Ambrose a Vampire RP

Jennifer strolled to the kitchen, glancing back at Alexander every now and then as he fretted over the situation that had just played out. Setting down the tea tray on the counter and wiping her hands on her apron, she turned and gently placed a hand on his arm. "Hey, you did just fine, Master Alexander," she told him, her voice taking a bit of a soothing tone, "You did all you could. It looked like she was quite insistent on leaving and you did offer for her to stay here until she felt better, but she declined." Smiling gently, she then withdrew her hand and tucked back some of her hair that had come loose from her braid before beginning to wash the fine china.

Personally, Jenny thought her master had done quite wonderful for not being in the presence a noble lady over for quite some time. She smiled to herself just slightly, remembering how nervous he'd been when he really needn't have been. Shaking her head, she dipped the first tea cup into the hot soapy water of the sink. Her light blue eyes reflected the water as she worked.

Timothy had felt very pleased with his serf as she took his corrections quite well. At first, he thought she'd resist and fight him the whole time, but instead things went smoothly. As Amber sat atop the great stallion, he continued walking beside while she cooled down Golden Wings. "I'm satisfied with how well you've taken to the horses. I was afraid at first that you wouldn't take to it and I'd have trouble managing the farm, but it seems I no longer have that doubt. From now on, if you'd like, you may be in charge of taking Gold out every morning to exercise him and keep him fit as well as the other three horses in my personal stable. In my...illness, I haven't been able to ride Gold much and I fear he's becoming out of shape. I trust you'll get him back to top performance once more?" he asked, running his strong fingers through Golden Wings' silky black mane. "I hope you understand that this is a great responsibility. I've raised Gold since he was just a foal, and he is...he is very precious to me..." Timothy stopped walking for a moment, getting a far off look in his eyes.
"Reading?" Kew asked, not exactly remembering, but then it spontaneously struck her. "Oh! The book..." She reached over and lifted the novel from the nightstand. "Romeo and Juliet..." She read the title. The vampirette then handed the book to Lily. "It's a tough read... I can barely understand it... But it certainly is an interesting story from what I understand...." Kew then sighed hopelessly and looked to the ceiling. "I wish I could find a Romeo..."
Lily looked at the cover of the book, barely even able to make out the title. She was jealous of anyone who could read books. She'd always wanted to be able to sit all day reading, but of course that would never be something a human could do, especially one as illiterate as she was. "Who's Romeo?" she asked curiously.
Rosa listened quietly still expecting a punishment but it never came. She was so confused but apparently so was he. He was just as lost as hers and she almost felt as if she needed to be taking care of him, guiding him but she was practically blind in the matter. It would be a classic case of the blind leading the blind. Rosa purposefully avoided his comment about finding a hobby, he really hadn’t heard her earlier and the idea of trying to find something to devote her time to that wasn’t her job seemed tiresome and pointless.

“So you enjoy sitting down and enjoying life? We can kill three birds with one stone right here and now. You need to open a store or pub of some kind that is relaxed and meets your demands, I can help you manage it thus giving me a set job and it will get your parents off you back,” Rosa said tired of just mulling every thing over. They needed to take action before something went wrong.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Bret rolled his eyes sarcastically and sighed in exasperation, "Well Whoop de do I get clothes and new tags. You know what you should do, you should buy a little bell to put around so you can always hear me coming," he said opening the door of the store for her and gesturing wildly for her to enter before him.
Amber would give him a nod. There was talk of his illness once more. When he brought it up she couldn’t help but examine him at that. He most certainly seemed more well, perhaps alive since when she had first met him and how he had been... before. “You can count on me for that much” did she just give him a playful taunt? It couldn’t be. The girl was once more filled with vigor as she watched him with his horse, a bond most visible between the pair.

Timothy turned to her and gave her a quick nod. "Good," he answered simply. If anything happened to Gold, he didn't know how he could handle himself, but he knew Amber was capable enough and so he decided to give her that responsibility. He wanted to see how well she could do her job.

After a while, when Golden Wings was cooled down, Timothy brought the noble stallion to a halt. Glancing up at his serf, he held out his arm to help her down. On regular terms, he normally didn't do such a thing, especially being so fatigued and most of his strength gone, but he was feeling better and she had done well and worked hard. He figured she would be a bit tired from running Gold around the pasture in such an intense workout.

