Ambrose a Vampire RP

When Vinnie noticed a bit of Rosa’s reaction his smile would fade some. He didn’t understand, had no clue why she was upset or worried. Then again she had no clue that part of this house was used to breed for the plantations and such. It was another reason he had her move into his closet than with the others. Vinnie always was a foolish gentle soul, he hated to see others upset at times when they didn’t deserve it and even worse, he hated feeling like he did something wrong. “You don’t like my idea Rosa?” She didn’t even know all of it, just the base . . . but if plantations bugged her that much . . . maybe it wasn’t such a good idea after all.

Vinnie’s eyes focused on Abram now, sighing to lean back feeling frustrated some. “I was just thinking how the plantations have crappy educations and don’t really TEACH the serfs till their last years. This keeps the serf’s ignorant . . . unable to think for themselves usually. If I started a plantation, under the pretense of having better types of serfs, be it for services and such we could teach them at a younger age. Even have some of the serfs teach others after awhile. Educate the masses and the masses will sooner or later realize the wrongs.” Why didn’t anyone else see the big picture? Perhaps he didn’t get just what type of danger he was playing with though.
Amber thought she saw something glimmer through his eyes, but it was gone before the thought registered. Once beckoned she slowly made way to him to see what he had in mind for her now. “We aren’t given names by loving parents; we are simply objects that are named for appearance or mannerisms. If you must I am called Amber as well, but is that truly my ‘real’ name?” She knew better than to be sarcastic with a vampire, even if they had started it, but she couldn’t exactly stop herself from saying how she felt, even if such words were only trouble for her. Her thoughts were all she had and all that made her different from any of the others. The same voice that got her in more trouble than her actions ever would.

Xander merely glanced to the food and tea, but it was obvious he would probably let it go cold long before he got to it. It was her voice that actually made him jump slightly, only to give a gentle sigh as he was kicking himself already for his words. “Good, I hope you are getting used to the house already.” Back to his business manner as if nothing had happened the other night.

He would shuffle a few papers around before pausing with a thought. “Would you prefer I take you to the market? “ Perhaps it was his way of making up for saying things he didn’t mean her to hear. “It would be a good trial to see how you do in public.” In truth he might seem calm and collected but this run would be something that would be a big task for him as well. He KNEW he had to get used to going out with her. The stares they might get, the rumors, who knew how much of them were just in his head, but already he could picture some of them.

Bret waited until she had taken her fill before stepping back. He felt the hot venom course through his veins providing him with the life he so loved. He just hated the "catch" in the deal. He noticed her eyes linger on the scars but he simply buttoned his shirt and shrugged his vest back on. If the Mistress wanted answers she could ask. Next came the ice cold fingers crawling across the bite wounds knitting his skin back together. He had become so used to the bites that he barely noticed the pain anymore. If he relaxed his muscle it didn't hurt so much. Bret shifted the collar about his neck so the leather didn't rub the healing marks.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Rosa shook her head, “Oh no it is a fine idea,” she chirped looking up with a pained smile. And as she listened to his idea she realized it really was a fine idea but there was a gap in his logic. He was educating these humans, treating them like vampires yet they all had to come from some where and that meant breeding. How could you educate someone, let them see the truth than treat them like well-bred cattle.

She could see the advertisement now. ‘Get your fine serfs from the Bloodstone Plantation! All intelligent competent beings from the Rosa and (blank) bloodline but you must act now to catch one before they are gone!’ Maybe the reason her Master wanted to talk with Sir Abram fellow was about his new serf. Maybe they were going to go into business together.

She wrung her hands behind her back trying to see an escape. The serf had no desire to bring a child into this twisted world and make them endure a life of servitude even if it was to a kind master. No she must find a way of escape.
Jennifer's long tresses swayed back and forth as she set down the tray on the least cluttered spot of his desk. Swallowing her feelings of anger and neglect she'd harbored the day before, she allowed a smile to cross her lips, bowing her head. "It would be an honor to travel to the market with my master," she stated, a bit of cheerfulness in her voice, "Though I would think you would want me to look presentable enough before going out." She reached up and ran her fingers through her hair, embarrassed that it had not been brushed before she'd stepped into Xander's presence, as she stepped away, giving him his personal space. She kept her gaze on the ground, never lifting her eyes to meet his unless he purposely wanted her to.

