Ambrose a Vampire RP

Xander watched her a tad bit from the corner of his eyes. He wans’t too happy she took some notes on the planner but let it slide. He preferred his information not getting out to others though so it made him worry some. Now there might be two planners he had to keep track of slightly. At her question it brought him back around, out of his dread. “I can suggest. I can’t really do anything. They rarely heed suggestions at times as well, business people tend to be more about the money first and corrections later.”

He would glance up a tad confused when she gave him a stack of papers, looking over the bed. He was glad it wasn’t closer to night, or he wouldn’t have a place to sleep. “I suppose . . . this means we need to get you a desk.” When he noticed her looking at him he merely gave a questioning look before his eyes went straight back to his desk. “Are you capable of handling any of those papers when it comes to filling them out? Or can you only sort?”

He once more glanced down at the stack; perhaps he could get her to at least put them in order by dates, or importance. His eyes going back to the other stacks not wanting to get onto her for doing a good job . . . it was just . . . now he was at a lost where some of his more pressing matters were hidden. The girl really did manage to make things more difficult, but he couldn’t help smile a bit. Why was it he cared so much when it came to getting onto her though? It wasn’t as bad at first, but more and more it grew worse . . . pretty soon it might even cripple his work all together. So why couldn’t he help smile?
Abram was stuck between a metaphorical rock and hard spot. He wanted so much for Vinny to smile, but laughing and playing along with him was somewhat forced, which could actually come off as seeming so to his dear friend. “I’m sure you will find a way, let’s just make sure it’s one that doesn’t end up putting you on the wrong side of the books, or the whole dead or alive thing eh?” He would ruffle his hair with a playful smile. Abram’s mind was already running through the possibilities, wondering if perhaps this was something he couldn’t give him. Eh there always had to be a way to make chance work right? It didn’t help that Rosa was already filling out some of the holes in the plot, but perhaps this could be a good thing, after all, she saw things from the other side. He laughed. “Keep going girl and we might be able to figure out half the heavy work without breaking a sweat”

Jennifer grimaced a bit as he questioned her skills once more. Of course she could sort and file, she just hadn't wanted to go poking about in his personal cabinets, looking where to put them. "Oh, is there...somewhere else you want me to put them?" she asked, lifting the stack again, "They're sorted alphabetically but I had to put them in separate piles or else they might have fallen over due to being such a tall stack. I..I didn't want to stick my nose into any of your cabinets without your permission." She took her gaze away from her master, knowing he'd be uncomfortable if she continued to stare, and focused on looking about the room for some sort of filing cabinet.

A thought struck Jennifer when she dropped her planner into her pocket. Even though it was hers, Alexander probably wanted to check it over and critique her if she missed anything. Lowering her head, she pulled it from her apron and set it on his desk. "I-I'm sorry, I forgot. You probably want to see what I wrote....I-it's nothing much so far, just important meetings you said I'd be attending with you," she explained to him nervously. At the same time, however, she glanced at his hands and swallowed. What if she hadn't organized the documents correctly? In fact, she had done very well in sorting them out, separating blueprints from selling transactions from buying receipts to inventory lists all alphabetically and by importance. Still, she couldn't help but be anxious when Alexander checked her work on anything.
Vinnie was all smiles and laughs till Rosa begin to speak. Her anger, her words seem to cut him like knifes in ways. Not only was he always disappointing his family . . . he now seemed to have managed to do so with his Serf. “They’re being kind?” Had he thought of his families methods the wrong way this whole time? Had they really been doing the right thing, had he been wrong in his views?

He actually glanced down and away some her words stinging deeper than he expected. “I . . . well . . . we breed serfs here in this very house.” He said softly not willing to look up at her now. “It’s one of the few reasons I have you staying in my closet and not with the others. So . . . you wouldn’t be mistaken as one of the rest.” He would slowly run a hand through his hair, it was like getting a lecture from his father but worse . . . at least he hated his father. “I was hoping . . . to be able to act elite with the serfs from my plantation, turning away many vampires we disapproved of. I know . . . there is still a chance of bad homes . . . but . . . I . . . I thought this way it would be a start of a safer revolution in away. That or a start of more respect for the living beings you are.”

