Ambrose a Vampire RP

Xander of course let her tend staying tense the whole time, almost as if keeping his guard up. When she gave her reason he merely shook his head. “Understandable, acceptable even, but not foolish, never foolish for that.” He would actually move his free hand to run through his hair. “I have seen it happen many times before, but it is the way of society.” He said calmly once more not willing to catch her face or reactions. “Working with me you will see it many times as well, and you are to do nothing but stand by.”

When she spoke of being truthful, he actually managed to look back at her some. Only to give a small smirk when she spoke of her rebel side, and managing a small laugh. “No really? I couldn’t tell when you ran around not listening.” Of course he let her continue and as she did his smile faded. That coldness once more filling his face and he would move to stand and pull away from her.

“If you want to leave then go, no one is stopping you.” He was, hurt or upset? Whatever it was her words stirred a strong sense of emotions in him. “Don’t stay around fiddling your thumbs trying to decide what you’re going to do.” He would move to try to walk out of the bathroom, the space in there seeming too confined suddenly to share with her. Figures, he would pick out a female serf and it would be one that would want to flee. Were all females flighty like this? “There will be no pain here to stop you, and if you go I refuse to look for you afterwards. I’m sure I can last till a debonding.”

Now who seemed to be jumping to conclusions without thinking . . . or was he thinking and if so was that worse? It was almost like any progress she had made was loss and he was now even worse than ever around her. Made sense to him though, any women who he might share a bond with, in anyway, wished to leave him. He KNEW he should have picked a male. So what if rumors already started that he was gay and picking a male would have made it worse. Why did he have to be so stupid, so foolish, of course she would tell him after knowing how important she might be to him surviving.

The once perfectly calm man would pick up the glass jug of water he usually kept by his bed. In a fit of pain or rage he would throw it busting it against the opposite wall. HE wasn’t going to hurt her, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have emotions he needed to get out somehow. Slowly he moved to sit on the floor next to his bed, leaning his head back against it to look at the ceiling. He was trying his best just to stay strong “That Owner probably did it to mock me . . . probably found it amusing that my first serf to run away after the insult to my family name would be my very own bonded one.” Utter defeat, that’s what he felt at the moment . . . he knew he would have to bounce back later, but at that time . . . he just felt so worn out. With that he would move to pull up his legs and rest his head on them looking away from the direction she might still have been in.
Iliana smiled at the elegant but cute hairstyle. "It's great." she said. She'd been watching carefully and think she at least knew how the braiding part worked, if nothing else. Bret seemed proud of his work, too. "Age matters a lot when you're a Vampire." she said, referring to his earlier statement about finding out who 'you' are.

"Age matters more than anything. If you're too young you have no choice but to listen and do as you're told. It doesn't matter if a vampire is fifty or sixty years old. After all that time here they still consider you a child. As soon as you're ninety-nine you must pick out a Serf, ready or not. You have no choice, once again, because your parents' Serf's can no longer help you gain the nourishment you need to survive. And once you're of age..."

She looked in the mirror, taking down the braids like she knew had to be done. "It's a one year transition from child to adult and suddenly you have to make rules and have responsibilities you never learned to do before because you were a kid." The braids were down and she brushed her hair the same way Bret had earlier. "There's no time to find who 'you' are. You must always be living up to expectations..." She trailed off, realizing she'd been ranting and suddenly hating herself for it.
She nodded with a smile, “It will be fine, a window in my stall was a reward and let me see the outside world but now that I am living in it I don’t need a window. I almost crave the quiet solitude,” Rosa said realizing how much she had said and seen that day. It was such a fast paced world and she had not even been given her list of chores for the day. Tomorrow everything would begin again.

Rosa listened quietly trying to absorb what he was saying. It sounded as if things had been different but change had to start with the young. The idea of being equal with a vampire seemed odd to her, Rosa wasn’t sure if she would no how to handle such freedom. How would she make a living? Where would she live? How would she get on her feet and how would vampire get their food? She just didn’t understand.

Rosa nodded wondering what the plan could possibly be. It must be important if he wanted to wait and hash out all the details before he told her. She looked out the open window seeing the sun sink low. In her time she at the plantation Rosa had learned to dress and undress both male and female vampires. They had forced her to become comfortable with any situation thrust before her. The serf had been told that a vampire couldn’t waste their time on petty things such and it was her job to take on such roles.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Bret listened quietly smiling at her approval. He picked up the duster and continued moving around the room until all was finished. So he just stopped and waited for her dismissal although fist he needed something from her. The serf stood in the room listening to her complaints. He began to see a vampire’s life in a new light but it didn’t change his need for freedom.

