Ambrose a Vampire RP

Xander paused hearing her voice, a deep blush crossing his face as she revealed the issue. Shaken his head to push thoughts out of his mind, annoyed once more, he really didn’t plan well enough for her after all. Then there was a pause, as a thought came to mind and a small smile crossed his face. “I’ll get you something to wear.” At that he would head off for a few, only to come back and stop at the door wondering how he would manage to get the outfit in to her.

Hesitating he would open the door and slip his hand in with the clothes, holding his breath the whole time fearful of her reaction. He of course couldn’t see anything having a door in his face, but never the less he felt the blush rising again. The clothes he had to offer . . . were . . . male, he had got her the uniform that the males had tended to wear around the house. He had decided to test if the outfit change would change the awkwardness of having a female serf around.
At his answer, Jennifer let out a gigantic sigh and slumped against the door in relief. "Thank you," she answered gratefully. She waited patiently a few moments for him to return, then perked up a bit, hearing his footsteps. As his hand entered through the crack in the door, she inhaled a bit and her face turned a shade of red, but for the most part she was used to it. Many a vampire, male or female, had made her undress when it was bathing time. However, it was different this time, it being Alexander's hand that handed her the clothes. She quickly thanked him and closed the door after he'd withdrawn his hand. She noticed the clothing was that of a male serf, but as long as it wasn't that unbearable burlap material and it fit, she didn't care. It was much better than having to make a mad dash to her room in a towel. Slipping into the clothing, it fit her fairly well for boy's clothes. Of course, it was particularly attractive on her but she was grateful all the same. Shyly, she opened the door and appeared before him. Her hair, though still wet, was neatly combed out and shone with cleanliness. Her face was still a shade of red, but it had diminished since he had first stuck his hand through the doorway.
Lily rubbed her forehead, smiling a little bit at her hyper Mistress. She was just glad that Kew didn't knock anything over when she shot up. "I'm fine miss, are you okay?" she asked, looking at Kew's forehead and seeing only a small red area. "It doesn't look like it's going to bruise." She smiled again. "I hope you enjoy your breakfast in bed, the cook in the kitchen helped me make it for you." She added, twirling a lock of her white-blonde hair around her fingers, nervously awaiting Kew's response to the food. "I hope it is good."
Xander was trying to decide if he should wait there for her or go back to his desk when she came out. His eyes lifted out of habit to check on her only for a slight blush and a long silence to follow. The outfit . . . was a horrid idea. It suited her form more than any dress could, where they hid more it showed. What in the world was he going to do?

Trying to pull himself together, he realized he was still staring at her and he would jerk his head away in annoyance. “It will have to do.” He spoke coldly before turning and taken a deep breath. “Does this mean you’re almost ready? If so please start to make a list of your needs, as well as items you want. Add to the list that we must add your name to your tag as well. Is that clear?” Business, and as strict as he could manage, he would nod afterwards his back still to her.
Giving Lily an embarrassed smile, she grabbed a fork and took a bite. Pleased with the taste, she smiled. "Mm!" She then continued eating until all of it was gone. "Thank you!" She said with a cute smile. Looking to Lily, she stared at her intently, as of trying to pierce into her soul. "What... Do you like to do...?" She asked in her normal quiet voice. She wanted to try to "train" Lily today, and to equip her with some skills. But she wanted to know what Lily liked to do, and what she would be good at.
Poor Jennifer's face turned a deep red once more, noticing his long stare and the deadly silence that followed. Nodding her head frantically, she clasped her hands together after he had scolded her. "O-of course, Master..." she stammered. This was extremely awkward for her, seeing how he stared at her so. The vampires at the plantation hadn't cared at all for her personal privacy, so why wasn't she used to it by now? Why was this circumstance so different? Shaking her head, she focused on his instructions. "A list? Oh, of course. I only need a few simple things. A hairbrush and a few cloth ties so I can pull my hair back when doing housework. There isn't much else I can think of besides some clothes to wear while the outfit you gave me is being washed and lain out to dry," she responded. An air of nervousness seem to come over Jennifer, which was understandable, considering she had just come in very close contact with his own master while she was undressed and her thoughts were still in a flurry.
“Well then.” Xander said not willing to face her. “What are you waiting for? Go about it, and by list I meant written.” The poor guy wasn’t really scolding her, it just must have came off that way due to the tone and such he usually seemed to use specially towards her. HE wasn’t about to move at that moment in fear of catching another glance of her. It was bad enough the look seemed to be edged into his head. At that thought alone he would lower his head some in great shame . . . if this continued he would have to start finding a way to punish himself as to decondition such.
Even though he had his back turned to her, Jennifer curtsied politely and scurried off obediently to do as he asked, running past him and into his line of vision before turning down another hallway. She scowled, very angry with herself. She just had to put her barriers back up, she couldn't become attached to this vamp, she just couldn't. The consequences would be...drastic if she did. She couldn't even fathom what would happen.