" suits you well," Timothy replied, giving her a harsh look for her sarcastic attitude, "However, it is a delicate name for one so stubborn. I suppose you have not been given your daily venom yet today?" was his next question, though spoken with an air of irritation. He motioned for her to turn in a circle so he could see how the dress fit all the way around. When he had picked her out so many weeks ago, he never expected her to be so appealing to his eye. It troubled him immensely, but as long as she kept her distance and revered him as master, he believed they wouldn't have a problem. She was here to help his health and tend to his many needs, nothing more.
Iliana finished and pulled away, waiting for him to button his shirt and vest again. She would leave the questions for another day, as she was sure he probably wouldn't want to talk about it, and even if he would, he would make sarcastic remarks instead of telling her straight. For some reason she wasn't in the mood for the bantering that she was fond of in the beginning. She just hoped that wasn't a sign that she actually WAS becoming an adult. She didn't want to lose that part of herself, but it didn't really give her any joy to come up with some insult or remark. So instead, she quietly dismissed Bret so that he could sleep.

When Jennifer mentioned something about presentation Xander would finally look up at her confused. Only for his eyes to widen in realization and acknowledgement, did he really do his best not to look at her at times. “I see.” He said softly glancing to the food again, his hand tapping the desk perhaps feeling a bit distracted now that she was there.

“Very well. You can come get me when you’re ready . . . if it is your outfit I don’t have another, but we can look for more when we reach the market.” He would pause going back to that cold stern ways, or doing his best too. The real him a bit harder to hide now that she had seen it. “You . . .You must learn to get up on your own though, and on time. As well as tend to such matters before others see you. It would be an embarrassment if there was a guest in the house.” It was probably weird to hear Xander search for his words, they were normally so precise. “Is there anything else?”

A scowl crossed Jennifer's face as he still did not seem pleased with her at all, even when she kept her distance and made no eye contact with him; however, she made sure that it had disappeared quickly before he had a chance to see it. "I understand, I will do my best to be awake and have your breakfast ready before you awaken yourself. That is all except for one thing. prefer to feed now, Master Alexander?" she asked lightly, yet clearly enough for him to hear. She knew he was quite touchy on the subject, yet when she didn't give him a clear answer about how to feed in the carriage, he had seemed quite upset. So this time, she made sure she had courage in her question, her voice not faltering.
"Would you like me to prepare you for bed?" Bret asked remembering his training. Women's clothing was a tedious beast requiring multiple hands and steps and he had not a clue why it should be so difficult. All of the layers must be sweltering and those blasted corsets made his arms aching from just tightening them, he couldn't imagine what wearing them must be like. He knew that it might make her uncomfortable but his Mistress had picked a male serf, she must have none the repercussions.
"That is very...sad." Reverie looked back out the window as if she might have been looking for something out there. She smiled a little to herself and then turned back to Xavior. She studied him for a moment and then nodded.

"You should read poetry then. It is always so beautiful. Even the darker ones. They make me want to cry. But I never do." She smiled as if her not crying was an odd thing. "Have you ever cried?"
Despite Lily merely trying to preform her duties as a serf, Kew held her refusal. "You must be exhausted..." She said, almost in a whisper. Kew's face seemed to have paled a bit. "The water is touchy... We have an advance water system to our bathrooms, but the one in my room only releases cold water... You have to warm it up on a stove top first..." She explained quietly before giving Lily and weak and timid smile. "Besides, it would be nice for you to be well rested, since tomorrow is the first day I will be training you. The other serfs offered to help, too."
Iliana accepted Bret's offer to help her prepare for bed. It was very tedious trying to undo the corsets by herself; she'd tried many times when she was younger, as she was shy around the male Serfs. But now it didn't bother her at all to have a male helping her, after all it was their job and nothing would come of it. It was the one time a male Serf could undress a female Vampire without it being inappropriate. She turned so that he could better reach the lacing, steadying herself by holding one of the rails of her canopy bed so that she wouldn't practically fall over if he tugged on the lacing too hard.
Xander’s tapping on the desk seemed to stop, and perhaps the color in his face faded some with her next question. “So . . . you . . . have decided a time for such daily. You prefer it in the morning then.” He would push himself out from under the desk turning to face her although still sitting and not looking at her.

Slowly he held out his hand for her arm only to pause, realizing one was wounded. He frowned seeming uncertain now. He could feed from the other but that might slow her worse than she had been. Sighing he frowned, glancing to his food on the desk wondering if he could safely skip it for the day. “And how do you suggest we do it today?”
Lily hated feeling so upset about the situation, but her Mistress insisted and she was here to follow Kew's orders, not disobey them or go against what she said. Lily nodded, giving a small "Yes, Miss" and thanking the girl before proceeding into the bathroom. She quickly undressed and got into the scalding water, which she was used to the feeling of from the 'baths' at the Plantation. The burning sensation only lasted a few moments. Lily tried to wash as quickly as she could so that the water would be hot for her Mistress. Kew was nice enough to let her go first, she could at least do her the kindness of hurrying herself along.

