Ambrose a Vampire RP

Jennifer fidgeted nervously, as she was poked, prodded, and looked over by many a vampire, but none found much interest in her and eventually they all passed her by. Half of her was relieved but then half of her a bit disappointed; could they all truthfully think she was worthless? The sound of a horse's hooves reached her ears and grasped her attention, pulling her from her deep thoughts. A stern looking vampire rode onto the grounds upon a beautiful horse; of course, Jennifer really was only looking at the horse. She smiled a bit, hoping that maybe there'd be more horses at her new master's house, if she was ever picked at all... Sighing, she scowled slightly as the arrogant vampire barked out orders to the line of girls. Jennifer obeyed the commands, but she did it with her head held high and spirit in her blue eyes. She whispered to the serf next to her, "His ego's bigger than his horse..." The serf's eyes widened and she chanced a glance at the black haired girl. "Jenny, sh! You're going to get us in trouble...!" she said under her breath, barely audible.

Lucky for Jennifer the whisper wasn’t caught by Xander, he would have never picked her otherwise. The head held high . . . threw him off some, but he supposed if someone was to follow him they could hold their head high. “That one.” He merely pointed at Jennifer with his crop, not really taken notes past what the seller told him. Probably a big mistake on his part, but he feared what rumors looking them over more closely might cause.

He would then walk over to the one he picked and finally try to poke her from afar with the crop. “Do you have any skills as of yet? Anything we might approve on that are already starting to bud? Or shall we just keep you to the basics?” There was one thing that could be said about Xander that was above some of the rest of the vampires . . . he treated his Serfs more like i indentured servants than slaves.

However, when the vampire pointed to Jennifer herself and said, "That one," the girl's eyes widened immensely and she seemed to shrink an inch. Him? HE was to be her new master? Her thoughts were in a whirlwind as she tried to process the entire situation. She didn't even hear Xander's question at first, she only saw him trying to prod her with the crop as if he had a phobia of humans. Frowning slightly, she thought, "Am I some...some sort of animal to him??" She opened her mouth to answer, but received a very sharp look from the plantation owner and shut it again, thinking about her answer first. "...I am free to learn anything you wish me to," she finally replied, raising her gaze from the ground up and making eye contact with her future master. Her intense crystal blue eyes studied his face for a few moments, not sure what to think. Sure, she was highly intelligent and creative, but she was so shocked at the moment, it was hard for her to think straight. Not to mention she had to be careful with her words, or else a severe beating would definitely be in her future. Lowering her gaze, she stared down at her feet as she slowly drew a circle in the soft dirt with her toes.

Xander would note the hesitation and give it merely a questioning look. It followed by a pause to look her over as if closely, before realizing and glancing back to the seller annoyed at him now. His eyes finally returning to meet her gaze full on, a tiny bit surprised she had such guts but dismissed them for now. “IF you are to belong to me, you are to answer what I ask precise, and in the manner I hope to receive. Do you understand? That business man worries only for his profit, but I have my own concerns of my own. If you have no skills then that will be fine, but if you have some, I wish them not to go to waste. Therefore pretend I just repeated my question from before and I’ll give you one last try to answer.”

He was stern and strict, but it was more towards how things should properly done and getting them done. In a way, it wasn’t so much arrogance but keeping himself to the rules as well . . . if HE could do it anyone else should be able too. Things he couldn’t do of course there was understandings if others failed in them. “I need a dependable Serf, who can tend to everyday needs, as well as keep up with the busy life style I share with my father. The seller assures me you can, if you can’t though speak now and I’ll find me another.”

Jennifer lifted her head once more. He...wanted her to speak up? All her life, if she ever spoke out of turn or stood up for herself, it ended up in pain and suffering. Xander definitely was sharp and to the point, but she could see that he could give her a new home and better care than the plantation ever could. A determined look crossed her face and she straightened up. "I can dance," she stated softly, though loud enough to be clear and precise. The plantation owner's hands were cold and clammy as he nervously watched how Xander would respond to the answer. "Not to mention she's a tough one! She can handle housework easily," he added, hoping to please the famous inventer's son. Jennifer's long locks swayed a bit in the countryside breeze and she remained calm but inside her heart was pounding. What if he thought it was foolish? Would he continue on, looking for another serf and leave her to be dragged back into the dirty plantation's care?
Xander frowned, she didn’t explain if she could keep up or not. Then again, once more looking over the serfs, he doubted most would be able to at first. “This one will have to do.” He said turning away from her walking to the owner. “If you punish her for obeying me like she should have, I’ll do my best to make your head roll.” It was as simple as that, course he wished he had one of the serfs he used to make his list around.

