Ambrose a Vampire RP

Lily followed her Mistress back into the mansion, wondering who they would run into next. Kew hadn't mentioned what happened with her mother, so Lily didn't ask about it. Once they got back into the mansion she saw that everyone was here and the real party was about to start. "What now Miss Kew?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Iliana turned back to Lynix when he called her a shrew, momentarily at a loss for words. She didn't quite understand how her protesting made her a shrew, but she was always up for a good argument. "At least I didn't bring my current lady friend to meet my future wife." She said, motioning towards Abram. "I have the sense to focus on one mate at a time, unless of course this woman is your Serf?" she asked. "What is this, some sort of joke?" she asked. Surely she wasn't supposed to marry someone who clearly already had another woman with him. She still didn't understand what either family would gain from the marriage. She was definitely not ready to marry, much less to a stranger, and much much less to this person who'd called her a shrew for questioning her parents motives. She turned and gave one last glare to her parents, then Lynix, before leaving the room.
Abram watched their interaction in amusement, feeling proud that his Lynix was nice and improper like him. Wait, that was probably something not to be proud of, but he hated conformity. Oddly enough this Iliana would be questioning Lynix the same way he would be questioning her. So mutual benefit for the parents eh? Just what was it, and how could he stop his parents from trying such tricks again? He couldn’t help but laugh at Lynix’s comment as he said all he could say about the girl in one action. He disapproved. Before he could even introduce himself the girl would rant and rave then run off. Damn, she was feisty and he couldn’t help but approve of that. “Well it was a pleasure to meet you” he would tell the parents that were most likely as lacking as his own while leading Lynix back into the party. He thought of Vinny, wishing desperately that they weren’t fighting so that he could inform him as to the horrors his parents had thrown upon him. Wait… no couldn’t be, he pushed a dark thought away as he went to the dance floor, when in Rome after all.

Iliana stormed through the ballroom and outside to the back yard where the festivities were held earlier in the day. She sat down on a bench. She was incredibly glad no one was around as she wiped her eyes, which were watering. Her parents surely wouldn't make her marry that person after what just happened, right? They would know that there was no way the two of them could possibly get along, and they would call it off... Right?

Lynix blinked and looked at the vampire with surprised, did she REALLY still think he was Abram, even after her parents told her otherwise. Vampires were supposed to be smart, fast, better than serfs in anyway. He would grow red with anger at his word and his lip curled slightly. “I am not with her in that way! “ He was about to pounce her even just due to the fact she insulted Adam by calling him a serf. “You dimwitted shrew! You barge about without any thought foolishly stumbling in the dark!” He would stand and if it wasn’t for Abram he would probably try to strangle the vampire female. “You’re not worthy of Abram, you’re far from gentle enough, and your intellect is far below average!” He paused as Abram spoke up politely and motioned him to leave, looking confused as they filtered out on the dance floor. His thoughts still on the idiotic vampire they met before brooding deeply over it. “You really aren’t going to marry the shrew are you?”

Rosa did not realize her mistake until her Master spoke. She had in a very obvious way betrayed him and she should have none better. She belonged to him and even though he wanted her to be herself she must remain loyal to him and only him. This would probably mean in the future disregarding or doing the exact opposite of anything his family told her. By this her Master was long again, swept up by the swirl of people but she would find him later.

For a while she began to simply walk about the ball room her keen eyes searching and taking in the whole scene. She wanted to remember every moment of this day. This night where she became her own person even though she had not a clue whom that person was and it scared her. What if she didn’t like who she was or if she ended up displeasing her Master? While she stood by a large portrait a serf asked her if she might like to dance, Rosa paused and glanced over his shoulder trying to find her Master but there was nobody to ask but herself. The serf knew this was the first step and she needed to take it alone. “Yes, I would,” she extended her hand and she danced. She danced like she had never danced before letting the music grip her and sway her gracefully until she was out of breath.

When the song finally stopped and she had curtsied to her Master she glanced about the room until she found her Master. She caught his eye and walked over to a fireplace all the while holding him with her gaze. Then with a flourish of her wrist she tossed both the quill and the notebook into the blazing fire a small smile curling across her lips.

