Ambrose a Vampire RP

Xander looked like he might have been dozing off waiting for the Serf. His thoughts slowly going over all the mistakes she made. When he heard her voice he would merely open his eyes to look at her, sitting up with what strength he had. “To start, I knew about not feeding, I merely promised you I would hold off till you were ready.” He said glancing away, he had to get down to business.

“There are quite a few corrections I need to make with you though; today with the guest wasn’t acceptable.” At that he would actually place a hand to his head, feeling a touch dizzy. This wasn’t good, if it was due to lack of feeding perhaps he could find a herb or something that will keep him well enough to she was ready. “You’re going to have rumors starting of us having a love affair if you keep acting like you do in front of guest.” He said a bit coldly, his main worry and fear the only think he could keep straight at that moment. “I have also warned you before about always being properly dressed in the house. Coming down in what little you did would leave them to question why you were dressed so . . . I’m sure even your mind can give you what made up answers I wish not to arise.”
"I...I....," Jennifer stuttered in reply, her gaze lowering to the floor and her hands clasping together behind her. Already, she could feel the hot blush of embarrassment reaching her cheeks and she allowed her long black hair to fall over her shoulders and around her face. "I was...trying to do laundry...," she attempted to explain, biting her lip, "With the hot, soapy water and everything, it's hard to do it in a regular dress. There's a lot of steam a-and if the water sloshed about, I didn't want to worry about my good dress I was going to wear later getting wet..."

Jennifer swallowed nervously, still staring at the floor. She was sure to get some punishment now... She knew Alexander was as about as violent as a daisy, but he could still take away her privileges like riding Silver Sky. "I'm sorry, Master Alexander. There's....really no excuse for my behavior. Mistress Kew came so suddenly and I was flustered. It shouldn't have happened..." she whispered. Running her bare toes in a circle on the carpet, she continued chewing on her lip. "As for the feeding, it's been three days and the venom has been flushed completely from my system. I-I don't know if you noticed since you've been so busy and all, but I have grown and actually look my age now. I-I mean, at least I t-think I do..."
Xander would glance up at her with a chuckle at her last comment. “You still look so young in ways.” He said honestly, although it wasn’t a bad thing. He looked away once more leaning back into the chair to close his eyes. Maybe a nap, maybe he’ll be better after a nap. The girl didn’t seem to get what he meant and he wasn’t going to push. He said he wouldn’t feed until she was ready, not till she was grown, or whatever else. “I was a mess once more in front of a female wasn’t I?” He asked worried, wondering what he was suppose to do but not able to focus on it. “As for outfits, if you need more or better suited ones just say so and I’ll give you the money for market. You always seem to go about making things more difficult than they should be.”
Jennifer slowly glanced upward at her master, still quite nervous. "O-oh, feeding doesn't bother me," she answered in truth, straightening up somewhat and looking to the side, "You're...much gentler than the vampires at the plantation and I guess I don't harbor any feelings against your kind for feeding from humans. I is your life source. I-I hate to see you suffer because you aren't getting the nutrients you need." At his comment on her still looking young, that annoying embarrassed blush returned and she hung her head meekly. "I apologize...I don't mean to make things difficult. I'm still learning...I'm just grateful you have as much patience as you do. Most of the vampires would have...whipped or beaten me by now," she told him, taking a few steps towards the window.

Jennifer gazed outside at the storm as the rain came down in torrents against the pane of glass. She flinched at a crack of loud thunder, but was also mesmerized by the falling water and didn't pull away from the window. Resting her palms on the sill, she sighed softly. "Maybe....I really am not the right serf for you...," she murmured quietly, "Maybe I'm just not...not good enough."
Xander tried so desperately to listen to her words, but he could feel himself slipping. He was so worn already and all he practically did was come down the stairs. Lecture his serf, and messed up with a guest. “It’s so hard to find good help these days.” He joked weakly smiling a touch. He couldn’t even keep his business manner up really. “If you think you’re not good enough then work hard to get better. It’s what I do.” Why did he add that last part? Damn his brain must be going slow and he would move to try to push himself up. If he was stuck sleeping he might as well try to get back upstairs and do so in the comfort of his own bed.
Jennifer, seeing Alexander attempt to stand, immediately rushed over to him and if he allowed would put his arm over his shoulder. "Here, let me help you," she would tell him, helping her master stand and beginning to walk towards the stairs, "You really think I can get better? I feel like I mess up so often..." When they reached the stairs, she would slowly begin the ascent, holding Alexander up firmly in case his legs decided to give out from under him.

