Ambrose a Vampire RP

Xander after awhile would drag himself off the ground. He personally started to make the bed, lost and uncertain in his thoughts. Going over to his papers to try to focus and catch up on them the best he could. His eyes roaming to the desk they had moved in for her and he couldn’t help wonder how truly foolish he was. What had brought him to such a dangerous situation? He knew not of her flight, which was probably best . . . for if he did, it would just be one more person abandoning him. Either way, he would have let her go if that’s what she wanted.
In the midst of her dreams, the Vampirette felt a warm and wet feeling. Before long she couldn't rot she couldn't breathe. Panicking, Kew jerked herself awake and coughed the water out of her lungs. After calming down, she gave herself an embarrassed smile, promising herself never to fall asleep in the tub ever again.

Figuring that she was prepared well enough, the vampirette stepped out of the tub, unplugged the drain plug, and wrapped a towel around her waist. She then combed her hair dry and heated up a metal rod in the fireplace in her room. She began curling her hair in small curls and tied some of it into two buns on each side of her head, leaving half of her hair down in wavy strands.

The vampirette then began to wonder who exactly would be there, or if she could even interact with anyone. The face of Abram then flashed in he mind, and she scowled crossing her arms in a pouting manner. If he tried anything funny again, she would be sure to cut him down.
Lily finished her bath and dressed quickly so that she could go check on her Mistress. She hoped that the unattended Vampiress hadn't slipped under the water. The thought sent a chill down Lily's spine and she dashed back to Kew's room, tapping a couple times lightly on the door before entering. Kew was doing her hair. Lily let out a sigh of relief.

"I wasn't sure of what you meant when you told me to get ready... I went down to the Serf's hall and talked to the Serf who drove us around the other day when we delivered the invitations. He said that you and I looked so similar that I should dress just like you. I think that would confuse the guests and figured it would be degrading to you, looking the same as a Serf... I thought about it, and while it would be humorous to look the same and confuse the attendees, I could never embarrass my Mistress by imitating her. Therefore, I shall instead help you prepare yourself however you please, and then you can direct me on how you wish me to look for your ceremony."

Lily blushed a little and took a sudden intake of breath, having said all that as quickly as she could muster. She sighed and let it out slowly, finally catching her breath again. "So how may I assist you, Mistress?"

Timothy seemed to light up a bit at Amber's excitement. The mare was very wary of her at first, but soon warmed up to the young serf, letting her pet her muzzle. "Golden Wings is the sire," he explained, slowly walking up to the pregnant mare, "She's due to foal in a week, maybe less. Of course, I wait until my horses are all a certain age before looking for potential buyers so it will be at least a couple years before the little one's ready for that. This is what I most need your help for. A young foal needs extra attention."

Approaching Amber, Timothy looked down upon her into her eyes, making sure she was paying attention. "Can I have your trust to look after it? Hannah and I of course will teach you how to care for it," he remarked, shoving his hands deep into jacket pockets once more.

Several hours passed; serfs came and went from Alexander's chamber, but there was still no sign of Jennifer until finally, there was creaky sound and a rush of wind that could be heard coming from downstairs. Soaking wet and chilled to the bone, the poor black haired girl stumbled into the kitchen. She'd made sure Silver Sky was rubbed down and safe in her stable before returning to the house. Her entire body trembled as she jogged up the stairs to the bathroom. Sneezing, she reached over to the hook on the wall and grasped a towel, wrapping it about herself. "I hope I don't catch a cold from this..." she thought, groaning softly. Looking back on her actions, she realized how stupid she'd been.

Shaking her head, she made her way down the hall past Alexander's chamber, the water rolling off from her hair and making a drip, drip, drip sound on the floor. Reaching her room, she slipped inside and removed the wet garments from her body, drying off with the towel and dressing in one of her clean, dry dresses. Another sneeze escaped then she sniffed, rubbing her forehead slightly. As long as she got some rest, she was sure she'd be up to going to the coming of age party the next day. "The party...," she thought slowly, "I'd almost forgotten..." Sitting down on her bed, she held her head in her hands, clenching her eyes shut. Alexander probably didn't even want her to accompany him now...not after this...
Rosa froze as she finished the knot. Had she heard her Master speak correctly? Had he really offered her in exchange for this other serf who, god bless his mad soul, was insane. Was she really worth that little to him, he should at least try and get his money’s worth out of her. She managed to take a step back her hands shaking and tears welling in her eyes. The girl looked down and bit her lip until she tasted blood so that she wouldn’t gasp for air.

