Ambrose a Vampire RP

Reverie awoke slowly, not wanting to be awake. She really wished she could just stay in bed. It was not like she really mattered to her family or was of use. So why not just stay in bed and let the day slip away?

With a soft sigh, she moved from under the covers, deciding not to risk a lecture from her mother. She was always going on and on at Reverie. Reverie just wanted her to be quiet. It was her fault he was gone.

"Reverie, dear? Are you awake?"

"Yes mother," Reverie called out quietly. Her mother of course did not hear it.

"Reverie? Dang girl are you up?"

"Yes mother," Reverie said louder. This time she heard a noise from her mother, confirming she heard her. "Good. Now down dally all day. Do something productive."

Reverie dismissed her mother's words. They were pointless. She did as she pleased and no one hardly paid attention. No her siblings got that which was fine with the vampiress.
Bret carefully undid each lace pulling it out of the small hole that directed its path. The ribbon was sturdy in his hand but still slick and fine enough to be hidden under a vampiress’s dress. Once the binding cage was removed from his Mistress’s body he began the process of re-lacing and hanging the corset in her closet.

“Would you like your gown cleaned this evening?” he asked as he set out a night shift for his Mistress to change into. While she changed Bret pulled the decorative pillows from her bed stacking them at the photo in a small wall. He then pulled back the covers, folding them so a perfect triangle of sheets, blankets and quilts was formed revealing the linen covered mattress.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Rosa watched his emotions fleet across his face knowing full in well she had no hope of getting out of this. She dug her fingernails into her hand trying to use the pain to take her mind elsewhere but she couldn’t escape this question. The serf felt trapped and conflicted. On one hand her Master seemed to be trying to do something good for the world and by contradicting him she might stop him however Rosa had no desire to bring a child into this world or become a broodserf.

Biting her lip Rosa dropped her gaze to the floor than raised it again anger in her eyes. He wanted the truth; he wanted to know why she was not exactly peachy with his idea? The fact that he was now laughing at her hurt Rosa even more but how was he to know what he was doing. “You want to know the truth? I think there is a gap in your logic, in some ways by training us to be nothing more than animals the plantation owners are being kind to us. They subject us to horrors barely suitable for animals and then breed us like a prized horse when we come out “right”. But throughout all that we don’t know a difference and can’t even fathom other opportunities. Where are you going to get your serfs to raise and sell? Are they going to be from your own personal breeding stock….What would that meant for me?” Rosa asked her voice soft and steady never escalating or becoming overly dramatic.

Rosa knew he was doing this out of a mixture of good and bad intentions but she saw it doing more harm than good. He was basically saying he wanted to teach humans to be something they weren’t and that was unnatural and cruel. Planting these false ideas into a human than releasing them into their Master’s clutches was unfair to that serf.
Iliana changed quickly into the bed clothes as Bret hung the corset. She was finally able to breathe again, and demonstrated this by letting out a small sigh of relief when he walked away. She'd always had a special place in her heart for the pure hatred of corsets.

"No thank you, not tonight." she said. It could wait. "I have a few more, it would simply be a waste of time and hot water to wash the gowns one at a time." She owned only a few gowns to go under the dresses, but owned many many actual dresses. Such layering was stressful when it was so warm out, but her parents insisted. After she had sat down on the neatly done bed, and Bret had finished hanging the clothing so it wouldn't become wrinkled, she dismissed him.
The next morning, one of the household serfs threw open Jennifer's door and stepped in, expecting her to still be asleep but froze in his tracks to see she was already gone, leaving her nicely made bed behind. Already, the girl had brushed out her hair and pulled it back into long braid that hung down almost to her waist, tying it with the new strips of cloth she had gotten from the market the day before, and swiftly made her way down to the kitchen to prepare Alexander's hot breakfast. Vampires tended to not eat or drink very much, but Xander seemed to enjoy his morning tea and buttered biscuits quite well. It wasn't long before everything was placed on a tray and ready to take up to the Master's bedroom, which Jennifer did promptly.

