Ambrose a Vampire RP

The Vampirette nodded and spoke out each name as the two read. "Okay." The carriage continued to shake and bump with every pothole, rock, or depression in the ground. The roads of Tyrardul weren't as smooth as Kew remembered the last time she traveled through it. However, soon the the two girls arrived in front of the Sainclair estate, home of Abram and his family. Just as the coach stopped the horses' trotting, the little Vampirette hopped out of the carriage, and made her way to the front doors.


"I think we need to make a change in our relationship, don't you agree?" Xavior nearly paused at her words. What could she have possibly meant by that? He remained silent, nonetheless. He kept his eye fixated on anything but her, afraid that her statement could merely be a threat.

Lily looked around. She didn't see anyone who might be a threat to her Mistress, so she jumped out of the carriage as well and followed Kew to the front door, using the door knocker to announce their arrival. "I hope Master Abram is home!" she said.
The vampirette nodded as well. She held the invitation nervously in her hand, accidentally wrinkling it. She hoped as well that he was home. She swallowed nervously, since she never really had any other Vampire contact besides her parents and siblings...
Abram was slow in noticing the company as for he was outside blowing off steam, it didn't help the matter that his parents were out and their serfs told to never answer the door without them, being treated like children. He signed and ran up to them, noticing a younger and nervous vampire girl with what he guessed was her serf. "how strange" he mummered to himself at her age, but of course was all 'gentlemanly' when greeting the odd pair. "Why welcome to Sainclair, home to many servants and their heartless masters" He chuckled, Vinny would have to of laughed at that. "How may I be of service?" he felt ashamed he wasn't dressed in more feminine attire, it was always more fun to mess with the house guests in that fashion. "I should warn you that the old master and mistress are not home at the time being"
Kew almost jumped in startlement, not expecting him to appear already outside. Even more nervous then before. She didn't dare look him in the eye, but he seemed, to her, very feminine in appearance. With a shaky hand, she quickly handed him the slightly crinkled envelope with the invitation on it. "..."
Abram snickered at her jitteryness. She was cute in the way a younger sister might be, and he couldn't help but continue his teasing further. "Oh what is this?" he would take the envelope without opening it. "Is it another confession letter for yours truly?" he would offer a charming smile that mimicked the one he had seen Vinny wear from time to time for his amusement or gain. He would pretend to try to peek through the letter whilst keeping an eye on the poor girls reaction.
Kew took a deep breath, and suddenly it seemed as though her aura changed. He straightened her stance, and looked directly at him with a determined little scowl. Something about him annoyed her, perhaps his overconfidence? "My name is Kewliah Amore Bloodrose, daughter of Lady Noel Bloodrose and Lord Charles Bloodrose. We invite you to a formal reception, a sort of coming of age party, of you will." She spoke straight and to the point, with a voice that seemed almost like that of a soldier. Her sapphire eyes seemed to pierce right through him.
Abram's playful nature was cut back quickly by her solid robot like response. If he had been a puppy his ears would surely drop down in disappointment as if he were scolded for being a naughty boy or the like. He barely took in what she said about the reception, havng been so focused on the confession and teasing. And did the girl suddenly get older? He wold in turn look down to the envelope with a sad look upon his face. "So no confession then?" Surely someone had kicked his puppy for his reaction to the not even rejection. The evil glare didn't help matters.
"I am sorry to say, I haven't even met you before..." Suddenly, the little Vampirette's timid and quiet nature returned. "I can't... V-very well confess... W-what I don't feel..." Kew then gave a formal curtesy before scurrying off towards the carriage, hoping her serf was close behind. He had some nerve talking to her in such a way. She was a lady after all, a noble one at that. But then reality brought her down as well. She was no lady, she was just the youngest daughter who only made appearances when it benefitted her mother's thirst for good showmanship. She was just the pretty face that haunted the halls of the estate... Nothing more.
Abram chuckled at her return in what he assumed was her natural nature. The innocence had a charm to it that many vampires seemed to want to shed quickly and crudely as if it were a disease or skin that no longer fit suddenly. He waved goodbye as she rushed off with her serf and glanced down at the letter, wondering just what the invitation was for before opening it to read it's contents.
Bret couldn't say that he was surprised by her choice, the girl didn't seem to buy into the whole Vampire-Serf system. "Come on, just Iliana! You have the opportunity to make me call you anything in the world. You could assign me multiple names and each one was for a different event or come up with a new name everyday and you just want to Iliana?! Show me some creativity," he said glancing back at her as they trotted down the cobble stone streets. "If I were you I'd make you call me the Grand Duke of Tyrasdul and be a pompous brat in public and than when we were back at the mansion, because I would have a mansion, you would just call me Master Bret and get on with it." The serf knew that this kind of announcement could get him killed if the wrong vampire heard it but right now he was comfortable pushing the envelope.

