Ambrose a Vampire RP

Xander was taken a back some at her quiet ways. He couldn’t help feel bad for her, fully understanding the nervousness around the opposite sex. He did his best to hold his head high though, to keep as much of a business manner as he could. It was when she actually whimpered that he was a bit sunk, jumping back when she suddenly lifted an invitation. He was afraid she would grab or cling to him in a bit.

Hesitating he took it gently, motioning a hand to offer her a chance to come in, in case there was more. “Please, if its matter that needs to be discussed, we might as well be comfortable over a spot of tea.” It would also keep a table between them he couldn’t help but think. He of course having no clue what the small envelope held for now. For all he knew, this could be a nice way of saying he lost a part of his business, that his mother was dead, or even that he wasn’t worthy of something. Silly Xander he was usually one to think of the worse, trying to prepare for such just in case.
"An envelope?" Jenny thought, stepping a bit closer. Oh how she wished she could see what was inside it, her curiosity now arisen. From the ornate stationary, she guessed it was some kind of letter or invitation. Her long hair swished back and forth as she leaned this way and that, trying to see what was happening from the doorway. She would normally have ventured much closer; however, she didn't know if Alexander wished her presence in the room.
Amber jostled up, her body locked tight from the shouting. When she blinked some and realized who she was in the presence her mind went at ease and her instinctive defense lowered, somewhat. She took the assistance and brushed the hay somewhat from her person. "I went to do my chores" she would say in self defense. Even if she had purposely avoided his bedroom. Could the other blame her? Saying nothing as the maid further removed the hay she nodded, seeing that the elder one was acting in anger through concern only. "I-I'm feeling much better now" she would give a false smile, most of her coloring now returned and now solid on her feet. "What is he to have me do now?" she would ask, ever dredging asking, more so what the answer may be.

Kew took a deep breath and grabbed her serf's hand as she scurried inside, dragging the serf in with her. "Thank you...." She said quietly. "Th-though it's j-just a small matter..." She couldn't stop stuttering. She took a moment to look at her surroundings now that she was inside. It seemed less dark and gloomy than that of her own home. The little vampirette then turned her attention back to Alexander. "You're invited... T-to a coming of age party... A-all the necessary information is on th-the invitation... B-but of you have a-any questions, you can ask me..." Kew tapped her two pointer fingers together nervously.
Hanna brushed the hair away from Amber's face and sighed. "Poor thing... The Master didn't tell you, did he?" she asked, leading her inside to help prepare supper. Walking to the pegs upon the wall in the kitchen, she grasped two aprons and handed one to Amber. "Master Timothy...a tragic event tore his life apart when he was only a boy," she began to explain, grabbing some vegetables and putting them in the sink full of cold water to rinse them, "His parents were killed by a....a group of rebellious ruffians... His parents' serfs reminded him too much of what he had lost so he sold them off almost immediately. Since then until now, he hadn't fed fresh right from the source. It was slowly killing when he fed from you, it had been the first time in decades. He didn't mean to take so was just his body's natural reaction." Hanna's voice was soft and full of concern for both Amber and the Master himself. She grasped a small paring knife from a drawer and began to peel the fresh vegetables into a compost bucket, motioning for Amber to do the same.
Xander seemed to jump back slightly as the little one entered. His eyes looking around for someone to get tea glad to see Jennifer. He hesitated of course; she wasn’t really one he usually ordered. How would he tell her to do such and not look too friendly? Standing firmly once more he would walk over to Jennifer handing her the invite. “Put this away so I can tend to it when I can, and get us some tea.” With that he turned quickly doing his best not to wince, not willing to wait for her reaction.