However, when Jenny reached the room and knocked lightly on the door, she received no answer. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if Xander may have been working on something important. But, curiosity got the better of the girl and she ever so quietly turned the handle and peered inside. There at his desk sat Alexander, leaning over asleep with his head propped up on a stack of papers. He looked a bit comical and Jennifer placed a hand over her mouth to stifle a soft giggle. She then approached her master, her bare feet making no sound on the floor. She was about to wake him, but then straightened up and took a better look. Alexander looked so tired and worn out; Jennifer wondered when the last time he'd really ever slept had been.

An idea striking her brain, she laid the tray on a nearby end table then stuck her head out into the hallway to catch another serf walking by. Grabbing his attention, she earnestly asked him to please help her carry Alexander to his bed, since she could not do it herself. It took a bit of convincing and a promise to take care of one of the other serf's chores but he finally agreed and walked with her into the room. Both working together, they managed to lift exhausted Xander from his desk chair and lay him down on his plush bed very, very gently so as not to wake him. Jennifer slowly removed his jacket then let the other serf undress and redress her master into more comfortable attire since he was more skilled at doing so than her and could do it without waking the sleeping vampire.

When the serf was finished, Jennifer thanked him immensely for his troubles then carefully pulled the covers over Xander's tired body. She paused there for a moment, peering down at her sleeping master. She couldn't help but smile, seeing this was the only time he actually appeared relaxed. She reached out to gently caress his cheek and make sure he was still alive, but thought better of it just in time and retracted her hand before her fingers made contact with his skin. She then picked up the breakfast tray from the end table and set it down on Alexander's night stand so he was able to reach it easily.

With that finished, she strolled lightly to the doorway, turning to admire her work one last time. Later when he was awake, she'd pull back the curtains and open the window to give the stuffy room some fresh air, but for now he needed his sleep. Seeing his cluttered desk of papers, she wondered if she should leave before he woke like she had originally planned or if she had time to organize his workload before he became conscious. She could read quite well and knew she could do a good job...but did she have enough time? She sighed softly, trying to make up her mind. If he woke right then and there, Jennifer would quickly but silently scurry out and close the door behind her, hoping to leave no trace but the breakfast tray that she had ever set foot in his room that morning. If he had awoken earlier without Jenny not noticing, then she was out of luck; he had seen her.
Xander wasn’t that heavy of a sleeper. In fact it was when they started to pick him up that he would wake, startled slightly confused. Fear at first as he struggled for his freedom which wasn’t probably hard to get. Once freed they both got that cold dark, ‘how dare you’ glare from him, causing the other serf of course scampering off after an apology.

After that he would merely sit on his bed trying to figure out what happened. It wasn’t normal that he would be caught in such a manner. Only to pause and realized his back ached some . . . he must have fell asleep at his desk. Great . . . it was bad enough he had to worry about becoming his mother, now he was starting to become like his father in ways too. Placing a hand to rub his face some he would say in that cold business tone to Jennifer. “I suppose it’s your turn to lecture me on appearance and promptness.”

He . . . seemed to be serious, and in truth he was, if he expected others to keep up with his wishes, he was too do the same. Standing he would head to the bathroom to wash up a bit, shave, straighten his hair, the basics of course before heading to his closet to decide on the suit he would wear for the day.

“You do have at least a clue what I hope to train you in today, do you not?” He asked that business manner as strong as ever as he picked out an outfit only to pause. He couldn’t change in front of her, sure it should be no big deal but . . . it felt wrong in some sense. Hesitating he would move to go into his bathroom and lock the door allowing the conversation to continue between it as he did his best to get into a fresh suit in such a cramped space.
Jennifer quickly backed out of his way, not speaking just staring at the floor. Why couldn't he just let her do her job as a serf? "You're exhausted, Master Alexander, you need sleep," she finally spoke up bluntly. She kept her hands clasped together in front of her. She was dressed in a light robin's egg blue dress that hung down to her ankles. It was trimmed with white and cobalt cloth and had wide straps over her shoulders, leaving her arms bare; sleeves would only get in the way of housework. A navy sash, wrapped around her waist and tied in a bow at the back, completed the uniform. It was plain and simple, perfect for housework, and fit her form fairly well.