Stair by stair Jennifer would help him upwards towards his bedroom. Her long jet black hair would spill over Alexander's arm if he'd let it and she would travel most of the way in silence after her last question until they neared his chamber. She would then speak up softly, "You need to feed, Master Alexander. It...pains me to see you in such a fatigued state." Pushing open his door, she would then lead him over to his bed, easing him down onto the soft comforter.
Amber would finish with the horses, perhaps spending more time than necessary with them before finally saying her goodbyes and giving farewell kisses and treats. Entering the house she would run into Hanna who shooed her into the kitchen for a quick meal and before she knew it she was sent off to his chambers with another tray of food for him. She would knock, and when permitted to enter would place the tray down to open the door without issue, before taking the food to him, soup and stuff that might help built up strength. "So what will you have me do?" she would ask, curious as to what sorts of paperwork and odd jobs she may now have to do.

Xander wasn’t all there to notice her efforts, the trek was long for him and when he reached his bed he would just drop upon it looking to the ceiling some. He would hold out his hand for her arm, hoping she would allow him to dine like this. Perhaps this whole day was just a dream, it could never really be like this right? The whole vampire revisiting, and his serf dressed like she was. A foolish dream in which nothing was real and his mind was playing tricks on him.

IF she gave him her arm he would gently bring it to his lips before biting into it. Maybe taken longer than usual, more than usual, but he was really starting to hit the end of his rope, his lips kissing the mark afterwards in thanks. Not letting go of her, and in a sweeping move he would try to pull her into the bed and drape his arms around her. This had to be a dream after all, and if it was, he might as well enjoy it a little. If she managed to join him he would stumble into dream land like that holding her close.
After seeing her master was situated on the bed, Jennifer closed her eyes for a moment and calmed her nerves. It had, afterall, been three days since she'd felt the sting of a feeding or the rush of venom; however, she managed to become relaxed and when he held his hand out for her arm, she was ready. Taking a step closer, she gave Alexander her slender arm and prepared herself for the bite. A slight shiver ran down her spine as his lips grazed her wrist lightly before she felt the slight pain of his fangs breaking the skin and sinking into the flesh of her arm.

Then came the familiar cold as the venom shot through her bloodstream, feeling much like an icy bolt of electricity shooting up her arm to her shoulder. After that was the wave of warmth to calm the cold, which made her arm tingly all over. Taking a chance, her eyes wandered to her master's face, noticing he was taking longer than usual. It didn't bother her so much, except for maybe a little light-headedness, but it did surprise her since he was so nervous about having rumors gets out.

A gentle smile crossed Jennifer's lips as she looked down at Alexander after he'd softly kissed her wrist. He looked a bit comical, spread out on the bed in such a fashion, and she really respected him for showing such gratitude to a mere human. She expected him to release his hold on his arm so she could go on to her duties, cleaning up any messes she'd left in the parlor by accident, however, Alexander didn't let go. The black haired serf blinked in surprise, then her eyes widened as he reached up and wrapped his arms about her.

Poor Jennifer's heart almost stopped in utter surprise at his actions, her cheeks becoming a deep shade of crimson at her master's embrace. Even though he did show kindness and compassion every now and then, Alexander had always been so businesslike, so stern, and yet here she was in his arms. A slight tremble ran through the girl's body before she became still, now starting to wonder if she was really awake at all. Could this really be happening?

Jenny allowed him to pull her close and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. What to do, what to do? Should she pull away? Should she say something? However, peering over at his calm, almost peaceful expression, she relaxed, her rigid body becoming limp. No, she couldn't... For the first time, he actually looked tranquil. Besides, she couldn't help but feel warm inside. No one had ever cared for the serf, and deep down inside, she wanted to enjoy every minute of this. She allowed herself to become calm and even ever so gently laid her forehead against his shoulder, her hair sprawled out over herself, Xander, and the bed.
She finally felt safe and...maybe even loved.