If she accepted his help, Timothy would steadily help her down from the gentle beast, making sure her feet were planted firmly on the ground before letting go. His eyes glanced over her, searching for any sign of fatigue since she had passed out only hours before, but he also couldn't help noticing the way the light reflected off her amber eyes and long hair. The sun had almost disappeared on the horizon, but was still visible, shedding its brilliantly beautiful light over the Arion Estate and flooding everything with an orange glow.

Timothy caught himself quickly though, and retained his more serious manner, straightening up. "Let us head back, I'm sure Hanna has supper ready by now," he instructed, turning on his heel towards the barn. Mentally, he scolded himself for such a manner.
Reverie was a bit disappointed when Xavior sat a little away from her. Did he think she was going to attack him? It was a ridiculous notion. Reverie was not a violent person, but then again the two of them didn't really know each other. Still it hurt, just a little bit. If her own serf was afraid of her.... She could her her mother or even one of her siblings telling her that is how it should be. Fear and respect. That was how they were to be treated. But Reverie didn't care too much. Not about the fear. Respect. It was something she wanted as she barely got any from her family. It would be nice to have someone who would. But she felt that maybe even Xavior saw her as nothing.

She looked at her serf then opened her mouth to speak. "You said you don't know how to read. Can you recognize any words? Your name perhaps?"

Shay heard what sounded like someone outside. She opened the door to see no one, but a letter had been left behind. She picked it up to see it was addressed to Reverie. A little confused, Shay took it inside and waited for her sister to return.
At being offered a hand down Amber would feel her heart still for but a moment. She would take a breath for courage and would take his arm and assist, her landing much smoother than that if she jumped down herself. Her eyes would meet his but for a moment before glancing away and moving back a step so as to not have as close a proximity. Her breath would be somewhat ragged, but she was exhilarated with at most a small headache as warning to take it easy before things became a problem. She would take Gold’s leads and walk him back to the barn, falling the vampire that seemed to perk up some and become more business like? She would give Gold a treat before saying farewell to the other horses with some clicks and pats, even some snacks of their own, she would laugh when one would rub its nozzle against her face. The idea of food set to a stirring in her stomach and it was then that Amber realized her own hunger and was sure to make haste as to eat that much sooner.


Xander would watch her calmly as she cleaned, before moving to actually gently try and take her hands in his. “I have a favor to ask you Jennifer.” His eyes were almost pleading for help as she asked, and there was obvious embarrassment at having to do so. Whatever he needed must be very important to him it seemed. “You can tell me no if you want . . . but I think you may be the only one to help me with this.” Slowly he would let go of her hand’s stepping back some. “I need . . . I need you to help me learn how to act . . . well around women better. Especially vampire women . . . I need . . . I need to be able to learn before the party.” He glanced down an away not about to catch the look on her eyes, knowing it was probably one of disgust or laughter. “It will start to interfere with my business if I don’t. . . I just know it will . . . “


Vinnie would be staring out the window, he had notice when the messenger arrived but just ignored it. He was in an important discussing with Rosa at the moment. It was when she spoke her idea that he would glance at her in great surprise only to actually laugh some. “You would really not mind doing something like that?” He mulled it over in his head. “My parents won’t find it worthy enough but it will be a start, and hells maybe even a freedom.” He stood and would go over to try to hug her, picking her up if he could to spin her around. “You really are a genius . . . come on . . . hurry up and get ready, this is something we need to tell Adam right away.”
Iliana gave him an exasperated look of her own. "You could always just continue wearing those rags of clothes you've been wearing this whole time," she said testily. With her luck he'd probably get snarky and say something about how he didn't care, but she walked into the store anyway. "And, hm, a bell you say?" she said, an evil smirk on her lips. "You never know, maybe I'll do just that. Then you'll jingle just like our housecat."
Timothy watched as his serf untacked Gold’s bridal and offered the horse a treat, which he took quite joyfully of course. Then, after she said her farewells to the noble beast, he turned and walked to the door, more slowly this time having noticed she had a hard time keeping up with his long legs at a normal pace. An idea arose in his mind, but he wouldn’t mention it now; he needed to wait and see how obedient Amber would be to him.