Rosa forced herself to take a breath, nothing had been decided and she doubted Sir Adam would listen to her Master. He seemed so enthralled by his bizarre serf and he would accept her, right? She wrung her hands behind her back while she stared at her shoes. She needed an explanation but she knew he owed her nothing, her Master owned her, he paid for her, she was his property and it was his choice what he did with her. Yet once again she felt his words to be so hypocritical, he flipped between treating her like a fellow Vampire and friend than trading her like some useless animal. But Rosa knew that if she said that to her Master it would bring him nothing but pain but if she hid her feelings he would get frustrated. Best to keep quiet and figure it out later, she couldn’t contradict him in public. It was one of his few requests and she was going to obey it.

--- Merged Double Post ---

“Yeah that’s for sure so is this a day in the life of Illiana?” Bret asked right now he wasn’t bored but he could see how it could get tiresome. Driving through the city by carriage was new and interesting to him but he had never seen anything like it but she was a hundred years old and you couldn’t only walk into a store so many times. He unraveled his napkin letting the silverware clank against each other loudly and flapped his napkin annoyingly in the air before resting it with a fake daintiness in his lap.
Vinnie couldn’t help soften at Adam’s pleas, the punishment of causing Adam this much pain tearing him apart as it was. He couldn’t go to him though, not with his serf there, Adam would have probably just pulled away anyways. When Adam denied him his last idea in such a way, Vinnie truly looked heartbroken.

The mutt would calm when asked and actually move to wrap his arms around his master if allowed, resting his head on Adam’s shoulder. “He hurts you though, it’s clear to see it. Why do you let him hurt you so much and give no punishment?”

When Rose stepped back Vinnie felt truly confused, almost like he was getting abandoned by all sides. “Fine, do what you want!” He would actually end up yelling at Adam in frustration before trying to leave. They could all stay there for all he cared . . . all get tangled in messes that were more dangerous. Why didn’t Adam understand? At least when he did foolish things it was to try to get freedom not trapped in another way.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Xander would have the other serfs deal with the arrangements of the party, up to even getting Jennifer a lovely new dress that suited one that would be going to a ball. Eventually the new dress would be arrived by serf to her room, little more than a knock and it dropping it off for her. Of course Xander couldn’t go to the party without her, he would be a disgrace. He just . . . didn’t know how he would manage when he was there, or with her at all from this point on.
"Yes," Iliana replied with only half a forced smile. "Gets pretty... Tiresome." She'd been in this place enough times to have the menu memorized, and it was like that at every store in the city. "Maybe one day I'll move really far away and everything will be completely new. Eventually though, I'll run out of places." She didn't understand why humans wanted eternal life. Vampires had it, and it was a miserable existence.
The vampirette nearly jumped when Lily came in. She turned to the serf and quickly composed herself, smiling. When Lily began to explain herself, the vampirette tilted her head to the side. "Actually... That would be a lot of fun to dress alike!" She smiled wide and walked up to Lily, gabbing her hands. "Let's do it!"
Amber wouldn’t react any to his approach, but for some reason his proximity would send a shiver down her shine. No perhaps it was just getting cold outside, yes that had to be it, a lone breeze giving her the shivers. She in turn, tried to pay extra attention to his words. A week, she had a week and then she had a newborn horse to take care of, practically on her own. Excitement filled her face at the challenge and the idea that for a short time she could have foal as her own, until it was to be sold of course. “You can count on me” she would gleam and nod when he said that she had him and Hanna to rely on for help. She would be a fool to think she wouldn’t need it, knowing only limited information about foals and such, at least no hands on training.