Once finished, Lily quietly slipped into the nightgown that her Mistress had provided her and slipped from the washroom. "Would you like help with your corsets, Miss?" she asked Kew. She knew it must be a pain to try to untie them herself, and Kew wouldn't be revealing anything if she let Lily help with the first layer, since usually another lighter layer was worn underneath.

Strange. That was what she was to Xavior. The beautiful, sad, mysterious, strange mistress of his. She enjoyed even the sadness in a poem. Xavior figured she was just the type to see the beauty in the darkness, of course, Xavior's character judgement often got him into some trouble. Attempting to read someone like a book was not his strong suit, and yet, he practiced it often. He tried to peer into the inner workings of a person. And this girl, she was.... Strange. Upon her asking if he had ever cried, well, in his plantation, it was a sign of weakness. He simply shook his head. "No ma'am."


By the time Lily had finished, Kew was already in a deep sleep on her soft bed. She had undone her long blonde hair from their restraints when they were in a shape of a bun. Her hair then spilled over the side of the bed as did one arm. She breathed slowly as she slept, dreaming of an exciting day tomorrow.
Jennifer immediately noticed his struggle then looked down at her hands. She had totally forgotten about her one wrist being in a brace, and if he used her other one then it would be sore and hinder her ability for lifting heavy things for a few hours. She pondered this for a few moments, trying to come up with a solution. At last, she looked up. "If it pleases my Master, you could feed here," she mentioned calmly, slowly pulling the hair away from her right shoulder, revealing her bare neck. For normal vampires, it was the place they chose often for feeding. It was a bigger vein, allowing them to drink their fill and administer the venom both faster than with her wrist. She knew Alexander was uncomfortable with being that close, but it was the only option she had at the moment.
Reverie nodded as if what he said made perfect sense.

"No I don't think you have." She smiled a little more and then stood, moving towards the serf. "You will go and read some poetry won't you. I would like to hear some. You will do this for me. can read, can't you? I forgot what your plantation had taught you. There are so many different ones."
Abram sighed, wondering if there was even a way to help him with what he wanted, that would not only succeed but not come back onto Vinny negatively. He ran his fingers through his locks that had only began to grow out once more. “Perhaps this may work, but as you said so yourself, it’s an idea. If you want this to work in our world, there’s a lot of problems that you can’t just gaze over. Knowledge is a powerful thing and there is a reason things work out the way they do, but I feel as if you might be able to find your way, and I’m here to help if you are to need me, as always.”

Lily came out to find her mistress already asleep. She looked at the clock; it had only been five minutes. Kew must have been very tired. Lily used her fingers to brush her long hair. Once out of pigtails, it reached midcalf, often wrapping itself partially around her legs or flaring out at an odd angle. Once it was decent, she prepared for bed. She wondered if she should wake her Mistress, but decided against it. She seemed to be resting peacefully, and she wouldn't want to interrupt a good dream. Instead, Lily climbed into her makeshift couch-bed, curling up in the warm blankets. She'd never been warm before. She'd never had a bed before, either, and like a sleeping pill, the comfort made her quickly fall asleep.
Xavior tensed a little when she had approached. But he answered her nonetheless in the same direct voice."No ma'am... I am afraid I do not know how to read..." He kept his gaze away from her directly, as to not appear to be examining her or to cause offense. "My plantation was more for heavy labor, such as farming or other means of heavy workload." It all came back to Xavior now. Why was he serving under a mistress, when he should be out in the fields burning under the hot sun, or helping with building construction, or even tending to farm animals? Instead he was at the mercy of a seemingly helpless and fragile Vampiress.

Xander would pause, his eyes slowly going to her neck and his cheeks actually redden some before at once he turned to go back to his work, when he realized. “We can skip it for today.” He spoke in that stern business voice. Actually clenching one of his fist on the desk berating himself in his head. How stupid was he, he would have to gain better control than this if he didn’t want the rumors to continue, or get worse even.
Amber was tempted to reiterate where the names came from and she had one ‘more suited’ for who or what she was, but that look was enough. The fact that he gave her a look instead of a smacking stopped her from going further. Saying anything more would be fighting for the sake of fighting. Her mouth opened into a small o at his next question and she only shook her head no in response, her mouth suddenly going dry at what he asked. Thankfully he made a simple enough request next and she turned for him to admire his prize or doll or whatever in the world she was to him. Once turning full circle her eyes met with his once more, she was quite sure she knew what was to come next.

"Then you will learn to read," Reverie said, nodding. "I will not have a human in my service who is illiterate. She turned away and looked back out the window. This time her smile was all gone. She was annoyed that she had taken a serf who could not read. She turned back to him.

