Ambrose a Vampire RP

The little Vampirette blinked when she walked out of the bathroom. "You can have this one, or there's another bath down the hall to your left. The serfs use it... I sneak in some expensive soap for them, too..." She explained. Kew was always trying to be considerate and generous to the other serfs, and sometimes that generosity caused her some strife upon the event of her siblings finding out. But she always ignored them and did as she pleased. She liked Humans, a lot more than she liked Vampires. This was very odd behaviour.
"Oh, no," Lily said, standing up. "I'll go to the other one, thank you." She looked between the dresses that Kew had given her on her first day here, finally deciding on a pale purple/blue one. She smiled at her Mistress again before leaving the room and walking down the hallway to locate the other washroom. She finally found it and quickly drew a bath, undressing and sitting in the hot water.
Kew nodded and finally undressed and lowered herself in the warm water. She washed herself, and then her hair before stepping out and drying herself down with a towel. She then clothed herself in something other than her usual black dress with an apron. It was a lovely dark dress that hugged her waist and hips, but then the ends of the short dress flowed out some. It accentuated her figure and made her look more womanly. She stepped out of the bathroom and sat at her dresser with a large mirror and began brushing her long golden hair.
Lily held her breath and sunk under the water. She resurfaced when her hair was all wet, cleaning it and washing off before getting out. She slipped a little bit on the floor and fell on her butt. She blushed from embarrassment and was just glad that no one was around to see her fall. She dried off and clothes quickly after making sure her hair wouldn't soak the dress. She looked in the mirror and began coming her calf length hair, which was a tedious and time consuming process. She hoped Kew would not be upset with her for taking so long just to comb her hair. Then again, if her Mistress was upset about the lengthy process, she'd surely ask for it be cut off, and she hadn't done so yet.
Once Kew's hair became dry, she put it up into two messy buns on each side of her head, but leaving the majority of her hair down. She then put just a tiny bit of white powder on her face to give a smooth look to her skin. Once she was completely ready, she made her way back to the kitchen, just as Tress finished icing the cake and was placing it within the basket with the rest of the food. "Everything is ready, miss Kew." The vampirette smiled with excitement.