Afterall, he had been going easy on her and the next day was the start of the week which meant many clients coming to either pick up horses or fill out paperwork to buy one and such. Timothy would need Amber’s help, but he was still unsure of how she’d act in front of other nobles. “Tomorrow is going to be your first full work day,” he began slowly, putting his hands deep into his jacket pockets, “That means you will have the regular chores in the morning: making tea, helping Hanna with breakfast, feeding and watering the horses, and exercising Golden Wings. However, when you are finished with those, I need the foyer and parlor swept, dusted, and tidied up. In my fatigued state, I hate to say that I’ve let this place run down a bit with only myself and two servants to take care of it. Now that I’m feeling better, I want to get it back into top working condition. Do you understand?”

The nobleman paused in the doorway of the kitchen, turning to Amber as he asked if she understood. “I need your help more than ever. I have several clients coming to negotiate horse prices and if they feel welcome and comfortable, they’re more likely to buy you see. I’m not asking you to overwork yourself, but just trying to prepare you for the week to come,” he explained thoughtfully.

Jennifer stopped washing for a moment and let the tea cups rest in the warm water, wiping her soapy hands on her apron first before Alexander took her hands in his. Her blue eyes widened ever so slightly at his touch and she chanced a glance up at her master as he spoke, her cheeks coloring ever so slightly. Help him know how to act around ladies? Her mind raced in a flurry of thoughts on the matter. How could she teach him to act around ladies when she wasn’t even sure herself.

Jenny pondered his request. “
Well…I am a girl myself, aren’t I? So why not base it off of what I think? Also, I’d seen many a noble vampiress come to the plantation. Maybe…just maybe…I can pull this off,” she thought, smiling slightly. Looking up once more to Alexander, Jennifer swallowed her doubt the best she could. “I may not be an expert on the subject… But I will certainly do my best, Master Alexander,” she told him, surprisingly confident in her answer. She smiled warmly, hoping to assure him, as she looked up into his pleading eyes. She just couldn’t let him down; he really needed this.
Xander would give a sigh of relief when she said yes. Letting out a bit of breath that was stuck in fear she wouldn’t. “Nonsense.” He said calmly before moving to sit at the table. “You are trained how to act, or how to take care of them right? They had to have had you around some to see how they act.” Slowly he would run a hand through his hair not sure if it will work or not. He already said he would go to the party; he couldn’t turn down a vampire that looked that desperate after all. Now the question was, how was the best way to try to learn, Jennifer was the closes female he knew . . . of course he needed her help . . . but what now?
Rosa was surprised by his sudden outburst of emotion but didn’t stop him from picking her up. She loved the feeling of being in someone’s arms but not feeling in danger. When he finally set her down it took her a moment to regain her feet but Rosa just smiled happy to have finally pleased him.

She grasped one the rich navy and green dress they had bought the night before but stopped needing to tighten her corset. She had learned that unless it was uncomfortable it wasn’t acceptable; the handlers had said it would remind her that no matter what her job was to please her Master and look good for him. Taking a moment she began the process of cinching her waist tighter and tighter. Rosa could feel the bones of the corset digging into her skin and her bosom rise as the laces were tightened. She was able to take almost a inch off of her waist and her breathing become wispy and short.

She pulled the dress over her head lacing it quickly and smoothing it so that it fell across her petticoats jut perfectly. Her bare shoulders were lined with silver scars that almost shimmered in the sunlight but Rosa quickly arranged her hair so that she was better covered. Next the serf pulled on a pair of brown gloves before turning to her Master and saying, “I am ready to leave once you are.”