"Well what needs to be done today?" Rosa asked blushing as she realized how skimpily dressed she was. But she could not just throw her dress on immediately. Oh no she needed to clean herself a bit before doing so. "I mean do you need me to balance in accounts or write out letters?" At this point the serf really hadn't a clue where the money came from, she figured some of it had to come personally from her Master and not just his family.

Rosa continued about her work of hanging garments on the clothes line while she awaited an answer. Sitting idle was nearly impossible for her, the serf needed to constantly do something. It was almost hard wired in her brain that relaxation equated to harsh words or beatings.
Vinnie would be enjoying the window’s view when Rosa asked what needed to be done. He would give a weak laugh rubbing the back of his neck some as if that embarrassed him more than how she was dressed. “I do minor jobs for my family off and on, just enough to get enough payment to stay happy. I could do more, they want me to do more . . . I just don’t want to work my life away.” He would glance back at her at that his charming smile strong. “How much of a man would I be if I had you work for my funds? No, no accounts or anything like that. Just basic Serf things, and I guess whatever you want.” He would pause though, a grin suddenly coming across his face at an idea. “Although, I might be able to set you up with a few of those jobs, picking up a few more and have you earn that horse you want.” It would work out well for him that way in his eyes. It would look like he was becoming more responsible when he wasn’t and he could help her get the one thing she really wanted.
Iliana grinned. At least she wasn't one of those cruel vampires who would have their serf beaten just for blinking the wrong way, or Bret would have just gotten in some serious trouble. "Well okay, Grand Duke of Tyradul, we're here." she said, pointing to a line of shops. They were in the bigger part of the city now, and Vampires in fancy clothes with elegant hairstyles walked around with their serfs.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lily stood quietly beside Kew the entire time, not going o say a word unless spoken to, which was probably expected of her anyway. She was proud of Kew for standing up to this Vampire, but then Kew quickly scurried off to the carriage. Lily opened her mouth to call out to Kew, but then just gave Abram another glace before toddling off after her Mistress.
Once settled inside the protection of the covered carriage, Kew took a deep breath to calm herself. That truly was her first encounter with a Vampire outside her family without the presence of her mother. And being as sensitive as she was, it was quite an experience for her. She waited for her serf to seat herself before making a silent gesture for the coach to start driving off again. The little Vampirette gave Lily and awkward and embarrassed smile.
Lily smiled back at Kew once she was seated. "You did good." she said happily. And really she had, for it being her first social experience. Lily didn't know how kew would do at the party, though, with so many other Vampire nobles and such around. It would definitely be an interesting experience for the both of them. "Who's next?" she asked, looking on the list. At least they were making progress, as slow and awkward as it was.
Just as Lily asked who was next, Kew realized something that made her heart pound with dread. Not all the invitations were there according to the list! There were a few missing, and the poor girl began to panic. Searching everywhere she could within the carriage, to find nothing, Kew sat still and rubbed the back of her head. "U-u-um...." She swallowed and chose an invitation at random. "A-Alexander... Fargo..." The Vampirette figured that as long as they were out, they should deliver the invitations they at least had.
Lily noticed that Kew was acting strange. She said that Alexander was next up, and the carriage took off in the direction of his home. Lily tilted her head to the side. "Miss Kew?" she asked. "What's wrong?" Kew had a look of dread on her face, and it greatly upset the young Serf. Had they done something wrong already?
"I-I um... Seemed to have lost some of the invitations..." Kew replied in a quiet voice, which was almost a whisper. She sighed in a manner which could have brought anyone down to her level of depression at the moment. It was as if the little vampirette could drag anyone on an emotional roller coaster with her. "I apologize, I'm so clumsy." She gently brought her fist to the side of her head and stuck her tongue out to further her point.
Lily stayed calm while Kew was being so upset. "It's okay, maybe you just dropped them at the last house?" she said thoughtfully. "We can go back and look if you want?"
the little vampirette shook her head and gave Lily a reassuring smile. "We'll just try our best." The carriages rocked for the rest of the trip until they arrived to the home of Alexander Fargo. As routine, Kew hopped out and waltzed to the front door. She tried her best to look as lady-like as possible, holding her head high. She waited for Lily before pounding on the door knocker.
Rosa shrugged, "I am happy to do that. I just need to know what to do because I don't "sit-around" well something always needs to be done." Once everything was hung she made her way into the washroom filling the water basin as her Master spoke. Grabbing a washrag Rosa wiped off her neck and arms while listening, she smiled when he mentioned a horse. "Well that wouldn't be too bad," she said as she finished wiping herself off. She hung the rag to dry on a window ledge and began to finger comb her hair. Although she had beautiful dresses she still hadn't some of the basics such as a brush or soap and she dare not use her Masters. He had finest of everything and she didn't want to cross any lines.