She hoped he would like it, after all, it was a symbol of how guilty she felt. In reality she was simply over reacting, and deep down all she wanted was to visit the nice Vampire who seemed a lot like her.
Lily decided to leave her hair down, letting it fall it's full lenth past her knees. Once she was finished getting ready she wandered down to the kitchen, only to find that Kew had beaten her there. The food was all ready to go, and so was her Mistress. "Miss Kew, should I call for the carriage now?"
Abram stood in the silence of the night. His warm demeanor as always as he turned to the pair "I'd invite the both of you in but I don't know if they would let me inside myself" he would laugh, "I swear my parents have been plotting something lately... this can not be good" He would lean against the support beam of the porch, ready to hear what this serf had to say, expecting it to be nonsense, but sadly it all made sense. He was about to say so before his Vinny put his arm around the stupid whore, making him twitch some. "It's a good idea..." he would think for a moment. "Alas it takes more than one to properly run the place and your father could use this to by chance control you better or to bring around more proper suitors, but perhaps it can work" He would offer his best grin and the serf a pat on the head like he did for his Mutt. Once he thought of his precious toy he would look around some, wondering where he had run off to now.
The vampirette nodded. "Sure." She replied in her normal quiet voice. She then attempted to pick up the basket, which was quite heavy, but she managed. "I-I'll be right there! J-just call for the carriage." She told Lily, her face making a quite humorous expression from the weight of the basket. She slowly stepped her way towards the door, hoping Lily would have the carriage all ready by the time she arrived. The Vampirette hoped her limbs wouldn't fall off, but she wanted to do this, and she felt it was her burden to bear.
Bret nodded, “Hopefully known of it is too far out of your price range,” he mocked knowing good and well he had barely put a dent in her purse. Oh if the serf had wanted to he could have grabbed multiple non-essentials and lied saying he used each of them daily but that seemed immature, a prank not worth his time. “So did you decide on cow bell or a little tinkling one that your cat wears for my collar?” he teased handing over the bundle of clothing he would need.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Rosa knew the vampire would most likely find some fault in her plan which she didn’t mind. The serf knew the basics of running a business not the specifics of running a business in the Bloodstone family. All the same something in Sir Abram’s tone was false and made her feel belittled, something she didn’t feel around her Master. Than again her Master was the exception to the rule and she needed to keep that in mind whenever she spoke around other vampires. “I don’t mean to contradict Sir Abram but for a year I have been trained to manage a business on my own and devote most if not all of my time to it. I can handle a storefront on my own with only minimal guidance from my Master,” Rosa said in a quiet respectful tone. She leaned a bit closer to her Master, almost hiding in case Sir Abram retaliated.
Vinnie paled slightly when Adam managed to point out the flaws. It was more the fact it might give his father more control that worried him more. “It also . . . might allow me to finally be disowned . . . give me a new home and start . . . right?” He glanced up to Adam unsure before sighing. “Then I wouldn’t have away to get back at him though . . . but it would be nice to know if I ever wanted to I could just give up and live there. We could get a pub . . . put an inn up top, even have a special small house built into it just for us.” When Rosa spoke of running it he just gave a gentle smile. “See Adam, I don’t even have to do anything, father won’t like that will he?” He paused before going to drop to one knee in front of Adam teasing some. “It may also give us both the chance to run away like we always wanted. I could save Eve from her dragon of a father and witch of a mother.”
Lily went to call for a carriage and by the time she got back her Mistress was still dragging the basket to the door. "Miss Kew, would you like me to carry the basket for you?" she asked. Kew shouldn't have to carry it. Lily was the Serf and it was her responsibility to do things for her owner, not the other way around.
Kew shook her head and continued on until she made it passed the door. By this time, the serf in charge of the carriage had arrived and was waiting for the two girls to settle in and give him instructions on where to go. The Vampirette then finally made it to the carriage and set the basket on her lap once she sat and was settled.
Iliana knew that the amount they were spending was no big deal, the family had plenty to spare but if Iliana went overboard she would be the one punished for it. She took the clothes from Bret and placed them up on the counter so that the price could be added up. "Don't worry, I spared you the humiliation this time." she said with a sarcastic smile. She set the new collar and tags on the desk as well. "See? Just a plain leather one with your new information." The shop owner tallied up the price and Iliana quickly handed him the money. She put the clothes in a cloth bag she'd brought along and they left the store.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lily gave Kew a worried look. She was always doing the jobs that were meant for humans, and shouldn't be responsible for such silly tasks. Serfs were raised to think that Vampires should never lift a finger. Lily climbed up next to her Mistress. "Are you okay, miss? You look exhausted. Surely someone could have carried that for you."
Kew turned to Lily and shook her head. "This was my idea, and this is my apology gift. It should be my burden to carry, you know?" The little Vampirette gave her a reassuring smile before telling the carriage driver where to go, and soon they were on their way, crossing bumpy roads and bridges before they finally arrived. Kew swallowed nervously, her shy nature returning. When the carriage finally came to a stop, the vampirette wasted no time in hopping out with the heavy basket, and making her way to the door. She waited for Lily before knocking on the doorknocker. She swallowed a bit nervously, hoping her would accept her apology and accept the gift. She hoped more than anything that he would at least enjoy it.
Lily waited silently until they had arrived at the Vampires house from yesterday. Kew must have felt very bad about what happened if she was going so far as to bring him all this food as an apology. The carriage stopped in front of the young Vampire's home and Lily waited for Kew to get out before getting out as well and following along behind her, hoping Kew wasn't going to fall over from exhaustion from carrying the heavy basket. Lily used the doorknocker to summon whoever was in the house, hoping for Kew's sake that they were actually home.
Abram would sigh, running his hair back through his long locks, it seemed that there was some tension between himself and his Vinny’s new serf. Knowing it would only stress his love so he would stop putting her on the defensive. He would end the conversation between them, even if she seemed somewhat arrogant in thinking she could solely take care of a business, when even the smallest of places would need in the least a few workers. These were semantics and he would ignore such for now. “What a bright little child” he would offer a smile, though jilted at the fact that she hid as in in fear of him.