Vinnie would start to fiddle with his suit jacket, removing it and the vest, finally it was starting to feel like it was restricting him once more. He wouldn’t even be in the annoying thing except his father dragged him along for a business meeting. He would just toss them aside once they were off and untucked his shirt some. He didn’t dare look at either of them now, not realizing how wrong he must have been all these years. It took the words of a serf, his serf to make him question, and only because he figured she would know best, have firsthand experience in the matters.

Vinnie managed a slight smile as Abram ruffled his hair, find away to make it work . . . why even worry about that if even the Serf thought they would be monsters for doing so. He would stand and head towards the window. “I’m going for a walk . . . I need some fresh air.” He just felt like he had to get away . . . to clear his mind to think. Maybe to even try to reconsider his views on things . . . how could he have been so wrong this whole time?
Amber blinked some as she was woken up and heard something about a great evil and a tea party. It took a few seconds but she realized it came out to having to serve ‘the master’ with ‘tea’ and Amber gave Hanna the foulest of looks until she stopped herself, blaming the look on being awoken and hurried off without a word to the kitchen once more to prepare tea. Once she had the tea in hand though it was another story to make her feet step in front of her in a timely matter. A warning about cold tea and tempers hastened her step some and before she knew it she was at his chamber door. She would knock, and then her lips froze, what could she call out, master? Sickening. Timothy? Deadly. So she stood silently on her end, waiting to be called in, but of course ready to answer her name if asked who stood outside his door.

Timothy's eyes opened with a start, hearing the knock. His mind was a bit sluggish, having just about fallen asleep as he lay there, propped up on pillows. He quickly came to his senses, however, and turned his head towards the curtained window. "You may enter," he called out, though just enough for Amber to hear through the door. It killed him on the inside for her to see him in such a powerless state, but there was nothing he could do. Without human blood's nourishment, his energy was only at half the level it was supposed to be. He did, though, sit up as straight and erect as possible, managing to keep his regal air. "Well? Are you going to come in or not?" he asked, his patience waning.
For a moment Amber thought she could hear weakness in his voice before she could hear him snap at her. She closed her eyes and held the tea steady as she pushed the door open. When she would look into the room she would see him sitting at his bed and would bring the tea to him, perhaps placing It wherever he wanted. Her gaze would be one similar to a deer caught in headlights. Knowing of what was to come, unable to escape, hoping it to be over soon.

"You seem nervous," Timothy mentioned, his eyes glancing over her quivering movements. Waving his hand, he motioned for her to simply set the tray on the nightstand to his left. "I assure you, there is no need to be. I understand the plantations are cruel, more so than necessary. Unlike the foolish, greedy baffoons who run the plantations, I do not abuse my own servants. Especially not my own serf at that. Yes, I am firm and you will have to accept that fact. I am the head of this household, but as long as we have an understanding, there is no need to be afraid," he told her slightly gently, staring directly into her eyes with his own.

If when she had done what he asked and set the tray down, Timothy would then motion her over with his hand. "You have not been given your venom today, and I would like to get it over with so we both don't have to dwell on the thought any longer today," he sighed, though his voice showed his slight irritation, it was also surprisingly soft. "Do you have a preference as to where?" he then inquired, his eyes glancing about the room before coming back to her. He seemed a bit hesitant himself. Unknown to his new serf, he hadn't fed straight from a human being in many years. He had to resort to animal blood after selling off his parents' serfs. Part of him hated to see the serfs go, but they had reminded him too much of his great loss and he just couldn't take their presence any longer.

Adjusting his position, Timothy awaited Amber's answer, inhaling deeply himself.
Having been startled, Xavior nearly fell off the roof. He turned to the vampiress, Shay, he believed. He had heard about her from other serfs, but never paid much heed. In fact, he hardly paid attention to his own mistress, preferring to bury his mind in work. Upon hearing her question, he answered, "No ma'am... I am doing this of my own accord."


Kew gave a smile to Lily and nodded. "Uh-huh." Her hair was mostly down and wavy, except for two little messy buns on each side of her head. She also wore a similar outfit she usually wore; short black dress, white apron, slip-on shoes, and thigh-high stockings. The little vampirette handed the paper to the serf.
"Yes I did not think Revie would send her serf out to do labor. Well unless she was mad," Shay said with a smile as if she had said some kind of joke. She watched the man and studied him. She really wish she could find a different one for her sister. Someone better. Someone who could keep her mind distracted.

