Ambrose a Vampire RP

Xavior looked to Reverie in puzzlement when she had laughed, only to cover up the evidence that she ever had. "You should laugh more often..." He then stood and turned to the other dancers, trying to gather some idea of how to begin. Swallowing he awkwardly took Reverie's hand into his, underestimate of what to do with the other. He truly was out of his element, and the thought of dancing with a vampire almost frightened him. Almost. "So... How does this go?" He asked.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Kew's expression turned to one of seriousness when Lily expressed her concern. "I must start somewhere... I know the situation at hand... And I'll be willing to put my life down for it... Besides, if I am disowned or shunned.... I know of someone who will provide us with a roof over our head and plenty to eat."

Kew glanced around to observe her surroundings. Most seemed to have a good time; she spotted a Vampire with her serf, teaching him to dance. She saw serfs dancing with others, and she saw Vinnie with whom she truly suspected was Abram. But... Xander wasn't in sight. Perhaps he had left...
Lily nodded. "Okay." she said. She saw how serious Kew became and knew she was sure about her decision. She couldn't help but wonder who she was looking for, and realized it must be Xander that she was searching for. Kew seemed very attached to the male Vampire, but Lily hoped she knew that she couldn't rely on someone to always be there for her just because they'd met a couple of times. "When are you going to make your speech?"
The place sure looked grand and exquisite. Too bad Amber didn’t really care for such things, though she had to admit it wasn’t a bad view, and once inside she saw that the attendees were an even grander view. Watching Timothy with an air of pride, she would remain at his side, keeping her own head up as well. These motions were easy enough to mock and she followed as he worked the crowd, greeting people so familiar to him yet unknown to her. ‘it’s their world after all’ her mind would remind her as she started to keep her distance some.

His demeanor would change in an instant as he caught sight of the entrance, only to whisper a name. Amber could feel her heart still at this and watched as the vampire made way towards them, no towards him. At not being greeted herself Amber would stay to the background, out of his way. Knowing what feeling was inside her chest did nothing to blunt the assault while she watched the pair flirt back and forth. She heard the word marriage, ever sarcastically and yet her head began to spin still. She knew enough that attraction could be deadly, hell her last one almost took her life. Yet here she was ever the fool while jealously danced around her whilst she wanted nothing to do with the word love or any of it’s barbaric friends. She would quickly and quietly excuse herself to the bathroom, yet somehow ended up outside of the party sitting at a bench and looking out into the sky. It was too much to be alone in such a crowded place with all those vampires, no who was she kidding anymore, it was the men that put her at such unease.

The vampirette turned back to Lily. "Not for a while..." She stated. "I'll have to study politics before I make any such speeches..." She sighed and found a nice quiet place to sit in. "My father is involved with politics... I believe I can learn from him." She murmured. "He's never around, but when he is, he's nicer to me than anyone else."
Timothy's vivid emerald green eyes searched Marque's face for a moment when she mentioned spending their lives together, but then relaxed as he saw she was being slightly sarcastic. In truth, he feared the idea of marriage. Of course he liked Marque and could not deny he was attracted towards her natural beauty, her glowing, ebony skin and glassy, bright eyes no doubt intrigued him, but they had been close friends as children and it was hard to see her any different now. "Indeed, you have," he replied, "You are no more that stubborn little girl I knew as a child, but instead a fully grown young lady. However, I still think you've retained a bit of your wild spirit." At that, he would chuckle softly. Turning his head, his eyes searched for his serf, for she gave him a sense of comfort in nervous situations for some reason but was started to see she had vanished. He looked around the room, trying to catch a glimpse of her long hair or a fold of her brilliant green dress.

"Well it seems I am at a loss here. I would have introduced you to my serf, but she seems to have disappeared on me," Timothy remarked slightly jokingly, rubbing the back of his neck, "Some master I've become. Can't even keep track of my own life support." Facing his fiance, he bowed at the waist slightly. "Excuse me, my fair lady, but I should go see what she's up to. She's a bit of a wild one, and I'd hate to find her in a mess of trouble. I shall return," he told her with an air of sarcasm and a subtle grin appearing at the corner of his normally stern lips. With that, he straightened up and strolled off. As soon as he was out of Marque's sight, worry gripped him and he quickened his pace. His eyes searched the crowds but Amber seemed to have vanished completely.