--- Merged Double Post ---

“And why should I wear something aside from these rags, what if I like these rags?” Bret really hated what he was wearing but he loved a good argument. “As you said earlier you don’t have company over to visit you, why does it matter what I wear?” he continued his eyes darting about the expensive store. Oh how he prayed she wasn’t going to treat him like some life sized doll. “Oh, that hurts now I have been reduced to a mere animal, that has never happened before,” he replied rolling his eyes.
Vinnie chuckled his mood insanely lighter now. He had no knowledge of how females dressed, nor did he care too. He left that up to the females . . . and well Adam since he liked to do so. He would head out and down the window calling up to her. “Come on then!” Not even thinking that she might not know how to climb down. He was there either way to help if need be, or she could just use the door. Of course he wouldn’t think to mention this, the window being more of an escape from his family in his eyes. “I can’t be the one to tell him you’re wonderful idea, it’s your idea. It has to come from your lips fairly so.”
Noticing that it was easier to match his pace she would listen to what he had to say, not liking the sound of things as his words progressed. She was being good, well for herself anyway, and was just getting used to the idea that she would have to be around this one, not even used to his touch or the idea of his venom coursing her veins every day. And now she would have to deal with others. Didn’t he say so himself how cruel other vampires were? Was she supposed to deal with whatever they did to her, and with a smile on her face? She shuddered at the thought. Then again why would it surprise her? She was nothing more than a tool. Perhaps this wasn’t the place to feel safe at she would remind herself all the while nodding with a false understanding. Sure housework, working with the horses, easy. But this one had no idea who he was messing with if he thought he could make her tolerate the abuse of another of his kind. Saying whatever it was she thought he wanted to hear she would enter the kitchen to get a platter of the food before rushing off to her bedroom to eat, thanking Hanna for her hard work.
With a smile Rosa followed him to the edge of the window sill; she looked down trying to figure out how he had made his way down so quickly. The serf spun so that she was facing the mansion and began to climb her down, slowly and carefully. She struggled to find purchase for her shoes which were made for light walking and movement, unlike the boots that men wore. The drop was dizzying but Rosa knew she could do it if she just focused. That’s when she heard the sickening sound of a door leading out of the mansion opening and closing she couldn’t look to see who had come out but she wondered what would happen if her Master’s parents saw them leaving like this.
Vinnie ignored the door, after all as long as he was outside it was nothing against him. “Come on Rosa, it’s like you never knew how to escape before!” It was when she was closer to the ground he would laugh given up and holding out his arms for her. “Come now, just let go . . . I’ll catch you.” She was amusing at times to say the least, all tightly wound. Sure she scared him when she went off, or when he didn’t know what to do around or with her but at times like this she amused him
Iliana sighed. She wasn't too fond of how other Vampires treated humans. It was downright cruel. Sure, they were lower than Vampires but the Vamps didn't have to be so mean about it. "Well, anyway, this is a one- stop place. They have all kinds of clothes for Serfs along with someone to make tags on the spot. They have instruments, shoes, and whatever else a Vampire would buy for a Serf. I'll let you pick out what clothes you want while I have the tags made." she gave him a more stern look. "Don't go overboard, kay?" she stuck out her tongue and walked across the shop to the engravers desk. Bret was still in her peripheral vision, just so that the store owner wouldn't be able to complain that she wasn't keeping an eye on him.
Timothy walked into the kitchen and gave a nod to Hanna in greeting. He noticed that Amber's mood seemed to change and how she became a bit nervous. He took his hands out of his pockets, studying her with his eyes. What was it that made her uncomfortable? Seeing her about to dash off to her room, he attempted to reach out and stop her but she was too quick and she had slipped out just as his arm reached her.

Sighing, Timothy shook his head and followed her out, up the stairs, and to her bedroom. "Amber...," he began, taking a step inside her room, "What is it? Am I placing too much work on you? Anyone could see that you were troubled by what I said." He took a step closer but kept his distance, giving the girl her personal space. Sure he was a semi strict master, but he still had the decency to give a girl some room. He breathed deeply, a bit annoyed, but held back and waited for her to answer. If he knew what his servants liked and disliked, he could find things they would exceed at and fulfill their purpose better.

"I suppose," Jennifer replied truthfully, searching her brain hard for times when she'd been exposed to noble ladies at the serf plantation, "Well, the party isn't too far off, so let us begin, shall we?" Reaching out, she opened her hand to Alexander. If he took it, she would lead him into the living room then turn to face him. "Don't worry," she would assure him, "Just relax, alright? It really isn't too hard, but if you allow yourself to be tense all the time, you aren't going to get the hang of it very easily."

Jenny would then pull her hand away gently and take a step back to give Alexander his space. "Of course, first off you want to have manners. Opening the door for a lady, letting her go in front of you in a line at the market, etcetera, which I'm sure you know. The thing that comes next is you have to recognize what type of a personality a noble lady is. For an example, there are high ranking vampiresses who hold their heads high and direct their servants with a firm hand. In those cases, you need to respect the vampiress's authority. Some can be quite high strung and you still want to be the gentleman and have confidence in your own power, but you want to let them know that they too have authority. Generally, they are impressed with others' high status and wealth, but if you downgrade them as if you're higher and more important, then you're definitely going to get off to a rotten start."