Sure Vinnie was scanning the room off and on, he had nothing else to do. Kew was a sweet girl but he wasn’t sure he was ready to face the party yet. When Rosa caught his eye, he would actually turn from her, and move into the crowd as if he was avoiding her. The last thing he wanted was her around at the moment. Not . . . not if she was going to spy on him to his family. Keeping her glance wasn’t going to happen, she had hurt him, Adam had hurt him, and he just wanted to escape somehow. His eyes glanced around looking for an out, any place, maybe a quiet room. Hell even a girl to pull over and kiss just long enough to lose those who may be keeping track of him would be nice enough. Grabbing the nearest woman by the hand not even looking at her he would say swiftly. "Dance with me?" Of course, glancing up a blush would cross his cheeks. The heavens must hate him, for of course the woman he asked would be his Eve.

Abram would look up to the voice that had startled him so only to see his Vinny attached to his hand. His face would redden and he would glance down at his dress. This right here was the reason he could never marry another. The only one that could make his chest beat so was here, and no one else could move him the way he could. Without a word he would place his arms around Vinny’s neck and would allow him to lead. Managing to look into his beloved’s eyes he would watch him until able to find his voice “I’m sorry” he would whisper softly, fighting his embarrassing girlish tendency of crying. Sometimes he wondered if Vinny heard his heart when it beat this fast, sometimes he wished he knew that it was beating this way for him. But to even say such a thing now would just be another part of this sick illusion of love, and he couldn’t stand to hear him profess to Eve which he wished he would feel for him.

The sight before Bret was like nothing he had ever seen before. It exuded wealth between the flashy golds and reds, the 9 foot painting and the subtle but enveloping orchestra that could make everyone move their feet. He took the steps carefully and before he could say anything to Illiana she was gone. She just disappeared leaving him to fend for himself in the masses. Well this should be interesting right? First things first he was thirsty and he wasn’t talking water. Bret wanted something that made him feel sharper but in reality probably dulled him down a bit.

He made his way through the crowd until he found the table from which serfs could eat and grasped a small glass filled with bubbly champagne. He took a sip of the bitter drink than gulped it not allowing himself to taste it. That was all for now but already Bret as feeling the effects, “That’s better,” he sighed his eyes searching for a pretty little thing to chat with.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Furious that he had flat out ignored him Rosa glanced about and with a quick hand pulled the journal out of the fire. Oh no he was not about to ruin he dramatic gesture. The book was only partially burned as she blew out the last wisps of fire that clung to the cover. The quill was long gone but the book was what mattered. “Jerk,” she huffed finding him in the crowd once again. But this time he was with a woman. Her blood pressure spiked with jealousy even if she didn’t know why. The serf could feel herself long to do something rash like rip the girl away from him but she wouldn’t humiliate her Master like that. “Fine I can do it again later but right now I need to find myself a dancing partner.”
Vinnie was willing to pull away, to run, to apologize for being so foolish. Only to notice the slight redden in Adam’s cheeks confused at what caused it. His two gained the rosy color when Adam placed a hand around his neck. Not quite sure he could meet Adam’s eyes though, it was when he heard sorry that he would look up to daze into those beautiful bright eyes. A weak smile returning to his face and a gentle laugh leaving his lips “its okay bright eyes . . . I think . . . I think I must have been in the wrong.” He said softly holding him close as they danced allowing the movement to keep them moving, keep them together if only just for now. “I just wanted to protect you, to keep you safe. I . . . I guess I . . . over stepped.” He said softly glancing away once more . . . he was still worried about Adam’s Serf, but he knew it wasn’t his place to really watch Adam like that. Adam . . . he was a guy like him, sure he looked fragile and such but . . . Vinnie just gently shook the thought from his head.

