Ambrose a Vampire RP

Now poor Xander was feeling foolish and embarrassed due to what was pretty much a natural reaction he had to stop her. “The horses of course, you can go tend to them now if you need.” His words were slightly muttered as if at a lost trying to figure it all out himself. “No, I’m fine really.” He smiled, before pausing to look at her. “I was thinking of going into the breeding game though.” He would smile, before glancing out the window. “Or well letting you go into it. How would you feel about breeding and selling horses?”
"Oh...uh well, yes, I suppose I could exercise Silver Sky now... er, that's what I named her, the gray mare. I hope you don't mind, uh, I mean I hope it's a name you approve of," Jennifer stammered, reaching up to stroke her braid. She was puzzled by his strange turn of attitude for it happened quite suddenly. Going to the window herself, she parted the curtain just enough so she could peer down at the stable below. The poor girl's entire entire body tensed up, becoming rigid as he spoke the word, breeding. She, of course, was thinking he meant serf breeding, for it was a popular business for vampires nowadays, not to mention they usually made quite a profit from it. So when Alexander clarified his statement by saying horses, she almost collapsed in relief. Swallowing her, gathered her wits and managed to stop her knees from quivering, threatening to give out on her.

"Breeding and selling horses," Jennifer repeated, mulling over the idea in her mind. She smiled, thinking it was a grand one, but her smile soon vanished realizing how much work and stress that would add to his daily life. "The only thing is...wouldn't that just make things harder for you than they already are?" she inquired, chancing a glance back at him as she pulled the curtains back together. Not to mention the competition she would run into. The plantation she had come from was stationed way out in the country far away from the city; however, she noticed she could always hear the neighing of horses from a mansion nearby. Picking up tidbits from the serfs who helped run the plantation, she found out it was the Arion Estate. The head vampire there had been raising horses before she was even born and his horse breeding reputation was magnificent.
Xander couldn’t help but pause and look up at her when she asked if he minded about a horse’s name. “She’s your horse, you can do and name her whatever you wish.” He felt the tension in the room though when he spoke of breeding, a bit confused by it. Seeing her relax a bit, and he would actually stand to move by her side. “Is everything okay? Could it be the lack of venom having a withdraw of sorts?” He had promised her to let her age, but he didn’t want her to get sick due to it.

When she seemed to settle more, he gave her a look over once more before going back to his desk to work as she spoke. “I wasn’t thinking of going overboard, and serfs do most the dirty work.” He paused realizing what he said before closing his eyes and taken a deep breath. Reminding himself he shouldn’t care if he offended her with that. “Just enough for a small profit, or to try to get a few finer horses for ourselves, or to at least give you something you enjoy to do.”
Amber would choose to stand, after all there was no ‘getting comfortable’ for such a deed. When she could feel her palm wrist being turned ever so gently she couldn’t help but to close her eyes tightly, but once noticing what she had done her eyes were open once more. Her eyes went to his, and she studied them as pain seemed to dance through their depths.

Then there was calmness, trepidation, before the monster bared his fangs and bit into her wrist. Amber did her best to keep her eyes open, no more wincing or hiding. This was a song and dance and if she couldn’t lead, she sure as hell wouldn’t follow either. When his eyes met hers she was sure to let him see the pain in her own eyes. The pain of allowing him to touch her, to bite her. The pain of the needles sunk into her veins. She let him see it all before he even began to take in blood and dose her with the cure to getting older.

Rosa quietly played the instrument waiting for her Master’s arrival. When she finally heard him enter through the window she remained silent but kept playing. She wanted to show him that his money had been put to good use. As his words swelled through the door the serf stopped playing and listened quietly. “You haven’t been cruel to me but I thank you. I know only to accept what you tell me as true and if those truths turn out false…I am lost,” with that she began to pack her violin. It was the last words that stung the most though, she had obviously done wrong and Rosa swore not pick up the instrument until her skill matched its beauty. She would play a plain instrument the instructor brought before she touched the beautiful wood again.

