Ambrose a Vampire RP

Xander frowned annoyed; her answer helped him even less than his thoughts. He would stare out her window the best he could at that distant trying to figure what was so interesting before sighing. He didn’t wish to feed from this one at all . . . and was almost regretting not getting a male. The same sex at least kept the closeness easier to keep apart. “Give me your arm then.” He said in a cold tone, willing to gently bite her wrist and feed there if she did so.

Once home Xander was once more the first to exit, opening the door for her in defeat. One could not escape proper manners even if it was for a Serf. He would move to lead the way into a grand house only two stories at most and open that door for her as well. “Welcome home.” His words were surprisingly soft for a first, only for him to get back his coldness as quickly as he could manage.

Lynix would give only a slight noise of comfort when his master touched and moved his hair. Still very much asleep, he would stay this way for awhile. It was when a Serf coming to clean and take up the tea set came in that the loud noise of that serf dropping the duster that was in his hand that would jot the mutt to wake.

His eyes would widen suddenly as if he was about to get beat, the sudden noise usually a sign that punishment was about to begin. Only to see the one he called master oh so close to his sleeping face. The poor guy in surprised would let go of his flute to stumble back, and off the bed being so close to the end of it when he slept. He fell to the floor with a painful thump, a whimper leaving his lips at the pain. Perhaps he only seemed to enjoy the punishment to get the other vamps to back off or be wary of him more.
Amber fought a grin from appearing across her face, but instead found herself rolling her eyes as she turned away from him and started walking like an animal on display. Sure she was the equivalent of that, but it wasn't exactly by choice, and she did not have to like it one bit. She thought she behaved well since she didn't even mock one injury on her persons. She turned and walked back towards him, wondering what he had in mind for the one or ones he would be taking home in the near future.
The Vampirette examined Lily closely then asked for her price. Wait, she was chosen? She was actually leaving this place to go live with an owner of her own? Lily couldn't smile since she might give herself away, but her cheeks turned an adorable rosy pink with excitement. Soon after that, she found out she was also being taken to her new home immediately, rather than waiting a year like most. This made her even happier. No matter how harsh the new owner was, she could never be as terrible as living on the Plantation. Lily was surprised, however, that her new Mistress was taking her home without having her trained first. Maybe miss Kew was going to teach her herself? Lily laughed on the inside. A Vampire would never teach her pets herself.

Lily let herself be led away by the older Vampiress obediently. She could have sworn the younger girl smiled at her! Lily's eyes widened in shock; no Vampire had ever shown her a single kindness. Maybe this girl would be different? Lily assisted both women into their carriage, waiting to see if she was to sit up with the driver or in the carriage itself, which was rare.
"Now," Began the elder Vampiress once everyone was settled in the carriage, "Kew, I will not pay for her being trained. I want you to teach her yourself as a means to teach yourself responsibility, and hopefully to act as a vampire should."

Kew kept her head low and her hands folded in her lap. Her mother was merely lying, she just didn't view Kew as someone worth her money... She was a failure after all... Slightly glancing at Lily, the vampirette blinked before looking away. The elder Vampiress was simply getting her a serf early, and even taking her home a year early, to make herself look good. All her children would have serfs, and be responsible, and would be the most handsome and beautiful of Vampires. The elder Vampiress was so desperate to be the best, to claw her way to the top, and she was willing to break tradition to do so. Her mother was merely using her, and that hurt worse than being the least favorite.