“Um, if you mind could I have my venom for the day?” he asked his Mistress. Never in a million years would he have asked to be bit for at the plantation that opened you up to a slew of punishments. They could just let him age, suck him dry and make an example out of him, or have multiple vamps feed off him at the same time just for asking such an impertinent question. However he felt more comfortable with his boundaries.
Iliana quieted down while he finished cleaning. She had forgotten that the Plantation owners wouldn't have given him any venom today. She was about to dismiss him for the day when he reminded her. The way he looked it seemed he was expecting to be punished for what he said. She nodded, glad that he had spoken up. She knew that mostly Vampires would bite the neck of their Serfs, but she knew a few of the humans her parents owned were uncomfortable when a vampire bit them there, so Iliana at least had the decency to ask Bret what he preferred. Some Serfs preferred to be bitten on the wrist, and she knew that if she was in that situation she would appreciate her owner asking her opinion.
Amber watched him leave, learning his name only from overhearing the others gush over him "Timothy" she mused to herself, knowing that would likely be the only time she could say his name. As his figure disappeared she wondered just what he had in store for her, having no idea just how much he would change her life in just the next year alone.

The first change for Amber came quick enough, her 'living' quarters were moved to the stables, which earned it's name in occupants alone. At first caring for the horses was most bothersome and she was punished often for refusal to clean out their pens. But as time passed she started to feel some sort of bond to the majestic beasts, she felt they were kindred spirits, also forced into labor for those that had power over them. There were nights were she nodded off in the hay and awoke to a wet nose against her cheek. Music was an entirely different story, reading music and learning scores was well enough but she hated to be trapped inside replicating the same movements time and time again. More than once an instrument had an 'accident' in her care, and even though she could play most instruments fundamentally the vampires wisened up and began to instruct her in singing.

From this small creature came a stunning singing voice, and the songs she sang were raw with the emotion she put into them. Amber most enjoyed the fact that she was no longer cooped up and was able to spend more time outdoors, and around the horses as long as she taught herself the songs she was given. A year passed like this, Amber still struggled against their commands, but only attempted to run away twice. A nice record for twelve long months. She became fond of the horses and loved to ride them, though the vampires had to stop her many a times from riding bareback. At night while she slept after a long day sometimes her left arm would vibrate and buzz some, the old injury of long ago disagreeing with the more labored work.

Her final night Amber was made to sleep indoors so that she would be more awake and well rested for her last preparation. She was surprised when a fellow serf was sent in to awaken her instead of the usual vampire that loved to torment her so. She expressed this to the girl who quietly responded "They figured the less a fight the less likely to have to face your master for bruises and the like" then bowed her head and helped her to undress and bathe once more. The preparation went along much more smoothly this time and once more she was fitted in the pale dress whilst her hair was fussed with to make her look as she had a year ago. "It is time, are you ready?" the girl asked after her finishing touches. "As I'll ever be" the girl dubbed Wilde responded while being led to meet her new captor once more.

Jennifer even smiled a bit as she heard him chuckle. For some reason, she felt more calm, relaxed, and maybe even happy herself when he was happy. When he stood up and stormed out abruptly, she closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. Sometimes she felt like he was only a small child, having a tamtrum because he jumped to conclusions; he didn't even let her finish! Hearing the glass shatter against the wall, she jerked to her feet and followed him out.

"Master Alexander, I'm surprised to see this behavior of you!" the surprisingly strong words came from her mouth as she looked him directly in the eye, "Of course I pondering running away earlier, I'd only just met you for the second time and the first time, you didn't even touch me; in fact, the first time you tried to poke me with your riding crop! I felt as if the thought of me made you shudder in disgust." She shook her head and looked at the glass, resisting the urge to clean it up then continued, "But now I know why you need me, why you picked me, and why you were that way around me. When I first arrived, I had no reason to stay... Now I do."