Grabbing a piece of blank paper from a study, she sat down at a small table and picked up the quill pen, her hand shaking. Biting her lip, she hesitated to begin writing due to the fact that her hand trembled so much. Taking a deep breath, however, she began the list, hoping her hand would settle down as she went on. She wrote as neatly as she could then set the quill back into the ink well, waiting for the ink to dry.
Lily smiled when Kew approved of the breakfast she'd made. At least she was able to do ONE new thing now. Kew stared at her very intently. Lily was confused by this, tilting her head until her Mistress finally asked what she liked to do. "Well," Lily said, blushing. "I've never tried anything... All the Vampires teach us is reading, writing, counting, and manners..." She played nervously with her two pointer fingers. "I've seen other Serfs learning to do things their masters wanted them to learn though..." She thought for a minute. "I liked cooking this morning... And if I had to pick some other things I liked watching other people sew and tend flowers... I don't know that you can teach me to do hair unless you've done it yourself, since usually Serfs must learn from Plantation owners or other Serfs how to do it..."
Xander caught site of her go, that long black hair floating past as she did so. He was so tempted to reach up and touch it, only to find himself holding his right wrist with his other hand. THIS was not going to work out, something had to be done . . . but what? Perhaps he could get her un bonded to him after all . . . keep her around if she wished of course. He just couldn’t keep this up, inside a part of him felt like it was being tore in two with the struggle alone.

Heading back to his room to wait once more, he would quickly fill out a few forms. Was he really just his mother’s son after all . . . no . . . he was better than that, he HAD to be better than that. That woman was selfish, she abandoned him caring nothing of how he felt. SHE placed a human above him, he now had to make sure his place was clear . . . to keep strong. To keep scraping away along his path till there was nothing left of those rumors that haunted him.

Clenching his fist he glared at the door coldly, where was that girl? Didn’t she know he had more important things to do with his time then to look after her? Yes . . . that’s it . . . that was the attitude he needed.
As soon as the paper was dry, the young human girl folded it neatly and walked briskly out the door. She knew Alexander would be waiting for her and he was already in an angry tizzy. She did, though, stop by the kitchen. Unwrapping the bandage from around her wrist, she was pleased to see that it had not become infected and was healing quite nicely already. She threw away the bloody, old wrap and grasped a fresh, clean one, winding it around her wrist and tying it securely. "There, that should do it," she thought to herself. Then, she hurried up the stairs and to her master's bedroom. Seeing the door was open, she stepped inside, knocking the door lightly to alert her master that she was back. "I-I've got the list, Master Alexander," she stated quietly, extending it towards her.
Xander’s whole I’m going to tell her what’s what and put her in her place anger faded all to quickly when she entered the door. That outfit really was one of the worse ideas he ever had. He seemed to hesitate, as if trying to find the words, only to stand strictly and go to get his jacket. “Come then, we’ve already wasted enough time already.” He paused looking at the list as she offered it to him. “That list is for you . . . you will need to learn to make them more and keep track of them. As I said when I first got you, you will be expected to do so and take notes of importance at meetings.”

With that he would push past her, it was the only way to really get by, and it gave him a chance to lightly finger her hair without notice. “They did teach you how to ride . . . if so, go saddle two horses and bring them up front.”
"I think... You'll be a good cook and gardener... We have a shortage of gardeners..." Standing up, she slowly waltzed to her wardrobe to choose an outfit for herself. She picked out a black dress that waved near the bottom. Its length was knee-high. She also grabbed a white apron, black slip-on shoes with a strap over them, and thigh-high white stockings. "If you want to know about hair styling... My older sister's serf is trained specifically for that." Kew then headed for the bath room to cleanse herself for the day.
"Yes, Master Alexander, right away," Jennifer stated, trying to appear calm. She cradled the list in her hands, crinkling its edges some as Xander jerked his jacket from its hook then shoved past her, causing her to lose her balance slightly. However, being skilled in the ways of dance and horseback riding, she had great balance and was able to recover quickly without him noticing. The lock of her long, straight black hair slid through his fingers, almost like silk. It was now dry, it having been a while since she had rubbed the water from it with a towel and so it slightly reflected the light coming in from Alexander's window. Thankfully for him, however, she was busy regaining her balance and didn't feel his fingers caress her hair ever so slightly.