The Elder Vampiress crinkled her nose in disgust at the serf.
Abram was much too relaxed when he fell asleep and left his guard down more than usual, rookie mistake number one and actually didn't wake up to the serf's mishap. But a much larger object falling accompanied by a whelp of sorts was enough to stir him and his first order of business was to lash out at the poor serf trying to do their job. "You. Out. Now" His words held much menace and his expression even more so. The young girl quickly left, forgetting what she came in for in the first place and no sooner had the door been slammed shut he was beside his mutt's side. "You ok?" not really sure what to do or say since he was somewhat distorted from being quickly awakened.
Seeing she had no imperfections in her gait, Timothy waved the plantation owner over. "This one, I'm sure," he stated, turning to face him. A wide smile crossed the owner's face as he was truly glad to be rid of the troublesome serf. "Good choice, Timothy! Here are the necessary papers to be filled out," he exclaimed, pulling out a roll of papers which he gleefully handed to the nobleman. Timothy grasped the papers, walking over to the registration table nearby which he laid down the papers. He finished and signed the paperwork then stood up straight. "I have a few specific requirements I need you to fulfill as well as the standard serf education. First of all, no more whippings. I did, in fact, notice the scars across her legs which are very unpleasing to the eye. I need her to be taught the basics of horse care: grooming, feeding, and exercising. Finally, I would like her to be taught in some area of music, whatever she takes a liking to," Timothy laid down his instructions carefully and confidently, looking the plantation owner in the eye, "I expect no less of what I have asked." Then, and only then, did he hand the paperwork in. "But of course," the owner answered, looking a bit nervous at the vampire's seriousness.

Timothy slid his hands back into his riding gloves and called for his horse, which was brought to him promptly. "I will be back in a year's time," he bid the owner farewell as he mounted the golden horse. Giving Amber one last look, he cantered off back towards his estate.

Sitting up tall, Jennifer turned to face Xander once more. Surprisingly without hesitation, she extended her slender arm towards him, wrist turned upward. Jennifer may have opposed all slavery to vampires, she knew they needed humans' blood to survive which wasn't their fault. So, feeding wasn't one of the things that bothered her so much; it was the cleaning, beating, and the treatment of the humans that she detested. As he gently bit down, she closed her eyes, biting her tongue slightly expecting the worse;however, it turned out that he was much gentler than the vampires from the plantation. She barely felt any discomfort, so she relaxed and opened her eyes. She chanced a small smile, but noticing his frown, she wondered why he was so unhappy. The carriage soon arrived at what would be her new home and her blue eyes widened in amazement. It was so big! Distracted by the large estate, she jumped from the carriage, hardly even noticing Xander's welcome. One thing was for sure, this definitely beat the plantation by a mile. For a moment, she even forgot she was a slave.
Reverie looked out the window of her room with a sad look. She had no desire to leave the room or go anywhere. She just wanted to sit here and think. Think about her past. About him. It did not matter to her that her mother or someone had things for her to do. She had no desire to move from where she was. Still she was quite lonely. Thinking about him made it worse but it was hard for the vampire to stop.

She called out, "Serf? Human? I need you. Come here. Now." She did know his name but Reverie didn't care to use it often. She, since she was young, learned that humans were lesser to them. So why call him by name?


Tress was nervous. He had learned hard that he had to please whoever owned him. He wanted to do just that. He could almost here the sound of a whip or someone drawing close, ready to punish him for being too slow or not moving quick enough. He learned to do as he was told and do it quickly. And so he would. But he would not have a sad or angry or even blank look on his face. He was still alive. That had to count for something.

(I will edit if I have to.)
Lynix was rubbing his side lightly, only to wince hearing the commands yelled by his master. He had no clue it was for the other, after all he had just woke himself and was disoriented as well. He was trying to stumble to his feet to do his master’s bidding when the man joined him by his side.

There was a pause of confusion when Abram asked if he was okay. A look of worry with fear crossed his face, before the mutt merely bowed his head and quickly took off towards the door. He would be fumbling with the handle and soon leave like he was told if Abram didn’t stop him.

Xander would twitch a bit as the serf seems so forward and sudden seemed to lose her place in his household. “SIT!” A stern hard command of annoyance left his lips. He didn’t plan to beat her for the excitement, perhaps reasoning it out to himself. “You will remember your place and act it around me at all times. Do you understand?”

He frowned as more of the house hold serfs came forward. “These will give you a list of what is to be expected, your chores and such. If you wish to discuss which chores you prefer and trade off with them, I could care less . . . as long as all the work gets done and in a well fashion manner.” He would start to pace slightly as if to make sure he remembered all the demands and orders to be given. “You will make sure you never get rusty on any of your skills and do your best to learn more whenever you can.”