When Kew explained the situation he was a bit relieved. “Who all is required to attend?” He seemed to settle back into his cold business manner and he went to pull out a chair for her. Hesitating when it came to her serf not sure what to do there, after all she was a lady as well. He left her merely standing as he sat down across from the child. “What are the dress requirements, and why am I invited, or is it all that is coming of age?”
Amber flinched some at this casual touch, sure she had nothing against fellow humans, but all the kindness she had seen had been a lie. "Tell me what?" she would ask, mostly out of curiosity. Following as Hanna led she would put on the apron provided and began to peel vegetables while listening to Hanna. When hearing of a 'tragic event' she wanted to roll her eyes as ask if he ran out of toys or something equally ridiculous, but the somber tone of Hanna was a warning so she kept her mouth closed. As the elder woman continued, Amber felt a pang at hearing of his loss, she may hate his lot but had at least some compassion hidden away in that heart somewhere. But knowing nothing of vampires and lack of feeding it was hard to understand to what extent that pain was, for she only had hunger to compare and would at most go two or three days without meals. She shook her head of such thoughts, the emptiness not exactly a feeling she would want to relive. Nodding at Hanna's explanation, knowing if it were to be true then he hadn't done it as a power play or act of cruelty. But the ever skeptic was still uneasy at the idea of him for he was still one of them and could end her life as easily as any of the others if he so wished. Still she could feel her heart ace at his loss some more and she cursed herself for this feeling of empathy. Quick to shake her head of thoughts she would busy herself with the kitchen work, afraid to speak least kind words for a vampire come out.

Jennifer stood up straight and bowed her head respectfully towards her master, wanting him to look professional and all in front of the lady vampirette. She took the envelope promptly, then curtsied slightly. "Yes, right away, Master Alexander," she replied softly before turning on her heel and disappearing out the door. Her hear thudded tremendously, not sure why she felt so nervous as if she was going to mess up. It was only another vampire, right? Examining the envelope as she walked up the stairs to Xander's bedroom, she took a deep breath. She knew why...she didn't want to ruin Alexander's fine business reputation by slipping up and looking incompetent.

Reaching his chamber, Jennifer laid the envelope neatly on his desk. She stared at if for a few moments, having to resist her curiosity and the urge to open it up and browse its contents. Fleeing the room, she hurried down to the kitchen and hung a kettle of water over the fire to heat it. It wasn't long before it whistled which then she pulled out two fine china tea cups and filled them with the hot water and tea bags. Once the flavor had left the bags and mixed with the water, she added the sweet honey and set the cups on a tray. Taking a deep breath, she carried the tray out to the living room where her master and Kew sat then set it down on the coffee table.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Hanna bustled about the kitchen, preparing a scrumptious ham for that evening's supper by roasting it slowly over the fire. The two worked in silence, for after the explanation, Hanna went quiet so as not to accidentally anger the Master. Timothy hated whenever anyone brought up his parents death; not only was it painful for him, but he saw it as a sign of weakness since after the story, everyone would always try to sympathize with him. Hanna kept a close watch on Amber as she worked about the kitchen. She had already noticed Amber had a slight disrespect problem but she had only just arrived the day before and Hanna knew that she had to be gentle. Of course, it was in the young irish woman's nature to be nurturing to such a young child put into servitude.

It had only been about an hour when unexpectedly, Timothy himself walked into the kitchen, startling Hanna out of her wits. "Master Timothy! What brings you to the lowly kitchen?" she asked, chuckling nervously. Timothy raised his hand to calm her. "Don't fret, Hanna, I've just come to check on my new serf before heading out for a ride on Gold," he explained, a bit cheerfully. Hanna stood there, a bit surprised at his happiness. There seemed to be a bit of a gleam in his eye and a spring in his step as he ventured about the kitchen, sampling the delicious food with his now vivid, emerald green eyes. A change had come over him; he may have still been weak and fatigued easily, for it would take at least a few days for him to regain his full strength, but he was definitely in a better mood.

Laying a hand on Amber's shoulder, Timothy stood tall and looked down at her with a bit of a smile. "How are you holding up?" he asked, knowing he had taken quite a lot of blood from her earlier. He didn't want her passing out again as she'd done in the hallway. Of course he still retained that dominance of being the Master, but his voice wasn't so edgy as it had been.
Kew sat in the chair provided for her, however she gave Lily an apologetic smile. She couldn't very well request another chair for her serf, in case he had a prejudice about Humans like most Vampires. It would be rude to request such a thing in his own home, wouldn't it?