The serf heard her Master begin to prepare for bed. He hadn’t asked for her help so she did not enter his room. She remained in the spacious closet and began to undress; she hung the fine silk gown in an empty space and removed her constricting corset. Rosa laid that underneath her cot along with the tool she would use the next morning to tighten her laces without the help of someone else. Many nobles claimed it made the laces too tight too quickly but it was a necessary measure.

Rosa awoke the next morning before light could filter through her Master’s window. She quietly moved about unpacking her things and preparing for her Master awakening. She knew that putting on a fresh gown would only muss it and wanted to clean herself before putting on fresh clothing. The serf pulled out the small leather journal she would use to keep her Master’s needs in order and waited. From the small window in the closet she could see the stable yard and she watched the elegant sleeping horses and listened to their soft snores.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Bret nodded accepting her request and placing the brush carefully back in its place on the vanity. He knew by wearing her hair in such a manner his Mistress would be hiding her wealth and most likely frustrating her parents but he saw no point and saying so. The Vampiress knew what she was doing and it wasn’t his place anyway. On top of all that, no witty comment came to mind on the subject and it was therefore not worth his time.

“Are you planning on wearing a corset?” he asked eyeing her tiny waist. He found the contraptions not only useless but also dangerous. Bret had seen many a human girl faint from the contraptions but than again vampires did not need oxygen it was just a pleasantry the indulged in.
Vinnie slept in, and it wasn’t till one of the family’s serf came to wake him that he would wake. Pausing to look at the serf before sighing, “I know I know, can’t be a lazy bum, and have to at least look like I’m making something of myself.” He would sit up at that stretching some before waving the serf off. His eyes would roam the room to rest on Rosa, before looking away again. She had really hurt and confused him, and now he was at a lost of what to even say to her at times.

Standing he would go to the close to pull out some comfortable looking pants and a pamper’s shirt. As well as a leather jacket. At that he would pause staring at Rosa before just shrugging and changing into it. Why would he care if she saw, she was a serf after all. At that he would just head for the door, if she came he wouldn’t protest . . . normally he would try to be friendlier . . . he just . . . didn’t understand how others could treat their serfs how they did . . . let alone how he could ever manage.
"That is...good." She wasn't sure how to proceed. She only came out here to get away from her sister. She looked around and spotted the book that Xavior was "reading". She picked it up and looked at it. Then she looked at Xavior.

"Have you been reading this?"
Abram winced at Mutt’s words, the events of earlier coming back to him fresh with new meaning. “No, no. I’m so sorry” he went to where Mutt lay to fall to his knees in front of him. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t angry at you earlier. I… the other serfs know to respect my quarters and to stay out and I was upset at the one that didn’t listen. I wouldn’t yell at you like that, we’re supposed to become bonded. You’re more than a thing to order about and scream at” his own words hit himself hard as he spoke them.