Taking a breath, Jennifer paused, waiting to see if Alexander understood before she continued.
When Lily asked who Romeo was, Kew's face practically lit up. "He's one of the main characters, and in love with an enemy's daughter. The Capulet and Montague families have been feuding for a very long time. But Romeo falls in love with Juliet, despite their families being sworn enemies." She smiled at Lily. "Want to read?" She asked.


Xavior slightly glanced at Reverie. She seemed to be in deep thought for a minute, before asking him if he could read anything at all. "I can spell out my name, but that is it..." He said quietly.

Lily blushed and nodded at Kew's question. She thought about how hard it must be for two people from rival families to be together. She heard that people in the end of books usually fell in love and lived happily ever after. Maybe that's how this story ended. She smiled a little but then looked back at Kew. "Are you sure it's okay?" she asked. She didn't want to sit around reading while the other serfs worked hard to get the chores done.
Xander would hesitate before taken her hand, allowing her to walk him to the living room. When she spoke of relaxing he gave her a cold stare. That was a lot easier than she made it out to be. He nodded when she spoke of manners, he had those down naturally. Then she went in to explaining how people were in general and he sighed. “I know this much, that’s basic business standards . . . it’s . . . it’s stuff like.” He would glance around the room before getting another serf and having them play an instrument of sorts.

Moving closer to Jennifer before given a weak smile, he would pause before stepping away his eyes going to the door quickly. Even with her he couldn’t do the basics and he muttered a bit. “It’s . . . the part beyond . . . the part that isn’t business. The talks, the socializing, the . . . dancing, am I suppose to touch? How am I supposed to touch? How am I even going to be able to look at them like I should?” At that he would actually move to drop into a chair seeming defeated. He really was starting to see it all as hopeless now. He KNEW how to act when it came to the business stuff . . . he just couldn’t always do it when it came to females, when it came to the more friendly side.
Jennifer's eyes widened a bit. "Ooooh," she replied in realization. Putting one hand on her hip and the other on her chin, she thought hard. Socializing... That was tough; being a serf, she really hadn't been allowed to socialize with high class vampires while at the plantation. She'd been too "common and dirty" for that. She'd heard of small talk being a big thing, talking about the weather or how'd the market been lately. Glancing up, she saw Alexander plop down in a chair close by and sigh dejectedly.

Alright, no more Mr. Depression," Jenny thought to herself defiantly, placing both hands on her hips for a moment. No matter what it took, she was going to get him ready for the party. Walking up to him, she held out her arm to him, bending it slightly at the elbow. "Take my arm. We'll start with the basics; ballroom dancing," she stated, smiling a bit, "If you're going to a party, of course you need to know how to dance with a lady." Jennifer chuckled to herself in her mind. He had once thought her abilities to dance useless, but now they seemed to be proving quite useful.
Xander glanced up when she came closer only to turn red slightly at her words. Dancing was something he didn’t know how to do. Quickly he shook his head his hands trembling some. He had thought about it earlier sure . . . but then realized how close most danced. The fear alone made his heart skip a beat, or at least he thought it was the fear. He wasn’t even going to try to speak, knowing at this point he wouldn’t be able too. Why did they have to do this here anyways, where other serfs could see how weak he really was. At that thought Xander stood, stepping out of his way to go around her and just head quickly to his bedroom.
"Master Alexander, please!" Jennifer called out softly, gently grasping his arm. Looking into his eyes, if she had managed to stop him, she say, "There's no need to be afraid anymore. You're the master of a great household and the pride of your father and many a high class vampire. You are strong, you can do this..." Letting go for a moment, she'd run over to the doors and close them, shooing any other serfs who were in the living room out, except for the musician. She swiftly made sure all the entrances to the room were shut tight, then made her way back to Alexander.

"It's just you and me. Don't even look at the musician, alright? No one's going to yell or critisize you, I promise," Jenny told him sincerely. Backing up slightly, she would then bow at the waist respectfully. "May...may I have this dance, good sir?" she would ask quietly. This all was what she would do, IF she had managed to stop her Master from fleeing.

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