When Vinnie managed to whisk his master away Lynix gave a low growl. There wasn’t much he could do though, the secret Abram had told him . . . it was his master’s choice to be foolish or not. Then an idea struck him. He could search out Vinnie’s serf, perhaps get from her how the man Abram connected with was. His eyes slowly scanned the crowd looking for the other that easily seemed to fade into the shadows due to having such an eccentric master.
Jennifer huddled in the corner for quite some time, just watching the events going on. Not far over in another corner of the room, she noticed Miss Kew with another vampire. They seemed to be having a sincere conversation, then the vampire even kissed her on the cheek. Jenny's cheeks flushed red as she glared over at the two. She had noticed Miss Kew had gone out of her way to bring Alexander a dinner and seemed to have a slight attraction to him. If she even had any intention of getting close to Jennifer's master, she wouldn't get far, not after what Jenny had just witnessed. Sighing, the black-haired serf rose to her feet and wiped away any stubborn tears that had managed to cling to her cheeks. There was no sense crying any longer. Maybe she could try and at least have a good time, even though her heart was telling her there was no chance.

Taking slow strides, Jennifer made her way through the rooms and mingled among the vampire folk and their serfs. She was very polite, bowing and curtsying as she bid most of them good afternoon. Spotting Alexander with another young woman, probably his fiance, she scowled and turned away, not bearing to look. The main reason she was feeling jealous was that at the plantation, there'd been no one there to love her, to be kind to her, to put a decent meal in her stomach three times a day. Alexander may be reserved and shy, but at least he'd taken the time to make her feel welcome. If he were to get married, there would go any attention he had paid to her in the past. It would be all about the new mistress, leaving Jenny in the dust with the rest of the household serfs. No longer would she be special.

Letting out a deep sigh, Jennifer continued strolling through the rooms, eventually coming to the main ballroom for dancing. Several vampire couples were already out on the dance floor, swaying and moving to the soft singing of violins. The serf's heart throbbed slightly; oh how she wished she could go out and dance. However, in this era, you would need a partner and serfs usually weren't allowed to dance together among the high noble vampires. So, she stood as close to the dance floor as she could, her eyes taking in every graceful gesture the dancing couples made, even humming softly to herself in tune to the music.
Bret glanced about the ballroom his eyes landing upon a girl with long flowing black hair. She was watching the swirling figures dancing in the center of the ballroom and looked as if she might be one to dance. He set the glass down softly and walked over full of confidence. “There kind of pretty when they ain’t beatin’ ya,” he said crudely. He wasn’t about to sugar coat it and he was sure she knew what he was talking about. But what he said was true. Vampires were beautiful when they weren’t bringing someone or something pain.

He turned his head for a moment and said, “I’m Bret by the way,” before turning back to face the dancers in the middle. He clasped his hands behind his back allowing her to either reply or walk away. If she did than she wasn’t worth talking to anyway. Bret knew what he liked and he was not about to hide it for anyone.
Abram selfishly wished this moment in time would just freeze and it could just stay this simple. Him and his love, no outside world and all their troubles. He would be a fool to think that apologizing fixed everything, for what they had had their first fight over, was no where near resolved. None the less he would allow himself this luxury of being in his arms, surprised that he was called his special nickname while dressed such a way. Perhaps this meant that he was truly dancing with him right now, and not the illusion that had caused so much pain? He couldn’t help but smile “You’ve always protected me, and a part of me wishes that you always will.” Yes with these words he would look aside, unable to meet his eyes while once more professing his love to him in a way that would go unnoticed, once more. “I just… I want to be able to do as you have done, and you don’t need protection” it was the closest he would come to speaking of Lynix, at least for now, for he couldn’t stand another fight, not here, not now.

Reverie smiled a little, pleased at the compliment. She knew better than to feel such joy in hearing her serf say those words, but Reverie was treated poorly so often, that even those simple words were enough to make her happy.

She brushed a hand against Xavior's cheek, opening her mouth to speak, when someone talked from behind her. She turned to see an unfamiliar vampire male behind her. She listened to him as he attempted to speak to her, raising an eyebrow. When he finished, she scowled and looked down at her feet.

"So you are the man my mother thinks will help take me off her hands? I guess she could of done worse. I am indeed Reverie Linden. It is nice to meet you....Alexander." The name felt dry in her mouth. It was
his name and now it was the name of her fiance? Was that some kind of sick joke on her mother's part? Did Shay have a say in it too? She looked hurt, she knew it, but she tried and push away all thoughts of him.