Her eyes gleamed with that spirit he'd seen the first day she picked him out and she sat next to him. "Now please hold still, Master, I wasn't finished tending to your brusies," she told him, and if he let her she would take the wet cloth and begin placing it on the last few bruises she'd missed, "a-and besides...annoying you to death is just too much fun." She managed a small smile, hoping to get one from him as well. For some reason, she didn't fear for a beating this time. She felt he needed to know that...she actually wanted to stay. Running away was now out of the question; he needed her as much as she needed him. Besides, where would she go or live? She'd just be tracked down and put down like a crazed animal... Seeing how soft her new master was on the inside, she actually was beginning to take a slight liking to him, even though his outer shell was rough and stern sometimes.

"I...I want to stay...," Jennifer told him truthfully, her voice becoming quiet, gentle, and sincere.
Abram was shocked to say the least when his pet pulled away from him and rushed for the door. Seeing the hurt upon his eyes he was unable to try to stop him as the boy disappeared through the doorway. "Does he detest me so greatly?" he asked no one but the air as he signed, watching for a moment to see if he were to come back. Shaking his head he glanced at the window and saw that night was upon them. A curse was upon his lips for not waking up sooner and he quickly wrote a note, after all they were supposed to have taught his toy to read, have they not?


Your master is to head out for the night, do not wake up for I do not know when I shall return. Eat all of your dinner and feel free to sleep where you wish as long as it is in my quarters of the house. Do try to not get yourself into too much trouble with the other serfs.


Abram left the note on the bed, hoping that he would find it before finding his coat and running off to find one of the many servants of the home. Coming across a timid boy he told him to prepare his Mutt dinner, sadly not knowing what he would enjoy. The poor boy would have the fun task of tracking down his pup as well. Once more a chuckle escaped his lips as he imagined the thought. The night air was crisp and he took a deep breath of fresh air and closed his eyes. Oh it's such a wonderful night for a stroll, and a chance encounter. In no time he was at his dear Vinny's home and with a sly grin he began to climb to his bedroom window, which he would knock at if it were open, or call through if it was open "Oh Vinny, would you let your lover in?"

As Amber was led out into the waiting room, the rumbling sound of horses' hooves was just beginning to be heard over the plantation. However, instead of the gold stallion, this time it was a carriage drawn by two paint horses, their coats healthy and shining in the sunlight. The carriage obviously hadn't been used in quite sometime, but it appeared to have been just recently scoured down and even glinted in the rays of sunshine. The swung open and the young vampire, Timothy, emerged. He was dressed up for the occasion, not in his riding apparel, but this time in a suit, which he looked slightly uncomfortable in but he made the best of it. Taking long strides, he headed towards the waiting room, met by the plantation owner as he went. They discussed a few matters in low tones outside the waiting room for a few precious minutes, then finally Timothy entered.

Immediately, his pale green eyes set their sites on his new pet. The plantation owner followed nervously, as Timothy walked over and examined her once more, though not nearly as thoroughly. He seemed...almost pleased in a way. He then finished the final payment with the owner and lightly grasped Amber's lead. With a swift movement, he detached it from the collar. "I expect you to follow me and not stray from my line of sight, but this is a privilege and I should remind you it can be taken away at any time," he voice still had that serious tone, but something about it was calm and almost, just almost kind. He then began walking towards the exit, keeping a careful eye out to make sure she was following.

The carriage was waiting just outside, the paint horses snorting and pawing their hooves slightly at the pavement. The butler climbed down from the driver's seat and hastily opened the door for his master and his new serf to climb in. If Amber had indeed followed him, he then sat on the far seat, facing her as she entered. A drawstring bag of what appeared to be new clothes sat on the floor. "These will be your new clothes. You will change into them later when we arrive back at the estate but I figured you'd like a look at them." Inside the bag, was a small dress, tailored perfectly to Amber's size. It was a brilliant shade of amber, so as to bring out her eyes, and was accompanied by a red sash. The straps of the dress were thin, making neck, shoulder, and arms more accessible and the Arion family symbol was embroidered in the top left corner. Also in the bag was a soft, leather collar, obviously new, with his information as owner inscribed. However, her name had not been inscribed just yet but there was a space for it to be put down later.

"If you are to be my own personal serf, I cannot have you parading around in the awful rags from the plantation. You must look presentable," Timothy stated, carefully watching her reaction. He wanted to see whether she still harbored that rebellious attitude.
Xander’s eyes widen when the girl had the nerve to yell at him. He didn’t respond though, didn’t seem to get angry at first. Merely stared at her in utter shock and surprised. He would pull away like always when she went back to tending him frowning some, his eyes once more refusing to look at her as she touched him. “Can you blame me? You said yourself you weren’t even sure you wanted to stay or not.”