"How is it so far? Being Revie's little pet? Does she treat you well or I guess do you treat
her well. Revie is no easy person to be around, vampire or not."

Reverie heard a knock at the study as she was writing her own verse to a short poem. She wondered who would be there, distracting her so. Poetry was no easy work after all. She thought maybe if she said quiet the person would leave but then there was a knock again and the girl sighed.

"I am here. What is it?"

"Your sister Shay wishes to see you."

"Well then bring her here." Reverie had no desire to move from where she was. But the serf seemed to have left, taking her words with him.
To be honest Xander was at a lost, here she was doing her best . . . and she seemed to ignore his questions or hear them wrong. He paused when she offered the planner waving it off slightly with his hand. “Just don’t let others see it, I like to keep my private life private.” Who could blame the man after all he went through to get where he was now.

“Is there any way you could resort some of those by dates . . .” He said carefully before standing to look down at her. A slight serious look as he started to study her much closer now, leaning in even. If she allowed he would even lift his hand up gentle to her chin some. He would try to move her face from side to side. She might not have a clue what he was doing, but he was trying to check her ears in case anything was wrong with them. “You do wash your ears daily yes? Inside and out?”
Lily took the paper from Kew, wondering what it was. "Is this the list of people who are coming?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. She didn't want to read the paper, it might be something personal that she was just supposed to deliver. "How should the invites be passed out?"
Bret awoke early the next morning despite his desire to sleep. The bustle of other serfs around him and the clanging of pots broke the most restful sleep of his life. For a moment he was confused as to why he was even there in the first place. Shouldn't he be back at the plantation in his quiet stall waiting for the obnoxious sounds of a handler banging at his locked door. He loved to come up with ways to annoy his handlers and it usually involved finding ways to lock his door so they couldn't get in. Of course he would eventually unlock it but they never figured out how he did it.

With a grunt he heaved himself out of bed and pulled his wrinkled white shirt over his head. Bret had been too tired the night before to wash his clothing and besides that he didn't really feel like it. He would wear this shirt until it turned brown and than flip it inside out until the other side turned brown. If than at that point he still hadn't any new clothing he would wash it. It was not as if he had bought the shirt himself. The serf ran his fingers through his blonde locks, splashed some water in his face and lumbered to his Mistress's room. He figured she would need something from him and he might as well be there when she awoke.

--- Merged Double Post ---

As her Master exited Rosa realized how deeply she had upset him. She would rather him yell at her than just walk away for she knew how to handle that. Now she was left alone with his guest wondering what she should do now. Had she been wrong to share her thoughts? Rosa had thought that was what he wanted, he had even asked her to share but maybe he had not wanted to truth. She should have lied, made up some story about being jealous. Oh, why had she not thought this completely through before hand!?

Rosa felt like he was almost ashamed of his family but she didn't understand why. Breeding serfs was the way of the world and humans were just animals who could speak their emotions. It was obvious that vampires were the superior being in the relationship, otherwise they wouldn't always be in control. Humans were followers and right now Rosa needed a leader telling her what to do. She turned to her Master's companion, "Should you or I follow?" she asked bowing her head.
Amber listened to his words, it was both strange and intriguing that he would choose to explain himself when he was a vampire, and she was what she was. Still she took his words at their value, as words. She could tell that there had to be some truth to them for the others didn’t act mistreated, but time would tell. He caught her eyes and the expression would go from thoughtful cold and stoic. It was bad enough he could see into her some by tells her body gave off, he would not have her eyes as well. As of now she was not afraid of him, she only feared letting her guard down to his kind. And their touch, no that wasn’t fear, fear was too simple a word for a complex and unsettling feeling.

She made sure to nod at what he said though, if he were to treat her as more than a thing and speak to her out of courtesy she would not dissuade that. Though once he brought up the venom her body would once more react by becoming rigid. “I don’t care. Just do it” the sooner he was done the sooner his touch would no longer be of her concern, at least for a day if she had anything to say about it.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"You stupid whore." he stated coldly at the serf for her words having upset his Vinny. Sure she herself hadn't caused the pain, but that was of little consequence to Abram as he jumped out the damned window to chase after his friend. He would run to catch up with him, once more his mind racing, wondering how he could fix what he hadn't even broken in the first place. Oh how he hated how this one made him so irrational. Oh how he loved him so. In time he would find him and with a grin he would run at him, ready to tackle him to the ground. Perhaps not a soft landing, but icebreaker much, always the irrational for that damned beautiful smile.