As Alexander disappeared into the bathroom, she shuffled over to the curtains and parted them before opening the windows and letting a soft, fresh breeze flow into the room. It was a very gentle breeze, not enough to disturb the slightest paper on the desk, however it was enough to help clear out the stuffy, stale air about the room. "You intend to teach me how to run some of your work, do you not...?" she replied simply, slightly leaning out the window and breathing deeply. Master Alexander was being unreasonable; first of all, he hadn't fed in a day, and now he refused to get some rest? He was going to run himself ragged!
Bret nodded and exited the room escaping to his sleeping quarters. He made his way silently through the hallways his foot falls soft against the lavish center carpet. The paintings hanging along the wall were eery but seemed to tell a story of his Mistress's history. What struck him as odd was how the backdrops on the painting changed. They went from being purely gray and dreary to more similar to the layout of Tyradul. As if the family had moved for he hadn't idea of anywhere in Tyrdaul where it looked so...muggy.

These thoughts pestered him as he fell asleep. He wrapped himself in the surprisingly comfortable sheets and was amazed by the comfort of a real mattress.
“I can sleep when I’m dead.” Xander said coolly as he finished with his suit exiting the bathroom looking annoyed. His tie was done all wrong and his vest was slightly crooked . . . it might be obvious by that moment he wasn’t used to dressing himself. He would never admit that though, especially in front of her . . . he had to keep in charge and at least act like he had it all together.

When the sun hit him he would merely wince, getting up and then exiting into such a bright light wasn’t pleasing to him at all. “Would you mind closing that?” He complained as he covered his eyes some, feeling a slight burn from it. Moving to his desk never the less, looking over the mess wondering where he should even begin his eyes resting on the breakfast he would take up his tea. “Look around, I suppose we could start with seeing if you notice what any of this paperwork is, and/or have a clue on how to process it.”
"At this rate, you'll be soon enough," Jennifer thought, sighing. The room, at least, was now not so unbearable as it had been before so the black haired girl shut the window and drew the curtains back into their place. Turning finally to face Xander, a look of worry crossed her face. " least let me fix your tie," she requested, bowing her head, "You look a bit flustered and I wouldn't be a very good serf if I let anyone see you looking like that." She slowly approached his desk, her eyes scanning over the paperwork. It seemed simple enough, mostly business transactions, a blue print here and there, more than likely from a couple of his father's inventions.
It had been a little more than a week since Kew and Lily became mistress and serf; however, their relationship seemed more like a friendship than that of a master and slave. Over these few days, Kew and many of the serfs all pitched in and helped Lily learn all the skills she needed (and wanted) to learn. The little vampirette tried her best t be encouraging, even though she had her own problems to deal with. You see, the Bloodrose estate was becoming increasingly busier and busier. The Vampiress of the household was preparing a party; a coming of age party for all the nobles and aristocratic Vampires and their offspring who have now become fully realized adults. Serfs were to be invited as well, so everyone could show off.

While Kew's older siblings were busy with preparations, it was up to Kew to finish their jobs, and even help out with the serfs' work. She was becoming increasingly exhausted, especially since she refused to feed from Lily, and anyone else, and hardly anyone except the serfs paid her any heed.
Xander paused at her next comment glancing down at himself, before sighing feeling very foolish now. He sat down his tea before standing in front of her holding out his arms some, probably how he was used to standing when they dressed or what not him. “Yes, yes very well.” His eyes filtered over her and her new dress before he glanced away, towards the now closed curtains.

He would wait for her to finish doing what she wished to make him look presentable before moving to sit back down. Motioning her a seat on his bed, starting to work already though. “Do what you can where you can with these; just make sure I double check all the papers you mess with.” He meant she could of course pick through and work on whichever papers she wished to or could.