He could tell that his words had made Vinny think and allowed his process to go through before interrupting with his own words or comforting actions. He knew whatever his Vinny would do it would he would have to walk a grey line, and falling to either side could be either the best or worst for him. He would offer his friend a smile. “Put that much at the back of your head for now… would doing this, for you, make you happy?” perhaps simplifying it would help, then again nothing was simple when it came to this pair. A slight blush would come when his friend came to one knee, always the romantic. “It sounds the perfect plan. Only say the word and I’ll be there”

Reverie thought about it and nodded. She must seen so strange to Xavior, taking such concern in his education. Sure it was mostly out of selfish desire. Still most vampires just had their serfs do something for them and not much else. But Reverie found being able to read and write was important to her and she was going to make sure Xavior was properly educated.

"Write it," Reverie said, handing him the book and a pen.
Bret nodded fingering the collar for a moment before pushing it into the bag and following after her. He knew that once it was on the thing would most likely never come off again. The serf’s eyes wandered across the storefronts wondering how anybody could have enough money to support such stores. All of them were owned by Vampires but the dirty work was done by the serfs that never got any credit. With a small huff he opened to the carriage door for Iliana climbed onto the driver’s bench. “Where to next milady?” He asked sarcastically.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Rosa resisted the urge to snap at the vampire. He was so rude with her; she had gotten so used to the treatment she received from her Master that anything less felt odd to her. Than again this was a different kind of “rude” it was more subtle and her Master hadn’t an idea of Sir Adam’s true feelings towards her. She was just another stupid whore, both insults false. Rosa had studied for years learning to become anything and everything her Master needed from her and a whore was a woman who was consensually intimate with multiple men, also false. The serf accepted his complimented but didn’t believe a word of it.

Rosa quietly watched the interactions between her Master and Sir Adam and wondered if there was more to their relationship than met the eye. It almost seemed as if they were confused about their feelings and went back and forth. As the spoke she let her mind wander trying to find a pl
ausible store or pub idea. She had seen many a books scattered through the mansion but she wasn’t sure how many her Master had read or if he even cared for novels. A quiet tea store seemed feminine but if they mixed in cigars and other expensive foreign goods it would have more of a masculine feel.
Iliana closed the door, placing the bag beside her on the seat. She wasn't ready to go home, even though the shopping was technically out of the way. She thought for a moment while Bret climbed back up onto the driver's bench. She looked out the window facing him. "Are you hungry?" she asked. She figured it would keep them out of the stuffy house for awhile longer and Bret could find out how all the rich snobby Vampires ate. "We could go poke fun at the stuffy Vamps, I know a couple good places." She gave him her typical devilish grin. She loved nothing more than to relax, stuff her face with expensive food using her parents' money, and make fun of the over-dressed passerby.
Vinnie thought it over before given a weak smile. “I actually think it might if we can pull it off. It isn’t dangerous, and not my main goal by far . . . but we both know that I could be kicked from that house anytime. At least if we have this built I could have a roof of some sorts over my head when it came to it.” Of course when Adam brightened up to the idea he couldn’t help but smile. He stood to hug his friend happy that he might have a decent idea for once. Well . . . it wasn’t really his idea, it was Rosa’s but it was still a decent one. He laughed a bit glancing back to her some. “I have to be careful around you don’t I?” He said in a teasing voice. “If not you might surpass me in knowledge.”
Abram would offer "A pub with a inn of sorts with a few rooms to start sounds delightful" He would laugh as his dearest hugged him, happy that Vinny may have something to look forward to soon. At Vinny's interaction with his serf he would hit a sudden realization. "You have yet to meet my pet! Oh you must meet my pride and joy... Mutt! I know you hear me, come outside for a treat!" he would call into the house by opening the door, his voice echoing through the halls.
“I could eat,” Bret replied gathering the reins in his hands carefully. The horses before him snorted awake having fallen asleep while they ran their errand. “Plus once I eat, your meal will be much richer,” he added nonchalantly. In reality the serf could care less what she gained from taking a bite out of him, if it were up to Bret he would starve himself and see how it affected the Vampire sucking on him. He cocked his head when Iliana mentioned some more stuffy vampires to poke fun at. Oh he could definitely stand a little more of that, Bret wanted to know how they lived so that once he escaped his servitude he would be able to operate a business.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Rosa stood quietly trying to sink in the shadows like a wallflower. She listened and began to wonder how shifty her Master’s living situation was and whether she should begin looking in the classifieds for a new residence. Rosa could tell he was not much of a planner and if his parents kicked him out she would make sure they had a place to go.