Instead he would have to settle for pulling out a piece of paper, turning the seller around, and writing on it using the seller’s back as a desk of sort. That probably amused most, as it was undermining the seller in ways. “She is to be taught these things as well as to dance in as many forms as she seems to click in. We shall see if she is a rising star in such a useless skill.”

Who knows maybe he could find some use in it later . . . and then a thought struck him. “Teach her how to fight as well, with the dancing skills; I’m sure the movements will help her in battle if ever the need arises.” This was probably a foolish request on his part, he knew that much . . . but he found it a waste for her to just learn how to dance and have no use to him. “She also needs to know how to ride a horse if she is to follow me on some of my business ventures.” After all . . . if she was his personal Serf in a disgusting way she would be his life force as well.

After he finished adding the extra things to his list he would merely give her one more uncaring glance before going off with the seller. Certain to finish any extra paperwork and payments needed at the time as well as discuss what was normally required, and what most did with their first serfs in the matter of caring for them.
Lily awoke to a few Vampires slamming the door open. She sat up just in time for one to grab her harshly by the arm and yanking her from her small torn blanket she used as a makeshift bed. The Vampires had stopped talking to her a week ago when they finally figured out she would never speak a word to them. She would make conversation with any other human she passed, but never the Vampires.

Lily was undressed before she was fully awake, one of the female Vampires tearing the ragged clothing from her small frame. Next came the hot water being dumped over her head, her white-blonde hair clinging to her face. She shut her sapphire eyes to keep the scalding water from them. They violently scrubbed her until her skin burned. She was taken into another room to be dressed, the vampires trying her quickly-drying hair into twin pigtails that, as high as they were pulled, still reached her knees.

Lily was put in a pure white dress with baby blue trim, meant to match her hair bows and bring out her eyes to make her more appealing to potential buyers. She wasn't given shoes; the Vampires feared she would run if she had foot protection. She was collared, leashed, and forced onto the Plantation's front lawn to await the buyers who would come. Lily could only imagine what an owner would be like if the Vampires here were this cruel. She waited, silently watching her toes wiggle in the grass.
When his pup returned once more Abram stood, the small bag in his hand easily seen if one cared so to look. He made way to his bed and sat against the comfort of the soft and plush bedding. He motioned for his pet to come to him, but if he didn't understand Abram was ready to whistle and tell him to come to his side. When Mutt was within reach he would ruffle his hair "Job well done" he would praise him for following directions.

He would grin and hold the bag out within his Mutt's reach. "This is yours. Do your best not to lose or break it. It is your property and you should respect it." Watching for his reaction he would release it into the pup's outstretched palm, even if he had to maneuver his hands to make them do so. Giving him a moment for his reaction he would grab him lightly by the chin, gazing into the serf's eyes. "You are to address me as Abram, not Master or any other silly title. And if ever you wish another name only speak it, you may only be a serf, but I will allow you choice of your own name"

The waiting room, compared to the rest of the plantation, seemed luxurious with satin curtains and plush furniture. Timothy took a seat in the nearest armchair, crossing one leg over the other. Resting his head on his fist as he waited, he took careful note of commotion outside. From what he could hear, this plantation was the same as any other. The serfs here were no more than dirt and though he believed that serfs were indeed slaves and needed to know their place, he knew if a serf was in ill health, they weren't much good to their master either. It seemed like nearly an hour had passed before a serf attendant came to fetch him. "So sorry for the wait, Master Arion. We were not quite ready when you first arrived," she stated quickly, bowing and keeping her eyes to the floor respectfully. "...It is no trouble," he finally answered, rising to his feet. He straightened his crisp riding vest and briskly kept pace with the serf as she led him out to where the to be serfs were lined up outside. Even though he was physically in ill health, Timothy held his head high and kept a strong sense of dominance as he began to browse the merchandise. His cold green eyes glanced over the many girls and boys as he strolled down the line of them. "I believe I'll be looking for a female," he told the plantation owner, not turning his gaze from the to be serfs. "But of course!" the owner replied before motioning for the other attendants to pull the boys back so that the girls would all be in one line. Timothy clasped his hands behind his back, walking slowly down the line. His face showed no emotion other than determination. He was definitely a hard vampire to please and it would really have to take something unique to catch his attention. Now and again he would stop and lift a girl's chin but none seemed to fit his standards.

That is, until one girl in particular caught his eye. Her eyes were the finest color amber he had seen and she carried herself with some dignity, unlike most serfs who were completely broken. Though the attitude displeased him, he was also slightly intrigued by it. He ventured over to the girl, his long legs carrying him fairly quickly. His expression was cold but his pale green eyes gave away glimpses of curiosity as they searched her over. He did not speak for quite a while, until he had thought it over. “What is your name?” His voice was firm and serious, yet calm and not overbearingly so.