The poor guy looked confused when he was apologized too. Lynix’s head tilting slightly at his master’s actions and words, only to be filled with confusion, and questions that needed answers as he did so. “Why?” His voice held a bit calmer, almost sane tone. “Why does that make me different?” A hand slightly went to his head as if sanity in itself was painful. Only to just smile and shrug it all off for now, moving to lick his master’s face again. “Next time I’ll take their punishment then!”
Abram was surprised at his pet's reaction. He even questioned him. This was good right? "In a way it makes the world of a difference. But they don't deserve it either." he sighed, how could he explain the complexity that he himself was barely understanding the dark side of. "Besides I don't want to order them around and yell at them, I want them to leave them and mine alone" he would run his fingers through his hair, still collapsed on his knees he would rock back to at least sit on them. He would notice Mutt's discomfort, but it was gone before Abram could think straight so he was unsure as to what exactly he saw. Laughing when his pet licked him he shook his head sadly. "You may hate me for this, but I can not allow you to be punished. And even if you stood in their stead, they would still receive their initial if not worse with recoil punishments"
Of course the mutt didn’t seem to get any of this and even after the first sentence seemed to not even be paying attention anymore. The conversation had lost his interest as soon as that smile came back. Moving to lay on the grown and place his head in Adam’s lap as his master kept talking, seeming unsure of what he was even talking about. “No punishment?” He asked all cutely confused. What was he to expect if there wasn’t punishment? “Lots of yelling?” He seemed to perk up some as if now thinking that would happen instead.
Abram would only sigh. This was supposed to be the one he bonded with and should protect, how could he go and yell at him or punish him like his parents did with their serfs? He just didn't have it in him. A part of him was becoming fearful of even bonding with him, as if he couldn't give him what he needed. No. He would find a way. Well as long as he changed what he wanted. Abram did his best to clear away his dark thoughts. He was supposed to he happy go lucky after all so he went more so for that. "There is one thing I can give you" he offered an unseen smile as his lips went to his pets ears "I can bite you if you so please".
Lynix merely laid there, head in Adam’s lap happily if he was allowed. His master’s turmoil was none of his concern. He was truly his pet at times and nothing more, when his master leaned in to whisper the pet’s eyes widen some, but the smile saved. “Bit, is that like daily punishment?” He used to remember bites, but . . . it was over a year ago since he got his last one so in his fragile mind the memory couldn’t hold clear. “If that’s what master wants.” He said sitting up in front of Abram, if he had a tail he probably would be waving it. “I’m here to give master whatever he wants, to be good and serve.”
"More like your daily medicine" he would whisper in the eager ear while tracing his fingers down across his neck, trying to find the best access spot. It wasn't hard to find the main vein, practically pulsing, waiting to be plucked. Ok not plucked, but Abram enjoyed the poetic visual none the less. No, he would make sure to protect this one he selected, he would find a way and do what it takes. He could feel his fangs protrude and found himself licking them, as if to test that they were indeed sharp enough and up to performance. Finding all well and good he brought them down to his serf's neck and bared down. As his fangs sank into flesh and he began to feed and release the 'medicine' that would cure his aging, even if only temporary. Like the others, this one gave him substance, gave him life, but unlike the others he was now bonded for the duration.
The pup seemed to wince at first, the fangs breaking into skin, only to close his eyes. The burning to him was one thing he always enjoyed, missed even. Sure it was painful, but to him he was a good pain, it made him feel so alive at times. His breathing grew heavy only slightly, and when his master finished he would place a hand gently to his neck as he felt it ice over the wound closing. His eyes looked up at Abram amazed and full of wonder. Suddenly a twisted grin crossed his face. “Do it again!”
Jennifer closed her eyes and took a deep breath as Alexander walked over. "I-I'm fine," she insisted, straightening up, "It was just a bit of anxiety is all. It's nothing." Turning to actually look at him, she was surprised he actually pulled away from his work to check on her. This brought a smile to her face, but she quickly hid it so as not to make him uncomfortable as it did sometimes.

Jennifer stood still obediently as he looked her over a few times to make sure she wasn't going to pass out then watched him as he returned to his desk once more. Raising a hand to her chin, she stared off into space, thinking over his proposition once more. It was a splendid idea, and if she could make a deal with Master Arion and breed a couple of Alexander's mares with Arion stallions, it was sure to bring about some fine horses.

"I think it's a great idea," Jennifer responded, not being able to hide her smile this time, "It would have to be after I finished schooling. It would just be too much for me to handle, though I hate to say it." Her long dress swished back and forth as she walked to the door. "Supper is just about finished by now I imagine, so I'll bring it up here first then work with the horses," she explained, her hand on the side of the doorway and glancing back.

Timothy immediately recognized the sense of fear radiating from deep inside the girl as his eyes searched her. The truth was, he didn't like to see his serfs or servants in pain, they were no good to him that way, but this was something that had to be done to keep him alive and she would just have to get used to it.

With each passing moment as he fed, Timothy literally felt energy surging through his veins and seeping into his muscles. He found a renewed inner strength he thought he had lost. His eyes, which had once been a dull, lifeless, pale green, quite swiftly turned into a vibrant, piercing emerald green. Reaching out, he used his other arm to steady himself, for he had to be careful. He had already taken so much of this girl's life blood and her knew if he continued, he could drain her completely, killing her.

