Ambrose a Vampire RP

Lily saw Xander approaching Kew, followed by his beautiful Serf. Lily greeted Jenny sweetly while Xander and Kew were talking. Not wanting to interrupt her mistress' conversation, she wandered off momentarily to make sure all was going well. She would tidy up anything that needed it, assist anyone who was lost or needed direction around the mansion. But she kept Kew in sight at all times in case the Vampiress requested her presence.
When Kew spotted Xander coming towards her, she began to panic and looked at Lily. "Do I look alright?" She asked quietly, but before the serf could answer, Xander and his serf, Jennifer, were already towards them. Kew's mother watched the two from afar.

Kew gave a smile and answered. "BloodRose." She stated. "But I prefer Kew."


Xavior waited for Reverie as he stood near the carriage. She sure was beautiful and clearing his throat, he helped her step inside the carriage.

The next thing he knew, they arrived at the building, Reverie clutching his hand. He looked to her a bit confused, and when she ordered him to stay with her at all times, he nodded.
Xander couldn’t help chuckle some at the vampire merely gave her first name again. It seemed to easy his fears a touch that she might be out of it as much as he was. “I knew your first name.” He managed to give her a gentle smile slowly looking up to her. Only to surprise himself a bit at how young she looked. Was she really of the proper age to be here? “Ms. Kew, alright, if you wish to go by a first name basis only, you may call me Xander if you wish.”

The announcing of names semi distracted him, and he would glance over whenever he heard a males. Figuring it was mostly safe to look at those since, well his only worry would be the female serfs. Adam threw him off though and he frowned casting his eyes to the grown again. His serf, was stunning . . . dolled up more than most the vampire females at times. At that point forward he decided to not even risk looking up when it came to the males being announced. It was just when the name ‘Reverie Linden’ was heard that his eyes filtered up again and he did his best not to look away. He would be stubborn with this one. The one that was planned out to be his future wife . . . if he couldn’t . . . if he couldn’t even look at her . . .no he had to find away to make himself at least worthy. A deep crimson filled his cheeks and his body slightly trembled none the less, watching her flee to the shadows even. He couldn’t help give a weak smile at that. Maybe . . . maybe she was like him when it came to others? Of course he was like that only when it came to females . . . but . . . it might be a start. He would watch her as long as he could before glancing down and turning back to Kew.
Kew's head was bowed slightly and her arms were folded in front of her, noticing him eyeing a female vampire known as Reverie. "Well, I guess I shall be going." She gave another smile before grabbing Lily's hand and slowly walking down to where all the festivities were happening. Of course, she would stand in a corner and watch everyone with that same airhead smile of hers.
Reverie looked around the party and then to her serf. She wondered what he was making of all this. She was sure it was something way out of his element, but it was the same for her as well. She didn't feel like she belonged here.

She opened her mouth to say something to Xavior, when she thought she felt someone looking at her. She turned, trying to find the person, but was having no luck. Shrugging, she turned back to her serf.

"Well what do you think?"

Xavior groaned and wiggled around. "I'm thinking this stupid outfit is itchy..." He complained, trying not to bump into anyone in the limited amount of personal space he had.
When Xander heard Kew’s words he seemed a touch surprised she was leaving so soon. Did he do something wrong? He would speak back to Jennifer, she was still one he dared not to look at. “I was . . . rude once more wasn’t I? I don’t think I’ll ever get used to being around females.” He sighed lightly, his eyes going after Kew feeling really bad now. She had visited him twice and each time . . . what was he going to do? He couldn’t even manage someone shy and calm like her . . . what if his arranged marriage was someone who was . . . . well a lot more forward.
Reverie shook her head at her serf. She could understand his words, the suit did look itchy. Still she didn't want him to bump into anyone or anything.

"Stop moving around so much. You are going to knock into something," she said, chidingly. She sighed a little, looking around against, shifting in place. "This dress isn't anymore comfortable, trust me." She smiled a little though. "But you look good."
Lily turned to see Kew reaching for her hand, and took it. It was clear that the young serf needed to remain beside her nervous mistress for the time being. She followed the little Vampiress to where all the festivites were being held. "What happened Miss Kew? I thought you were doing a good job of talking openly to Master Xander..." she felt bad for her mistress when she saw the look on her face and realized something. "There was another girl, wasn't there? I'm sorry, Miss..."
Huffing, Xavior sat in an available chair and crossed his arms as if pouting. He blushed ever so slightly when his mistress commented that he looked good. Sighing, he turned his head away. "You look... Good, too..." He murmured.

His eyes began to gaze around the ballroom, and he listened to the music the live violin quartet was playing.