Timothy turned his head in Amber's direction immediately as she walked in. "Ah, there you are. I was beginning to think you'd lost track of time," he told her, reprimanding her slightly but more in a joking manner, "Enjoying your time with the horses?" He'd listen to her reply, then stroll over to her. He was quite weak and moved slowly, but was strong enough to maintain a slow, but steady walk.

"I have some clients coming to pick up their bought horses this week and I'll need your assistance in organizing the buyer and seller paperwork as well as making sure their new horses are ready. That means their coats should shine like the sun and they should be fit and in shape. I'll give you a list of the gentle beasts that are going to be picked up this week and that's what I want you to focus on. Also, I have something to show you," Timothy went on to explain, heading down the corridor and carefully making his way down the tall staircase. If Amber followed, he would take her hand and lead her through the kitchen and out into the backyard towards the stables. However, he would pass on by the normal stables Amber had been to and instead traveled far across the pastures.

It wasn't too long before a small barn would come into focus. The pain was peeling and it had a few knotted boards every now and then, but for the most part, it was the finest horse building on the estate. If Amber was still at his side and hadn't turned away, he would open the heavy gate and take her inside. It was a bit dark and there was a strong scent of fresh hay. A bit of rustling and a soft snort could be heard close by and when her eyes adjusted, the young serf would see a beautiful bay mare off to the side. The mare's huge brown eyes watched their every move and stamped her feet a bit nervously at the newcomer. Her sides were quite swollen, signaling that this horse indeed was pregnant, holding the precious life a foal soon to be born.

Timothy would turn to his serf to see her reaction, smiling gently.
“I can fix him!” Abram would be quick to defend his pet. “I will make his hurt go away” he would say softly, tears threatening his eyes. He should have realized that his words lashing out against his friend would be taken wrong, but then again any words said in anger didn’t have a good way to be taken. When his dearest came to him and would try to hug him he couldn’t help but pull away. He was too filled with hurt, and upset, actually feeling anger towards his friend for his words. He knew that his pet was broken, he could see that from the moment he saw him, but that was what had drawn him to pick Mutt, a kindred spirit, one that he might match if he hadn’t had Vinny to help him, to be there for him, to love him. Why couldn’t he do the same for another? It didn’t matter to him, he would find a way to do it, to save him.

Time would slow, and in one moment he would be pulling away from the touch of the one he thought he could never reject, and the next his pet was biting him, truly fitting his name of a dog. He was unable to call out Mutt in anger or upset, for that was what they did, so instead with a pained expression he would pull his pet away and tell him to release his friend, his words barely a whisper.

He would hold his pet as if to protect or calm him. “Don’t say that” his words were so low, barely above a whisper. “They would put him to death and you know it, he’s only safe because he is bonded to me, any other way he would be expendable. I won’t let him die”

Reverie looked over the writing and nodded. She touched it an almost warm look on her face as she touched his name. Then she looked back up, her face going back to it's usual dream-like state.

"Very good. Handwriting isn't all that important right now. What comes next is the alphebet. Do you know it?"

Reverie felt a little weird teaching her serf how to read and write. But she was always an odd one and to her it was important.

The sleep, it was a deep one, one of those that tended to swallow the world whole leaving nothing but peace. It was a rest he hadn’t had in a long time, a calm blessing. He felt warm within the darkness of his dreams, almost as if he had finally found his place, a proper home. Never expecting what surprised might be waiting for when he woke.

His eyes fluttered open and she was the first thing he saw. A gentle smile crossing his face, she was beautiful, a silhouette of what most women should strive for. These may have been his first thoughts, but they were short lived. The realization sunk in as if he was doused in cold ice water, followed by a quick struggle for freedom. He wouldn’t push her; instead he would find himself pushing himself off the bed in a fight to get away.

A crash and a shock of pain as he landed hard on the floor, his worse fears ignited. What was she doing there like that? Why was she so close . . . in his arms even? His mind spun trying to piece together the faded last few days. He would move to lay on his back as if defeat his eyes up at the ceiling. It was obvious . . . painfully so, he couldn’t keep her near him after all. What a weak man he really must have be for this to be the outcome.
After Lily had exited, the little Vampirette walked into the bathroom and began to draw a bath. She sighed as she watched the large tub slowly fill with water. Grabbing one of the natural herbs and perfumes, she poured them within the tub and watched as the bubbles grew. But there was a little spot where the bubbles were absent, which allowed the little Vampirette to look at her reflection in the water.

