Ambrose a Vampire RP

Kew nodded. "Go ahead." The vampirette then became lost in thought. Sure the idea of her very own Romeo was exciting, and romantic, but she had other issues on her mind. Her health for example. Plus, who would want a sick Vampirette with practically no fangs?

Kew couldn't think of that, now. She had to focus on the party, and on Lily.
Lily smiled cutely and sat by Kew so that they could read. She didn't want to make Kew start over and read with her so she would just pick up where her Mistress had left off. That way, they could stay on the same page, Kew could help Lily or vice versa to figure out hard words and Kew would be able to explain what was going on in the story.
She could easily grab him, Xander in a slight panic already, but it wasn’t a good mood. At once he would pull his arm away stumbling backwards to fall. He had made such progress with her too . . . normally with the little things . . . but .. . he was feeling overwhelmed now. The fears of females being strong and the fact it all might fall apart due to them. He watched her shoo away everyone, and he stood put on the ground, grateful for the closing of the doors and such. He nodded having the musician leave as well. They knew his commands and motions by heart. He would take a deep breath, standing to brush himself off, and if she was still willing to dance reach out a trembling hand for hers.
Jennifer smiled slightly and took his hand, holding it firm so it wouldn't shake so much but still gentle. "You've probably heard of the waltz, correct? It's one of the most well known dances everywhere, so it's where we shall begin," she told him softly. When he was ready, she hesitantly guided his hands to the correct positions, his left hand clasped in her right hand and his right hand lightly on her waist, though watching him a bit nervously to make sure he was alright with it first. If he was, she would then place her free left hand upon his right shoulder.

Jenny then began to sway back and forth, slowly moving her feet. "The waltz has three counts to it, so there are three steps, one for each count," she explained as her bare feet moved ever so lightly across the carpet, "Just follow my steps with your own." On the inside, she felt as if her heart would jump out of her throat, just from being nervous she'd mess up in front of him, but she she held her head up and took even breaths, knowing she had to be strong for him.
Xander couldn’t afford to look at her in the face let alone the eyes. It was awkward at first, his movements, but Xander always was a bit of a quick study. After he had manage to calm, he nodded getting it. He elegantly took over the lead, dancing her around things to practice but still not able to look up at her safely. “I . . . I think I got it.” His voice was so timid and shy, it was like she had all the power despite the fact he was leading. This was Xander for you though . . .”I . . . I just don’t think I could do it with anyones, with others . . . especially females.” He sighed closing his eyes while he lead. “It isn’t the acts . . . it’s the contact . . .”
Amber had heard his footsteps behind her, she had only hoped that he would give up and leave her to her solitude. She had gotten as far to sit on her bed and place her plate down before he stepped inside. “If I tell you nothing is troubling would you be none the wiser and leave me to my devises?” she would muse, knowing full the while he wouldn’t. Amber would take a breath, steadying herself. “Do you truly want me to answer you honestly, or do you wish for your slave to agree silently and do your bidding like a good little nothing?” she would remark, knowing full well her words could cause her plenty of problems and punishment. But it was his fault for opening the can of worms. If you want a mindless slave to do as you desire you don’t ask them of what they want or don’t want. Happiness and servitude did not go hand in hand.

"Hey now, what did I say about worrying?" Jennifer reprimanded him lightly, "Don't fret so much, that's what practice is for, alright? It will take some time and some getting used to." Back and forth they went, around the coffee table and a few chairs. She was quite surprised on how fast he had picked it up. She allowed him to lead, following in his footsteps with grace and poise, even stepping out and twirling as he held her hand. She herself even was looking down at the floor or away most of the time, though she did glance at his face every once in a while.