Lily smiled, surprised at the girl's choice. "Okay!" she said happily. Who knows, maybe it would be fun! Kew felt more of a sister to Lily than an owner and now they could show off their close friendship. She looked at her mistress' hair, wondering how to do hers like that. She finally got hers in the exact same hairstyle as Kew, looking to the vampiress for approval.
Once Lily had immitated the vampirtte's hairstyle, Kew had her sit in front of the mirror. "Now for make-up!" She declared, and began applying powder to Lily's face. "The only way people may tell us apart, is of they see my poor excuse for fangs..."
Abram’s insides felt as if they were tearing each other up. He wasn’t used to conflict like this. He always went along with Vinny, and his Vinny always did the same for him. And now the one he adored was looking at him with such a pained expression, and he stood in fear, fear that if he ran to him now it would be for naught and he would be utterly rejected.

To say the touch of another surprised him would put it lightly. He would look down to the one laying against him so and his words troubled Abram. “We don’t intentionally punish the ones we love and cherish” he would barely whisper, knowing full well that plenty others did just that, but knowledge of such just brought pain.

Vinny’s words hurt, but the feeling he put into them and the expression on his face are what killed Abram. He watched as his friend left, his figure fading in the distance, his serf most likely in pursuit. Once he saw him no longer he would fall to his knees in defeat. Solitude tears would fall down and he allowed himself some time to feel at a loss before turning to Mutt, who needed a new name desperately. “Come, let’s go inside” he would lead, his face a void, all his joy from earlier so easily wiped.

Reverie got closer to Xavior and suddenly she felt a strange sensation come over her. Talking about him, however briefly had got her to feel suddenly so alone. She looked at Xavior, an odd expression on her face. Then suddenly she was leaning in, her eyes closing. She knew who was in front of her. Xavior her serf. Just some lowly human. But all she could smell was his scent. Feel his hands in her hair. Hear him tell her that he loved her. It was so vivid, so real that she could not stop herself from leaning closer and closer to her serf. She didn't want to be alone anymore. She didn't care if this was not the boy who loved her so. She just wanted to....


The sound of another voice, jolted Reverie back to reality as her lips just so barely touched Xavior's. She looked over to see Shay standing her, a disgusted and shocked looked on her face. Reverie wasn't sure how long her sister was standing her. She had something in her hand -a letter - but was crumpling it as her fists clenched. Reverie knew she should explain why she was about to kiss Xavior or at least feel embarrassed, but she wasn't and didn't. She just stared at Shay blankly.

"First that boy and now your own serf. Have you no sense of decency? Do you hate your family so that you would stoop to exchange kisses with those so far beneath you? You are lucky it was me who saw and stopped you. Go home. This had never happened."

Reverie, not looking at Xavior, gathered her things and started to head towards the house. Shay looked at Xavior, a foul expression on her face.

"You go too. But if something ever happens you will be the one punished." Shay then, dropping the letter from earlier, turned and left.

Tress wasn't sure how to feel. The thought of being owned, was not an unfamiliar concept to the human. He knew from a very young age that he was brought up to do just that. Serve a vampire, boy or girl, and do things for them from attending to their needs to feeding them. Tress shivered when he thought of a vampire biting into his arm or neck. It was not a pleasant thought, but at the same time it seemed so... intimate as well.

"Yes Tress because vampires and humans get intimate with each other," he mumbled to himself as he paced. But it did seem personal in a way, but that made sense too if he thought hard about it. He would be owned by them and so they could do what they liked with him. But it didn't help his nerves. He had been bought, but now he wasn't sure what came next for him.
Lynix couldn’t help get a confused look at his master’s words. Love and cherished? He glared back at where Vinnie took off one last time before nodding and following his master inside. There were things they needed to figure out, things that needed to be fixed. He frowned not liking the fact that only one who ever showed him kindness seemed to be so hurt. “Why does he hurt you so?” He would asked all confused keeping his eye on the door as if it had been what caused Adam such pain.
"Because I'm a fool who fell in love with someone I can never have" he would be shocked that he said his confession out loud, he always had known it, but to say it out loud and to hear it, let alone have another one hear his feelings it was almost as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He would offer his pet a sad smile only for his face to get serious. "And you can't go biting someone that hasn't caused you or me physical harm, you can get into trouble that I myself can not keep you from, so please be more careful from now on" Abram would make way to the bed and lie across it, his golden hair surrounding his face like a halo, or irritation if he would move and it get caught and pulled.