He paused fiddling with a biscuit, taken a bite and such before placing it down and speaking after he once more had a sip of tea. “I was thinking . . . how would you feel if I decided to break the bond between us? If you could just be one of the many normal serfs around the house? There would be fewer responsibilities and what not.” course less need to be around him as well.
Jennifer stepped forward. At first, she straightened out his jacket, unbuttoning and rebuttoning some clasps that had been done up wrong. Then, she pulled his tie undone and her nimble fingers went to work, looping the fabric to and fro until it was tied and laid exactly how she wanted it. Only then did she step back to admire her work.

At his request, she grasped a stack of papers and sat upon his bed, laying the stack next to her and beginning to sift through it. She was a bit slow at first but as she progressed, she was able to flip through the papers quite fast, sorting out buying receipts from selling ones and organizing any blueprints she came across. As if on cue, just as he mentioned her opinion on breaking the bond between them, her eyes came across a document she'd never thought she'd see. It was the sales transaction receipt of her purchase from the plantation. He heart seemed to stop as she picked up the slip of paper, holding it in her trembling hands.

Looking away from the vampire, a frown crossed her face as she closed her eyes, doing all she could not to rip the sheet in two. If he didn't want her, why did he pick her out in the first place? Why did he confide in her about his mother and how they were bonded in the first place? Her whole body tensed at his question and she stood immediately, forcing her fingers to release the intense grip on the precious document. "...I just remembered, I forgot to feed and water the horses. They need to be tended to before I start digging into deep paperwork," she answered curtly, avoiding his question altogether. She needed to cool down and think before she replied to his question or else she might say something she ought to have not.

Tersely, Jennifer bowed to her master then marched out, closing the door behind her. Tears began to well up in her eyes so she kept her head down and bit her tongue to keep them back as she hurried down the hallway. She was finished with this jerking back and forth. One moment it seems as if they're getting along well and actually are at peace then the next he gives her that cold, demeaning stare and shoves her away. She...she was hurt on the inside and she had no idea why. He was just a vampire, she was used to this kind of treatment and mind games from them.

It wasn't long before she reached the stable. Glancing around to make sure she was completely alone, she ducked into her beloved gray mare's stall and buried her face into the horse's shoulder, gently petting its nose. Mixed feelings of anger yet relief filled up inside her at the same time; she didn't know what to think or how to handle it.
Xander allowed her to without protest, a bit tense on his side, but deep down he was glad he managed as well as he did. When she went to work, seemed actually capable he was relieved, almost excited in away. She would prove of at least some use, course it would be stuff in which she would be close by which could prove a problem if he wasn’t careful. If he could adapt though, if he could just get used to her being there maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. After all . . . something about her being around made him happy.

His question wasn’t one out of insult; of course she wouldn’t know this. It was out of him trying to stay guarded . . . to keep safe in ways. It of course had some of her best interest in mind as well. She could . . . be freer, not having to roam with him everywhere. She would have to only do basic duties, so she wouldn’t end up over worked like she complained he was . . . and perhaps she could find happiness without having to be around him.

Her sudden comment surprised him though, she wasn’t answering but leaving. He actually turned to try to face her confused. Were those horses really that much more important to her. He sighed as she was quick, and he merely just let her slip away once more. Everything was always that much more difficult when it came to her, or having her around. Maybe his isolation of females up to this point wasn’t such a good idea after all.
Jennifer finally pulled away from her horse and kissed her velvet nose before leaving the stall. She had managed to calm herself enough to reenter the house and travel up to Alexander's bedroom, for in fact she had already fed and watered the horses first thing after she woke that morning. She bowed to her master, then took her place once again sitting on his bed and beginning to organize papers. "It does not matter what you choose to do, whether you want to be bonded to me or not. I have no opinion on the matter," she finally answered his question, "It is your decision. Personally, I don't mind taking care of your needs. It keeps me occupied."