Kew's face became red at what Lily said. "Huh? Another girl? Don't be ridiculous." She gave a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of her head. "I don't feel for him like that, what ever gave you that idea?" She asked, now giving away her little secret, even though Lily mentioned nothing of feelings.
Lily pouted her lip when Kew made up her terrible excuse. "I didn't say you did, but... You just told me." she said. "Why don't you tell him?" she gave Kew a cute joking smile and nudged her lightly with her elbow. "Come on, forget him. He obviously has some girl issue to sort out. You'll have your chance." Lily pulled her Mistress outside where some fun things were going on and tried to find something that would distract the Vampiress.
Sighing, the little Vampirette allowed Lily to drag her through the crowd and outside. However, that soon was short lived as Kew's mother grabbed her and dragged her away from Lily. "You don't mind if I steal her, do you serf?" She asked Lily with a grin, but before the girl could answer, the Vampiress said, "Good." and disappeared back inside.

Soon, she arrived to find Vinnie Bloodstone. "Are you sir Vincent?" She asked. "We need to talk in private, follow me please." She then began to walk out of the crowds, leading Kew and Vinnie along.

Vincent was silently watching Adam some from a far only to be startled by an older vampire dragging around what appeared to be a child. “Um . . . yeah, but I prefer to be called Vinnie.” He said wondering if this was a friend of his fathers. He followed her of course trying to figure out the situation. It was confusing what would a vampire with child want with him. Then a thought crossed his mind, but . . . she was too old for his taste to sleep with. “I don’t know what you’re daughter told you.” He said calmly trying to escape the only possibility there was for him to be dragged off with a child. “But that child there is a bit too old to be mind don’t you think?” God he was a clueless fool at times, probably a good reason why his family wanted to pawn him off into a decent marriage until it was too late.

Lily felt a tug on Kew's other hand and saw the older Vampiress holding onto Kew. The woman dragged her daughter away, leaving Lily by herself in the yard. She wondered what the older woman wanted to do with her Mistress, but knew that she wasn't allowed to follow Kew. So rather than stand around like an idiot, Lily found a shady tree and sat underneath it, pulling her knees to her chest and waiting for her Mistress to return.
Once they arrived in a quiet room, the Vampiress turned to the young man. "Child? She's eighty-three years old, fifteen in our years." Regaining her composure, she smiled. "After some debate with your parents, we have concluded that my daughter, Kewliah, is fit to be married."

Kew didn't like the sound of this at all. She wanted to be taken seriously and treated like an adult, but she definitely wasn't ready for marriage!

"You have been chosen as her fiance." The woman stated with a smile and clasped her hands together excitedly.

Kew's eyes widened and her face became pale. All of a sudden, she had to be betrothed! And to someone she never even met! But chances were, if her mother chose him, he must have been rich. This had to be some sort of scheme by her mother to make herself look good again. She knew her mother used her for vanity, but she never thought that she'd go this far! Despite all the feelings she was experiencing, she kept quiet and composed. "..."


Vinnie blinked surprised at the mother’s words. He glanced to the smaller vampire, when marriage was speaking of. Well it only seem to make sense in ways. “You’re after the family name aren’t you? You old washed up hag.” At that he would drop to one knee before Kew and smile gently taken her hand if she allowed. It seemed he wasn’t the only one stuck in a horrible family situation. “Hello little one.” He said in a gentle voice, one in which you would use for a frighten child. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan to hurt you. You want to go back to the party and escape the mean old witch with me?” he grinned, thinking this might actually be a bit fun. Sure he saw no attraction to a child, but at least it gave him someone to get to know and hang out with at the party.

"Clever boy." Kew's mother smiled in a way that would give anyone the willies. However, when Vinnie knelt to one knee and took her hand and began to speak to her as if she was a child, Kew jerked her hand away and scowled. "I am NOT a child! I am a full grown woman who has already hit puberty! I am completely developed and I have my own serf!!! Why does everyone think I'm either an object or some sort of child?!" She then turned to her mother, angry and full of distress. "If an arranged marriage means I'll be taken seriously, then so be it!" The little vampirette huffed. She had never spoken like that to her mother, nor has she ever shouted or acted like that before. She had always tried to take things as they came, but this time was different...

Her mother, however, scowled in return and remained silent. If Kew was a puppy, her ears would be behind her head and her tail between her legs. "..."

Vinnie was taken by great surprised at the child’s outburst. Looking confused and he stood not sure how to react. Hesitating, he figured his week couldn’t get any worse after all he would ruffle the girl’s hair. “But you make such a cute child, I think anyone would be proud to have you as theirs.” He had a feeling things were getting awkward between mother and daughter. He wanted to save her, knowing the pains family caused, to rescue her from it all, and in away to do the same for himself. In a rush of moments Vinnie would try to whisk Kew up and over his shoulder, not caring if others saw him carry her like this. IF he managed to do so he would take her back to the ball wide smile of victory on his face, and find a nice shadow to sit her down in. Wanting to be alone to get to know this child who wished to grow up ever so fast.