His hands rolled into fist as he was mostly at a lost. He usually always knew how to respond, usually had more control than this. This girl was like bringing his mother back all over again in ways. How could the girl know why he needed her when he was still unsure if it was a wise choice off and on.

Her talk of annoying him to death actually got him to snap his head around to look at her. Only to sigh realizing she was actually joking. “ . . . you know . . . outburst like that in private are okay . . . but in front of other vampires, even some of my serfs. They won’t be allowed.” He was trying to go back to business it seemed, although his eyes gently studied her face. Only for him to realize he was doing so and look away once more quickly glaring at the wall again.


Vinnie allowed the silence to linger, as disturbing as it might have been to him. He couldn’t help wonder what Rosa was thinking. Pondering how she must be judging him for the worse. He would try to peak at her without getting notice, but with a shiner it seemed almost impossible. Given up on those attempts he would merely sit up flashing her a charming smile. “So you’re trying to figure a way to get back at us or to get away?”

Course he didn’t fully understand things from a Serf’s view, he was never really raised that way. All he knew was . . . if he was as much a rebel as a serf as he is as a vampire. He would plot freedom; maybe even revenge for all that was done to him.

It was the knock that had distracted him and fully saved him from his silence. “Oh Eve, my fairest Eve at last you have come to brighten my dark days with the ray of sun that you are.” Then he was once more smiling and chuckling as he got off his bed to go over and help his friend in, given him a friendly hug once he was in side. “I almost thought you forgot.” He spoke honestly before waving a hand politely towards his serf. “Meet Rosa.”

It was almost as Vinnie had forgot the pain of the black eye his father had given him earlier. Once Adam was in and out of the way, he would actually go to the window and glance down, looking around outside confused. “Where’s your serf? The one you bragged about, you know the ‘perfect’ one.”

Jennifer sighed and pulled away the cloth, bowing her head. "I'm sorry...that was out of line," she apologized, feeling the back of her neck. Thinking that maybe he would be better left alone, she rose slowly to her feet. "I'll leave your presence now, since that seems like the best action to take currently. Unless you say any different," she stated, leaning down to pick up the ice bucket, wincing as she did so because of her wrist, and move it to his bedside. "T-the ice will help...," she reminded him softly before turning on her heel and making her way towards the door. She reached up and began stroking a lock of her black hair, now sure what to do now. Maybe...she'd see if she could find where she was to stay in this house and get some rest? She took a deep breath once more, shaking her head. Why did she have to be so difficult? If she had a hard time controlling her own emotions, it must be worse for her master to control her.
The Vampirette rubbed her ear a bit in pain. The shrill and flat sound of the bell was extremely loud in her room, since the bell tower was placed directly above it. Upon her serf asking what such a noise was, Kew turned to her a bit nervously. She gently tapped her two pointer fingers together before answering, "Dinner bell...." She stated quietly. "Vampires need blood, and serfs eat in the kitchen..." Surely, her mother would no longer allow Kew to drink blood from the other serfs, instead, she would need to drink blood from Lily. But in all honesty, she could not ask her to slice the palm of her hand. She would simply find any stored blood in the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" She asked Lily timidly.
“Actually it was close to the perfect thing to do.” Xander said softly, he knew he would have to manage the coldness again somehow. The emotionless state he held so easily before . . . this was going to be troublesome. He didn’t even understand how she managed to break him so fast. His eyes went to the bucket, and he would stand going to pick it up as she went to leave. He wasn’t about to stop her, after all he had taken up a lot of her free time already as it was.

He would manage to pass her a parting glance before heading into the bathroom if she still was bent on leaving. Soaking in a tub of ice water would handle his wounds he figured, as uncomfortable as it might be. “You just need to find a proper way to do so in public now, in case the need ever arises.” He stated before going to pour the ice into the tub.
Amber didn’t notice him at first but once she did she had difficulty unnoticing him. Her eyes met his and she wouldn’t look away while he checked the goods for damages or whatever else he was looking for while examining her once more. She couldn’t help but notice a smile and wonder just what might have pleased him so, but before her mind could wonder to dark corners as it had a habit of doing, she felt a release as the vain of her existence was removed from her person. Her hands quickly went to her neck, the absence most welcoming but ever a weird feeling came from it. She took in his words, not as harsh as some others might speak and found herself nodding like an obedient little thing. Biting her own lip at her insolence, she saw him step away and made sure to follow. Ever the rebel even she wouldn’t ruin a chance of having a new freedom.