" me on that," Jenny admitted, looking away again a bit embarrassed. She had been so focused before on escaping that she was caught so many times and placed in solitary confinement. Whenever she did get out, she had reclusive, refusing to even make eye contact with other serfs. She had felt no one had understood.
Xander would keep it up as long as she wanted, not sure how dancing stopped or what else to do. The continuing pattern of it was peaceful at least in its own way. It was when Jennifer comment on contact being hard that he would pause actually looking up at her confused. She didn’t seem to have such issues when it came to others. Realizing that they were just standing there and he was holding her in a way he would step back suddenly letting go. “yeah.” Was all he managed to say before running a hand through his hair shyly.
Timothy sat on her bedside. "I want the truth and nothing but the truth," he responded firmly, though there was a look of slight compassion in his green eyes. Looking down, he noticed a bit of Amber's dress had slid up, revealing her scarred calves. At once his expression turned to one of rage, his eyes narrowing. "I told them to let your wounds heal...," he growled, becoming rigid, "Those idiots. They think they can do whatever they please to the serfs without consequence."

Timothy's eyes lifted to her face and he studied her expression carefully. "If it is punishment you fear from me, then you have no need. I do not abuse my servants, especially not my own serf. I've seen the damage that has been done to others of your kind; it is selfish and cruel. I promise you that if anyone lays a hand on you again, they will face the consequences and I garuntee they will not like them," he told her, a fire in his eyes she hadn't seen before. "If necessary, I use other methods of punishment, taking away privileges or adding more housework, etcetera."

Timothy quickly stood and went to the window, making a fist with one hand and clenching it tightly. He had personally seen what his parents had looked like after they were murdered... It was forever imprinted in his brain; a bad memory he could never be rid of. His parents had been kept alive, tortured until the very last minutes before death. There was nothing he could have done...but now, at least he could save his servants from that same torture.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Jennifer hadn't even realized they'd stopped, so far off in thought. However, when she did notice, a slight blush visited her cheeks at the way she and Alexander made eye contact as well as the way he held her, and she pulled away as well about the same time her master did. She cleared her throat and stared at the floor, clasping her hands behind her back. " did magnificently well. We...we don't have to continue if you're tired," she told him, her voice soft. Her gaze fell to the floor, her hair spilling across her shoulders lightly. Did she do well herself? She hoped she hadn't made him too uncomfortable.

"I'm sure if we just practice like this every day for just a short period of time, you'll be ready when the party comes," Jennifer remarked, scuffing her toes against the soft, ornate carpet.
“Rest sounds good.” Xander said glancing to the door thinking an escape would be nice about now. A red rose to his cheeks when she spoke of dancing a lot to practice. “Everyday? He asked softly before trying to pull himself together again. How did she managing to make him feel so foolish at times. In truth though now that he thought about it . . . he was feeling very tired as well, and worried about this he started to head to the door. He wondered if the little vampire from earlier had something and gave it to him somehow. He wasn’t about to let Jennifer notice though or catch on.
Rosa wondered if he even thought before he spoke sometimes. One of the reasons she had been such an expensive purchase was because she had never attempted escape, never even hinted at it. But she wasn’t about to correct him, she had already pushed it by snapping at him and not a hand had been lain on her. Rosa wasn't sure about releasing her hold on the stones but eventually did; the short fall was some what terrifying but at the same time exhilarating. But he caught her and didn't let her fall to the ground, it hadn't been a nasty trick just to see if she would metaphorically and literally fall for it.
Vinnie of course caught her, holding her awhile even before gently setting her down making sure they both had their balance. “I think your problem is you never got to live, even just a little.” He said given her a hug as if hoping it help her grow and be happy. At that he let go before motioning her to follow, if he was lucky Adam would be home . . . if he wasn’t the walk would be good for the girl right?
Jennifer slowly looked up as Alexander began walking towards the door. Before she even had time to think, however, she found herself scurrying after him and wrapping her arms about his middle in a hug. "T-thank you.....just for understanding...," she whispered, though loud enough for him to hear. With that, she quickly let go and opened the doors. "I-I'll bring you up some tea," she stammered, dashing for the kitchen in an attempt to escape the awkward situation. Her cheeks were red from embarrassment of what she just did, but she couldn't control it. It was just....impulse.

Jennifer swallowed and bustled about the kitchen, trying to busy herself in making the master's tea. She hung the kettle over the fire and stared out the back door to the outside for a few moments, not sure what to think of the whole situation.
​Kew began to explain the situation in the book so far, about how Romeo and Juliet met, and how conflict began to arise. After the vampirette explained, she began to read out loud, having a bit of trouble here and there pronouncing words, and understanding what certain phrases mean.