She motioned to Xavior. "This is my serf Xavior." She knew serfs did not have to be introduced and that she shouldn't involve him in this, but Reverie hated the idea of marrying right now and.....and his name.
​Xavior stared at her for a brief moment before they were interrupted by a man by the name of Alexander. Standing up, Xavior gave a formal bow when Reverie introduced him. So this was the man she was to marry? He seemed cold or detached... Awkward... Like he was hiding his true feelings. Xavior scowled for a split second. Wasn't Reverie's life hard enough?

Suddenly Xavior mentally slapped himself. It was if he felt the need to protect her, but that was a sinful thought, disgraceful. He needed to keep out of this and not become involved in her affairs. He was simply her serf and nothing more. He needed to go back to his ways of hard labour, which he enjoyed far more than being a lady's maid. He had almost forgotten that...
“Oh I know everyone, go have some fun,” Marque whispered with giggle in his ear before pushing him softly towards a group of serfs. She might as well have fun tonight; maybe even tease Timothy about their forced marriage. Why not it might be fun and she had no desire to be serious about it. No that would mean accepting it as true and giving up all freedom so lets poke some fun at it tonight and think about it for real tomorrow. So with that Marque took off across the ballroom in a flourish of beautiful violet, ivory and gold silk until she found her prey. “Why hello Hubby,” she teased softly with a little smile as she brushed past him. She then turned on her heal so she was facing him head on.
"They're kind of pretty when they aren't beatin' ya," a voice spoke up next to Jennifer, snapping the girl back to the current situation at hand. Drawing her eyes from the dancers, she turned to see a blonde haired young man standing next to her. It had caught her off guard but she quickly recovered, shoving away the feelings of rejection she had experienced just a moment before. "Yes, I guess they really are, aren't they?" she replied softly, her eyes glancing at the dancers once more before returning back to the serf. He introduced himself as Bret. "My name's Jennifer," she answered, smiling slightly, "It's nice to meet you Bret." Unlike the vampires, Jennifer wasn't nervous around her own kind. She'd been afraid of Lynix, of course, but he had growled and bared his teeth at her like a wild dog; she had a right to be afraid of him. Swiveling her head, Jenny observed the dancing once more. "I just wish...things were different. Why can't humans and vampires live in a more harmonious state. Why the slavery and mistreatment...?" she murmured, though loud enough for Bret to hear.

Vinnie blinked when Adam spoke of his protection, wishing for it always. Leaning in to gently whispers words into the other’s ears. “I think only death could keep me from watching over you, and even then it might have a hard time.” Another chuckle although her could feel his own ears get red with the embarrassment. Then Adam had to go about saying something foolish, something that actually stung Vinnie deeply in the heart. He wanted to protect like Vinnie did for him? Didn’t the fool realize that . . . that it wasn’t that easy, that it wasn’t the same unless . . . “I see.” Vinnie said softly as the depression started to set in again. “There is the girl I’ve been arranged to marry, she needs protecting . . . if . . . if that’s what you really seek to find; someone . . . special to protect over all else. You may like her, she’s gentle, and when she smiles you can see great hope for her if she could only remain strong. She needs someone special to protect her . . . I told her I couldn’t be that one though.”

When Marque spotted him, Timothy's throat went a little dry and he glanced about the room, almost as if looking for an escape route. No, this wasn't the time. He needed to hold his chin up and face this maturely. His fiance was soon dancing over in his direction, but he stayed calm as she approached. At the husband comment, a slight blush crossed the nobleman's face, which was very rare. His manner relaxed, though, seeing she was saying it in a joking manner. "You haven't changed a bit," he replied smartly, even smiling somewhat, "Always the humorous one." Lifting a hand, he ran his fingers through his jet black locks. "It''s nice to see you again, Marque," he greeted her politely, bowing his head. He even would gently take her hand and kiss it lightly, as was the custom for a nobleman to treat a lady, if she would let him. Timothy was about a head taller than Marque, tallness running in his family line, but it never seemed to bother him much. For a moment, he even forgot about Amber, who was still loyally standing at his side. "It's been a long time," he remarked, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets as he always did.
Xander hadn’t opened his eyes to see her disgust or hurt. It was probably best that way; he would have taken it as she knew of his family’s shame. When he spoke of her serf though the man slowly opened those eye lids to look at her a bit surprised. She was very . . . forward and blunt . . . he could take that as a good sign at least. She could handle her own, although she seemed not to agree with him from the sound of it. “If you’re displeased, I could always say I was not satisfied and call it off.” He said calmly, willing to take her opinion seriously, of course not about to keep his eyes on her. He had to keep stern and businesslike or he might just crumble foolishly right there.