The Vampirette's attention returned to Alexander. By this time, she had calmed some, but her heart still drummed nervously. When he asked who all was required to attend, she spoke, "Y-you and your immediate family, as well as your personal serf," she replied silently. "The dress requirements, I believe, are formal... A-all wealthy Vampires and noblemen whose children have chosen their very first serf, are invited. It's basically a-a graduation ceremony..." When Xander's serf, whose name Kew didn't quite catch, arrived with the tea, the vampirette happily took the cup closest to her and sipped a little of it.
Amber followed suit, doing as Hanna did and instructed. A part of her wanted to just fight it and rebel, but that was her more childish nature. Knowing it to be foolish for the reasoning didn't equal the consequence. So she obeyed for the time being, figuring that getting close to the other human could come in favor at a latter time if things got bad and she needed to escape. If anything the one before her, seemingly enjoying what she did, had information. Amber could always use information. She had been lost in thought when he entered, cursing herself for not keeping her guard up better she would turn at Hanna's overly friendly greeting. Truth be told the name of one of the horses perked her up but she said nothing to the effect. Realizing she was the reason for the visit Amber couldn't help but wonder what game he was playing.

At his touch Amber could feel a shiver of anticipation go down her spine. Conflicted about how this touch made her feel she blamed it on his evergreen eyes. "As fine as one might be considering" she gave an uncaring and unspecific answer, maybe not the wisest thing to do, but alas she was mad at herself for her confliction, punishment be damned.

Xander was so proud of his serf, but obviously wasn’t about to break his businesslike manner in front of another. “I see . . . “ He said softly, a bit of worry feeling his face at her words. His family . . . did that mean his mother was expected too? She did say required right? His eyes suddenly shifted to a nearby doorway to stare off his father who kept peaking in curiously. His father as well . . . that would be a busy night as well hard to manage in his eyes.

“Do . . . my parents really have to come?” He knew such a question was rude, but in truth he felt he couldn’t help but ask it. His hands moving to his lap, knowing if he took the tea now he might shake and spill it all over. He was not only in the room with just his female serf but two other females as well. It was starting to become over bearing for him again. After all a serf was one thing, but how was he suppose to treat a female vampire that didn’t seem about business outside of a party, it was as if he was outside of his element.
"Good, come along then," Timothy commanded, though not harshly, "I need to see how you work with the horses. This is a horse farm and I haven't even seen how well my own serf finds it to her liking." Turning to Hanna, he stood up straight once more. "I see you have dinner prepped well and you don't need Amber very much so you should get along just fine until we get back," he stated. Hanna nodded and bowed then wiped her hands on her apron, a bit nervous still.

Timothy turned and strolled to the door, pausing and glancing back to make sure Amber was following. If she followed as she was instructed, he would make his way out to his personal horse barn and up to Golden Wings' stall. Reaching up, he would gently stroke the stallion's muzzle and wait for his serf to catch up.

Jennifer, seeing her Master's nervousness, backed off just a bit, straightening out her white apron. She'd never served another high class vampire before and to tell the truth, she was very unsure of how to act. Was she supposed to stand by her master's side in case he needed something? Was she to leave the room and let the vampires have their conversation in peace? Jenny chewed on her lip as she stood by, mulling over all these thoughts in her head.
As Kew continued to sip her tea, she noticed Xander's attitude shifted a little when she mentioned that his immediate family was invited. Tilting her head to the side in a curious manner, she noticed his gaze move to an older gentleman in a doorway, the same one that Kew saw earlier before she and Lily came inside. The vampirette figured that he must be Alexander's father, but... Where was his mother? Kew noticed the young man seemed nervous, as much as she was. Somehow, that made her feel a tiny bit better; that she wasn't the only one nervous around other Vampires. When he asked if his parents had to attend, she wasn't sure how to reply. Her words became formless whimpers again as she tried to come up with an answer. The Vampiress of the household was particularly picky about these sort of things. She would want to meet his parents, and perhaps manipulate their conversation to something related to her. She would want to show off to the nobles and be praised and held in a high standard. This whole party was for showmanship. The little Vampirette bowed her head; if Xander would show up alone without his family, her mother would cast him aside as some delinquent who showed up, and Kew didn't want that, either...
Xander waited calmly and subconsciously grabbed for a bit of the fabric of Jennifer’s dress under the table trying to keep her close when she seemed to be backing off. If he had managed he clenched it slightly, almost like a child might when holding on to its mother’s clothing. Hoping when he realized that he did it would go unnoticed, gently letting go at once to place the hand back in his lap.