"Right, perfect!" Timothy exclaimed, turning to face the door, "Now I hate to tear you away from her, but we have arrangements to attend to. There is a coming of age ball that I've agreed to attend tomorrow and there are many preparations still yet to be made." He traveled to the door, but then stopped just in the doorway, letting her finish her goodbyes to the mare. "Don't worry, you'll see her again. As the foal's dam, she also needs extra attention. If she overexerts herself, she could lose the foal," he assured her, his green eyes looking down at her. Another soft smile crossed his lips as he waited for his serf. Pride welled up inside him at her response; he had picked the perfect serf to be at his side, helping him run the horse farm.

Jennifer, hearing the gentle knock at her door, rose slowly. Grasping her left arm with her right hand, she ventured to the door cautiously, ever so slightly opening it just a crack to peer out. Seeing no one was there, she opened it all the way and spotted the dress hanging on the opposite doorknob. Her blue eyes widened immensely as she softly picked up the beautiful garment, running her fingers over the silky fabric. It was simply stunning, but Jenny's depression deepened. She didn't deserve this... Yet, she couldn't refuse it; it would only cause Alexander more trouble.

Sighing quietly, she withdrew into her room, closing the door and with the dress in hand. It was time for her to get much needed rest, but she felt compelled to at least visit Alexander to make sure he was alright. She was worried he might have hurt himself; he was too hard on his own being... Slipping down the hallway after laying the dress on her bed, she walked to Xander's room. Lifting a fist, she hesitantly knocked at the door, lightly but enough for her master to hear.
“A ball?...” Amber would repeat, knowing full well what one was, but the idea of having to go to one and be surrounded by so many vampires, she didn’t envy him one bit. Her attention would go back to the mare, as she whispered a goodbye and offered one last pat before following him. “What preparations are needed?” she would ask, curious as to what a man had to do to prepare for such a thing. Did she just think of him as a man? Her face would redden slightly at the realization, only for her to call herself a fool. She just had to hope that he was too distracted with discussions of what to expect to see her slipup.

Next to nothing escapes Timothy's watchful eyes, for he did indeed see the slight blush come across Amber's face. He found his own mind betray him, wandering to the thought of the blush against her intense amber eyes creating a sort of cuteness. However, he quickly shook his head, angered by himself. Such thoughts were nonsense! As soon as Amber had reached his side, he began to head back to the mansion, still weak but feeling better than he had been.

In answer to her question, Timothy replied, "Well first things first, we'll have to head into town for a short visit to the tailor. I need to get you a suitable dress for such an event. The coming of age ball is a party for high class vampires who have reached the proper age to claim their own personal serf. Vampires and their personal serfs are both invited," he explained, the house becoming larger and larger as they neared it.
Amber couldn’t help but to stop dead in her tracks. “Me?” her voice would go up an octave with just that one word. The more he said the less she liked it. She began to panic some, sure he said he would protect her at the estate when she was to deal with the vampires, but at a party, weren’t those things crowded? Just the idea of having so many in close proximity made her dizzy. She didn’t exactly want to disappoint him, but she wanted to not go to that party even more. She would do her best to control her breathing as her mind flashed back, glimpses of moments that she had wanted to forget on replay.

Reverie began leaning into him before Xavior realized it. It was strange, as if she was in a trance; but he did not move, instead, he braced himself for what would come. In a way, he pitied her; but he also held a sense of hesitation. She was beautiful, but... He was her serf, and he held no feelings towards her. He was neutral to her, but hated every other Vampire.

Needless to say, he was also feeling a bit of anxiety, for it was considered unnatural for a Human and Vampire to show such affection. If they were to be caught, that would be the end of it. But his fears confirmed themselves when a voice called out just before Reverie's lips touched his. They were close enough that he could feel her breath on his skin.