He paused to look her over that emotionless cold face of his. “Since you are my main serf that means you are to come with me to all business meetings. Keep careful notes, and keep track of my daily schedule. When it comes to your feeding it will be at the same time every day unless an important meeting is to take place. Then it will fall before or after thus meeting, whichever is closest to that time. You will be expected to keep track of such.”

At that he sighed and nodded one of the other serfs off to go bring her back her meal for that time. “Feel free to roam about and do what you wish WHEN you have done all that is needed of you. You are not too bred, for I have not a license for such, and you will be back and prompt for anything you are expected for.” His eyes took her in colder before shaken her head. “Is there anything that I have said that you do not follow? Do you have any questions?”

It was at that moment a slightly older version of Xander came in all smiles. His hair was nothing like his son’s though, a mess having not been comb maybe for days, and his face was covered in stubble. He seemed much more kind, much more laid back. “Oh Alex, are you abusing the help again.” He joked, going to take a closer look at the new serf. “Well well, you did pick a beauty, have your mother’s taste I can tell you that.” A smile and the old vamp would hold out his hand. “Name’s Simon, I’m Alexander’s father, nice to meet you. Don’t let my boy fool you, he’s a softy deep down just like his mother.”

Xander couldn’t help twitch every time his father mentioned his mother. He would even close his hands so tightly that his pedicure short nails would dig into his palms causing blood. “Father, I do wish you never to mention that woman again.” A deep breath and a scowl and growl left his lips. “And comparing me to such a sin is a great insult to us all.”
Soon, a tall muscular young man entered into the chambers of his mistress. He had deep brown eyes, and blonde-red hair. Scowling, but standing straight in front of her like a soldier, he sighed. "You summoned me?" He asked, a bit annoyed at the fact she refused to call him by his name, Xavior. She was the one person who ticked him off more than most, and she added to it by not showing him the slightest amount of respect as to call him by his name.
Reverie looked out the window for a few more moments and then turned to see the serf standing here. She would have smiled but she felt that it would not matter. Why make friends with the humans? They had a purpose and being friends was not one of them. Still his presence was welcomed in a way. It was eaiser to shut out him with someone else around, even a serf.

"Have you read any good poetry recently boy?"
Jennifer nearly jumped out of her own skin as the harsh command rang in her ears. "SIT!" She spun around, her eyes wide as she surely expected a beating from her new master. All the memories and terrors of past punishments filled her mind. However, when one was not given to her, she lowered her gaze and did as he commanded, her hair rippling over her shoulders in front from the sudden movements. The stubborn spirit that had just arisen seemed to disappear as Jennifer swallowed and forced it back. She listened carefully as he paced and relayed the instructions sternly, still giving her that cold glare that she feared would never change. "I understand completely, Master," she stated quickly at his question, "The only thing I should ask is how you would like me to address you." When Simon strolled out of the house, all smiles and cheer, she afraid it was a trick and and bowed low, trying her hardest to be respectful. When he held out his hand, she looked and Xander first then placed her hand in Simon's, trembling slightly. She noted how Xander tersed up whenever his mother was mentioned so as never to make that mistake of bringing her up.
Lily looked away from the vampiress who was so clearly ashamed of her daughter's decision. She looked where another Serf was driving the carriage, and rather than risk getting slapped around by the older woman, Lily climbed up beside the other human on the outside of the carriage for the ride back to her new Mistress's home.

On the ride, Lily couldn't help but steal an occasional glance back at Kew. She tried to do so nonchalantly, pretending to admire the scenery. It was clear that the elder Vampiress couldn't be more disgusted by Kew's pet, but Kew herself seemed nice, which was saying a lot since the Vampires were supposed to treat humans as pets, and nothing more. Lily twiddled her thumbs, thinking about what her Mistress's mother had said, that Kew must train Lily herself. Usually another Serf would get new pets accustomed to home life, and knowing Kew was going to be thoroughly humiliated by having to train her own Serf made Lily feel terrible.

Simon would merely laugh shaken his head, at his son’s reaction. “Living with a bitter heart is never truly living my son.” He joked gently shaken the new serf’s hand. “Don’t mind him, he feels like he has to live up to what everyone else expects of him.” The old man of course wasn’t doing his sons any favors it seemed.