She was disappointed. So was her mother and her father and the rest of her family for that matter. She looked like a child! Her round face, her large eyes. Why couldn't she be like her mother and sister's? Why couldn't she be a woman like everyone else. Heck, even her own serf was more mature than her. It just didn't seem fair. No one took her seriously, and she was always messing up, like the visit to Alexander's estate.

She felt a twinge of hurt when her thoughts lead to him, but she didn't know why. It was most likely because he seemed to be the only Vampire who truly took her seriously...

The vampirette shook herself out of her depressing thoughts and quickly undressed before stepping into the hot water and laying comfortably within it. She sighed once more and closed her eyes, trying to relax her mind.

When Lily arrived at the serf's usual gathering place, the kitchen, they all turned to her, seemingly exhausted from the remainder of the preparations. There were still quite a few serfs missing, most likely helping the Vampires themselves prepare for the party. One in particular raised an eyebrow at her, the same cynical sarcastic one that drove the carriages. "Shouldn't you be with Miss Kew?" He asked her.


Xavior shook his head when she asked if he knew the alphabet. He truly didn't know, but he was curious as to why she seemed to be the one teaching him such things when she could have hired someone else to do this. After all, what was the one year training for, then? But he decided to keep his mouth shut and simply do as she asked, and answered what she asked.

Lily looked at the Serf, realizing he was the same one that had chauffered the two girls around before. "I guess I'm not quite sure," Lily answered, utterly confused at this point. Kew had told her to prepare herself then this Serf was telling her to return to her Mistress. "I thought I should be with her as well but she said to go get ready for the party... I'm not quite sure what she meant by that. Surely Kew had wanted her to assist the other Serfs with the preparations?
Reverie began to teach Xavior the alphabet, clearly avoiding any topics on why she was the one who was doing the teaching. After a while, Reverie stopped talking, almost in the middle of what she was saying.

She looked down the hill, almost as if she expected someone to be walking up it towards them. But there was no one around. Reverie smiled sadly, shaking her head. "Silly girl..." she said in a voice almost too soft to be heard. Then she picked up where she left off.

Jennifer, finding the bed quite comfortable, had dozed off only a little after Alexander. For the first time, she had no nightmares, just peaceful, blank sleep. Until Alexander woke up, that is. The commotion caused her to jerk away and she sat up immediately. Her face turned positively crimson, seeing how she'd been in his arms. Her mouth opened and she searched for words, but none would come. Reaching out, she tried to prevent her master from falling but it was too late and he collided with the floor with a sickening thud.

Jenny hurriedly slid off the bed and ran to his side, but then hesitated. Would he want her to help? More than likely he would probably want her to leave, far from his sight. Oh, how angered he would be! Why hadn't she refused? Why hadn't she just pulled away after he'd fallen asleep? A single thought crossed her mind, but she quickly shook her head, dispersing it. No, she couldn't.... It wasn't right. He was a vampire, she was a serf. It was positively stupid of her to think of such ideas.

Jennifer bit her lip hard, causing it to bleed, making her decision. Softly, she knelt down and IF he would permit her to, she would help him to his feet and back to his bed. Parting her lips again, she finally managed to utter, "I-I'm sorry...! I-I'm s-so sorry...I'm sorry..." Over and over she repeated the phrase backing up towards the door. "I-I should have seen y-you were so fatigued you m-might have not been in your right m-mind but it happened so suddenly, I-I-I couldn't think...!"
Rosa took a step back from the scene, fading once again into the shadows. The shadows suited her well she was just within reach if needed but otherwise she was gone. There again she saw the flicker between her Master and Sir Adam and the serf began to wonder. This friendship seemed like more, almost romantic?

However before she could pursue that thought any further Mutt bit her Master. At first she was unsure if he had really done so, maybe it was some kind of mistake. Maybe her Master’s jacket pinched just as the other serf had leaned over but that didn’t seem to be the case. It was so bizarre that Rosa was unsure how to react, she stood in the shadows for a second longer than usual before taking action.