"H-hey!" Kew protested when Vinnie lifted her over his shoulder. She squirmed and pounded her fists against his back, but to no avail. Eventually she gave up when they arrived back to the crowded ballroom. After setting her down in a dark and unattended part of the ballroom. the little Vampirette crossed her arms and kept her head bowed low, her chin touching her collarbone. She tried her best to hold back tears, knowing that it was unladylike to cry in front of someone, and that it would only prove this boy's point of her being a child. So she merely bit her lip in compensation.

Vinnie was laughing; he was actually smiling and laughing the whole time. Even once he sat her down again, he just couldn’t help it. “I saved you.” He said proudly only to pause at how she acted. Gently he reached out to try to lift her face with his hand alone. “What’s wrong? Did I . . . did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you?” The child had left him deeply concerned through her actions alone; worried that he might have messed up once more. He always did have a habit of doing without thinking after all. His voice soften and he would drop his hand willingly taken a step back. “I’m sorry . . . I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just . . . I just thought you wanted to escape from her. You looked so . . . so trapped in a way.”

Jennifer suddenly felt herself being snapped back to reality at the sound of her Master's voice. "H-huh? Oh," she finally spoke up in realization, prying her eyes away from the strange sight and turning to Alexander. "Mess up? Oh, no of course not...," she assured him quietly, clasping her hands in front of her, "You did just fine. Miss Kew is a hard person to approach from what I've seen so far. She's just sigh is all." Glancing upward, she studied her master's worried expression for a moment then quickly looked away. "Just remain calm, Master Alexander. You're doing well," she told him. "Would you like me to get you a refreshment or dessert?" she then asked politely. In truth, she really did want to serve Alexander faithfully; however, she also wanted to scout out the area and inspect the wide variety of vampires who milled about the ballroom. That way, she'd know who to stay away from and whom to fear. The delicate earrings in the black-haired serf's ears twinkled slightly, reflecting the light of the magnificent chandeliers hovering above the party.
"I am trapped..." She said in a murmur. "It's not your fault... You're just as caught up in this as I am..." Sniffling, the vampirette turned her head away from him to try to hide her flood of emotions. "I-it's just... All my life the only time she ever needed me was when she using me for her own gain... I tried to ignore the fact that I'm the least favourited and most disliked of my family... But... I guess this was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak..." She took a deep breath to calm herself before turning to Vinnie and giving him her usual gentle smile. "I know why they treat me like they do, my family that is. It's because of my fangs and strange mannerisms, but..."
Xander merely nodded at Jennifer’s words, perhaps getting her away from him would be best. “You . . . you can go off and enjoy yourself if you wish.” He said softly his eyes going to look for the other vampire he knew he needed to introduce himself too. “I . . . I have some other business to tend too.” His words grew soft, as if uncertain, he didn’t want to tell Jennifer but . . . he felt wrong keeping it from her as well. “I am supposed to meet my arranged partner here tonight, for the first time.”
Abram couldn’t help but to take notice of Vinny, after all the poor fool had only eyes for him. He would watch with a puzzled expression as he carried a woman over his shoulders laughing while she seemed to play right along with his game. There was a pang in his heart, he did not see Vinny with a youth but with a woman, something that he could never compete with no matter his beauty or how he dressed because at the end of the day he was a man, and there wasn’t exactly a cure for that.

He would walk around with a forced smile, doing his best to not look in Vinny’s direction, but alas his gaze would still turn to him when he dropped his guard. With a sigh he would do his best to mingle, a smile on his face at the confusion of the ones that seemed to recognize him yet unable to place a face to the name. The party was mixed, some knowing him by either name, but only one knew him by both (well his surf too, but that breaks the romantic thought, no?). Instead he would use what little prowess he had to work the room. Now it seemed that on top of looking for his to be betrothed, Iliana, he was to be keeping his eyes on his love with another. Oh how cruel unrequited love could be, especially for those that didn’t ask for such a love to grow.


Vinnie listened to her carefully, took in all her words gently into his heart. “I see.” He said softly and if he could he would pull her into a tight hug, holding her close. It wasn’t romantic, it wasn’t even there to flirt, it was there to comfort. He knew how it felt; he knew how it was to be that in the family. “I’m the same way.” He whispered softly in her ear, smiling as he finally pulled back and nodded. “Being different isn’t bad though, it’s actually good, it makes you special . . . unique, a cute cut above the rest if anything else. “ He would gently punch her shoulder out of play not meaning any harm. “Be proud of who you are, sides . . . if you’re worried about them using me as well. They won’t get a darn thing.” He laughed proudly at that thought. “I plan to sooner or later manage to get disowned from my family and that stupid BloodStone name.”


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