Xander took a deep breath moving to remove his now bloody gloves. A good pair going to waste in his eyes as he tossed them to one of the free serfs to either clean or throw away. Snapping his finger she would be brought a on a platter a decent meal of chicken, rice, and mix vegetables with some sweet cold tea. “IF you need me and it is not in the schedule you may knock on my door. Do not disturb my father in his work in the basement.” He seemed to be doing his best to ignore the old man now.

Taken a deep breath to perhaps hide any pain that his mother’s mention might bring he turned to leave. “If you find any questions ask the other serfs, they should show you around. I give you the day to figure out the chores between them and you for now. Then you can do what you please, but hit bed early for we start fast and hard tomorrow.” Was he really just going to let her roam free off and on?

Simon tsked watching his son leave, moving to sit on the arm of the new serf’s chair. “In this house we always try to give living beings some sort of respect. That might have been foolish like the boy thinks, might have been the cause of it all . . .” He paused given the girl a smile. “Honestly though I think it was because I was too busy to fulfill my duties as a husband.” A sparkle in his eyes, knowing the serf was confused he would push off the chair about to leave himself. “I should be back to work; everyone always expects the next best thing even if one was put out just yesterday. Nothing is ever good enough for the people out there, that’s part of the problem with this world.”
Jennifer accepted the platter of food, setting it on her lap slowly. The old man genuinely seemed kind and she respected that; however, she felt that nothing she did would ever please Xander. She was there for slave work, nothing more; she was the mere grass below his feet. She nodded at the old man's gentle words but didn't speak.

Hesitantly, she began to eat, having lost her appetite earlier, but the more she ate, the hungrier she became. The plantation pretty much only gave her mush with the necessary minerals to sustain her health and that was it. Soon, the entire plate was finished and she stood. "Don't hesitate to call if you need me, Master Alexander..." she uttered quietly, bowing her head. She asked one of the other serfs where the kitchen was. Heading there, she washed her dish and put it on the rack to dry. As she leaned over the sink, loneliness began wrapping her in its icy grip. Of course there were other serfs there to talk to but it just wasn't the same when her master didn't even seem to care. He had gotten her because he had to, nothing more said. A tear escaped her left blue eye and trickled down her cheek, but she frantically wiped it away, humiliated and not wanting anyone to see. Adjusting her collar and tag, she pursed her lips together into a hard line and decided to dive into the household work, hoping to get her mind off things.

She made quick work of asking the other serfs about the daily cleaning she was to do. To get started, she began with the kitchen, getting down on her hands and knees to scrub the floor. The more she thought about her slavery, the harder she scrubbed. She then moved on to cleaning the counters and organizing the pots, pans, etc. In due time, the kitchen became brighter, everything having a sort of shine to it.
Rosa stopped as he grabbed her wrists wondering if she had displeased him in some way. “What do you mean by that?” she asked wondering what about her had been impatient. The way he had embraced her for the feeding was odd but not at all unpleasant, it had felt caring and kind. Those two feelings were not associated with vampires.

She took a step back allowing him to gather the bags, and simply held her collar. The question, like everything else, was a shock. “I honestly hadn’t thought about it. To wear nothing ‘round my neck would make me feel undressed but the heavy leather and brass is tiring. But too waste the leather would be a shame, so in the end I guess I would give it to some with a dog who needed it,” Rosa said basically thinking out loud. Every decision required thought and care so this one was no different.

As her Master unveiled the beautiful violin it was all Rosa could do not to pull it from his hand immediately and pull the beautiful bow across the fine silver strings. The color was rich with gloss and the grain of the wood and the carvings looked so intricate. She wanted to just hold it, to feel the softness along with the sharp edges. But she forced herself to listen. “I would never consider discarding or destroying such a piece of artistry,” she said a look of disgust fleeting across her face as she pictured the beautiful instrument out in the elements as trash. “So I own this violin similar to the way…” she struggled for an example than it came to her. “Similar to the way you own me?” Rosa asked cocking her head to the side.