The next thing he knew, the Vampiress gathered her belongings and scurried away, leaving him and Shay alone. He felt even more unsettled around her than around Reverie. Before he knew it, she had threatened him.
"You go too. But if something ever happens, you will be the one punished."

Xavior noticed a crumpled up envelope that she had dropped just before she left. Stooping and picking it up in his hand, it was made out to Reverie. He dared not open it, and dared not think about trying to return it to her at a time like this, and with Shay's warning. He would walk back inside the home, and wait for the right time to deliver it to her.
Reverie did not stop moving until she was fully into her room, slamming the door behind her. What was she doing? What did she almost do? She touched her lips and felt a wave of disgust and disappointment. The disgust made sense. He was a human and her serf. Mistresses do not kiss their servants. But the disappointment in being interrupted was odd to her. Did some part of her want to kiss Xavior? It was ridiculous and yet...

Reverie felt so confused, but calmed down. She realized it was not that she wanted to kiss him, but her feelings of loneliness and heartbreak that drove her to want to do something to push it away. She wanted to forget about him and yet she was so overtaken by the memory of them together that she...she...

But Reverie thought about it too. Shay. She should of kissed Xavior so hard that he lost sense of up and down. She had no right to say what she could and could not do. Out of her entire family, Shay and her mother knew about her lover and were the ones who pressured her. Maybe she should of kissed Xavior and got disinherieted. But no. Reverie could not leave her home. Not yet at least. Still she needed to talk to Xavior about what happened.

She exited her room and saw Shay's serf. "Hey you. When Xavior returns tell him to come straight to my room." Then she went back inside and waited, trying to figure out what happened.
Hearing a high pitched peep from his serf, Timothy would look over and raise an eyebrow at her. "Then again, maybe she's not as reliable as I thought...she's quite nervous around other vampires...," he mused silently. Retaining a more businesslike tone, he looked straight ahead as they reached the house. "Yes, a dress. Now please hitch up the two paint horses, Bonnie and Bessie, to my carriage. Normally, we would just ride but I'm obviously not feeling myself. If you don't know how to hitch them up, ask Hanna or Martin. They can help. If you'll excuse me, I must dress in more appropriate attire before venturing out to the market," he stated, striding into the house. He paused for a moment to make sure she heard him, and if she confirmed that she understood, he would venture up to his chamber promptly.
Lily frowned a bit at Kew's comment. "Your fangs are perfectly fine, Miss." she said. "Everybody has something unique about them, if not we'd all be boring look-alikes. And no I don't mean the look-alikes that we're trying to be for the party." She smiled a bit at the end, realizing she said similar people were boring, but it was ironic in a way. "I'm sure we won't bore anyone at the party, they'll all be too busy trying to tell us apart." She was glad that Kew knew how to apply makeup, because she surely didn't. She waited until her mistress had finished and looked in the mirror. "I don't even look like me!" she said, laughing.
Amber would swallow and nod her head, only to realize he wasn’t looking at her so she would verbalize her answer. Practically kicking herself in the butt she would go off to find Martin before attempting to hitch the horses. She had knowledge of it, but wanted to make sure it was properly done. In time the horses were hitched, and Martin had only yelled at her twice, perhaps once actually meriting scolding. Amber would watch the seemingly bitter man go back to his own affairs while she stood at the ready, trying to not be conscious of her appearance as he had made her talking of himself having to wear something appropriate. Since when had she cared anyway? She sighed, petting Bonnie, not liking the effect this vampire was having on her. He was just a stupid vampire after all, she had to remind herself still, and one can turn on you as easily as the other. She would rub her arm in reminder.

Timothy was out front and waiting when Amber brought the carriage around front. He was dressed nicely, in a casual suit. Even though he stood straight, his mind seemed to be elsewhere, most likely on the upcoming party. As the carriage rumbled to a stop, he snapped to attention. Striding forward, he approached the coach. Martin scurried up and opened the door for him quickly. Timothy would then enter the carriage and wait for his serf to join him. If she did, Martin would hop up front, click to the horses, and snap the reins, sending them off in the direction of the market place.

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