So with great reluctance, he pulled away from her arm and grasped a nearby towel he had set out for this specific purpose. Timothy brought Amber's arm towards him again and quickly wound the cloth tightly about her wrist. "Go see Hanna, she'll get you cleaned up," he instructed, though very lightly. However, if she began to do as he asked, he would reach out and stop her one final time. He would peer into her eyes with his now vivid green ones and whisper, "Thank you..." His voice would not be harsh or terse, but instead with a deep sense of unusual compassion. With that, he would release her and turn away.
In turn while he fed Amber felt first the burning of the venom, his 'gift' to her. She was used to it in the sense of having been bled practically her entire life, but the sensation was never one one could be used to, to brush off. Eventually that pain subsided and another feeling came over her. Lightheadedness. She began to realize he had taken quite more than the others had and her brain went to that dark place, telling her he could drain her in the here or now if he pleased. When the room began to sway some she felt the draining stop and felt as if she skipped moments, her wrist was now wrapped. She heard words of Hanna and cleaning up and a vampire stared at her with startling beautiful emerald eyes. She blinked some and went to obey before gravity went against her and pulled her some one way as if to stop her and she heard the echo of a voice, concentration failing on her part. She nodded like a good girl and that made the world begin to spin more and she quickly went to obey, but by the time she was down the hall she forgot what she was to do. Some time later Hanna found her wondering the hall, her own amber eyes dulled. Time was lost again and she awoke in a bed, only to close her eyes and go back to sleep.

Iliana shook her head. "No..." she replied. "Those things are a waste of time, and they're the most uncomfortable thing a girl could wear..." she stood up, picking out a dress and hurredly putting it on. Even without a corset, she was small enough that it looked like she was still wearing one, which made it all that more pointless to own them. She slipped on her shoes and took a parasol. She was lucky enough to be able to go outside in the daylight, but she still needed protection from direct sunlight or she would sunburn like a human, but much more painfully and longer-lasting. She asked Bret to call for the carriage while she informed her parents personally that she was leaving.
Rosa bit her lip as he left the room. The silence was odd to her, funny how after one day of kind treatment she became used to it. Than again he had been hypocritical with her always wanting her opinion or the truth than becoming silent the moment she gave it to him. Maybe he thought it was what she needed or wanted and for all Rosa knew it could be exactly what she needed but all she wanted was to please him.

With a sigh she made her way into the bedroom looking for the wash basin. When found she filled the large dish with water and used a small bit of soap to clean her face and wipe herself down, while remaining modest. Once clean Rose dumped the basin washing it clean and replaced everything to its original placement. Next came the interesting part of actually getting dressed. Her corset was the most difficult and time consuming bit but all very necessary. The heavy bones of the corset drove into her side shrinking her waist and pushing her bosom skywards. With on last breath she sucked in her stomach and tied of the strings.

Next came the fine new gown which her Master had purchased the day before. The serf had seen his family's reaction upon seeing the first dress and she had no desire to push or anger them further with the second. Also the way her Master was acting might mean that he wanted to return the other gown but she pushed that thought away.

Once fully clothed Rosa picked up her small leather journal and the traveling ink pen and rested them on a dresser while she began to straighten the room. He had not asked her to follow and the room was a bit untidy from the night before. She started with the bed, than piled laundry in a corner to be handled later, than came the general straightening of everything.
Timothy watched poor Amber stagger out of the room, totally void of balance, and ran his fingers through his jet black hair, sighing heavily. He couldn't just leave her like that; she might fall down a flight of steps or knock something over by accident because of her dizziness. Throwing the blankets aside, he stood and pulled a small rope hanging just to the left of the bed, which summoned Hanna from the kitchen. He then walked out into the hallway to find his light-headed serf. It took him a while for she had stumbled down a few hallways close to the North Wing, but finally he discovered her, still wandering about like a lost puppy. Hanna had already found Amber by this time and was steadying her when Timothy strolled up to them.

The vampire could see Amber was weak and how her knees knocked together sometimes, threatening to send her crashing to the floor. So, he leaned down and wrapped his arms about the girl, lifting her up. Hanna tried to protest, "B-but Sir, you're still not strong enough-!" but Timothy gave her a stern look and dismissed her worries by waving his hand. Silently, he turned and strode down the corridors until he came to a small, but cozy room only a few doors down from his. Entering, he laid the nearly unconscious serf onto the bed in the corner, looking down at her for a few minutes. "Hanna, clean up her arm and wrap it tightly, we don't want it getting infected. Also, make sure she gets plenty of water and rests for a while," he commanded, then left the room without another word.