At first she attempted to get her Master to leave or move so she could better handle the wound but he didn’t budge. He was set on telling Sir Adam what he thought he should do about this new serf. With a low growl, that Rosa quickly cut off realizing it wasn’t appropriate at the moment, she looked about for something useful. She doubted there was a serious infection her Master could catch but she would rather be safe. The serf quickly reached below her skirt and ripped off a length of linen to wrap about her Master’s arm. “Would you hold still a moment,” she muttered trying to wrap his am securely without cutting circulation.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Bret could feel the stares and he just took it in, winking and smiling at each and every vamp he passed. He could tell Iliana was also enjoying all the “bad” attention which only made him smile more. The fact that he had not dragged or begged her to take him only helped Bret’s ego and dignity both things that did not necessarily need a boost. When the server approached with his look of contempt and disdain it was all Bret could do not to laugh directly in his face but he was in fact hunger. So therefore after reading the menu the serf looked up with an overly cheerful smile and said to the waiter, “How about the grilled rabbit. Oh and you may want to call a painter so he can document this very crucial movement in Tyrdaul’s history. Because we all know the world ends when a serf orders food before she does. Than again she determines when she would like to feed so you shouldn’t worry too too much,” Bret said passing his menu to the waiter who was staring at him in shock.

Xander would look up at her studying her a bit when she knelt down perhaps surprised she would rush so. When he notice her bleeding lip he would slowly reach up as if to touch it only to pull back his hand quickly the last moment. Making a fist with his foolish hand he would slam it against the floor in frustration. He wouldn’t allow her to help him up, and if she tried to touch him she would merely get a cold glare.

“You need to leave now.” His voice was stern, and he watched her go the best he could while laying there. When he was sure she was out of the room he would lightly bang his head on the floor. What was she thinking? Ha! What was HE thinking, had he really needed his guard up this much around her? A mere slip and he was stuck in this most . . . uncomfortable situation. Damn it all to hell! What was he suppose to do now? How was he supposed to react and stuff? Another fist to the ground wondering if all was ruined.

--- Merged Double Post ---


“Through how much hurt of your own!” Vinnie said calmly, watching as his friend pulled away and took the pet into his arms. It felt as if his own heart might be breaking. His words talked about the serf and death and Vinnie actually clenched his fist. “You talk as though I can’t have that now for an attack alone!” He never could really do it they both knew that. “If it had been anyone else Adam! What . . . what if it’s you next?!” It was obvious though that he was conflicted, thinking about reporting the serf never the less. If it would protect Adam, if it would keep him safe.

Getting a growl from Rosa he paused in surprised realizing what she was doing. Ruinning one of her dresses for him he merely sighed. Out of them both he was usually the one to take the less safe route, what was Adam thinking this time? Serfs . . . they were stuck with you the rest of your life you had to be careful in picking. He would gently move to let Rosa tend, feeling a tad bit better with how Rosa spoke to him. “Then Adam.” He said seemingly calm now. “We should trade, switch bonds . . . that way you’re dog won’t be put down, . . . and I won’t have to worry so much.”

That would work, in Vinnie’s eyes that would have to work. Sure he disliked the dog already due to the attention alone Adam gave him. Due to the fact Adam easily picked it over him. Sure this was killing him inside for some reason, but . . . as long as he could keep Adam safe . . . in the end what did all that matter?


Mutt would seem to calm in Adam’s arms, not seeming afraid at all when it came to the threats of death. He was maybe a bit too calm, as he glared coldly at Vinnie as if the first attack was merely a warning. It was when Vinnie got another idea, the idea of switching that he seemed to jump and growl. Almost swearing to himself there he would kill the bastard if it happened.
Abram’s eyes would narrow at Vinny. Did he really have so little faith in him after all these years? Was he right, would he only fail his pet? Uncertainty and pain flickered in his eyes, overwhelmed at the anger for himself and the one he loved most. Anger at himself for being unable, and anger at Vinny for being so blunt and misunderstanding. “P-please don’t” he would fall to his knees in defeat. Had he already failed the both of them? “He’s fine, just protective, it was my fault, I’ll take his punishment for it falls on me his master after all” ok maybe it didn’t work that way, but to Abram it should have.