Jennifer was rather proud of her answer. It was clear, concise, and to the point; she had managed to respond without any emotion seeping into her voice, though it was still there inside her, leaping to get free. Her braid swung back and forth as she kept her eyes downward on the paperwork, for she knew if she let herself make eye contact with him, everything could break loose. She enjoyed being wanted and needed as a personal serf, but what did it matter to him? He obviously wasn't interested in her as much as she was intrigued by him.

Pausing her work for a moment, she bit her lip, hoping she hadn't been too hard on him with her words; sometimes, as she'd quickly figured out, he was quite sensitive to such things. Sighing, she looked down at her lap. "I apologize for the rash tone," she said quietly, "That was wrong of me. It's just...." However, she didn't finish the sentence, trailing off.
Iliana laid in bed with many thoughts going through her mind. She knew that sometime in the near future, a coming of age party would be thrown. One was held each year for the new adult vampires, and someone different hosted it each year. She wondered where the full day of festivities would take place this year. She rolled over, something else crossing her mind. Would Bret be capable of restraint in the presence of so many nobles? So far he'd been obedient but still had an air of sarcasm every time he spoke. Iliana's whole family would be shamed if Bret acted up at the party. She yawned. It was something to worry about closer to that date. For now, she was exhausted and quickly drifted off into sleep.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lily was outside helping some of the other Serfs in the garden. It had been awhile since Kew had taken her in, and now she knew all she needed to to help around the house and perfrm tasks of her own. She was especially good at gardening, which she loved doing. She enjoyed being outside in the sun, something she rarely got to do at the plantation. The Serfs were busy today, primping the grounds for the party that would soon be held here. The grounds and house had to look their best to impress the other vampires. She was nervous that the estate would be so busy. With so many people around, surely her anxiety would allow room for many mistakes. But she was still going to try her best so as not to embarrass Miss Kew at the get together.
Xander merely glanced back slightly when she reentered. Smiling softly to himself at the way she seemed, more professional in his eyes. She was actually catching on quite quickly, or so he thought, he had no clue she was like this out of frustration or feelings due to his question. Her answer had him pause, putting up his pen some to look at her. “Actually you have every right I decide to give you.” He said softly, her words confusing him . . . she seemed not to care but still seemed to want to stick around.

“It would bring you more freedom.” He said softly, gently trying to catch her eye. He was even tempted to take her hand, only to realize and go right back to his work. “You seem displeased with the way I handle things and are always busy. It would be a shamed to stick you with such duties if you are better suited elsewhere. The problem is the one I am bonded with needs to stay close . . . and to have them just sitting around seems a waste to me.”

At that he would pick up his pen again rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. He couldn’t see how his father managed to sleep like that every night. “There is a lot of long nights, seeing things that might be . . . unpleasant, or bring back many bad memories. I’m sure you won’t enjoy it . . . and you tend to . . . have be going soft with you on certain matters I should be more firm.”
Jennifer unclasped her hands, sensing his change in mood and listening intently. "It would bring you more freedom," he had told her. At that comment, she smiled a bit and chuckled slightly, "And you saw how well I handled more freedom." Reaching up, she took her braid in her hands and pulled it over her shoulder, stroking it calmly. "I do a lot better when I have more work to do and less time to think," she said, turning finally to look at him, "I don't care about the long nights. I barely slept at the plantation and so I've gotten into that habit. Besides, you shouldn't be alone, doing all this work yourself so late into the night."

She gave him a gentle smile but quickly caught herself and cleared her throat, looking down at her lap. "My mind is often troubled with unpleasant memories. Working hard gives me less time to dwell over them and more of a mindset to look towards the future at what my work will produce in the end." She placed a hand up on her shoulder. " the first time I've ever felt like...I've had a family. A-and someone who needs me. At the plantation, they never needed me. They just made me work and serve their every whim for the fun of it." Her fingers lightly touched her transaction document as she became silent once more.
Xander was surprised when she spoke of wanting more work to do. He actually turned to face her once more trying to study her face. Less time to think . . . “I’m the same way.” He said softly, confused that they shared that connection somehow. His eyes for the first time actually deeply studying her. Her comments about him being alone actually got a small laugh. “I have been alone since I can remember; it’s what I’m used to. Do not let me worry you when it comes to that point.”