The silence at the question was killing him, and even though the other tried to answer he could get none. Feeling a bit of defeat he would speak up once more. “My apologizes, it was rude of me to ask. I shall do all in my power to make sure they come.” They didn’t know what they were asking of him, and a dull sadness would fill his eyes. He might be able to drag his father away from his work, but he had no clue where his mother might be, let alone if he ever wanted to see her again.

He couldn’t help but feel his world slip away slightly, if he couldn’t deal with the vampire before him how could he deal with a party that held female vampires. Why couldn’t it have been some simple matter of paper work and bills? At least then if any issue arose he could handle them with ease.
The Vampirette sensed the sadness that washed over him, and upon feeling it was her own fault, she stood and preformed a formal bow, bending at the waist. "I-I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable, sir... Y-you don't have to come... I-if you're busy..." Suddenly the poor girl began to feel a bit dizzy, but she tried her best to shrug it off. She had been feeling this way for a while, and it became increasingly worse. Kew then took a seat once more and sipped the last drops of the tea in her cup.

Xander was taken aback by the females reaction, and silently he kicked himself. Yes . . . this was going to be difficult. He couldn’t even deal with a nervous child, how he would manage the party. Never the less he knew he had to go, if only for appearance sake. “I’ll be there.” He announced firmly after awhile, not even knowing what date or time it was around. He had to go, he had to start seeming more normal in one way or another. When he noticed she finished her tea, he of course would offer her more out of politeness, in truth kind of wishing she would just leave.
Amber's eyes would widen at his command. In truth she hadn't expected to have to be alone with him again so soon. He was lucky he had spoken of the horses, otherwise there might have been refusal. Well perhaps Amber was the lucky one then. She bowed some to Hanna in respect, at least she had earned it in Amber's eyes, and she was off following after a man that couldn't get a clue that he was walking too fast for a woman, or perhaps he knew this and didn't care. Panting some when she reached the barn she would see him acting tenderly warm with one of the stallions. Careful of her steps as to not startle the transaction she would approach keeping her distance, waiting for him to finish his greeting before speaking up. "What will you have of me?" she asked somewhat bitterly. More so at the fact of being ordered around, though her eyes practically danced in the company of the horses.

Shaking her head politely, the Vampirette turned down his offer for more tea. She knew he was simply being polite, and judging by his nervousness, she figured he would want her to leave as soon as possible. She, too, wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Standing, she gave him a smile and a curtsy. "Th-thank you for your time, and for the tea..." Just as she was about to take a step towards the door, that same dizziness overcame her, and she tumbled to the floor. Groaning, she wobbled to her feet again. "S-sorry!" She apologized, quickly making her way out the door, dragging Lily behind her.
Jennifer had been slowly moving backwards when suddenly, she felt something stopping her. Subtly glancing downward, she realized Alexander has grasped a fold in her dress and was keeping her from backing up. Her eyes widened a bit and a tiny, unnoticeable smile crossed her lips and she moved forward just a bit, taking her place to the right of her master. She listened carefully as the conversation went on. A party for vampires coming of age? Her face almost went white, however, at the mentioning of all the vampires bringing along their personal serfs. Of course, she didn't mind going out with Alexander to the market on business matters. But a high class party would mean many other vampires all of noble blood and that made her anxious.

Jenny, though, skillfully swallowed her nervousness before Alexander saw it and waited patiently to hear his decision on whether he'd attend or not. Seeing Kew was out of tea, she hurriedly flew to the kitchen and came back with a china pot full of the sweet, warm liquid. She was just about to ask Kew if she wanted more tea but Alexander beat her to it so she just remained silent, holding the tea kettle. When Xander said he would attend, her heart skipped a beat and she swallowed quietly. She didn't have time to dwell over the fact, though, as Kew stumbled around a bit, almost as if fatigued. "A-are you alright, Miss?" she asked, concerned as she watched Kew scurry towards the door after having an encounter with the floor.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"There is no need to be bitter, Amber," Timothy replied, clasping his hands behind his back and frowning some, "I'm opening up my home to you. I treat my serfs fairly and avoid beating whenever possible. You could have gone to a nobleman much worse, yet you still seem so stubborn as to challenge me." Sighing, he unlatched Golden Wings' gate then turned to her. "No matter, I will give you some grace seeing as it is only your second day here." Stroking the horse's nose once more, he led the beautiful golden stallion out.