She caught the box before it could touch the ground opening it slowly. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she touched the beautiful silver work. It really was a no brainer she pushed the leather collar higher up her arm so that it was slung across her shoulder and she clipped the cool metal around her neck. “I’m ready, where is our next destination?” Rosa asked holding her head a bit higher.
Xavior's expression went from slightly annoyed, to very annoyed. He slumped his shoulders and sighed. Didn't she have anything more important or worth his time? Or was she just playing games? Standing perfectly straight again, he took a close look at her, before looking away to avoid eye contact. She always seemed to stay in a melancholy mood, even being around her seems to summon a dark rainy cloud over his head. But a thought occurred to him; perhaps she was simply... Lonely...? "No, my lady. I have not," he said politely.


Soon the carriage arrived at the large estate, and the Vampiress climbed out, as did Kew. Without a worth, or a second's hesitation, the elder Vampiress slithered away and into her hole, not even bothering to look back at Kew or give her any advice or pointers about serf-owning. The Vampirette sighed and kicked at the gravel of the driveway. Turning to her newly purchased serf, Kew smiled and grabbed her hand. She quickly lead the Human girl inside the impressive abode. They were met with the grand hallway lined with valuable vases and adorned with wooden floors and red carpet rugs. The curved ceilings were also lined with chandeliers. However, the few windows that were there were covered with curtains, making the place dark and seemingly eery.

The Vampirette kept dragging the poor serf along, determined to train her immediately.
Xander would stay stuffed up in his room for hours on end. It would be after awhile that he would emerge looking a little worse for wear. He had taken no breaks from his studies till now. Heading to the kitchen he had not expected to find anyone in it, after all it probably wasn’t on the chore list for that day. Confused, it took awhile to sink in that it was his new serf at work. “So I take it, not working is not your thing . . . how . . . interesting.”

At that he would actually pull down a pot and start to fix his own tea. He had not jotted down a time for such therefore he was not about to make a Serf do something he had not planned ahead of time to do. To him that would be rude and inconsiderate. He leaned against the counter watching her while he waited for the water to boil. Mostly in silence having nothing really much left to say. Pausing after awhile he glanced away as if considering a bit. “Is it because you have no funds for the market perhaps? You have no items in which to use on your break? Or that you have no clue what a break is?”

Bret entered the room quickly and lithely. He had learned to walk quietly so as not to disturb his precious Mistress. He withheld a snicker as the Vampiress struggled with her hair. He could see where the pin needed to be placed in order to hold the towering height of hair. She finally found a spot close to it but he knew the tower would not hold. Bret had learned that hair was a fickle art form and required weaving, patience, braiding and lots and lots of pins and ribbons.

As he began to dust each shelf Bret heard his mistress let out a sigh and pull a pin from her hair. The sharp movement caught his eye and he knew that must smart. He paused figuring this was the point where he should step in, “I do believe this is where the training you paid so much for is supposed to be used,” Bret said laying down the duster and walking over to her.
Satisfied that the kitchen was to her standard of clean, Jennifer leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. Startling her as he walked in, she watched her master put on a pot of hot water then turn his attention to her. "I...I haven't known a serf to get such decencies," she replied indecisively, not making eye contact as she returned the cleaning to supplies to their rightful places and smoothed out her maid apparel. "And there has just been something on my mind. Why sit and worry over something that can't be changed when there is much work to be done?" she added in a quieter tone, looking down at the counter and running a finger lightly over its smooth surface.

“Do what you want with that piece of junk.” Vinnie would wave off the old collar with a warm smile. “I suppose you can claim it as yours as well if you wish.” He chuckled playfully at her reaction to the instrument deeply proud of himself now for managing to decide on a gift that wasn’t rejected. Of course her trying to reason it out got a slight frown, only for him to laugh afterwards. “Oh no, you own that more than I own you.”

He would motion out of the alley. “To the hell I call home.” He spoke to her all to cheerfully as he headed back to the carriage getting inside to wait for her. His eyes studying her when/if she joined. “You know, you look stunning, it makes me wonder what the rest of the serfs would look like if we dressed them up, or the vampires if we dressed them down.” Another laugh, her reaction about the gifts seemed to have brightened his spirits up greatly.