It was at that moment that she saw something that made her stomach drop. Across the room lay her portable quill and the journal, and thick globs of ink were dripping off of the wooden chest. She let out a yelp, "No, No, No," she muttered trying to clean it up but the damage was done. The quill had been faulty dripping like crazy despite the encasement. It had seeped into the beautiful wooden chest staining the grain. As Rosa tried to clean the mess her hands became dark with ink, she grasped a dingy washrag dipping it into the water basin and scrubbing frantically. She refused to look at her Master scared of what she might see, she knew back at the plantation she would have been taken straight to the whipping post for such and accident. But had said he would not hit her right?

With a smile Bret slowed the carriage horses, "And look at that I didn't embarrass you among your friends," he lept from the carriage opening the door for Illiana. He offered his hand to the Vampiress as she stepped out of the carriage. When she stepped past him Bret leaned forward whispering in her ear, "Their noses are so high in the air they are gonna drown if it rains," smirking at their snootiness. The serf than thrust his nose in the air pretending to think himself very important.

Iliana smirked at the word 'friends'. "Silly boy, I'm a shut in. I don't DO 'friends'." she replied, stepping out of the carriage. She looked around to see that the Serf wasn't kidding, the nearby Vampires actually did hold their heads high while making their serfs bow theirs. As if they thought they were better than anyone there. Iliana giggled at Bret's impersonation, getting a distasteful look from a passing Vampiress. Iliana stuck her nose in the air as well and put on a drawling accent like she imagined the snootiest Vampires to have. "Weeell, Grand Duke of Tyradul, shaaaallll weeee?" she droned on.
Vinnie rolled his eyes slightly at her words; he never could get people working all the time. She would fit in well here though. He was staring outside the window as if keeping an eye out trying not to get caught. About to go and leave only to hear Rosa panic some, heading to check on her first. “What’s wrong?” He watched the black stain spread and get worse as Rosa did her best to fix it but didn’t see the issue. “I prefer the color black anyways.” He smiled at her reassuring her that he wasn’t mad. Going over to place a hand on her shoulder some. "Sides it's just some old wood right? You should make sure you don't permanently stain your hands. Now THAT would be a shame, when you finally play that lovely music only for people to be distracted by the sound due to the site of them if you do."

--- Merged Double Post ---


He would hear the knock at the door standing at once to rush down to get it. "Excuse me." He would state politely to his serf before leaving the room. It was more of a run really, barely beating his father to the door. He gave his old man a stare shooing him off some. The last thing he needed was his father to give out any information to make him seem worse, or embarrass him with.

Straighten his outfit he would open the door trying to look as proper he could. Only to suddenly be taken a back in surprise at the site of a female vampire standing there. She was such a small one at that, his glance going back to his father who would just shrug. How . . . odd. “Yes, may I help you miss?” He would step aside leaving the door open as if willing to invite her in. He knew his manner’s after all, he just wanted to wait to see what was going on first.
Jennifer opened her mouth to speak, but shut it again quickly as Alexander rushed out of the room to get the door. "I could have done that for you...," she sighed, tucking her hair behind her ears. She turned her attention to her master's food. She knew he probably wasn't going to eat it but if he became hungry later on, at least it would be there for him. She did a quick check about the room, making sure everything was neat by straightening up any messes. When she'd finished, she then turned towards the door and exited, taking her plate down to the serfs' room off the kitchen to eat.

The kitchen, however, was quite close to the front door and Jennifer couldn't help overhearing a bit of conversation as Alexander greeted the guest. Setting her plate in the sink to soak in hot water after she'd eaten, she tip toed to the doorway into the foyer, slightly sticking her head out to see the visitor. It was a short, dainty vampirette with very long blond locks, not anything she'd been expecting. What could she be visiting for?

"Amber! I swear if I catch you sleepin' again, you'll be in for it!" Hanna's voice broke Amber's peaceful nap. The young woman hurriedly made her way over to the new serf, kneeling down to help her up. "I thought you were fatigued so I kept you in your room only to find you had disappeared when I returned!" she exclaimed, obviously flustered. Hanna had never had to take care of such a young serf before, and Amber was quite a handful. The maid then began looking Amber over to make sure the girl was alright, knowing that Timothy hadn't fed straight from a serf in years and had taken quite a lot of the young girl's life blood.

"You shouldn't run off like that after you obviously needed rest...," Hanna scolded her, finally revealing her reason for being so brash before. She was worried about the new serf. Taking great care, she made sure to brush off the hay from Amber's clothes.
Kew blinked in surprise as a young man opened the door, an older gentleman behind him. She thought after the last Vampire, whom she stood up to, she would at least be able to face another without feeling quite so nervous. Wrong. She cowered just a bit and tried her best to make out any words, which merely came out as whimpers. Vampires scared her, even though she was one. The little Vampirette suddenly held the invitation up to his face, keeping her head down as to not make eye contact.

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