The serf noticed how her Master really sought Sir Adam’s approval on everything and wondered where that behavior came from. It didn’t match with anything else he did, if anything her Master seemed to avoid approval but maybe the reality was that he simply disagreed with his family and didn’t give a damn what they thought of him.

When her Master addressed her, Rosa was broken from her train of thought. She had lost sight of the conversation but based on the smile on his face she just nodded and blushed from the embarrassment of not paying attention. From than on she forced herself to take notice of their doings and became a bit worried when Sir Adam summoned his pet by the name of “Mutt”. Where could a name like that come from? He seemed to be calling his serf as if it were a dog, which was odd even in the vampire culture. Serfs were treated like animals but always had simple names that could be called without drawing attention.
Iliana grinned. "The place we're going is just a few streets over." she said. It would take about 15 minutes with all the snobby vampires continuously walking in front of the carriage, and Iliana was tempted to tell Bret just to run them over as she gave him directions to get there. They finally arrived outside a building that was still small but slightly larger than the others. There were seats inside and out, and Iliana could see that the place was very busy. Vampires sat eating 'fancy' food and chatted up their friends while Serfs stood behind them or somewhere closeby. Iliana grinned, knowing she'd upset the whole place when she asked for a seat for Bret. She got out of the carriage and walked inside. She asked for two seats, getting her an undesirable stare from nearby Vamps. They were taken to a small two-seater in the back, and Iliana sat down on one side. "This is already amusing..." she said.
Vinnie nodded some only to blink when Adam went to call his own serf forward. “You . . . renamed your serf mutt? Isn’t that a bit degrading Adam?” OH if only Vinnie knew that the nickname fit the serf extremely well. He couldn’t help smile some though, wondering if their serfs might be able to help each other out. He gave Rosa a concerned look when she seemed a bit distracted, and couldn’t help wonder if he did something wrong. If she disapproved of him being her master again, or at least that’s how he felt at times. She would ask, and go on about how others vampires were normally, and he wondered if she wished he was the same a lot.

Mutt (aka Lynix) would come bounding out the house, flute in mouth almost like a dog carrying a stick. He looked around excited at the word ‘treat’, only for the smile to fade some as someone had hold of his master. Slowly he took his flute in his hand and gave Vinnie a very dangerous look. “Do you need help master? I can teach him to give you your proper space if you want.”

Vinnie of course looked quite surprised at the site of Adam’s serf and even his actions. At the ‘mutt’s’ word Vinnie pulled away from Adam not wanting to cause any problems or possible fights. He glanced to Adam with a weak smile as if apologizing. Maybe he did invade the other’s space too much without realizing. He would have to check himself more on this and try not to over crowd Adam just in case.
"It-it's not like that!" Abram was quick to the defense. "When I found him he was so confused that he couldn't even tell me what his name was and I told them to stick to one... and when I asked him of his name it's what he gave me." his voice would be soft, ashamed at perhaps damaging the boy further through his instructions a year ago. Abram's attention would turn as he heard his pet storming through and would turn ever so happily, only to be thrown back by his words to his Vinny. Vinny must have felt the same way because before he could say anything his grip and touch were gone, and he would turn to a small smile, slightly confused as to what was going through either's head. "Mutt, this is my most important friend Vinny, and he is always welcome at my side." He would glance at one then the other, hopeful that each would see in the other what he saw in both. "And this bright thing is Rosa, your new friend" he would go to the girl and lightly grasp her by the shoulders as if he were showing off a prize.


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