Iliana was already awake when Bret got there. She was in her first gown, having stopped when she got to the corset, being unsure of how to lace it. She was now brushing out her hair. She had obviously been awake for some time. When Bret knocked, she called for him to come in. "There you are." she said. "Busy day today, we need to go in to town and find you some new clothing." She continued brushing the long blonde hair until it shone. "There's a party coming up, and you'll need to look your best for it. Plus, I couldn't imagine wearing the same shirt and pants every day could be comfortable."

She had debated all morning about whether she should tell him about the party this early. If she told him early he would have time to come up with some way to be stubborn or disobedient, and have plenty of time to perfect his plan. If she told him too late, he might get angry that he was told at the last minute, which could turn out just as badly. Eventually, she decided to get it over with, just hoping that there wouldn't be any issues. He seemed content to obey so long as he got the venom he needed to live forever. She figured the threat of having that taken away would be enough for him to act civil at the get together. Of course, she would only use that as a last resort.
Bret entered surprised to see her awake. He quickly made his way over to her bed and began making it, straightening the sheets than tossing the pillows into place with lack-luster. His attention was caught when she mentioned going to town and was more than happy hurry up. The more he saw of the area the better, he could begin planning his escape but still he wanted to hang on until he found a way to remain alive forever. For what his owner may or may not know was that in reality he was older than her. Oh yes he still had to maturity level and looks of a fifteen year old boy but that was a combination of the venom and never letting himself grew up.

"New clothing would be nice," Bret said letting himself feel thankful and actually like the Vampiress for a moment. However he quickly hid that emotion with the following comment, "How would you like your hair done today, my ooohhhh so generous Mistress?" He walked up behind her plucking the brush out of her hand and continuing to run it through her golden lcoks.
Vinnie had actually undone all the buttons on his shirt by the time Abram caught up with him. He was letting the wind blow through it trying to just relax and put facts straight and in order. Out of nowhere though he was rolling, and he would cling slightly to whatever can with him making sure it was safe. When they stopped he would slowly take note of the blonde hair and give a weak smile. “Adam . . . are you trying to kill us now?” Given the boy one last hug he slowly let go in case his friend wanted to get up.

“I’ve been a fool this whole time haven’t I?” He asked softly moving to rest both his hands under his head to look up at the stars. “ . . . from the mouths of a Serf even.” It was painful . . . to admit his family might be right was tearing him to pieces this whole time. “I . . . to think, I have been cruel to her this whole time even. She just . . . wanted to be told what to do, maybe even beaten. I . . . I don’t think I could ever do that Adam. It was bad enough having to take care of myself, now I have this other living thing depending on me as well . . . and I’m already screwing everything up for her.”
Rosa bit her lip, just accepting the insult. The Vampire disappeared into the night after her Master leaving her alone. For a moment she just stood there unsure what to do. She had a feeling following them would not only upset her Master further but leaver her even more confused. With a small sigh she felt a tear run down her cheek as she slipped into her closet bedroom. He seemed to really care for her, taking the time and thought to move her about and keep her out of harm's way and in return she had upset him in front of his guest.

As she waited for his return Rosa picked up the small violin running her hand over the smooth wood instrument. Her cheek had a thin line running down it from the tear as she played the Maiden's Song. It was a classic fit for a summer evening and the notes were smooth and caressed her as she tried to calm down. Her fingers moved swiftly moving from memory as the song swept back and forth taking her somewhere else.