They would head home, and he would wait for her to enter, once inside only to be greeted by shocked and angered faces of his parents. Well he knew they were going to be angry, but from the looks of it he might have over done it just a tad. There was a quick moment and Vinnie would quickly step between her and his folks if he could. “Go upstairs.” He whispered back to her in a rush. “Ask the nearest serf where my room is. I will meet you and explain the details of the house later.”

If she left or not the arguments would start at once, loud, stinging words mostly towards Vinnie, threats of being disowned. It was not like Vincent had never heard them before; he was quite used to them in fact. The problem was that treating his Serf better than what some of the lower vampires could get caused a stir among the neighborhood. It was what he had hoped. The fight continued for awhile, each exchanging barbs. Vinnie had even mentioning a lover name Eve that wasn’t good enough in their eyes, only to add a comment about thinking of running away with his serf. It was all in jest of course to boil some blood, but it had finally gone past a point he had never hit before.

There could be heard throughout the house a loud bang as Vinnie hit the floor. His father a man very famous for abusing serfs but never hitting a vamp, had finally hit his first equal. This was his youngest son not less. The blow had left Vinnie is stunning silence, as he just laid there slightly propped up where he landed. The mother was disagreeing with her son; finally spoke up still feeling the father went too far. Finally they both left him in peace to piece together the pieces.

Vinnie stayed silent for awhile before slowly pushing off the ground. His perfectly good mood ruin by once more his family pushing him to hard in his eyes. Standing he moved to place a hand on his eye which was already starting to swell. At least this way his father wouldn’t drag him to business meetings until it was healed. “Stuck up saps.” He would mutter only to head to his room, opening the door to actually ignore Rosa for once and just drop on his bed to lay on his back.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Xander merely nodded. “So it’s the last one. A break is time to do for yourself what you wish to do, within reason of course.” It was her words about other serfs and what they could or couldn’t do merely got her a questioning look, why did she have to be so difficult. “That is there house, this is ours. If you don’t want such decencies then do what you are now and find stuff to clean on your own.” He wasn’t going to fight with her though; it was after her time to do with it what she wished.

Then she made a bold move and had Xander’s full attention. His features turning back stern and strict as he tried to reason out what she meant by her question, wondering if it was too soon to give her such freedom or not. “Was that in reference to me, or is this about your worries of change?” He asked tensely. He glanced away at once not about to look at her as he stumbled around his head for an answer.

“I don’t just sit around and worry; I do keep busy and work.” His words were cold. He swallowed some trying to figure the best way to explain, if it was her problem then keeping busy was up to her after all. “The past can’t be changed, only the future . . . to do so, one must work hard. That is the only reason for some work, to keep control of what the future may bring.” His eyes roamed to the pot still refusing to look her way. “Other bits of work of course are to keep comfort, or because of everyday needs.” He wished it would hurry up so he could get out of there. For some reason her strong presence and questions made him nervous. “Did I answer your question? Or did I not understand it well enough too?”
Rosa followed him into the carriage once again marveling quietly at the beauty of the horses. She sat down in the lavish space and blushed at the compliment. “Thank you Master,” she said bowing her head to hide her face behind a wave a curls. It only took her a second to compose herself and look back up. She kept one hand resting on her new necklace while the other remained on the violin at her side.

Once they arrived she had only a moment to marvel at the beauty of the castle before she felt the tension in the room. Based on the way her Master was standing it had become painfully obvious what his game was. His family was the opponent and she was the playing piece. Once dismissed she quickly followed his order making her way with silent steps up the staircase and finding her way into his room.

