Ambrose a Vampire RP

Jennifer indeed was silent the entire ride; being too afraid to speak. Afraid she would just mess up like always. The carriage jostled this way and that until finally it came to a stop in front of a tall, elaborate mansion. Alexander exited first, holding his hand out to help her down, which she took reluctantly. However, once her hand was grasped in his, she almost didn't want him to let go. It was short lived, though, for as soon as Jennifer had her feet on the ground, Alexander had pulled away and was already up the steps at the front doors.

Jenny scurried after him, holding up the folds of her long dress, then followed her master inside. The intricate decoration of the inside was amazing and her eyes widened at the sight. Seeing other vampires already there, anxiety began to rise inside her and she hurried to Alexander, staying close to his side. Even though she feared upsetting Xander, she feared other vampires even more. Memories of abuse flooded her mind and she wrung her hands nervously. Glancing over, she relaxed a little, seeing how Alexander was just as nervous as she was. Before she could stop herself, the words, "Don't worry, Master Alexander. You'll be fine, I know it..." had escaped her soft lips in a whisper.
Suddenly the mood had changed. "A party...?" He murmured to himself, a bit concerned about her leaving and he being left alone with Shay. But when she pulled out a dress out for him to examine, and asked if she would look pretty in it, he blushed ever so slightly. After all, she was very beautiful, to imagine her all prettied up and such... Well that would be a sin, wouldn't it? But to avoid any unnecessary conflict, he nodded.

Finally, the first arrival had presented themselves, and Kew blushed slightly. Alexander and his serf, Jennifer had walked through the door. She stared in awe from afar, he was dashing, and his serf was absolutely beautiful, and suddenly she felt self-conscious. She couldn't even compare to a serf! She groaned and sunk down onto the steps, sitting and holding her head in her hands.

Kew's mother was at the door in an instant, inviting them inside, and already began the long series of questions about him and his family.
Rosa was shocked by her Master’s sudden outburst and more tears sprung to her eyes. They were about to well over but with a strong breath and a flick of her hair she looked up giving a quick nod as she said, “Good Evening Sir Adam,” she whispered her throat threatening to close in on the words as she walked quickly to catch up with her Master.

She kept her head down while she walked behind him and her hands were laid carefully against her sides so as not to muss her dress any further. How, at a time like this, could she still bother with thinking of her dress? Maybe it was something simple, something she could actually understand and her mind sought something like that. An easy escape when everything else was so unsteady.

Rosa could see the Mansion rising in the distance and she knew soon she would be back in the confines of the house. Than again right now she felt like she needed a closed space. Some serf’s came out of a plantation claustrophobic but not Rosa. No she sought the closed in spaces, like a baby being swaddled she felt safer when she had less room to roam. There was less room for error and it kept her contained.
Amber watched as Timothy would turn to her and pay for the dress. Something about his actions caught her off guard; he seemed more formal with her now. Was this because they were in public now, or was she just imagining the change? “Very much so” she would bow and smile when he praised her. She would listen as he talked so, wondering what made this party so important to him, to any of them to be honest. Disgraced, she had been called that. Her eyes would widen, she wasn’t a fool enough to think the words came to the same end, but how could the actions of her youth compare to that of skipping a party? She surly hadn’t learned enough of this world before entering it, she though as she found her seat in the coach.

"I guess I shall take that as a yes," Reverie said. She looked down at the dress she was holding. It was a deep purple color and pretty simple, it's sleeves short and flowy, the bottom flowy was well and would fall to just below her knees. It had black lace over the middle and on the sleeves as well. She looked in a mirror, swaying with the dress, a small smile on her face as she thought about it. She turned to Xavior.

"You shall come too of course boy. I'd rather not go by myself or with one of my family members alone."
Vinnie would let Rosa have her space probably needing his as well. He hadn’t fed that day and if she didn’t remind him would go without it. The next day as well, for once he wasn’t kicked out of the house which confused him, but he would merely lay in his bed tossing a ball up and catching it. It was like that anger still steamed inside him, but he had no way to let it out, to free him of the worries that haunted him

It was about an hour till the party that to him surprise a lot of Serfs bounded in and started to ask for them to get ready. Poor Vinnie was so lost in the confusion as they tugged about to undress and redress him in a suit. The guy didn’t fight, not this time . . . he hadn’t the will left to really fight, left only to assume it was a business meeting. Both him and his serf were given matching outfits, to his surprised and he worried for her, why would she have to come with on business. After awhile he would finally ask. “What’s going one?” His voice seemed weak and broken even then.