They made way to a carriage, obviously well taken care of and she approached the horses calmly, keeping her distance as to not startle them. None the less she found her hand reaching softly to pet the nozzle of one, a small laugh escaping her lips as it rubbed up against her outstretched palm. A man cleared his throat and she looked to see another servant of sorts giving her a warning look and she quickly jumped into the carriage to join her new master before the door to freedom was closed behind her.

Careful to avoid his face as if not making eye contact would avoid her a scolding or worse she made her way to her seat and looked to the bag he mentioned. She cautiously looked up at him then and there was an expectancy to his eyes, reading his que she reached for the bag and opened it, ever so carefully pulling out a beautiful dress that put the one she wore to shame. She found herself touching the fabric, tracing the light design found within. There was also something embroidered in the corner, a symbol she recognized from somewhere or other. The red sash was delightful, but once she pulled out a leather collar her arm went stiff. She was quick to put her many ‘prizes’ back into the bag, but of course to savor them later when she was able to put them on, and she found herself reaching for the absence around her neck, her fingers rubbing across the newly exposed flesh trying to enjoy the break whilst she could. Once more his words made her turn to face him and in this moment, a rare occasion, she was without words, her eyes doing all the talking if one were only able to read the thoughts running through them.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Abram couldn’t help but give a heartfelt smile at Vinnie’s words, a part of him wishing he could indeed tell him beyond the playfulness that the words were true, if only in his heart, alas they were true. He laughed with his friend and was light on the hug, for he could not let it seem that he needed his touch so. “I’ll never forget you” he said ever so seriously, though it could be easily played off as a ruse.

His attention was pointed to a small thing of a girl, the human that Vinnie had handpicked. Giving her a nod, it was all the attention he would afford her for the moment. He fought his own head, trying not to belittle her without as much a moment to show who she was and what she was capable of. But at least he could remember that she was lower, a human and not a vampire, at least he had that much over him. With an inward sigh he turned to Vinnie who now was at the window asking after his precious Mutt. He looked away, color coming to his cheeks as he spoke “He’s at th
e house. Mutt might be perfect for me, but I’m not exactly the perfect one for him” he signed “Enough of that, how have you been, what have you been plotting?” he forced a smile, happy to be in his friends person, but somewhat distracted by his own failures.

It was then that he took a close look at his friend and gasped. "Who dared to touch you, don't tell me it was that father of yours, please tell me he's worse off, no wait you wouldn't hit him, would you, did you, are you okay?" his face was conflicted, wanting to hold him, but he went for less instead. He would go to his friend while having his freak out and gently trace his fingers around the bruising.

Vinnie would laugh only to wince some as adam touched around the nice black eye his father gave him. “I think I finally stepped over the line with my old man.” He seemed overly cheerful and bragging about it now that the one he called Adam was there. “See if my girlfriend or my best friend was there it wouldn’t have happened. Having a witness and all” he would elbow Abram lightly, merely teasing him.

“Funny part is, I don’t regret it, and I think my Serf looks grand in clothes that only the highest class of vampires can wear.” He paused thinking it over now more careful. “Of course . . . it could have been my threat to run off and marry her that did it. I guess I wasn’t thinking my words through then, you know I tend to say anything that I think will work best at times. I was trying to win the fight . . . well I guess I did.” Another laugh as he moved to sit on the bed, Abram should know he had free reign of the room to do what he wanted.

“Although my little muse here did spark the perfect idea I wanted to run by you.” He smiled only to remember to say to Rosa. “I almost forgot, here is my best friend Adam, although only I call him that, he goes by Abram to everyone else.” He smirked before standing once more to try to go behind Adam and pull back his hair draping his arm around him from behind. “He also is the most beautiful woman I know Eve.” A laugh, maybe a tease as he let Adam go, smiling brightly. “I can’t tell you how many people he’s saved me from having to turn down. Most tend to see me as my father’s son more than who I really am.”