The sounds of yelling escalated as Rosa stood in the corner of the room. It took all of her strength not to block her ears but she remained still not moving an inch. She rested the violin by her leg and began to pray for the end. The sickening sound of a body hitting the floor was all too familiar. The serf had a feeling that was her master who had hit the ground and he was going to need cleaning. She slipped out of the room finding another serf, she asked for a cube of ice and clothe fit to touch her Masters face. She was shown and given what she asked without question and she managed to reach his room without conflict. She rapped softly against the wood holding the dripping clothe in her hands carefully.
Jennifer immediately bit her lip, realizing she'd made another blunder on her part. He was giving her an opportunity of freedom without work for a short period of time and she was turning around, shoving it down her throat. "I-I'm sorry, Master Alexander, I wasn't implying you. You've...actually been very kind to me compared to my old life at the plantation," she apologized, kneeling in front of him. "I've tried your patience twice in only the few hours I've been here. I...I deserve your punishment." She clenched her eyes shut, staring at the floor as she knelt in front of him, waiting for the first blow. Everything she did seemed to irritate him. He wanted her to know her place as a slave yet he gave her the perfect opportunity to escape. She bit her lip harder, causing it to bleed slightly. Did he even know about her record of escapes from the plantation? Or did the owner keep that a secret to keep his own credibility? Her mind was in a whirlwind, not sure what to think or what to do. She'd never been to the market before; she didn't even know how to get there. She'd fought so hard to have more freedom, but now that she had it, she was overwhelmed, not sure how to use it. Should she just be honest with him, that she didn't know how to use freedom without abusing it? Or would that just upset him more...?
“I’m not in the mood for apologizes.” Vinnie’s voice was cold; he hadn’t expected his serf to be brave enough to go out without him. Course he hadn’t notice she wasn’t even there, he had expect her to panic and maybe, be hiding in fear he might reflect such upon her.

His eye throbbed, but his heart hurt more, this act in away made what he thought all along true. His father found him no more worthy of the serfs who served them. It just made him burn with a deeper passion to show the old man up though. The question was how? At first his actions were just too mock, but the blow together almost called out for war. It was about this time he would sigh looking around for his Serf, before actually calling out softly. “Rosa?” He silently hoped he didn’t have to go find her . . . he really didn’t feel like leaving his room.
Iliana had finally given up and was just trying to get the knots from her hair at this point. It's a good thing she wasn't born a human, she just couldn't get this sort of thing right. She knew Bret was watching, which is why she hadn't made another attempt. It was humiliating enough for her when she couldn't do something a 15 year old human was able to do with such ease. She thought she'd had it right that last time, but then once again it all came tumbling down around her and she was done trying for the day.

Iliana looked over when Bret spoke up and began to walk towards her. When he said his training would come in use. She nodded and gave a small smile, trying not to let it show too much. She wasn't planning on going anywhere, she had just been trying to learn things for herself so she didn't feel so... Helpless. "Yes, it would come in handy." she said in a small voice. She allowed him to take the pins that were causing her so much trouble and pain and watched carefully to see what he was going to do. Maybe next time her hair was down and no one was around, she could try to do it herself by imitating what she saw. That was probably the easiest way of learning things, right? She would simply wait until he left, look to see the placement of the pins, take it down, and try to make it look the same as he had. How hard could it possibly be?

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lily was scared when Kew reached for her, knowing only the pain caused by the other Vampires back at the Plantation. But when her Mistress took her hand and gave her a smile, Lily relaxed a little. This girl didn't seem to quite catch on that most Vampires rule over their pets with an iron fist, instead Kew seemed to want more of a playmate than a servant. Lily silently let the young Vampirette drag her around the estate, happy that at least someone seemed to be enjoying her company. Kew didn't say much, but she didn't really have to. Lily was already lost in the seemingly endless hallways and if left alone she would have no idea of how to return to the entrance. She hadn't had her years worth of training, and wondered just how much her new owner would be able to teach her. Wasn't the point of owning a Serf so that the Vampires wouldn't have to lift a finger?

Lily took in the details of every hall and room, slowly starting to remember where things were. She hadn't heard a single word from her Mistress since their arrival. She wondered if the Vampiress from earlier was punishing Kew by making her get a pet early and then having her teach it herself, and wondered why a mother would give such a harsh punishment to her own child? Lily didn't have time to think about such things right now. She needed to learn everything she could so that she could impress both of the women who had come to purchase her today, especially her new Mistress.

Once she had heard her name Rosa entered the room. “I’m here…I um,” she wasn’t sure what to say next. He had been hit hard; she knew the feeling of such a bruise. The heat of the blood and the swelling made opening and closing the eye near impossible. “I have ice,” she finally said slipping deeper into the room. She walked to his side looking at him for confirmation before she dared touch him. It was one thing for him to initiate contact but to touch him without permission was pushing it.

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