“The ball, the coming of age ball, you’re parents said to make sure you were ready for it. It’s a great way to show off the family name.” The serf was all professional going about to pull back Vinnie’s long hair into a lovely bow that matched his tux. “They . . . they also said to tell you . . . not to make a fool of them.” He added in hesitation.
While they waited for the arrival of dinner a silence fell across the table. It was not uncomfortable and Bret was more than happy to just watch. The actions and behaviors of the Vampires around him never failed to amaze him. He often wondered how this had happened, he was skeptical of the theory that it had always been this way. He had heard mutterings and the handlers had sometimes slipped up when they poked fun at him. Bret was sure that at one time things had been different.

When their meal finally arrived Bret resisted the urge to smirk at the waiter, how demeaning to have to serve a serf. Something so far below him even though the Vampire was nothing more than a laborer he was sure to own some serf. Most likely some sickly human, either male or female, who was just almost drained to death on a daily basis. He had heard of the fates of those who were bad looking or frail. They were the cheap and went to the poor and never saw the light of day again.

Bret ate quickly beginning to tire of the stares and waited for Illiana to finish so that he might drive her back to her house. Once ready he would walk beside, not behind her, smirking at any he looked aghast and than open the door of the carriage for her, “Your Carriage Milady,” he mocked leaping into the drivers seat and clucking his tongue until the two bay ponies set off at a brisk trot back to his Mistress’s house.

Once they arrived he noticed a flurry of activity and serfs seemed to be waiting for them to arrive. “They seem to be waiting for us,” he called as he pulled the carriage to a halt.
The rest of the trip, Timothy was strangely silent, seemingly lost in thought. It wasn't long before the carriage stopped in front of the mansion and Martin opened the door, allowing Timothy out first, then Amber; however, he didn't seem to despise the girl so much anymore. Of course he still overreacted when she didn't something wrong or clumsily but he didn't full out yell at her anymore. "You should get your rest," Timothy said calmly, turning to Amber. "The ball starts at a decent time tomorrow, so I expect you to get up early and be ready on time. Hanna will let you know the specifics on when we are to leave and will also be in charge of making sure you're dressed and prepared properly and such," he explained, gesturing with his gloved hands.

Something still obviously on his mind, Timothy would then head into the house, leaving Martin to care for the horses. After he entered, he would disappear up into his chamber, not to be seen for the rest of the evening.
Lily watched the first guests enter the home, sudddenly nervous. Kew sat down on the steps, but the little Serf grabbed her hands and lifted her up. "You'll be okay, come on." she said in a sweet and coaxing voice. She led the girl downstairs to greet the guests, who were Alexander and his beautiful Serf. Lily curtsied to the Vampire as politely as she could, trying to keep in mind that while she was treated equally by her Mistress, she was still just a servant to the other Vamps.
Reverie nodded and went out into the hall to fetch some servants to begin preparing, but was almost nearly pushed back into the room by her mother.

"Ah you are both here, good," the woman said, her tone cold. Reverie looked down at the floor, clutching the dress she was holding. "I hope you will get ready fast enough. Lazy little girl. You should of been getting ready hours ago and been planning things." She snatched the dress out of Reverie's hands and threw it in a corner. "I will find something for you to wear. I'll have a few servants help you dress and do your hair. You must look presentable." A cruel smiled appeared on her mother's face. "After all your betrothed will be there." She then turned to Xavior.

"As you for, I have something you can wear as I am sure Reverie will want to take you with her." Reverie couldn't be sure what she felt that there was something in those words. Did Shay tell their mother what Reverie almost did? She felt her mother would be more angry than this if it was the case. But she wasn't completely sure. "You will wait for Reverie outside once you are finished and Reverie you better feed before you go."

With that said, her mother turned and walked out the door, slamming it shut. Reverie, holding back tears, turned to Xavior. "You heard her boy. Go and get ready."
It had been almost a week since Marque had purchased her new serf Tress and already she struggled with the giving of orders. She had a soft spot for animals and she had always told herself humans were just another animal to take care of, but not she knew they were so much more. They could talk and think and connect with you in a way that was different than a regular animal.