By a stroke of luck, the young nobleman happened to glance out a window and spot the top of her head outside. Breathing a sigh of relief, he discreetly slipped out the front door and approached Amber quietly. "I must say, that was pretty impressive being able to sneak off without me noticing," he praised her, shaking his head and laughing slightly. Standing beside her, he looked down at his serf, quite beautiful in the exquisite dress. "Is there something wrong?" he asked, his light mood disappearing seeing she seemed to be in a depressed state of mind.
Amber would jump at the unexpected voice and turn only to see his face. She would feel her face redden and try to look away quickly before he saw such an embarrassing thing. Oh why did she have to feel attracted to him of all others? Perhaps she was over-thinking it already but she could only imagine if her feelings were to grow as feelings usually did, to be bound to one but not in the way you wanted. And if he were to marry another on top of it… Amber felt such a fool to let her defenses down so, without even realizing it.

“You know I managed to run away a few times” she would laugh lightly “Never for more than a few days before I was found, I must say I’m impressed you found me so quickly” she couldn’t help but smile at her tease, even if she hadn’t been deliberately running away from him, she had still fled from him in one way or another, and he had actually come to find her. A thought would register and she would turn around “Where’s your… that woman?” she stumbled upon words to use but for some reason fiancé just couldn’t be said, not by her mouth, not to him of another.

Lily sighed a breath of relief. She thought that Kew was giving said speech tonight, and had been worried about the coming of age party coming to a crashing halt because of it. When Kew said she was going to study politics for awhile before doing any such thing, Lily thought maybe just maybe there was a chance of it working. Kew was smart, and if she studied long enough and hard enough then chances were that she may just be able to abolish this slavery of humans.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Iliana finally decided she could go inside. She would just avoid the people from earlier, and most definitely avoid her parents, whom she didn't want to speak to at the moment - or any moment in the near future, for that matter. She decided to make the best of it for now and rebel later. Certainly she could talk her parents into calling off the marriage, and then she would never have to see the people from earlier again. If the guy she'd spoken to was not Abram, then where was this person to whom she was to be married? Certainly it was an important enough matter for the man himself to show up rather than send someone else. She couldn't help but wonder who the woman was as well, unless.... no, that was silly. That was clearly a female, and there was no way that was Abram. She couldn't help but glance over to the 'woman' as she walked into the ballroom. She looked feminine enough, but once she got to thinking about it, Iliana knew something was off.

Her future husband was a crossdresser?!

Her parents would never live this down. Under no circumstances would Iliana ever marry someone who dressed as a woman. That was preposterous. She let out a shudder. Her parents must be absolutely loony to try to marry their daughter off to a man who looked like he was also someone's daughter. And why didn't anyone tell Iliana that the woman in the pretty evening gown was actually the man she was doomed to spend eternity with?? That meant that the male in actual male clothes must have been the feminine man's Serf. Iliana was immediately outraged that a SERF, a lowly pet, would have the nerve to speak to a Vampire in that way! Sure, Iliana herself tried to treat her Serfs in a dignified manner, but that did not give them the right to call their master's future wife a 'shrew'.


Vinnie was still searching for the words, still trying to explain only for Adam to start to cry. Now wasn’t the time then, not if it hurt or scared Adam too much to hear. Gently he would move a hand up to wipe away the tears. He would apologize, but he wasn’t one to try to apologize without a real reason. “Adam . . .” his voice called to him softly, confused, only to lean in to kiss the salty tears away. A small smirk, a small tease passed his lips. “I’ll stay here kissing them always all night if I have too.” Gently he lifted a hand to stroke his cheek, he didn’t want Eve at this moment, he wanted his friend, he wanted his friend happy. Why had he been so foolish before to try to search out the confusion of the day there, why had he thought to drag and see if Adam could help him do so.