Jennifer listened closely as Xander spoke with the seller. Fighting? Horseback riding? A small smile appeared at the corner of her lips. Maybe this vampire wouldn't be so bad afterall. Just before he walked off, she turned and called out to him, "As for your other question, I can keep up with whatever you wish me to do." She then withdrew shyly as an attendant clipped a lead to her collar and began leading her away. "You're lucky, you little troublemaker," the vampire growled, jerking the lead slightly whenever she didn't move fast enough. Wincing, she gently touched her throat. It was still tender from the furious scrubbing earlier that day and the pulling of the lead was definitely not helping. Her eyes slowly fell downwards as she pictured the last look he gave her: uncaring. She bit her lip; she was just another serf and that's what she'd always be unless she escaped. She must dismiss any thoughts of settling down and focus on regaining her freedom. That was what mattered. However, she couldn't help but glance over her shoulder at the vampire as he disappeared around the corner with the plantation owner.

At once the mutt was by his side, and would actually try to lean his head against his master’s let. Only to pull back to look confused when something was put into his hand. Looking confused, the words his master spoke actually hurt his head some, and one hand would lightly go to touch it. Was he getting a headache? Was his master magic and this a new form of punishment?

“Mine?” for once the mutt’s voice was calm, confused, but calm and soft. He slowly took out the flute to turn it around gently in his hand managing a gentle smile. “You got me a stick!” The excitement was back as he put it in his mouth, only to lower it once more as his masters gave new confusing commands. Now he was to remember a name? Master was so much easier, and he frowned disliking that idea. “As you wish master Abram” was he being a smart ass on purpose???

Although the name thing once more had the serf holding his head and actually ended up curling in a ball by his master’s feet. He had a name . . . once right? But even try to think of it . . . it was like his head was trying to shatter in on him. He would after awhile give up and just lay there like that hands holding his head all curled up. Hoping his master wasn’t too displeased that he could still not answer to a name.

--- Merged Double Post ---

---one year later---

Xander had arranged to pick her up in the afternoon. He had many task ahead of him that day, and one was of course to get her the proper outfit for his household. Arriving in a carriage pulled by four horses he would get out and enter the plantation. He wished to inspect the serf before finishing the rest of the payments and leaving.

Inside he would be lead to a waiting area where he sat, after resting a garment and bag against another seat. He would not allow himself to be seen in public with a serf wearing those ratty plantation clothes. Her measurements he had sent for a few months in advance so that he could prepare ahead of time. He was always touchy on the subject when it came to his appearance in front of others.

Inside Xander felt dread though, his father was actually up and looking forward to who he might be bringing home. The older vampire (his father) was too kind even after his betrayal, and forgiven of the woman who sinned upon their family name. With his thoughts roaming like they were he actually managed to be distracted of what was going on in the room where he waited.

Kew had finally made her way to her mother's chambers, after wandering the halls for a bit. She always had an escort, but never really took the time to memorize all the various hallways in her family's wealthy little bullpen. Eventually, she had wandered inside, very late no doubt. She wondered why she wasn't given an escort this time, but it was that time of the year for newly realized Vampires to choose their serfs, and everyone was busy preparing, no doubt.

Slowly peaking her head through the door post, the little Vampirette's heart pounded against her chest, and she was sure her mother could hear. Her mother had her own personal quarters, she was a fashion designer, which was how the family made extra money, which was quickly spent by her mother and siblings. But whenever Kew was summoned, it wasn't usually anything good.

"Come in, child." The soft soothing voice of her child-bearer called out. The little vampirette nodded and calmly strolled inside, keeping her head bowed.

"Stand up straight, and hold your head high. I hope you know that you're very late! A Vampiress always arrives on time when summoned," the elder vampiress scolded, "Today you will become a fully realized Vampiress, no longer a Vampirette."

Kew blinked in confusion before tilting her head to the side. What could she possibly mean by that?

"Your father and I," she continued, "has decided that it is time you acquire a serf. Perhaps this will teach you responsibility." The vampiress stood from the chair she was rested on, and walked over to a window, which was cloaked by curtains. Forcing the curtains away, her mother allowed light to shine through. "Come here." She commanded of Kew. The vampirette complied.

"Look down there, out the window." Kew obeyed. The vampirette could see not too far away from their abode, that the plantation near them was beginning to fill up with carriages and costumers. "You will choose one today."