Any smile he had seemed to fade though when she spoke of bad memories. “Then . . . perhaps the issue isn’t not having enough work. Perhaps the issue is needing memories you wish to remember and think back too?” He seemed to be thinking it over some, wondering if he even had time for such plans. “Maybe . . . once a month . . . we can set out to do just that? Until your head is full of memories you don’t wish to forget as much at least.”

It was when she spoke of family, of this feeling like one that he would end up blushing and turning away. Did he really seem that needy? He wasn’t really, he could do all of this alone, he had been for years. He could be just fine without her . . . right? “Perhaps they needed you more than you thought, they just didn’t want you to realize it?”
Jennifer pursed her lips and twiddled her thumbs as she went over his proposition. Would that even be possible? To override the bad memories of the plantation with new, good ones? The idea made her smile; It would be starting over and getting a fresh start. "That...would be amazing," she responded, smiling and facing her master. A soft blush crossed her face, seeing how he was studying her so, and she fidgeted a bit. She squeezed her braid somewhat and turned back to the stacks of paperwork. Maybe he really did care; he just had a hard time showing it ever since the incident with his mother.

She began to sort them again, but was still listening very carefully. "Maybe you're right. And's time you weren't doing everything yourself for once," she suggested, sitting farther up on the bed so she had more space to sort papers, "Of course you seem completely capable of doing it yourself, but that doesn't mean you have to do it alone all the time."

Jennifer merely shrugged her shoulders at his comment about the plantation vampires needing her. "I highly doubt it, they were selfish and cruel. Most of them had their own personal serfs back home, they just showed up to boss us around and give us our venom for the day," she replied surprisingly casually, "If you want my personal opinion, they were a bunch of baffoons. They expected us to learn proper etiquette when they had no manners of their own."
“Then since you’re to keep track of my meetings and such now, you should mark down the plan to do so on the first of every month.” Xander paused as if to make sure nothing was wrong with that, handing her his planner to do so. “If a meeting is already there, mark it the closes time possible.” It seemed that was the way he always worked. “It would also be your job to plan out what to do on that day mostly. Since it would be about you getting good memories, and I haven’t a clue what might cause those.”

When she spoke of him doing everything for himself he merely shook his head. “I took up this work, I spread myself thin on purpose.” He said honestly, continuing with some of the more pressing matters at hand. “If the issue is etiquette being taught by those with none, perhaps I could put in a word with the owners and government to install some more in the workers. You do seem to have a point after all, how can you teach someone something they have never known before.” He did his best to keep a hand in almost everything it seemed. In fact it was obvious if she did some of the papers wrong, or if any of them were lost . . . he might end up in great trouble due to it.

Along with the normal mess there were also detail notes on past meetings. The job in which of course would fall upon her to take with her being his main. “You’re outfit looks beautiful, by the way.” Still business like but nice never the less. “As long as it works for a uniform it will be allowed, I was almost worried you got frivolous things in which would embarrass me if others saw my serf in them.”
Jennifer took the planner as if it was made of glass. He was giving her a more serious responsibility, so she became determined not to mess it up. "Oh, well alright then, Master Alexander," she replied, grasping her quill pen from her white apron pocket. Dipping it into the ink well on his desk, she promptly looked over the schedule for a good day of the month. Fridays seemed the least busy since it was at the end of the week but before weekend meetings. It was settled then, she neatly marked down the event on the second Friday of the next couple months as long as it was open, which it was except for one month. Then, she moved it to Thursday.

As she marked down the dates, she made note of other important meetings and such. "Wow, he sure has a lot of meetings with upper class...," she thought, amazed at how he could do this all himself. Pulling her own planner from her other apron pocket and she hurriedly scribbled down anything majorly important before sticking it back into her apron. Extending her arm, she handed his planner back to him dutifully. "You can do that?" she responded, eyes wide as he suggested he could talk to some officials, however she caught herself. "I-I mean, of course you can," she corrected quickly.

