form typical Vinny fashion at least. Did this mean… that even if Vinny didn’t love him, he still accepted Abram, and his feelings? That in itself… there were no words for how happy this made him. Still unsure of where they stood now, he would only hold tightly to Vinny and bury his head into his chest. Well at least the tears stopped.


When Adam buried his head in Vinnie’s chest, Vinnie would move so that he could lean with his back against the wall again. His arms keeping Adam close, and after awhile he would gently stroke the other’s hair. This was weird . . . this was two weird and almost cruel in Vinnie’s eyes. He knew Adam had stopped crying but he was fearful if he spoke it might start up again. Still he knew he needed to continue despite the fear in his heart.

“Adam . . .” he would start again softly, his thoughts making him feel like a fool. How was he to explain to the man now that he had always came first in his life since the first time he met him? That there had been many times he would drop everything at any excuse to see him; that he would drop everything just to be by his side, or because Adam may need him. A light sigh left his lips as he knew he was letting the silence linger again. How was he to tell this boy that . . . his words earlier . . . they matched how he felt? In these feelings he always had for Adam there was no male, no female, just Adam.

Closing his eyes he would just squeeze the boy tightly, now he was feeling like he should cry. How long has Adam been like this and he foolishly pushed it off or not known. “I’m sorry.” He spoke softly after awhile; this was his entire fault, all his fault for being so stupid. Being in love with a man was unheard of where he came from . . . it made no sense, but the more he thought about it. The more he thought about how Adam always came first in ways.

He trembled lightly in fear even, and he couldn’t help but to let the warm tears start to slowly leave his eyes. “It was only today I think it was starting to set in. That . . . that Eve was possibly the closes I could get to you . . .” He allowed himself to cut his own sentence off. Damn it Adam, even saying that much was hard to do. Here the boy could so easily exclaim feelings, so easily put into words how he felt or how things were. Vinnie never could do that, not really, everything had to be covered with many shades, and everything had a possible joke. He had never lived in a way he could learn it to be different. Closes thing to seeing feelings were Adam and even he went along with the jokes, or cried whenever Vinnie tried too at times which of course broke that down from happening.


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