Abram was shocked at the girl’s reaction and need to get herself involved. He realized two things, one that she wasn’t just a stupid whore (and he would need to find her a new nickname), and two, she had jumped to his love’s defense in his stead. He truly was failing here. ”Trade?” his words would resonate. But… Mutt was his, the one he picked himself. He would glance to the girl and back to Vinny. Surely Vinny was a better master than him, but he felt too selfish to allow such a thing to happen. “No. He’s mine” through the hurt and confusion his words were strong. He loved Vinny, oh how he loved Vinny, but this was one thing he couldn’t give him, he only hoped that Vinny would understand. It was then that Mutt decided to act up, possibly only adding fuel to Vinny’s fire. “Please, calm down” he would lower his voice and beg of him. He was already drained and didn’t have any fight left.

--- Merged Double Post ---

She would nod with a smile, then do her best to not stare while he walked so pitifully. The work seemed easy and simple enough. Plus he spoke not of having to interact with said clients, this put Amber’s mind at ease some. He then spoke of showing to show her and she wondered what tasks he has left unsaid. She would follow and felt the warmth of him grabbing her hand. Her eyes would widen some and her step faltered, but she didn’t yank it away from him, which she would have done if it were anyone else. Not understanding how this one was able to put her more at ease she would allow him to lead her through the house, and past the stables, to the pastures even.

A small barn came into view and her mind went to a blank as to what he would want her all this way for, what task would be needed. The place looked weathered, yet still seemed to outshine the stables for some reason or another. Once inside it took her eyes some time to adjust and then she saw her a beautiful mare, indeed baring child. At the same time her face would light up, and she would panic some. She had never seen a foal before, all the horses brought through the plantation were five years at least. The idea of a baby excited and warmed her heart some, but she was fearful because she hadn’t a clue the first thing about birthing. Was she supposed to have been taught? Surely whatever skills she lacked he would help her right, there would be no danger to the unborn life. She would do her best to push the panic back, after all he hadn’t even named her task yet and she was afraid of failure, of somehow negatively affecting this unborn beauty. She would approach with caution, knowing that the horse would be on high alert and she was a stranger still. Giving the girl her respectable distance Amber would click at the girl and whisper her sweet somethings in hope that she would warm up to her some. After some time she would approach some and take her promised snack and nuzzle her hands while petted. Amber would turn and give Timothy a beautiful smile, before giving her full attention back to the horse at hand.

"Ready?" The serf asked the girl, chuckling to himself and crossing his arms. He shook his head at what he perceived to be the silliest thing he ever heard. "You mean to tell me that when a Vampire asks you to get ready, you don't know what that means?"

Standing from his seat, he walked up to her with a bit of a scowl, examining her. He bent down slightly to her level to get a better view. "Hmm..." He seemed to have been thinking. "You look very similar to Kew... How about you two dress up like twins, wouldn't that be fun?" He chuckled to himself. "Just copy what she does and you'll know to ready yourself."


Before Xavior knew it, Reverie was teaching him the alphabet, and just as anyone could guess, he began to pick it up rather quickly. However, when the mysterious girl paused in the middle of what she was saying, just to look at the bottom of the hill, he raised an eyebrow. She always seemed to be waiting for someone, longing for someone, and always seemed lonely. This puzzled Xavior, since it seemed as if Vampiresses always had people around, catering to their every whim. But Reverie kept her distance, and this made Xavior all the more curious.

"Miss Reverie..." He began quietly, interrupting what she was speaking, "Is there... Someone special in your life...?" He asked solemnly. "Someone you are waiting for?"

After the incident with her master, Jennifer seemed to have totally disappeared. It was a different serf who came to bring Alexander his evening tea and dinner as well as tend to the master's bruises from the fall. The mansion was void of the young black-haired girl for hours, being eerily quiet except for an occasional serf doing his duty. The serf who'd brought Xander his meal and tea set the tray casually on the master's desk, inquiring if there was anything else he needed. Jennifer cared too much about Alexander and couldn't just leave him there without help, so she had given the serf her pay in exchange for his help.

Having fled far out into the stable, Jenny had already unlatched Silver Sky's gate, leading the beautiful gray mare out from her stall. In no time, she was saddled and bridalled. Swiftly jumping into the air, Jenny mounted gracefully and gathered the reins. Tears filled her large blue eyes and tears had begun to flow over, there was no stopping them now.