“I don’t think you want the whole truth” Amber would laugh before jumping at his angry words. “I’d say something about vampires not being able to keep their promises, but perhaps now wouldn’t be the best time” she would say lightly, pulling her dress down to cover the scarring back up. “And they can and do for the first fourteen plus years, do you really think one last year makes that much a difference?”

Feeling his eyes on hers she would turn to meet his expression, not used to seeing what his eyes told in the eyes of a vampire. Her mind went back and she thought of the first vampire she had trusted, he had lied with his eyes, and once more her eyes were weighed with pain and mistrust. Yet when he spoke once again she wanted to believe those words spoken in what seemed earnsty. But they seemed like a mockery thrown upon her. If one were to touch her, they would be the party at fault? Her past told her differently, a lesson hard learned.

She would watch him as he pulled away from her and made way to the window. He seemed haunted in some way. Her mind went back to what Hanna had told her and she bit at her lip, the one before her gave her such conflicting feelings and a part of her almost wanted to comfort him now. Shaking her head at the thought she would turn away from him, wistful of the night sky and a cool breeze.

Bret nodded, “And remember I’m just a humble serf so don’t be too extravagant,” he mocked making his way over to a clothes rack. The last comment about going overboard made him laugh, “Well so that rules out the jewel encrusted boots with gold buckles doesn’t it,” seriously what did she think he was going to do look for the most ridiculous piece of clothing in the store. He ran his hands across the different shirts and pants finally grabbing two new plain white shirts, a pair of grey woolen pants and a pair of lighter black ones, new socks and a grey vest.
Abram was in the back courtyard, simply setting at a bench whilst a wooden flute sat upon his lips. He attempted to play an ever simple song, but his uncertainty delayed the notes, so even though they were hit correctly there was no flow or timing to the measures. He would sigh and toss the flute. Why had he thought learning such a thing would be fun? Surly his dog had enjoyed playing it so, but peace to one wasn’t peace to another it would seem. After but a moment he would go to fetch the flute before sitting once more attempting the same song. Determined to get something damned right.

Timothy sighed and shook his head. He had too much on his mind right now to dwell on this. "Finish your supper and make sure the horses are bedded down for the night. Then you'll be done for today," he told her, turning on his heel and heading for the door. He stopped at the doorway. "I understand you have trust issues with my kind. However, if you cannot trust me, how can I trust you?" With that, he was gone from the room, almost like a whisper in the wind. His footsteps could be heard lightly going down the hall and eventually fading away as he made his way to his chamber, opened the door, and disappeared inside, the door clicking shut.

Timothy fell to a sitting position on his bed and bent over, running his fingers through his jet black hair. This girl was bringing up so many memories he'd tried hard to forget...
Rosa tucked those words away in the back of her mind to think about later. She saw the end of a carriage disappearing through the drive, “Hey wasn’t their a messenger here earlier?” she asked wondering what it might or could have been. The idea of being important enough that people took the time to sit down and write you out a letter or invite was foreign and exciting to her. The serf watched as some grooms led horses between the paddocks and their stalls wondering what it would be like to work out in the sun all day handling such beautiful animals.
The hug had left poor Xander helpless and speechless. Then she was off before he could even pull himself together. Damn she was fast . . . but he was actually thinking of going to bed early. Sighing he didn’t feel he had the courage or energy to go correct her so instead he headed up stairs to change. Placing a hand on his head midway, something was wrong, and he couldn’t put his finger on it. He would climb in bed looking at the ceiling in thought. Why was he feeling so weak that day?