At that he would move to pull out his desk chair sitting there, probably finding it easier to angle it so he could see them both. “I think I want to start my own plantation.” That up to no grin was on his face . . . he was plotting like he usually did. This time though . . . it was probably in more dangerous territory than he should be headed.

Lily listened to Kew explain what the loud noise was. She hadn't noticed that Kew's teeth were not sharp enough to break skin, so she quickly offered herself to her Mistress. "I'll go with the Serfs to the kitchen once you've had your bit, then." she said with a small smile. She was used to being bitten, and it didn't bother her at all. It was just something she'd become accustomed to.

Lily then noticed Kew's fangs were much too dull to break skin. "Oh, I didn't notice." she said, blushing a little for not having noticed earlier than this. "Should I find something like a blade, mistress, and offer it to you that way?"
When the serf had offered herself to Kew, the vampirette looked away, and blushed with more embarrassment. She held up her hands and gave a nervous smile, which revealed the useless fangs. She shook her head frantically before Lily then noticed her disability. She rubbed the back of her head with more embarrassment, but once the serf mentioned a blade, Kew's expression paled. Placing a hand on the serf's shoulder, Kew shook her head in refusal. Instead she motioned for the Human to follow her out the door, grabbing her hand again and dragging the poor girl out like a rag doll.

The two traveled through more corridors before arriving in an area which smelled of food. The Vampirette took in the aroma before stepping inside the kitchen. The cookery itself was quite large, despite its only purpose being for Humans. However, every once in a while the Vampires of the household would enjoy Human delicacies for the pleasure of it all. Especially desserts, which Kew was obsessed over. The occasional social gathering also made use for it.

In the middle of the room, was a rather large table where serfs were gathering and sitting, waiting for their dinner. Some of them were recently bitten and needed nourishment right away. At the stove, a heavy-set woman was stirring soup in a rather large pot. when she noticed Kew and the new girl, she smiled delightfully. Kew would often join them all for dinner, but everyone seemed especially excited about Lily. The serfs who gathered at the table immediately invited her to sit down, many of them began asking her questions of her plantation and her likes a dislikes. Yes, it had seemed like an eternity before anyone had newcomers to talk to, it was the only amount of excitement they had ever gotten.
Lily felt worried when Kew pulled her from the room, refusing to take blood. She would surely become ill eventually if she didn't drink any blood. Maybe she would come around later, after all, it was Lily's purpose in life to serve her Mistress. Lily followed Kew quietly to the kitchen, where she saw many other Serfs, some pale from exhaustion or from having their blood taken. A homely woman was standing by the hot stove, cooking food for the humans. It seemed odd that the humans were being served by this woman, was that what she was bought to do?

Many of the Serfs seemed to take an immediate interest in the new pigtailed human. Some stood, pulling her to the table and asking for her to sit there. She looked at Kew for permission before taking this seat; she wanted to make sure Kew didn't mind her sitting here with the energetic pets. Lily took her seat and was bombarded with questions, trying her best to answer all of them. She had a hard time answering them, blushing when the humans reminded her that she hadn't given an answer.

Finally the woman said that the food was ready. Lily noticed that Kew was eating with the pets, which was quite peculiar but it put Lily at ease to know her Mistress was nearby. If she by chance changed her mind about feeding from the human girl, at least Lily was close enough to oblige immediately.
Kew watched as the other Humans took interest in the new serf, before sitting down on the opposite end of the table in front of her. All the while, the vampirette kept the same smile on her face, as if the world could not beat her down. The vampirette simply listened, and was very glad everyone already took a high liking to her.

Gathering bowls and filling them with beef stew, the woman began to place the bowls in front of the other serfs before sitting down herself. She was a woman who looked to be in her early thirties, and was a bit heavy-set. She was the cook for the Humans, but her main purpose in life was to serve one of Kew's siblings. After all, Kew had grown up with many brothers and sisters.

Looking at the delicious meal, Kew, and the Humans, immediately dug in as if they were starved. Something about Kew was off though, and many of the Humans thought so as well. While Vampires enjoyed to eat food, none of them had to eat, instead their nourishment came from Human blood, and the main sign of their hunger was tingling fangs, or simply the urge. But Kew... Her stomach would growl, and instead of having urges or tingling fangs, she would feel a hunger in her stomach. This was very odd for a vampire.