Giving Sky a kick, the horse and rider were off, galloping out into the countryside. She didn't know whether she'd be coming back or not, all she knew was that she needed to get away from this place...away from Alexander. The storm was still raging on, but Jenny didn't care. Rain poured down in torrents over her and Sky but she merely wiped away the water from her eyes, not bothering to slow up or stop. Finally, she pulled Silver Sky to a halt atop a tall hill. Slowly turning her head, she gazed back at the estate, her tears mixing with the rain on her face. She hadn't meant to upset him; the last thing she'd wanted was to cause an awkward situation. Yet, here she was, having messed up once again.

Kicking Silver Sky once more, Jennifer continued on through the storm, eventually finding shelter in an old, abandoned shed a couple miles from the mansion. There, she led Sky out of the rain and sat down, leaning against the wall as she tried to catch her breath.
Iliana ordered her food after Bret. As the waiter walked away, she couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Painting a picture? Well I guess it's true, Serfs rarely even get tonorder anything while they're here. They're more like decorations. It's practically a sin for me to let you order first." she laughed. "Because you know, I'm totally innocent!" se added sarcastically.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lily grinned at the thought. "But wouldn't that have a possibility of confusing the guests?" she asked. It was an amusing idea, but she wanted to ask Kew's permission before doing anything so.... Strange. It was true, she had to idea how to 'get ready' for the party, so maybe imitating her Mistress would be a learning experience. "Thank you." she said to the Serf before dashing off to find Kew.
Reverie looked at Xavior. She was tempted to keep talking. To ignore his question. Sure she had gotten closer to her serf, but so few knew about him. About what happened. Still he was only a human. It shouldn't matter.

"I had someone before," Reverie said, her voice soft and sad. "We were very much in love but our families did not agree. We use to come here all the time to be alone. But a fight happened and he is...gone." Reverie did not explain what she meant by gone. Xavior was free to assume what he thought she meant. "I just can't help but - I can't believe I am telling you this - look for him even now. I know he can't come back after all."

She looked at Xavior and reached out and touched his cheek, gently, barely touching his skin. "You've managed to get such a strange mistress. What you must think of me? What everyone does I suppose. A love sick vampiress who can't get over a lost love." Reverie laughed a little at herself, her laugh soft and sweet. "No one else will want me though. I guess I am stuck with just you for the rest of my life. But we shall talk of it no more. Maybe, after some time, I will tell you the full tale."
When Lily asked if that would confuse the guests, the serf went to open his mouth, but she had already scurried off before he could say anything to her. Rolling his eyes and grinning a bit, he shook his head. "What a weird one..." He murmured.

Kew was still relaxing in the tub full of water, now asleep. The tub was filled with sweet smelling herbs and such to help make her skin smooth, and various other remedies to make her hair silky. It was already working as it should be. After all, the party began early in the morning, and that morning was only a few hours away, now.


As Reverie explained the whole situation to Xavior, everything seemed to become clear about her. She
was lonely, and missing someone. And what a tale she told. He then began to feel guilty for ever thinking poorly of her, more-so for even asking the question.

When she gently touched his cheek, he would have shivered, but he kept still. She continued to speak depressing words about how she predicted her fate would be. He wanted to tell her that it all wasn't true. Someone, someday would want her, and stay with her; but whenever he tried to speak, nothing came out. He would tell her she was wrong in another time, for that moment was not right.

All of a sudden Lily popped up over the edge of the tub. She saw that Kew was sleeping. "Miss Keeeew..." she said in a whisper. She didn't want to scare the girl, but then again it probably wasn't the best idea to be in her washroom in the first place. So Lily crept out again, down the hall to the other washroom. She located the fancy soaps that her Mistress had put in there, and finally figured out how to make the water bubbly. She sunk into the hot water. "Now what?" she asked herself aloud. Was the point to fall asleep like Kew had and just relax and soak? Lily squeezed her eyes shut but found that it was easier said than done. She sighed, playing with her long hair in the soapy water. Never having taken a bubble bath before, she was easily amused by playing with the tiny bubbles. She ducked her head into the water and blew, making the bubbles fly into the air. She giggled a little, then realized she must have looked very childish. She sat back up and wiped the bubbles off her face (after, of course, looking into the mirror to see what she looked like with a 'bubble beard'). She wondered if the young Vampiress would be okay with the male serf's idea. Maybe, maybe not. She didn't think her Mistress would want to dress like a Serf, but Lily usually wore Kew's dresses anyway...

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