Kew took a step away and looked up into her mother's cold eyes. She tried to examine her expression. Was this a prank? She was the most hated in the family, why would her parents even consider buying her a serf seventeen years earlier? But she kept her mouth silent, and soon the two were escorted to a carriage waiting outside in the gravel drive way.


Once the Vampirette and her mother arrived at the plantation entrance, and soon waltzed straight up to the front lawn, where they displayed the available serfs. Usually the Vampiress would partake in social conversations and pleasantries, but not this time.
This must be very important to her, thought Kew.

"As your first decision as a newly realized Vampiress," her mother began, "You may choose your own serf."

The vampirette's eyes widened. Finally a decision to make on her own? She had to have been dreaming! But her emotions quickly flooded; she now felt under pressure and anxiety. What if she screwed up and picked a serf who was stubborn and defiant, or sick and ill? The vampirette swallowed and slowly searched through the available slaves.

However, one in particular caught her eye. A young girl who looked around her age with a white dress with blue trimming. This girl even looked similar to her. Very long blonde hair, only slightly lighter in hue, and sapphire eyes. Her face seemed to be a similar shape, as well. Kew tilted her head to the side as she tried her best to examine her better.

--------One Year Later----------

It was finally that day. Three hundred and sixty-five days had gone by since that day of the market, yet it still felt as if it had just happened yesterday. Jennifer winced and took a deep breath as the corset around her waist was pulled unbelieveabley tight. Many things had happened over the twelve months of her training. She'd grown increasingly skilled at a form of dance called lyrical, she'd learned hand to hand combat which came naturally to her due to her ability to dance, but to everyone's surprise the one thing she enjoyed the most was the horses. She was drawn to their majestic forms and had really formed a connection with them, learning to ride even more beautifully than she danced. Of course, she'd endured a beating whenever she made a wrong move or position upon the long legged animals, but it was worth it. She was just grateful that the whippings had ended a month before her pick up as to make her look presentable and give the wounds plenty of time to heal. The vampire in charge of dressing her for the occasion slipped a plain, quite faded blue dress onto the black haired girl's slim body and tied it about her waist with a white sash. Jennifer's hair was then brushed and her bangs braided into a crown around her head as it was the day of the market. It'd been so long that she'd nearly forgotten what he looked like and once again she felt that nervousness forming a knot in her stomach. The lead was attached to her collar and the moment of truth came as she was led into the waiting room.
Amber watched as yet another vampire studied her. Perhaps she made a face at him, if she was no one was any the wiser. She was in after the way the last monster 'handled' her. He approached quickly and she took a startled breath, preparing to be slapped for her offense. But instead he only studied her for a few frozen moments before asking her name. She swallowed, her gaze unable to break away from those eyes. "Wilde" she stated matter of factually.

It wasn't exactly a lie, most if not all the vampires by now called her by that name. Sure she had started out as Amber, and the few serfs that would freely talk would call her by her original name, but why would she give it to this one? By chance if this man gave the handler a look or asked after her name he would tell of her more fitting name. But if this stranger would wait instead, perhaps she would give him her other name herself.

Xander was so lost in his thoughts he hadn’t even notice the female enter. In fact it took one of the vampires politely pointing her out that brought him back to the current situation. Looking a bit startled he glanced around the room only for his eyes to settle on his serf.

Standing he would go to walk around her making sure she didn’t seem any worse for wear before nodding. “Name?” It was a simple command; he needed to know what she was to be called by after all. He would nod once he got the name if he got the name moving over to motion to the items on the seat. “Get changed at once.” The outfit was a simple maid’s outfit, a black dress that lowed passed the knees and a cute white apron. In the bag she might be surprise to find a few items she would need later, wash rag, things to keep her teeth clean, basic essentials, and a new collar. The collar was more of a black choker necklace made of velvet and white lace, with a circle tag which held her new information. A place left blank to place her name of course. He planned to have it done later when it was more within his schedule.

“Hurry about now.” He would wave her off, once more as emotionless as he could be towards her. “Our carriage awaits to bring us home, and even father has taken extra steps as to make sure to meet you.” At that he would turn his back to her going to once more finish up the loose ends, payments, and argue some of the extra payments added due to the training, but given in none the less.

He would wait for her by the door and actually without thinking or realizing open and hold the carriage door for her out of how he was raised alone. Frowning afterwards at himself for such a foolish mistake, already beginning to hear the new rumors now. If she entered he would follow, looking quite annoyed still. He needed to also give her his venom and feed, but wasn’t sure the best way to do so . . . If he was to ask her it would make him look even more foolish. So he would merely stay silent pondering the best course of actions to take.