The vampirette giggled at how much she thought the meal was great. It took all her allowance to provide the best ingredients for the serfs; after all, a malnutritioned Human meant a very hungry and unsatisfied Vampire. The Humans appreciated her generosity, even if she was merely doing it so her siblings and parents would reside in a more pleasant mood after feeding.
Lily's stomach grumbled as a bowl of the beef stew was set down in front of her. She kindly thanked the woman for the food, wondering if her main duty was to stand down here and cook all day. It had to be a miserable life, but that was what humans were meant to do. They were to obey any order given by their owner, so if this woman's Vampire demanded she cook for the entire estate, that was her purpose in life.

Lily ate hungrily. The soup was much better than any food she had ever had at the Plantation. Since she was one of the Plantation Owner's least favorite Serfs, he often gave her the scraps or leftovers from other Serfs, sometimes giving her nothing at all and letting her starve. She hoped the way she was eating didn't look greedy or odd, she was eating very quickly and had never used a spoon before. Mostly the Vampires fed her bread crusts and other finger-foods, never stew that required learning to use utensils.

Lily kept glancing back over at her Mistress, who seemed to be enjoying the human food just as much as the pets were enjoying it. Lily laughed a little on the inside; she had quite a strange owner. But something was off, and Lily knew that it was the fact that Kew refused to feed from her new pet. It would have to happen eventually, or Kew could become very sick or even die, as terrible as it was to think of that happening. Lily didn't know whether she should let the girl come around on her own or if she should beg her to take it. Either way Lily needed it just as much as Kew, otherwise as Kew grew sicker, Lily would age and eventually die as well from lack of venom.

Jennifer made it to the doorway, however, she just stood there, feeling quite helpless. "Are...are you sure you don't want any help...?" she asked obediently, watching him move the heavy bucket to the bathroom. She continued stroking the lock of hair, staring at his feet and not having the courage to look him in the eye anymore. "Your injuries look painful...," she added, running her bare foot in a circle on the floor, much like she had done the day he had picked her out. If he disliked females so much, maybe he shouldn't have picked her. She felt useless and now quite embarrassed, running through the entire day in her head. "Great work, Jennifer...just perfect...," she thought sarcastically to herself.

Timothy made a careful note of how raw his new serf's neck looked, more than likely from the harsh, untreated leather at the plantation. This brought a scowl to his face as he mulled it over, then he looked her in the eye again. "I notice your neck looks a bit tender. If you continue to wear a collar, it might open a wound," he sighed, rubbing his chin, "I believe I can have a ankle band made for you out of a much softer, non-irritating leather in the mean time while your neck gets a break from the constant rubbing."

The carriage soon pulled up in front of the giant mansion, the great Arion Estate. Whinnies and hoofbeats could be heard from the stables that sat on the many acres of land behind the mansion itself. Martin, the butler, once again opened the door, allowing Timothy to exit first then Amber. The paint horses seemed delighted with the newcomer and nickered towards her curiously. The mansion was beautifully built with a combination of marble and granite as well as other types of stone. However, it almost looked cold and abandoned, as if needing a woman's touch to bring it to life. Timothy had lived with only his butler and a maid for quite a long time, leaving most of the estate void of life.

Xander would set the now empty bucket aside given a light sigh. What was wrong with this girl? Was she really so lost as to what to do? He would glance down to his bath water, dreading entering but knowing it would be best before tsking and heading back into his bed room to sit on the bed. “Wounds heal.” He said calmly putting his head in his hands at an utter lost with her now. “Is it I’m doing something wrong? Did I not calculate something right when it came to getting a female serf?” Once more he found away to keep his eyes from being on her. She really was going to make him go grey if this kept up. “Please if there is something I’m missing out in the care I’m suppose to give, or I forgot to manage something, tell me.” The sad part was . . . he actually treated the Serfs like people unlike most. Course that might have been due to his step father being one. Not like he ever knew that serf much before he ran off with his mom.

"No, it's not you," the girl told him, "I guess I'm just having a hard time adjusting to this new setting. I' around if you need me..." Jennifer let a gentle sigh escape her lungs, then bowed respectfully to Alexander before she passed through the doorway. As soon as she was out of her master's sight and hearing, she lashed out at the wall, kicking it hard with her foot with an angry grunt. Why was he!! Sigh groaned and rubbed her temples, not able to think of the right word. Why was it so difficult to please him? What could she do that he would actually be happy about? "That's it, I should just not speak to him anymore. As long as I'm mute around him, I can't anger him," she stated to herself as she walked down the hallway. However, she quickly shook her head. No, that was stupid... Cradling her arm, she touched her bruised wrist gently, causing herself to wince. "This is going to make cleaning a bit more difficult," she mused irritatedly.