Now she was forced to prepare for this coming of age ball. She had swept her long ebony locks into a simple style where everything was pulled back but still free. She had placed her favorite pearl wreath into her hair and everything seemed to be in place. Marque’s violet dress was bright against her dark skin and the smooth silks swooshed about her feet.

Whilst she had been preparing for the ball she had struggled with the thoughts of her soon to be marriage. She was to see Timothy for the first time in what seemed forever. He seemed to like to keep to himself and Marque had never made an effort to culture their friendship. Now as she thought about it she realized how foolish that was but it could not be helped. She had waited to become more than friends with her future husband and now she barely knew her fiancé.

Now she wanted to see her serf, for she had bought Tress a new suit for the day. The Vampiress had wanted his help in the matter and he had seemed reluctant to state his opinion on the matter but she had begged for it until he complied. They had finally landed on a pair of black pants and boots with gold buckles, a new simple white shirt and a rich purple vest that wasn’t too matchy but still connected him to her.

“Are you ready Tress?” she called knocking on the door that separated his small living space from hers. The compartment in which he lived was not spacious but was larger than most spaces other serfs received. Marque hated how rudely and poorly other serfs were treated and her choice to knock and the space she had given Tress was to show prove how a little freedom was good for a serf.

Amber would glance at him on occasion, wondering what was so different, only for them to return home and him to dismiss her to rest up for the party. She would stand there for a moment watching him leave while wondering just what she had missed, wanting to know what gave him an expression like so. She would turn to Martin and thank him quickly before running up to her room to disrobe and collapse against her bed. Perhaps after the party things would return back to ‘normal’. She would curl up under her blankets and lay restlessly before finally falling asleep.

Morning would come and Amber would be surprised to see Hanna up and about in her room before she had even woken up. With a yawn she would rub her eye, feeling as if she had slept too long. Hanna would offer a smile and point to the dress Amber had picked out the night before. Amber would go to dress and Hanna would shake her head laughing. In time Amber would be returned to the time of scrubbing down and washing her hair to be put on display while Hanna prepared her so. Once her hair was brushed out and dried, then and only then would Amber be dressed, then once more primped and prodded until not a thing out of place. Amber would be led to the carriage, wondering if Timothy would be acting peculiar or even more so today.

Tress squirmed in front of the mirror as if he could not believe the man in front of it was him. His light brown hair was combed nicely and was actually behaving itself. Tress had always liked to keep it messy, but he knew he should good and proper tonight. He didn't want to shame his Lady by looking like some wild human or something. Still it was hard to look at himself. He hated dressing up but he would not refuse Marque. She was his mistress now and he would do as she said.

He heard the knock and squirmed a bit before turning to it. "Come in my Lady."
The evening had been agonizing, as had the next morning. Her Master hadn’t spoken a word to her and Rosa was unsure how to approach him. She had thus remained in her closet staring out the window into the fields of horses while she mended a long forgotten pile of clothes in need of attention. The serf also tended to her petticoat, which she had ripped the day before, by cutting out another patch and sewing it neatly to the miss rip where the gap was obvious and than sewing an ugly patch to cover the cut out bit that was in a hidden space.

Rosa had changed into her old uniform and swept her hair back into a ribbon while she worked. She could hear the soft mutterings of her Master and was shocked to see he never left his room, but she never left her space. She even used a chamber pot so she wouldn’t have to use his room as a passage to a bathroom. The serf wasn’t afraid her Master, no she was afraid of his disapproval and the looks she might receive when she walked past him. Which is why she remained hidden.

Around midday her stomach constricted and she fought the urge for food, if he wanted her fed that day he would say something. He had not fed off of the day before and Rosa began to wonder if she was being punished, no food, no venom, and no contact. Part of it may be her fault but maybe her Master had her on some unsaid punishment and if she was only to come if beckoned. As her mind wandered and tried to decipher these ideas Rosa heard a flurry of movement outside her door.