Jennifer gave a nervous smile towards Tress and she nodded. "I understand. I've been...solitary most of my life. I've never really talked to any others besides my Master. And even then, we...we don't really have conversations...," she explained quietly, her eyes searching his face for a moment then looking elsewhere. "Who is your Lady, may I ask?" she then inquired softly, hoping Tress wasn't offended by the simple question. She knew very well some serfs hated their vampire oppressors, and so she was always cautious in that area. An upbeat tune was struck up by the band that played and Jenny couldn't help but at least sway her hand to the beat, maybe even tapping her foot quietly. She smiled out at the dance floor, watching the slow, swaying movements suddenly turn to lively gestures, claps, and spins.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Timothy scowled at Amber's choice in words. "That woman, is fiance. And even if she weren't, you should still treat her with dignity and respect as a superior," he snapped lightly, though his tongue stumbled over the word fiance, as if he'd never spoken the word before. Taking a deep breath, he sat down beside her and clasped his hands in front of him after running his fingers through his black locks. "I was hoping to introduce you to her, but you fled so fast," he remarked, keeping his eyes straight ahead at the scenery. At her comment about noticing she was gone, the harshness melted away somewhat and he managed a strained smile. "I assure you, nothing escapes me, my young serf," he stated calmly, "I advise you don't hide things from me, because sooner or later, I always find out and it is most often easier to tell me up front than wait until I seek it out myself." Reaching out, he hesitated, but then softly placed his hands upon her chin and turned her head to face him. "Did something happen that I'm not aware of?" he asked, looking into her eyes with his piercing green ones, afraid that one of the more snobby vampires had laid a hand on her for some stupid reason that he didn't know about.
Abram felt so weak, defenseless against the one before him. He had no barrier save one, his secret he meant to keep until the day he died. A warm hand would wipe away his tears and as it pulled away he could feel himself wishing that it hadn’t. The touch of a hand would be replaced with that of gentle lips as his dearest kissed away the remainder of the tears. Not so surprisingly Abram’s tears stopped at that with widened eyes for such a tease, oh how his actions split him in two. Yet he couldn’t help but to lean into his beloved’s hand, looking into the eyes of the one he loved so. His glance would drift to those of his lips, only mere inches away from his own. He felt the desire to kiss said lips, and without thinking Abram would taste his own salty tears as his lips brushed against Vinny’s. Already too late Abram would pull back, horror on his face for doing such a thing, for letting him slip so. And even though it was him that had pushed his own lips up against his, it was Abram who put his fingers to his lips in shock and would pull away, planning on getting lost in the crowd before making his way out of there, fearful for the words that would come from his lips now. Fearful of the rejection he couldn’t handle.


All poor Vinnie knew was he was comforting Adam the best he could. He was managing to cheer him up some, the tears stopping at least. He would give a little smile at that alone, and gently rub Adam’s cheek as he leaned it more against his hand. The brush of a kiss of chastity though deeply surprised Vinnie and without thinking he would stumble back and fall. What . . . what was that? Did he just imagine that? The look on Adam’s face tore him deeply inside, why would he have such a look like that afterwards. What happened? Of course then Adam would start to run, and leave Vinnie stumbling to his feet. “Ad . . . “ no he couldn’t cry that name out so loud, couldn’t spoil his friend’s fun. “Wait! Please.”

He would try to follow but by the time he had managed to get to his feet his friend was probably long gone. Instead he found himself sitting down slowly, ever so more confused on what happened. Was that a kiss? It couldn’t have been . . . he was the first to make such a foolish mistake, and it hurt Adam so badly . . . he . . . he promised it wouldn’t happen again. Trying to pull the scene together that just played, he was sure Adam . . . was the first to . . . Vinnie didn’t even have time to respond either. Then why . . . why did he feel bad? Why did he feel it was like the other night all over again, where he was the one who should be blamed?

Amber would flinch at his snap, it was most unexpected and threw her back some. Then again, she hadn’t expected herself to speak harshly of the other, or for her words to be taken that way, but it made sense for him to be protective of the one he was to wed. “Yes sir, your fiance” she would call him sir for the first time now, only to contain some anger of her own beneath her words.

As he sat beside her she cursed her heart for pounding at such a simple action and found herself unable to look at him, her own fingers intertwined as her thumbs twirled slowly as if stating to the world her unrest. His words would bring to Amber a fear, was her foolishness so easily red? She had only recently discovered herself not a few hours ago, had he been watching her and mocking her so, trying to rifle her up now? The thought was brushed back as soon as she thought it, this one wasn’t cruel. But still the question remained, did he know? At his touch she could feel her face reddening. No, he couldn’t know, not and touch her still so casually. She would shake her head quickly at his question “N-no… I just… needed air to breathe. The air was so stale inside” the best lie was one told in full truth.

As the party continued, the vampirette slowly became weaker and weaker, throughout the night. She hated the taste of blood, unlike most Vampires and only drank enough to keep her alive. She also kept in the shadows, hoping that no one but her serf would disturb her. She watched the blur of the people dancing, and the faint glow of the light. In her somewhat trance-like state, she observed much of what was going on. She became weaker, still. But she knew that if she was to retire to her chambers, her mother and family would scold her.
Abram would stumble through the room, scanning for the familiar face of Lynix in the crowd, and when he finally saw his serf he would see that he was near the fireplace, with another? Abram couldn’t help but laugh at this when he neared cautiously, only to find out it was Rosa, but of course his serf would be there, and to see there was an air over the pair that was far from friendly. Perhaps he needs saved as much as I do, Abram would think as he made sure to come to the pair as calmly as he could. After all this girl before him seemed the type that might report to Vinny about the smallest of details. He couldn’t allow his dearest to know of the storm raging in his heart at the moment, then again it may be too late now. By the time he reached Lynix his face lacking of emotion aside from the heartbreak he couldn’t hide in his eyes. “Care to leave?” he would ask interrupting the pair, glancing to Lynix, hoping that he was willing and they could leave before he had the chance to bump into Vinny once more.