A little too late Abram realized he put too tackle into his hug and off they were. No regrets for this one, especially when it came to his Vinvin as he got some much needed skin time err facetime with his friend. Laughing some as they landed, a genuine smile at getting at least an attempted smile from his dearest. The hug was much cherished, but Abram wouldn’t let anything stir him from what he came to say. He plants both his hands firmly on the ground over Vinny's head. "The last thing you are is a fool. Foolish dreamer perhaps, but as long as you fine-tune those dreams anything is possible. Hell I'd make it possible myself, give me time. "It's a simple you know. Living in your own world in your little bubble, it could be the crappiest existence but how would you know better. If someone were to pop your bubble you would be scared and unsure, but once you regained your barings you would see and have so much more. No one likes change, but mostly for the wrong reasons. Good change is always good change" He sighs some then pulls up, the concept of being so close and intimate with him like that hadn’t been part of the plan. “I think the only one that wants to be beaten is my pet… if you care then just listen to her fears and dissuade them.” He would turn away when talking of comforting the girl.

Vinnie allowed him to stay put, figuring Adam was just doing so to get the point across. “It’s just so . . . confusing.” He said softly looking up into Adam’s blue eyes. He would give a soft laugh at some of Adam’s words even. “Don’t you dare go getting in trouble because of me.” He said softly shaken his head a bit. “I could never forgive myself if I dragged you down with me.” There was a pause and that depressed look once more as if he was starting to question everything he had done.

Slowly he would sit up some when Adam moved, perhaps to get a better view of him. “So . . . you think she’s just confused? That she really doesn’t know what she’s talking about?” He asked softly, unsure . . . she sure did seem firm on what she said. Sighing he dropped back down to lay on the ground. “I barely like taken care of myself, how am I supposed to look after her as well?” He would close his eyes lightly annoyed by it all. “Why do we even have to rely on Serfs? What sick higher being came up with that idea? I would have been happy with just hanging out with you and angering my parents.”

He would open his eyes once more when Adam gave him some good advice managing a weak smile. “Do you really think I can do it? I mean . . . I really went out of my way to set today up to be special for her. Sure most of it was to get a reaction from my family but . . . she seemed so happy with it . . . it’s why this has me all confused. Do you think given Serfs hope is a bad idea.” He would sit fully up at that gently trying to take his friend’s hands in his as if pleading. “What do you really think?”
“Please, you’re stuck with me through death and even into the afterlife” he would tease, mostly. “Ever hear of the saying the blind leading the deaf? I’m not too sure of what it means to this day, but I think it fits here. Things aren’t right and you know they aren’t. You can’t be surprised when someone fights your convictions. If they aren’t strong enough to withstand her, how can they withstand him?” the him in reference was painfully clear. He watched his Vinvin, obviously mixed up and in pain still. “You’re still young you know, if you had all the answers at this age, then what the hell would you do for the rest of your time? You try, do what you can and learn as you go. And you know it’s just all about control and power, nothing more, a sick perversion come to life.” He would have teased some, actually quite tempted to, but felt as if wasn’t the time. “You and me both. You and me both” he would reply with a smile before once more serous thoughts became serous words. “If there’s a way, you will be the one to find it. And if she irritates you so you can always return her…” he would sigh “who knows, I’m not the one in their shoes, it’s a hard fit you see” some of his ‘natural’ humor would come back. His expression would change to an unreadable mix of emotions. “There’s nothing wrong with hope, but there’s nothing worse than false hope” the irony of his words and his friends actions didn’t escape this one, but he grabbed his hands none the less and gave them a squeeze.

“Um Adam . . . I think the saying is, the blind leading the blind. It means that people not knowing the way shouldn’t lead others as well. It means it’s useless to do so.” He couldn’t help but laugh a bit at it never the less, trying to picture a blind man leading a deaf man. Knowing . . . that if that was a saying and they both work hard enough they could manage it, the deaf being the eyes and the blind being the ears. “I think . . . we are that blind and deaf man though, we need each other to survive at times.”

Vinnie of course looked down at what followed; about if he wasn’t strong enough for a serf . . . he wasn’t strong enough for his father either. “It’s just . . . it’s hard disappointing people you hate . . . but when you disappoint someone you don’t.” His eyes went up to catch Adam’s eyes “or someone important to you, it’s so much worse. I feel that’s what I did in there . . . I failed you both. Came up with something only I thought was great and of course it was nowhere near. Life really isn’t ever going to change is it?”