When she stepped from her room she saw a group of serfs pulling primping her Master and speaking of how he mustn’t embarrass his family. The serf just stood there knowing that if he needed her she had become available for his service but otherwise she would remain silent.
There had been talk and whisper around the estate for some time now, and as the morning of the party arrived Abram couldn’t help but to realize that it was more than the typical party blitz that seemed to suffocating the air around him. In the wee hours of the morning he would begin his hunt and stalk his prey, a younger serf, somewhat new to the estate. She had the look in her eyes, and the innocence needed to spill her secrets. He would approach all Vinny like with a sweet compliment as he took her hand and kissed it. Within minutes he stumbled away and ended up running into his room as if being chased by a monster. Slamming the door he would lean against it. It couldn’t be so. His parents had tried to arrange a marriage for him? He was supposed to meet his to be bride at this party. He was to wed a woman whom he had never met. Once the desperation would clear a grin would come upon his face. Oh well played mother, but I have a few tricks up my sleeves as well. He would look through his many wardrobes and find the perfect outfit for himself, before tussling up Mutt and having him choose from Abram’s own fine suits. They worked for him, perhaps almost too tight in the shoulders for Mutt, Abram might twitch some at this enlightment, but would only help his pet dress as he brushed out his own locks and prepared to dress in his most stunning outfit.

Of course when the Serfs notice Rosa they would try to be all over her as well. Tried to curl her hair and putting it up all cutely, forcing her to get dressed and what not for the ball as the listed off do’s and do not’s. She was just as important to looking good as he was when it came to the party it seemed. If she went along with it all before either of them could think they would be pushed into a carriage and it sped off towards the party.

Vinnie seemed stunned and confused only to glance to Rosa, wondering if she knew anything about this. “You okay?” He asked knowing it was always hard to get your head straight after the fuss his family randomly threw like this. He had no hate towards Rose, no ill feelings; there was no need for such. She had done nothing wrong in his eyes. Pulled away sure, but if anything that just proved to him how much more worthless he was.
Marque slipped in curious to see how her serf looked in his new garments. She was pleased to see that colors seemed to fit him since she had picked them more for her skin tone than his. She was struck for a moment by guilt, but than she doubted he cared much with his appearance. He had been clean but not necessarily always conscious of his appearance which had not really bothered her too badly. Why should she care what Tress chose to wear or not to wear as long as he didn’t look homely she did not mind.

She smiled, “You look dashing but it seems that we must be going. A carriage around front is waiting for us,” she said having to crane her head slightly to look up at him. She was small in stature and her serf was a bit taller than her. Yet another reason she didn’t feel comfortable giving him orders, albeit this one was a bit odd. Marque just did not feel comfortable ordering someone taller than her around it felt backwards.

As they made their way to the carriage and to the party the vampiress’s stomach began to flip, she looked to Tress wondering if he would be willing to speak with her in a causal friendly way. “So um are you nervous?” she asked feeling the slightly silly for asking.

Lynix would turn to Adam as the door was slammed, looking curious but silent. It seemed ever since Adam scold him again the man learned to be more silent unless asked upon. In fact he seemed to even listen better after that weird meeting with him and Vinnie. Looking over the suits he gave a look of disgust though not wanting to wear something a vampire wore, even if it was Adam. His eyes glanced to his master and sighed given in after awhile.

Once dressed and cleaned up Mutt actually looked quite handsome. When he stood up straight and held his head up high to examine himself in the mirror, he could even pass as . . . prince like in away. If not careful he might even be mistaken as a vampire. Of course after he was done looking himself over he would sit on the floor smiling up at his master the illusion of before gone in an instant. “Why does master go about in such a pretty dress? Does he wish to shame all the women and make them feel bad that a man out does their beauty so easily?” His sentences had been getting better the longer he had been with Adam. Although his chores not so much, he seemed to hate doing them and almost as if on purpose tended to mess up every time he was given some.

Tress watched as his Lady walked into the room, trying hard not to stare at her. She was beautiful as he thought she would be. She was already beautiful to begin with, but it was clear how beautiful she truly was. He waited as she looked over him, hoping that he looked okay to her. He may not care how he appeared, but he cared how Marque thought he should look.

He nodded when she said it was time to go. "I am ready. Let us go," he said shortly. As they walked, Tress kept stealing glances at her, still amazed by her beauty. When she spoke, he blushed faintly, but it faded fast.

"I am. I have not been around a lot of vampires before," he confessed. "But I do not think they will pay much attention to me, especially with you there."
(this is Rosa's new color, Violet is now going to be Marque's color)

Rosa was shocked by the sudden interest in her and need to get her ready. She did not fight their advances but merely complied lifting, moving, turning and even breathing so that their every demand was met. They pulled from the closet a blue and black silk dress which had apparently been specially made for such an occasion, the measurements came from their measurements of her a year ago and because of the venom nothing had changed. They pulled her curled hair back tightly against her scalp and handed her notebook and quill saying she was to write down any names of business owners that took an interest in her Master. The family wanted to know of any and all opportunities for their son.