"This is Golden Wings. He is my finest horse, as well as my personal steed. Why don't you exercise him for me?" Timothy asked, a glint in his eye, "I assume you were taught as I asked them to. To ride?"
Xander had stood when the vampire did, knowing his manners still, willing to walk him out. He had dropped all business sense though as soon as she fell. Moving to her side at once, gently trying to help her up without thinking, his eyes scanning the floor in a slight panic of it’s own. He couldn’t help wonder what she might have tripped over? “Are you alright?” He would take her by the arm to help if she allowed. There was the gentle Xander . . . “Do you need someone to look over you? I could help you get settled here . . .” He was worried for the child, she looked so frail like she could have just shattered by that fall alone. His eyes going to Jennifer when he notice her step in to help, stepping back at once, knowing it wasn’t the right thing to do but grateful he could allow himself space from the other females.
Kew blinked when everyone seemed so concerned, she didn't know quite how to handle it. "I-I'm fine..." She stated, leaning against the doorpost. "J-just a dizzy spell, th-that's all..." She lied. The vampirette hoped that she hadn't worried anyone too much, and slowly made her way to her carriage. Her breathing became heavier, but she kept moving on nonetheless before slowly stepping up inside, and sitting in the seat.
Lily followed Kew, supporting her as she walked to the carriage and helped her in. "Are you sure you're okay?" she asked, a look of concern crossing her face. She'd neer seen her Mistress do this. "We can return home if you need, I'm sure we can start out again tomorrow..."
“Why yes we shall,” Bret said with a smile but he was confused. “Why don’t you ‘DO’ friends? You seem like the kind of person who thrives off of social interactions. I am sure there has to be someone you get along with,” he asked picking his way through the cobble stone streets. The amount of wealth was shocking, it was one thing to see a singular mansion and one person’s jewels and fine clothing but this was ridiculous. He realized Iliana’s family was by far not the richest one in Tyradul. Oh no they were wealthy but they weren’t ‘WEALTHY’.

Rosa slowed her pace taking a deep breath and nodded. She dipped her hands into the water basin washing away the ink, it swirled around in the water staining it a shade of blue. “It’s just a shame I liked that chest,” she said picking up the pen with her thumb and index finger so as to make sure she didn’t dirty her hands anymore. As he spoke of music she continued to wipe down the chest with swift forcefully movements that seemed to remove most of the damage. Every now and then she felt as if his eyes were on her and not because he was watching her work. But she pushed the thoughts away, how silly of her. She was a human and he was a vampire. End of story.

“I’m truly sorry though,” she whispered as she began to wash the cleaning rag. “It doesn’t look as if I am going to be able to attend you on your outing however I can still do other things for you. Maybe go help the other house serfs or do you have any personal endeavors that you need me to manage?” she asked trying once again to fix her hair. She removed the ribbon that held it lopsidedly on top of her head and let her auburn locks fall upon her bare shoulders.
"Th-thanks for your help..." Kew replied. "L-let's just keep... Going..." But before the poor girl could finish her sentence, she lost consciousness. Her skin became white, and she lay on the seat of the carriage in a sloppy manner, her breathing was slow and a bit unsteady.

"Should we take her home?" The serf sitting in the coach seat of the carriage, asked. He sighed a bit.
Amber would scoff at being scolded like a child. "As long as you don't have a black eye don't complain about the entrapments on your wrists eh?" she would mumble under her breath, not amused by the fact that he thought he was doing her a service of being kind. Sure she could have it worse, but at the end of the day she didn't have the choice or freedom, at least if she was beat she wouldn't feel the illusion of some safety or freedom.

She would go to Golden Wings and click her tongue at him. "Hey beautiful boy" she would greet him and stand on her toes to reach up and pet him gently, ever the pacifist. "But of course" she would state, her strength and passion showing in her words as she let him out and took him to the entrance of the barn. Once outside she would speak to him once more before mounting the majestic beast bareback. Her bare feet would lead in his haunches some as she began to warm him up. Following the obviously worn trail she would start walking him for a good fourth of an hour. After enough time and turns each way to allow the beast to stretch out she would pick up the pace, leading with clicks and the words she was taught. Next came the trot, and both parties were eager that they eased into the canter, racing as fast as the horse could go. Amber would laugh gleefully, but soon enough the training was complete and she went to cool down the horse, patting him for a job well done before dismounting.


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