Swallowing deeply, she turned and followed Alexander, much like a lost puppy, until she came to the bottom of the stairs. Then, she branched off from him, heading towards the stable. Stepping inside and hearing the soft nickers from the majestic beasts helped set her mind at ease. After she had saddled Alexander's steed, she took a fancy to a beautiful, sleek gray mare, which she saddled as her own. Grasping their reigns, she carefully led them around to the front of the mansion, smiling a bit at the clip clop of their metal shoes on the stone below.
Xander merely nodded approvingly of the job she did with the horses. He was still trying to cool his emotions slightly, but as long as he didn’t look at her. Luckily the horses were a good excuse not to, he would mount up before leading the way. In front he wouldn’t even have the risk of glancing to her after all. “I’ve been thinking, you seem to have an awful memory at times. Therefore perhaps we should get you a journal and day planner, as well as a more portable quill of your own. I can’t keep affording to waste my time repeating things of importance.”
Jennifer's face twisted into an expression of annoyance at his harsh comment as she mounted the gray horse. She knew she could get away with it this time since he was already mounted and trotted away ahead of her. She even felt the guts to stick her tongue out at him behind his back. She then sighed softly enough that he couldn't detect it and gave the horse a nudge with her heels, sending it cantering for a while to catch up with her master. She then fell in line behind him at a steady trot. "A journal may be long as he doesn't read it when I'm not around," she thought to herself. Maybe getting all her emotions and feelings onto paper would help her remain calmer in situations like this one. "Yes, I believe that's a good idea. It would be handy to have something I could write down important notes into," she finally replied, finishing her thought process.
Xander smiled safely since she couldn’t see it with his back to her. “It wasn’t quite a suggestion.” He did his best not to chuckle, only to lead them into a small market place and dismount. “Do I need to walk you into every store, or do you at least know how to find items, buy them, and return?” Normally he would let the other serfs do such jobs so in truth he didn’t know if they knew the task after leaving the plantation. “You are to get three dresses . . . professional looking. Stock up on ink and extra paper while we’re here as well. Starting tomorrow you will have no chore list, as you will have to be trained in how to take care of my business needs it seems. You will show up in my room bright and early, proper looking, and prepared.”
Lily nodded. Maybe today she should pay a visit to the hair styling serf that belonged to Kew's sister. She nodded to herself. She watched her Mistress pick out clothing and waltz into the washroom. Lily looked down and blushed, realizing she hadn't changed this morning and was still in her nightgown. Luckily Kew didn't seem as strict as some Vampires. Lily quickly stripped down after picking out one of the dresses her Mistress had given her, deciding on a pale blue knee-lenth dress with lavender trim. She looked down at her bare feet, wondering if she should ask her Mistress for a new pair of shoes. She couldn't very well work in the garden barefoot.

Lily looked at herself in the mirror. She had left her hair down and it curled cutely around her calves. It was a little messy but nothing a finger combing couldn't fix. She turned the tag on her black collar over, realizing she hadn't gotten a new tag upon being purchased, so none of her information was on it; it was just a blank tag.
Jennifer lifted her head, puzzlement in her light blue eyes. Oh, so now she couldn't voice her own opinion? At first, it seemed he wanted her to speak up. She shook her head; she just could not figure out this vampire. He was different than anyone she'd ever come across before. "I understand how buying works," she replied, masking the annoyance that rose up inside her a bit. Of course she knew the process. She'd seen so many of the serfs from her plantation bought and stung her heart seeing some of the vampires that the other serfs were sold to. "Yes, I apologize for this morning. I was confused and had a hard time adjusting last night," she explained, her eyes searching her surroundings. It was so different here in the city than at the plantation or even Alexander's home. Vampires wandered the streets, most all of them with serfs by their side, serving their every whim. She winced as she saw an owner slap his serf clean across the face. Any annoyance or anger that had begun to rise quickly dispersed, thinking how fortunate she was that Alexander wasn't aggressive in that he beat her constantly for her mistakes.
Xander nodded moving to tie the horses. Sighing afterwards realizing it should have been her job to do that. He wasn’t one to usually go around with a serf. Before now though he was under age and not really expected too. Sighing in defeat of his actions he would wave her off still making sure not to look at her. “Don’t forget the journal, day planner, quill, extra ink and paper, as well at the rest of that list. I will wait here for now.” He couldn’t risk going around with her after all, if he continued to make silly mistakes like this he would have a clean up on his hands. Pausing he would realize he didn’t give her the money yet before shuffling in his pockets to hold some out for her. “If you wish pick up some tea, and food as well.”
Jennifer dismounted gracefully from her horse and allowed Alexander to take the reins, though a bit puzzled thinking he would have asked her to do it. She shrugged it off then listened to the stern vampire as he relayed his instructions clearly and concisely. She extended her hand and gently took the money, her soft fingers gently brushing against his palm as she did so. She then curtsied, bowing her head and turned to face the market.