Jennifer scowled. It was hard to want to stay somewhere where she felt unwanted. And she certainly felt dismissed and unwanted at the moment. All she wanted was a simple life, not overly oppressed by a strict, heavy vampire, but she seemed to mess up every time she tried to assist. Her long black hair fell across her face as she slumped her shoulders. From now on, she should just keep her distance from Alexander unless he specifically called for her, needed her to feed, or required her to accompany him to a meeting. Maybe she could even find a way to release her blood into a cup every morning so he wouldn’t even have to touch her. Of course, she didn’t know where she would get her venom…but Alexander’s happiness was above her own, right? Her expression turned grim as she ran over and over these depressing thoughts in her mind. Maybe if she found where she was to live in this house, it would help her get her mind off of things.

And so deciding to find out where she would sleep in this gigantic house, she walked around until she found a serf. "Could you...please tell me where I'm to stay...?" Jennifer asked, hiding her purplish wrist behind her back. She expected it’d probably be a small, extremely plain room or maybe even servants’ quarters, either way she was certain it would be far away from her own Master’s bedroom. "
Not that I care...," she thought to herself in irritation, even frowning a little, "The farther away the better." All those feelings of fear and maybe even compassion she'd felt for him before were rapidly morphing into ones of anger. He was just another cold vampire, they were all the same. She leaned to one side as she waited for an answer, looking around at the delicate decoration that surrounded her.
Soon the shrill call of the bell rung once again, indicating the end of dinner time. Everyone began to stand and leave their bowls in a wooden basin, since sinks and modern forms of plumbing were not available back then. After laying her bowl in the basin full of soapy water, Kew yawned, exposing the fact she was tired to everyone. The vampirette looked to the group of serfs, and upon seeing how much they enjoy her company, she disappeared from the kitchen while everyone was distracted.
She wouldn’t get far down the hall, and then Simon would seem to step beside her in pace. Watching her curious, weird as always, differently eccentric, wondering what happened but looking slightly amused. He was notified by the serf who cleaned the kitchen mess, came to check on Xander earlier, and heard the breaking glass. He knew his son was to be alright, but his son was strong. “Ah, so you got hurt, he didn’t do that . . . right?” His eyes studied the arm she was taken extra care of. “I can probably look over that for you. Being a doctor is like working with another’s invention at times . . . if it’s nothing big.”

He wasn’t planning to leave her alone till HE got the story; of course he didn’t have to let her know that was the main reason for her holding his main interest at the time. He knew if he asked his son he would be caught with the annoyed, and frustration it usually called the boy when others wasted his time. “Nothing happen? He alright?” When she asked about a room Simon would give a smile and shrug. "Anyone of the empty ones I don't mind. Can't have you sharing with a male can we . . . if they're are no clothes in the drawls it's free to claim." He knew Xander would probably want the girl as far as possible, but in truth Simon saw the girl as maybe a good sign for his son.

Xander gave a slight sigh of relief when the girl left, what did she not get about appearances in front of others. He couldn't get used to these long talks with her, he told himself. Scowling at himself for what happened that night alone. He would go about finding him some clean pj's before going into his bathroom and locking the door to soak in the tub. Allowing it's sting to distract him at first before his mind went back to roaming again. Once more trying to figure out why he told her so much, and why she managed to get to him so.
Jennifer hadn't even noticed when the eccentric old man fell in step next to her until he spoke up, causing her to flinch. "...He's alright," she stated tersely, looking in the other direction, "and I'm sorry but...I don't want to talk about what happened. You'd best get it from him..." Her entire mood had changed. It was no longer compassionate or even fearful, just irritated and edgy. When he mentioned her arm, she quickly stuffed it under her apron, hoping he didn't see too much. "I-it's nothing, nothing at all," she answered quickly and nervously, chewing on her lip. She was still utterly embarrassed at how she caused Xander to react so extremely earlier in the kitchen.

When he gave her his suggestions about where she should stay, she turned to look at him. "Could you...please show me the farthest one from Master Alexander's chamber? I..uh, I welcome the exercise of walking long distances," she fibbed, keeping her gaze downward.

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