Timothy furrowed his brow slightly at her response, wondering if it was the whole truth. He suspected she was hiding something from him, but decided not to prod her at this time; after all, he already knew she was very nervous around other vampires and here they were, among an entire party of them. Gently, he let go of her chin when she shook her head, then turned his eyes to the far off distance. "This marriage...between myself and was arranged by our parents. We were so young when we were presented with the prospect, and didn't think much of it. We were nearly best friends and it was a game to us. Yet now, here we are....close to the real thing," he found himself explaining. Why was he opening up his feelings to this girl, a mere serf? Why did he feel so comfortable and at ease around her. Normally, he couldn't talk to anybody about his past or what he was feeling inside, not even Martin or Hanna, yet this...this girl seemed to see right through him, making him feel he had nothing to hide. "I...I don't know what to think of this marriage personally... It's perfectly logical, yet so awkward," he would continue if she seemed to take an interest, lifting his gaze to the cloudless sky, "Maybe it's because...after what happened to my parents, I feel I have to make it up to them somehow, to continue and fulfill their wishes, like this arrangement. It's....troubling."
< Iliana>

Lynix looked up as his master came to him a touch surprised. Wasn’t it too early for them to leave? Something was wrong, he didn’t have a smile . . . had things just grew worse between the two. Why couldn’t his foolish master find someone much more suited? Given one more glare to Rosa, Lynix moved to join his master, his eyes scanning the room looking for Vinnie, wanting to give him a swift swing to the gut.

Instead though . . . he spotted the shrew from before, and he couldn’t help let a slight sigh leave his lips. Maybe she would be better than someone who could continually break his master’s heart. “Master, it’s the shrew!” he said slightly excited despite himself. “Can we please go play with her some more?” His eyes remaining on Iliana, they was something dainty about that fiery beast . . . something that reminded him of Adam some but he couldn’t place his finger on it. Not that he would ever admit such things out loud of course.
Amber’s mouth would open in shock when Timothy started to open up to her about such things. It seemed so rare for him to open up in general; even Hanna had been shocked when he had told her of his parents. She couldn’t help but to feel relieved by how he felt, yet conflicted in that same relief, knowing what little she knew of love and devotion and how it could tear you in two. She felt as if she had to ease him of this pain, or at least try to help some. “From what I can tell you seemed to have good parents.” She didn’t know much of parents aside from what he had told her long ago, after all what good was letting slaves raise their children instead of doing their jobs? “They loved you didn’t they?” perhaps the poor girl was in over hear head trying to talk of such things, but alas she had to try. “Loving someone is wanting their happiness. As you want to make them happy still, perhaps they were trying to safeguard your happiness in a way they best knew how… but if it doesn’t make you happy wouldn’t that hurt them instead?” she would sigh, why was it so hard to articulate about such things? Her face would redden in frustration “Forget it… these things, I’m just no good with them.”

Rosa watched him curiously; his reaction although odd was not out of character. It didn’t seem as if the cryptic answer had set him off, it was almost like the praise had made him upset. His statement reminded her of the thoughts that often blurred through her mind and if repeated to her Master made him furious. She started to reach out a hand to rest on his shoulder but retracted it at the last second unsure of how he may react. So she ended up just standing there, waiting for whatever came next. Which ended up being Miss Eve’s arrival and their departure, of course she was shut a nasty look but that was to be expected.

This left her alone and at this moment she was not about to go off in search of her Master and beg for his approval. No if he wanted that he had missed his opportunity because now he was going to get it. She would wake when she pleased, do only her laundry, never touch a thing in his room and if he thought she was going to run his business he had another think coming. Yes the idea of this outright misbehavior and laziness scared Rosa but she needed to show him that she could be her own annoying selfish person who never lifted a finger to help him.

With that thought in mind she swept herself back into the ballroom and found a lone serf she had seen dancing earlier “Dance with me,” she whispered in his surprised ear and they did. Rosa moved lithely across the floor, spinning twisting, and curling to the music but all the while staying away from the vampires. She might have the courage to “show” her Master but other vampires were another story.
Lily stayed by Kew's side the entire evening. She knew that the girl wasn't feeling well, and only wished she knew how to be of assistance. Lily would offer her blood but she knew that Kew would refuse it, even if she was growing weaker by the minute. Finally Lily asked anywah, hating to see her Mistress slumped over in a corner when she should be enjoying her coming of age ball.