Hanna nodded and curtsied. "Yes, Sir," she responded, watching him leave. She then began her duty, bustling about gathering bandages, soap, fresh water for the basin, and a salve to help Amber's arm heal quickly. When she had retrieved all the necessary items, she pulled a chair up to the bedside and gently mopped the girl's forehead with a damp cloth before getting started on bandaging her up.
Kew turned to look at Lily when she returned. When the serf handed her the stack of envelopes, she examined them. "We will go by carriage." She stated when the serf asked. The vampirette then began walking along the gravel path to a covered carriage. A serf was there preparing the horses.


Xavior hesitated when she asked if he had been reading the book. Of course, he hadn't been, but he couldn't very well just blatantly tell her he had been disobeying her. He simply remained silent, and continued gathering his tools.
Xander would stay silent for awhile, he couldn’t help smile a tad when she liked the idea. It was a horrid idea, it came with no real profit and he would probably lose more than gain. It would keep her happy and busy. Perhaps keep her from being a shutin like him between the meetings. “Well . . . in that case, I suppose you can handle all the business work for it as well then. “ It would be a nice start for her he thought.

His eyes roamed to her slightly as she left. “I don’t need anything.” His words were soft, he was feeling weak but that wasn’t something supper would fix. He didn’t think she might want to eat it up here with him, then again in his eyes most didn’t want to stick around him unless they had too. When she was gone he would stand checking over some of her work done. Making notes of any mistakes that might be discovered and amusing himself with the notes she left him. Moving to lock them in his desk drawer when she wasn’t around to see; after all his more important papers he knew to lock away.
Lily nodded and followed her Mistress to the carriage. At least this way, Kew wouldn't be too involved with anyone outside of the house. If Kew was willing to stay in the carriage, Lily would be able to quickly deliver the invitations door to door herself. If not, at least they wouldn't be outside too long, and hopefully no one would take notice of them in that short amount of time. They set off to deliver the letters.

Vinnie usually didn’t mind being out of the house, it was a freedom of it’s own. He would roam the streets hopelessly this time though; the free time was leaving his thoughts to haunt his head. He was tempted to visit Adam, but that boy did seem a bit sick . . . probably busy with his own serf. He knew if he was to keep strong he had to do it on his own. Eyes roaming over a female here and there, but not a comment made to any of them. They were so hard to read to him, to know the true interest of.

Just before afternoon lunch he would actually come home, entering by the window of his room. His family really did push him to make something of himself, so much that they normally kept him out of the house most days in hope. Sitting on the window ledge he would merely rub the back of his head . . . speaking of females, his Serf was one. He wondered still what he was going to do with her.

His eyes trailed the room, half hoping she was there for her own safety, half hoping she wasn’t because he wasn’t sure how to treat or even talk to her anymore. His families words of how worthless he was repeating in his head and he would laugh, how right they were . . . it was so ironic at times.

Jennifer flew down the stairs, sliding into the kitchen cheerfully. Now that she and Alexander seemed to be at least getting along, she didn't have to worry so much about working so hard just to figure out what to say to him. She was starting to catch on that when she worked more and talked less, he seemed calmer and more pleased. She shrugged her shoulders at the idea as she began making herself and Alexander a plate of supper. She carefully cut the roasted ham into thin slices, layering it on the plate neatly, then added a few chunks of boiled potato, well buttered and salted.

Jennifer's braid swung back and forth once more as she bustled about the kitchen. Pouring two cups of hot water, she placed two tea bags into them to soak then went to check on Silver Sky. As she refilled the mare's water bin, she told her the events of the day and how strangely Alexander had acted with such kindness. Soon, however, she had to return to the kitchen to finish the steaming tea by adding just a few tablespoons of sweet honey. Piling the cups onto the tray along with the dinners.

Humming softly, she climbed the stairs once more and strolled down the hallway towards Alexander's study, reaching it in no time. "Here's supper," she stated cheerily, setting the tray down on his desk first before picking up her own plate and tea cup then sitting down at her own desk.

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