She nodded in reply as they made their way towards the carriages. She avoided eye contact moving quickly, the urgency of the other serfs had rubbed off on her and she had become a bit stressed by the situation. It seemed as if whatever was going on was important and she felt stupid for being behind on the matter. Rosa slid into the carriage pointed out to her wondering where exactly they were going.

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Vinnie looked a tad hurt when she ignored his question, allowing her to stay silent all she wished. He deserved it somehow, for whatever he did that even a Serf would disapprove of him. They road in silence since, he hated being in silence, his thoughts always roamed in silence. A light sigh leaving his lips as he arrived at the manor, he seemed to drag his feet some. Moving to open the door and even offer a hand to her to help her down. If she wished he would even walk in holding her hand. He cared less what the others though were proper. Normally he would make a whole game out of this over grown fuss . . . he was just . . . too broken hearted to do so.

When they reached the front door he actually seemed to hesitate for once. His hand dropping to his side . . . what if . . Adam was there? Was he to avoid him and that serf of his? Taken a deep breath he would try to get any resolve he could before entering the door and given his name to the door keep. How annoying, a party full of people to flirt with, food, and dance, and his spirits wouldn’t let him enjoy even this.
Marque occasionally noticed the serf’s glances but merely attributed them to pure obedience. He seemed to really seek her approval and at times it made her uncomfortable. She needed to discover something that was his own and had nothing to do with her. Something for Tress only to take pleasure in.

The Vampiress did not notice the passive compliment and instead struggled for more questions. The constant conversation was as much for her benefit as her serf’s, she needed to free her minds from the riggers of contemplating her marriage and conversation was a sweet relief.”Well you shouldn’t be worried, there will be many a serf for you to meet and you are right most Vampire’s will unfortunately not take a second look at you unless I drag you along around with me. Speaking of that you have two options and I will be pleased with any choice but would you rather mingle with other serfs this evening or stay close to my side?” Marque asked.
Tress thought about it. He did not remember most of the other serfs he knew growing up and he knew that some of the other serfs might be from other plantation. Still it might be nice to be among other humans inside of with vampires. But he didn't want to offend Marque by saying so.

"I to mingle with the other serfs, but will stay with you if that is what you want."
“I’m sorry” Abram would manage seeing just how much the poor guy disliked the idea of wearing his clothes. “I should have known you’d want things that would only belong to you… we shall go shopping for you after this silly party then, just make due for now?” he would ruffle his pets hair some feeling the fool for not thinking of such things before hand.

Abram couldn’t help but smile at the transformation that took place in front of his eyes. Surely his pet was beautiful as just himself, but he couldn’t help but be somewhat proud at how well he cleaned up. “Oh if only I was in the mood to play games with the world you and I would have so much fun.” He would sigh. If only him and his Vinny hadn’t been fighting and he had to fight off a marriage to another, this night could be so fun. Perhaps things would change before the day was through though, that thought gave Abram a smile. At Mutt’s question Abram would only smile, “Something like that” he would offer his hand and hopefully they would walk side by side to the carriage, which Abram had allowed his parents to talk himself into using for this one occasion. He could only smile at the gaping mouths trained on him, oh he must look ever so stunning. He would offer Mutt one last smile as they were on their way to the party, hoping that things didn’t fall all apart.

Lynix couldn’t help glanced confused at Adam and his offer for him to get new clothes. The vampire didn’t understand, it wasn’t the fact they were shared, it was the fact that they were wore by a vampire. He took the hair ruffle in grace and when his master seemed sad he actually moved up to lick his face, this time a bit more slow and elegant than he usually did. A slight smirk crossing his lips afterwards, he wanted Adam happy that much was for sure at least.

He couldn’t laugh at his master’s comment on games only to frown as once more thoughts of his love brought him down. Why didn’t his master fight? Do something to fix it? Instead he sulked. Too try to cheer his master up he would escort him properly to the carriage treating him as if he was but a fine lady; even helping him in before joining him. He would wait a few moments before it started his eyes out the window seeming to enjoy the view. He rarely got to go out, even with Adam he mostly felt trapped to the room. His eyes would slowly go back to Adam wondering what he could do to cheer him up. “You can . . . you can call me Lynix at the party if you wished.”

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