Bret smiled at the new serf by the name of Tress seeing that he like many of the other serfs didn’t do well in crowds. But who could blame the guy, when you are locked up in a stall with little to any good interactions a crowd of people was new and foreign. Bret was secretly a little uncomfortable but he hid it well by constantly knowing an escape. At this moment if he needed to get away he could just slip into the crowd of people right behind him and exit through a cracked window and off into the night he would go.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Marque watched her future husband walk away and felt no pull to follow him. Shouldn’t she want to follow him, be with him every moment of the day or was that all made up. Than again she had never said she was in love with him but maybe that would change. With a sigh the Vampiress stood taking in the scene now alone…again. “Well that was fun while it lasted,” she muttered making her way through the crowds pausing every few moments to say hello. Marque knew that once she found a conversation or vampire that interested her she would pause but until than she would just flit about the room.
Jennifer glanced to the two serfs who now accompanied her, wondering if either of them knew how to dance. Immediately though, she tucked that notion away. No, that was stupid... Besides, Jenny was really too shy to ask another to dance. Looking at the dancing couples out on the floor, though, her longing to be out there moving to the music increased. Trying to get her mind off it, she turned away from the dance floor. Her eyes searched over Bret absentmindedly. Her heart throbbed softly at his condition. Obviously, he'd been eating well and had a good place the live for the past few days, but his scars were many. He must have been beaten over and over and over again before being thrown back into his stall. As the case was at most plantations, the vampires more often beat the male serfs much severer than the girls, because males tended to resist much more. It was in their blood to be leaders and the vampires had to snuff it out of them... Gesturing softly to his scars, she said quietly, "I'm sorry they abused you so..."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Timothy stared at his serf for a moment, astonished by the wisdom that came from her mouth. She couldn't possibly be speaking from experience, yet she almost seemed to understand. When she became frustrated and flustered, Timothy shook his head. "No, please don't beat yourself up about it. You actually...helped, I think," he replied, rising to his feet. He smiled down at her, then offered his hand. "Well, shall I go introduce you to my fiance? Of course, I can always call the marriage off...but for now, I'm going to try not to worry over it. Don't worry, she's a kind soul, there's nothing to fear from her," he told her, lifting her to her own feet if she allowed.

The nobleman would then regain his regal air and lead Amber back into the mansion. Going back to the place he had last left Marque, he sighed in exasperation seeing she was gone. "What is it with women and staying in one place?" he murmured under his breath, rubbing his face with his free hand, "I suppose we shall just have to go find her." Shaking his head, he began to move around the mansion, keeping a sharp eye out for the dark skinned vampiress. She couldn't have gone far...
Abram would blink at Lynix’s sudden change in persona. He always kept Abram on his toes with that. He would be curious as to what type of interest he had taken in Illiana, and what exactly he had meant by play, but would shrug “I guess I do owe her a formal introduction in the least” he would allow Lynix to take the lead, not much in the mood for socializing, but perhaps a distraction was what was best.

Lynix couldn’t help give a slight smile when Abram agreed to go with him. He couldn’t just approach the female vampire alone after all. His head kept glancing back to his master as he lead away must like the mutt he was first known as. Making sure Abram was right behind him, and out of frustration for his master he would take his hand and even try to drag him more quickly before he lost the site of her. “Shrew! Ms. Shrew wait up! Don’t tell me you’re still running from me!” Yes Lynix didn't seem to care less if the whole ball heard him call her that as he tried to catch up with her.

Iliana's jaw dropped when she heard a familiar voice approaching. "You have got to be kidding me..." she grumbled. The two people she wanted to avoid the most, and they'd managed to track her down. On top of that, she'd seemed to have acquired a new Nickname, which she was none too happy about. She rolled her eyes a bit before turning towards Lynix and Abram. "What?" she asked, a very depressed and anxious look on her face.
Abram would practically lose Lynix in his excitement, only for his arm to be yanked practically from his socket as he called for her with a horrid nickname that had Abram smiling. But of course soon the dog would find his mark and his smile would falter when she seemed in such upset, perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea after all. He would glance to the culprit to say so only for Lynix to speak up before he managed to speak himself.Abram would practically lose Lynix in his excitement, only for his arm to be yanked practically from his socket as he called for her with a horrid nickname that had Abram smiling. But of course soon the dog would find his mark and his smile would falter when she seemed in such upset, perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea after all. He would glance to the culprit to say so only for Lynix to speak up before he managed to speak himself.


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