Her eyes widened greatly, seeing the hustle and bustle that went on in the streets. It was even worse than market day at the plantation! Taking a deep breath, she strolled into the chaos, making sure to watch where she stepped. Many vampires roamed the streets, browsing the merchandise, and she'd hate to accidentally run into one. She managed to calm her mind and focus on her first item to buy, the journal, day planner, and quill. Gazing around, her eyes finally settled on a paper shop, not too far away. They'd probably have what she was looking for, so she headed in that direction, wandering inside. Greeting the attendant respectfully, she explained how she was picking things up for her master and stated her list of items. However, she was careful not to mention her master's name, knowing he probably didn't want her spreading the word that she was his new serf; he could do that himself if he wanted. After that, the rest of the shopping went fairly well except for the tea owner. The despicable, grumpy old vampire was quite rude and actually slapped her face for "gawking" at some of his precious, exotic tea leaves. This, of course, stunned Jennifer and she gently rubbed her face, wincing. She hadn't been physically hit on purpose in a few days and she supposed she had just gotten used to it. After she finally bought the tea, she hurried out of there as soon as she could.

Again, she lifted a hand to her face and grazed her cheek. Serfs really were slaves... Why? Why were they so different from the vampires? Sighing, she then began to make her way back to where the horses were hitched, skillfully avoiding the many people who walked on the street with really no regard as to look where they were going. Soon, though, she stopped. Didn't Alexander say something about getting her tag engraved? Of course, she'd probably need him to be with her as well so she continued walking, juggling the large cloth bags of goods in both hands.
While Kew was in the bathtub, a visitor decided to barge in without knocking. He was tall, dark hair with icy blue eyes. He Appeared to have a laid-back air to him. Noticing Kew was not in the room, he sighed annoyed. That was before he spotted Lily. "Hey, serf!" He called out to her, crossing his arms.

Once Kew sat in the warm water, which she had to manually heat, she sighed relieved and leaned on the back of the tub. She washed her hair, and herself before stepping out and wringing the water from her hair. She then dressed and walked out of the washroom, only to see her brother.
Her gentle touch managed to get Xander to look up, silently kicking himself once more for doing so. He kept his stern look on her at least. He had to remind myself that he needed to look at her in public, that she was the one who wasn’t suppose to meet his eyes. It was just so difficult at times.

Something had to be done, glancing around he frowned spotting a specialty shop. It seemed that some vampires delighted in the many ways they could torment there serfs. As sickening as it was . . . it might be just what he needed. Browsing the items he would pick up a few of the smaller ones and pay. It would be this shop that he was leaving when Jennifer made it back. The girl was quick, maybe there was hope for her yet. “Everything is done and tended to then?” His stern eyes stayed on her face despite difficulty of the task for him to do.
Lily jumped when the boy entered the room. Just a moment earlier and he would have barged in on her changing. She was used to Vampires seeing her unclothed since she lived on a Plantation, but at least there she always saw it coming. She turned to see who it was. It was someone she hadn't met so far, and she blushed a little, her reaction to just about everything.

Just then her Mistress reentered the room, and Lily felt a wave of relief wash over her. She looked back to the boy, whom Kew had addressed as brother. The two looked nothing alike; Lily never would have guessed the two to be siblings.
"Yes, everything. Three dresses, extra paper and ink, journal, day planner, portable pen and ink well, tea, some fresh produce, cloth ties, and I picked up an extra quill pen for your study since your old one seemed a bit dull," Jennifer stated, repeating the things she had gotten in order as she placed the bought items in the saddle bags that rested over the horses' haunches. She was too busy to see what her master had bought while she was away. Luckily, the redness from where the tea clerk had slapped her had dissipated and was no longer visible upon her cheek. She sighed deeply in relief, a bit out of breath from running around from shop to shop. Her eyes met his once by accident, but immediately she looked away, not bearing to see such coldness in his eyes when he stared at her.

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