Already, the huge mess of paperwork had become sorted into neat piles on Alexander's top comforter of his bed. When he complimented her dress, her light blue eyes widened immensely and she had to turn away in fear that he would see her reddening cheeks. "O-oh, it's nothing. Just something simple to do housework in a-and such," she stammered, "I'm..glad you're pleased with it." She couldn't help but smile at his kind comment before picking up one of the paper stacks and placing it back onto Xander's desk.

Jennifer couldn't help herself and turned to face Alexander. Her wide blue eyes peered into his as she too studied him. His hair was a bit tousled mop on top of his head, having slept in such an odd position; it was comical, but in a cute sort of way, causing her lips to upturn in a soft smile.
Reverie had made her way from her room to one of the studies in the house. She passed by a couple serfs but did not see her own. She didn't mind. She liked the boy's company but she didn't care if he had his own things. Only that he did as she told him. She hoped where ever he may be located at the moment he was working hard on learning to read. Writing wasn't important, for now. She wanted him to know how to read.

Moving into the study, Reverie sat down and took out a small book. The study was one of the few that were normally empty and so one of the few places Reverie felt the most comfortable. She was tempted to ask for Xavior, ask if he had done as she had told him, but not yet.
Kew was rested on a bench out in her mother's grand garden. Ever since the serfs began the preparations, everything had been so beautiful. She loved it out in the sun, unlike most vampires, but even so she held a parasol above her head for protection against the blinding source of light and heat. Her fair skin would burn easily, but she was still delighted to be outside. She watched as the serfs continued to tend to the garden, they had done such a perfect job, despite the elder Vampiress always changing flowers and designs at the last minute. Kew hoped this would be the last time her mother did such a thing.

"Miss Kew?" A serf called out. She was the personal serf to the vampiress of the household, but usually was never allowed to associate with any of the other serfs. "Your mother requests that you and your serf begin to hand out invitations." Kew blinked as the woman handed her a document with addresses, names, and such listed. Kew nodded slowly. "Okay..."


Xavior, however, was outside repairing some damage done to the roof of the estate. Although he knew his mistress ordered him to read, a book of poetry simply lay in the grass with his tools below. He had no interest for reading, and he felt there were much more important duties for him to attend to. He kept the book with him nearly everywhere he went, to make it seem as though he had been reading.
Lily was planting a flower, covering it in fresh earth. Another Serf tapped her on the shoulder. "Lily, the Vampiress has requested you join miss Kew to pass out invitations for the party." Lily nodded, standing up and trying to wipe some dirt from her rosy cheeks. When she found that the effort was useless, she proceeded to the edge of the garden to locate her mistress. She finally saw her sitting on a bench with a parasol, and gave her a quick curtsy as she approached. "Mistress, I was told my assistance was requested for the dispersion of the invitations?"
Reverie had decided she was a bit bored after reading her poetry book, scribbling in it diligently. She had always taken to write in books no matter the subject which of course invoked the wrath of her mother.

"Why can't you be a normal child?" "What is wrong with you Revie?" "You are a disgrace to our family?"

Reverie, of course, could care less what her mother told her. After all she had two older sisters and an older brother. The attention was normally off her unless they were gone or she made herself known. Her siblings weren't that bad but she could deal with not being around them. Except for Shay. Shay was someone she liked being around. The second oldest of the family, she did all their mother asked but sometimes she would talk to Reverie, laughing at their mother's antics. Shay was also the only other person who knew about him.

Shay (I wanted to write a bit with her) was walking with her own serf, a young boy of 15 still. He was moving silently beside her, trying hard to keep up. They stopped and Shay turned to him.

"Alli go and see if you can't find my sister and tell her I would like a word."

As the boy scrambled off, she looked at the new serf, the one Reverie had chosen. He was a strange fit for the young girl, not at all suitable but it was a bit too late now. "Has my sister put you to work or has it been our mother? I doubt Revie would ask you to fix a roof. Yet you seem so calm up there. A shame it does not matter."

(I gave my text a color for here since everyone else was doing it.)

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