--- Merged Double Post ---

Vinnie would shrug when she asked about a messenger. “You can ask for me if you want, it’s usually never for me though so I tend not to worry.” He wasn’t going to take a carriage he planned to walk. Of course once reaching the house he would hesitate before knocking. The first Serf to see him pausing before muttering something about Adam not being there. A set up by the family . . . Vinnie had the high enough rank, but . . . he seemed to be making a fool of their son in their eyes. Frowning at this, knowing it was probably a lie he would call out. “Oh Adam my love! Where for out though? Your witch of an old hag mother wishes to keep us apart!”
Jennifer stood for quite some time, just staring off into the sunset. It was getting late and she hadn't realized. They must have been dancing for a long time. The tea kettle's shrill whistle caused the poor serf to jump out of her skin, blaring out until she quickly grasped it and pulled it off the fire. Pulling out a cup, she poured the hot water and soaked the tea bags then added the honey as she usually did. She hadn't noticed that throughout the day, she had slowly become taller, the venom wearing off from her bloodstream. It was subtle changes, but she had indeed aged, if only about a year. She looked quite the same, only maybe more experienced and a bit taller.

Getting a tray, Jennifer set the tea upon it and began her journey up the stairs to her master's bedroom. She hoped that Alexander wouldn't be too angry with her for the unexpected hug. It was not in a serf's place to touch her master when not commanded to do so. Swallowing hard, she knocked on the door.
Xander heard the knocking and was tempted to just slide his head under the covers and ignore it. As it was when he opened his mouth to talk to her nothing came out anyways. Sighing he would glare at his desk . . . why did she have to do a foolish thing like hug him? Didn’t she understand how it messed him up so much at times?
His evertrue words kept ringing in Amber’s ears. Sadly she had to admit he had a point. But the last time she had thought that a vampire was perhaps different than the others and she had put trust in him her world had been rocked in an ever painful way. She rubbed her arm some at the memory knowing that those scars were long gone, the only ones to remain were on her heart.

After eating her food she took her dish to the kitchen to clean it before heading outside into the beautiful night to tend to the horses. She would smile and laugh once more when they greeted her enthusiasly. Somewhat tired and her head pounding with her early interactions with him she would take comfort in the horses while she tended to them, singing a bittersweet song of love and loss, quite certain the horses were intelligent enough to appreciate the beauty of the lyrics. Once done she would return to the house humming ever so quietly the song before digilantly entering her room with heavy eyelids. She would throw herself to the bed and close her eyes a thought of missed venom crossing her mind as she lay restlessly in her bed hoping for sleep to come quick. She would lull herself with soft spoken lyrics and soon enough rest would be found for this young soul.
Jennifer slowly opened the door, which creaked on its hinges as it swung open. She shuffled in, but made no sound as she lay the tray on his desk. She curtsied respectfully and tried to open her mouth to apologize, but the words just wouldn't come. Knowing she'd disappointed him, her eyes glazed over with tears and she turned, heading back towards the door. She needed to escape his presence for if he scolded her with just one cold word, she feared she would break down then and there, unable to stop the tears from overflowing. She had taken out her braid while in the kitchen in order for it to cover her face from Alexander.

Once she had fled from her master's room, Jennifer scurried to her bedroom and shut the door tightly. Sighing, she flopped face down onto her bed in exhaustion, soon falling into a restless sleep.

--- Merged Double Post ---

The next morning, Timothy had fallen into a state of bitterness once more. Having forgotten to feed from Amber the day before, he had a relapse in his illness and was forced to stay in bed due to it. Sitting up in his giant four poster bed, he reached over to his night stand where an intricately decorated envelope sat. Hanna had found it on the front porch last night and left it there for him since he had been asleep at the time. Now he studied it from front to back, wondering what information it held.

It was sent from one of the most high class vampiresses in Tyradul, but Timothy didn't remember having negotiated any horse sales with her. He sat there for a few moments, quite puzzled. It was still early in the morning, for he had woken up and couldn't fall back asleep, and the only light in the room was a candle he'd lit on his nightstand. Grasping a silver letter opener, he finally tore open the top and pulled out what turned out to be an invitation. "The coming of age party...of course," the nobleman thought, sighing. The last thing he felt like doing now was going to a party.
Abram would perk up at the distant sound of his name. “Vinnie? Do my ears deceive me, for I thought I heard a voice from the heavens!” he would call out, while heading towards the house to find his dearest. He would be ever happy at the sight of him, but alas he saw that Vinny had brought his stupid whore along for the ride. He would make sure the silly instrument was hidden as he approached with a laugh “And what do I hear of my mother?”

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