He couldn’t help smile a bit at Adam’s words of encouragement. “We really do make an unstoppable team don’t we?” He paused thinking over the words about returning Rosa. “That wouldn’t be fair to her . . . I know, she probably deserves better . . . it’s just . . . I also know there is a chance . . . she could just end up with someone like my father. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”

He would smile some at the squeeze before pausing as if to realize something. “I . . . we . . . oh no.” He would get on his knees suddenly and start to look Adam over gently, even touching him here and there as he did. “You didn’t get hurt in the fall did you?” A hand went to his head thinking he was so stupid not thinking to check before, so selfish to be wrapped up in his own problems. Adam always looked so fragile at times, like he could break if not careful.
Abram scowled at the correction, leave it to Vinny to outsmart him when it came to the books and such. Though all it took was a cute comparison of the two and all was well in the world again. Abram nodded at his logic, he knew somewhat of what he felt. Though he felt he couldn’t disappoint those he felt strongly against for he was living for himself and not for them. He sighed, hoping Vinny would be able to as well someday. But the someone important part, yeah he definitely understood that part. “You didn’t disappoint us, haven’t you been listening to me, I’m here. You know if something is going to end up in smoke it’s gonna be on the other team, not mine. “Life is always changing, but yeah it could stay how it is, but it’s starting to get boring, so why don’t we shake it up some?” he would grin his ever mischievous tell. “And there you go. Keep her. You’re the best thing out there for that stupid whore and she better be grateful for it.”

He blushed some at his friends concern and the fact that he made Abram blush made his face go red hot. He was about to tease telling him of how it hurt here and here, but all he managed was “It hurts” before his voice was rendered useless. Sometimes he felt like the woman in this relationship.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Abram scowled at the correction, leave it to Vinny to outsmart him when it came to the books and such. Though all it took was a cute comparison of the two and all was well in the world again. Abram nodded at his logic, he knew somewhat of what he felt. Though he felt he couldn’t disappoint those he felt strongly against for he was living for himself and not for them. He sighed, hoping Vinny would be able to as well someday. But the someone important part, yeah he definitely understood that part. “You didn’t disappoint us, haven’t you been listening to me, I’m here. You know if something is going to end up in smoke it’s gonna be on the other team, not mine. “Life is always changing, but yeah it could stay how it is, but it’s starting to get boring, so why don’t we shake it up some?” he would grin his ever mischievous tell. “And there you go. Keep her. You’re the best thing out there for that stupid whore and she better be grateful for it.”

He blushed some at his friends concern and the fact that he made Abram blush made his face go red hot. He was about to tease telling him of how it hurt here and here, but all he managed was “It hurts” before his voice was rendered useless. Sometimes he felt like the woman in this relationship.

Vinnie just gave Abram a weird look for the new nickname his Serf seemed to have gotten but gave a cute shrug never the less. One thing Vinnie always did have was self worth issues after all. He was starting to smile again before his friend started to go red and spoke of pain. Vinnie’s eyes would fill with a deep worry, and he would gently move to touch his forehead to Adam’s to test his temperature.

“ . . . you’re feeling hot.” He said concerned before standing at once and gently leaning down to try to actually pick Adam up. If his friend was getting sick . . . if he was hurt . . . he wanted to help him right away. “Where does it hurt? Should I try to take you to the doctor? You didn’t come out in the cold just to see me again when your sick did you? You know last time that just made it worse.” Now he was feeling bad, sure he was worried his friend wasn’t going to show, but if he came sick. His voice dropped into barely a whisper as he felt so helpless holding his friend close. “How can I help you?”
"P-put me down. R-right this instant." he would pull away from his friend "I I was joking ok, it was just a damned joke. I just need to get home and get some rest. That's it, I promise." he would look his friend dead in the eye to get that point across, so that he would truly believe he was fine and not spend the rest of the night wondering the well-being of his ill timing taunt of a friend. He tried to offer a smile in apology for worrying him and his reaction. But as soon as a goodbye was mumbled he was gone. His feelings too conflicting to remain in the company of his Vincent.

Heading back home he would randomly should out 'Stupid stupid' at himself for his earlier behavior, knowing that lines needed not be crossed, and concern should never be manipulated. Yes, he would tell his friend he came down with a headache from not eating properly, or something. Abram sighed, it seemed like he would be the one not getting any sleep tonight. When he did finally reach his home he was met with a surprise.


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