"I think it is time I feed. Don't want you to get too old on me now." She reached out and stroke his cheek, her dreamy smile returning. She got close enough that her smaller body was pressed up against his, standing up on the toes, and whispered into his ear.

"Oh what fragile beings we must be

To live so freely

But to be chained down

To serve and be served

To bleed until we are drained

To die and to live

What monsters they must seem

Playing with our inners

Torturing with their vile words

Our skin is milk white

But our veins are cold

We break so easily

Until there is nothing left."

Then she bit into him.
Alexander's reaction was no different than Jennifer's prediction and she let her hair fall back in place. No venom meant that she would begin to revert to her real age. She appeared only fourteen when indeed she was sixteen now. "If you wish," she answered him, bowing her head before heading for the door. It was his own loss; if he didn't have enough energy to go through the day, then it was his own fault. Jennifer pursed her lips together and lightly rubbed her forehead as she reached the doorway. Glancing over her shoulder, she became saddened to see how much work he planned to do when he had so little energy. He had been so intent on her taking a break the day before, when really he should enforce that rule on himself! Running through things in her mind, she tried to come up with a solution as she stood there in the doorway. She made up her mind, determined; if he wouldn't even feed from her wrist, she'd just expel and deliver it to him herself.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"Very well; however, I will tend to that later. There are a few important matters to go over with you," Timothy told her as his pale green eyes focused on hers. He rose to his feet, towering over the young girl, before he began to speak. "As my personal serf, you are to come immediately when you are called, no matter what time of day or night. Do I make myself clear?" he instructed firmly.

He waited to hear her answer then began striding towards the elaborate staircase in the middle of the massive foyer. "There are four wings in this house: North, South, East, and West. You have access to any one you wish except the East Wing. It is forbidden for you to enter," he explained, watching her closely to make sure she was listening. He made sure to put extra emphasis on how she was never to enter the East Wing, though he didn't tell her why. When the East Wing crossed his lips, a strange emotion crossed his face, almost one of pain mixed with anger and longing. However, he didn't remain there for long and continued promptly as he began traveling up the staircase.

"The kitchen is here on the first floor, where you yourself or the maid, Hanna, will make your meals for you. I can't be bothered with giving you a complete tour, but I've instructed Martin to answer any questions you have so he will be able to show you about the mansion." His long legs traveled up the stairs much faster than Amber's so he patiently waited at the top of the staircase for his new pet to catch up.

Vinnie smiled over at Rosa when she gave an answer, only for it to fade again. “I think she’s lying to me.” His eyes moved to look at Abram in a slight joke but slight serious shock. “Do you think she’s lying to me? I think she’s lying to me. Can you believe my own serf still thinks its okay to lie to me? After I have been truthful with our biggest secret to her?” A playful over dramatic sigh of course would follow and he would try to lean against Abram some. “Woe is me; I have a serf that can’t be trusted. My life will surely fall into ruining sooner or later. Whatever shall I do Adam?” Okay maybe he was over doing it a little; be he was really hoping to get the point across somehow. “Why can’t she just tell me the truth? Let me fix whatever troubles her little mind?”

Course the fact Abram seemed to be serious as well Vinnie seemed to straighten up as if reconsidering. He claimed flaws, but Vinnie was a bit too light hearted to see such. He merely saw what well he let himself see in ways. He in fact couldn’t pull out any problems with the plan other than the fact it would upset his father and that’s exactly what he was hoping for. “Sooner or later . . . they’re going to realize there are more of them then us. We’re getting lazy, too comfortable . . . wouldn’t it be better to be in the lead of the change and take credit? Then to let it hit us by surprise, and lose fully too it, no glory, no fame, and the possibility of being destroyed? If you’re worried what they will do with this knowledge . . . wouldn’t they at least be grateful to the ones who gave it?” Idea world . . . Vinnie had that flaw, he seemed to see things.

He sighed in deep thought. “Do you have any other idea as to how I’m supposed to be as GRAND as my father, and manage to give him as much of a payment?” There was that slight dark side of Vinnie, his normal happy go lucky, not worry about anything person, had partly been destroyed by living in his father’s shadow and the demands it made of him. He wasn’t discounting Abram, far from it, in fact the boy was probably the only one who could say, no not doing it and Vinnie would fully agree and step back for.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Xander was grateful when she left, actually hitting his head a few times against the desk. It has been so long since he was around a female, in such a personal setting. If they all made him lose his cool like this he would be in trouble for sure. Even his father’s serf was wise enough to avoid him the best she could. Perhaps it was those guarded stares he used. Sighing he closed his eyes, now wasn’t the time to ponder over such useless things. He had much to do, and even less time to do it since his promise of the market.

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