When she introduced her serf Xander was actually grateful though and would offer his hand to Xavior with a smile. It was a male, this was so great, and he could have something to safely look at. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Xavior.” He said gently, never treating serfs worse than help at the most. Of course . . . at this point poor Xander was at a loss of words. He never was a social person, he kept busy, away from thoughts and judgments of others the best he could.
How could Abram not blush at his words, yet as always Vinny made them more intimate by whispering them into his ear. Sometimes he swore this man knew his heart and just liked to find ways to make it race like crazy. Yet at the same time he knew how to make it stop. His face would redden “I-I don’t want that” he didn’t even know how to convey his feelings or thoughts in a rational way without telling his most sacred secret. “I just want to be at your level” he would manage to whisper. Then his words would register. “Your parents arranged you too? What of Eve…” what of me, surely he had said it lightheartly and spoke of not wanting to be there for one such as her, but what if that changed? It was true that they were getting to the marrying age, surely if it wasn’t this one now, another may come that could move his heart.

Reverie was surprised. Would Xander really call off their engagement? It seemed so simple and yet... Reverie could not be sure if it would work. She thought of her mother, what she would say. She didn't want to hear those words. She was not sure what her mother would do yet.

She studied Xander for a moment, trying to get a feel on him. She didn't know him, but she had a feeling they would not get along. Probably no real fault of their own. She could tell they would clash.

"I...I am not sure yet. This was my mother's doing, not my own." Reverie looked down at her feet. She almost quoted poetry, but no. She only did that to people she liked. She ignored that she had done it to Xavior twice. "I would prefer not to marry right now. But I have yet to know you. Let me hear about you and we shall see if we are right for each other or not."
Reverie might say no no matter what. She turned to look at Xavior and for a moment her face was sad then she turned away.

Tress almost protested to Marque, but she went off to her fiance. He sighed and looked around. She managed to see Bret and Jennifer talking and made his way over to them.

"Um...hello. I hope I am not interrupting your conversation."
Once Kew had lead Lily to the dance floor, she bowed at the waist like a man. "May I have this dance?" She giggled, feeling that since she had no one to dance with, why not her friend? After all, serfs needed someone to dance with, too. It was a formal dance, since her mother preferred slow dances rather than group dances. But it seemed to be a fast little diddy that the quartet was playing, so why not break the rules?

Vinnie looked confused at Adam’s protest. First he said he wanted someone he could protect like Vinnie did for Adam, then he didn’t? At the confession though, at wanting to be at Vinnie’s level the dance would stop dead in its tracks. He would move to pull Adam away from him some keeping his hands on Adam’s shoulders, just to be able to look the boy firmly in the eye. “My level? Are you nuts? Why would you want to lower yourself at all? Especially down to my level. “ There was no joking, no tease, in Vinnie’s eyes Adam was far above him in many aspects. He controlled his anger, he knew what to say, he was well planned and versed, and above all he could be the most beautiful woman in the world whenever he wished to be. When Adam asked about the arrangement Vinnie would drop his hands and nodded. “Do you think they really ever care about what makes me happy?” He said with a gentle smile to Adam. Of course he couldn’t help laugh some as some of the words he told to Kew came back to his mind. “I told her . . . I told her I couldn’t, because my heart already belongs to an illusion.”

Rosa was standing by the fireplace in which she had previously thrown the notebook while gingerly inspecting the scorched journal. In an odd way it was prettier now than before. However it felt odd in her hand, the weight was not evenly distributed and the paper was brittle and curling. Mocha scorch marks gave it character and a mysterious allure that had not been there before. The journal had been plain and practical, ready to do its just simply. Maybe she was like this journal and needed to embrace her past. Rosa needed to stop being plain and practical and to be something else even if it felt odd at first.

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