Lily noticed that the young Vampire girl who had just arrived seem to be taking a interest in her appearance. For only sheer fear of being beaten right in front of the girl, Lily held her head a bit higher and stood a bit straighter so that the Vampirette could examine her more easily. Lily couldn't help but notice that the girl looked much too young to be picking a Serf, and wondered how old she truly was.

For the first time in awhile, Lily did exactly as she was told. She replied if spoken to and if the Vampire requested she perform any tasks, Lily quickly obliged. She noticed that this girl looked a lot like her. She had blonde hair, looked about Lily's age -so to speak- and was around her height as well. The two could have been sisters, they looked so similar. Lily waited to hear the Vampirette's decision.
"Wilde..." Timothy repeated the name, seeming to run it over his tongue, testing out it's sound. Lifting his right hand, he removed his leather riding gloves and grasped her chin, tilting her face upwards towards him. After he'd looked over her face, he placed two fingers of his right hand on her neck, moving them downward over her shoulder and down her arm, testing the thickness and complexion of her skin. "Hold out your arms," he instructed. If she complied, he'd then inspect her wrists and both hands, looking for callouses or scars. Timothy was very thorough in his examination, wanting to make sure she could withstand work at his mansion and keep up with his demands.

There is was, that same could care less expression. She had the mind to frown and scowl but her brain knew that would only lead to trouble so she stood still obediently as he inspected her. "Jennifer," she replied tersely, glancing at him then towards the bag he had brought in. The harsh commands pricked her spirit like a needle, but again, she couldn't seem to act out against him. Was she really becoming servant-like or was it just this vampire that seemed to keep her pride in check. Breathing deeply, she scanned the contents of the bag as it was given to her, a bit surprised at what she saw. She then walked out of the room, returning shortly dressed in the maid clothes she'd been given. She felt humiliated in the apparel, but it was actually the most comfortable thing she'd ever worn in her life compared to the harsh burlap. Remaining silent, her eyes widened as he explained how his father wanted to meet her. He even opened the door for her to his carriage! Quite confused, Jennifer stopped just before the carriage entrance, making sure he really wanted her to enter before him, then climbed inside.

Xander would show no signs of being wrong besides the frown on his face when he had open the door. Once inside and settled, the carriage would start to move and the vampire seemed more hesitant and shy for a moment only. After awhile he would bite down on a bit of his pride and ask in a slight snarl due to it. “How would it be best for me to feed?” He would pause wondering if she understood, changing the terms in a manner that most serfs should get “For you to get your venom.”

It might be amusing at times watching Xander with his inner struggles. The confusion and conflicts that passed upon his face with his secret thoughts, he didn’t seem so bad. He had emotions obviously; he just seemed to go out of his way to avoid them when it came towards her. If she asked around later about the house she of course find out why from the other serfs but for now she couldn’t even have a clue. Poor Xander, for even his houses Serfs brag or mock behind his back of his mother’s doings.

"Yes. Yours" Abram mused while watching his pet with an almost child like innocence. Abram was no fool, he knew that this one had to be far from innocent, no in a way their innocence was stolen in birth. He shook his head of such thoughts, it had to be Vinnie's influence. Here he was trying to read the one that was for his entertainment. He sighed when he heard the ever overused 'master' but wondered if it was a good sign that the pup would not obey only blindly? This one had such a complex look in his eyes, it was hard for Abram to understand his insanity. "Its Abram, only Abram" he said softly, almost if only to himself.

He watched as his Mutt curled up around his feet, he was almost tempted to pet him like an animal, looking so cute and defenseless. He resisted the urge, after all he shouldn't get too close to his serf, he had to start seeing him as more of a possession than a person, an insane one at that. He laid back in his bead, his locks scattered across his pillow. He reached over and grabbed the other pillow to throw it to the floor in case his pet would want it before heading back into his book. He would let his mutt rest for now. His book was enthralling enough and perhaps he would need the energy later if he choose to bring his toy out with him later.


After the pain settled, more at the fact his master didn’t seem to really care if he had a name or not the mutt relaxed some. Only for him to jump when a pillow fell close to him, looking at it, poking it unsure, of the reason. He had never really had a pillow before, and this one . . . was offered for use of someone as low as him?

He would stand a bit picking the pillow up to gently place it back besides his master’s head. His eyes studying his master unsure, trying to understand his master probably just as much, as his master tried to get him. Then there was a pounce and happy jump, and the bed would suddenly move due to it. The mutt had decided to jump on the end of the bed and curl up there. It was soft, comfortable, and he could keep an eye easier on his master this way. Of course that was the main reason . . . trying to figure out what type of being he followed.

Curled up like that he would start to fiddle with the flute some, studying it a bit. Once more gently raising it to his lips, this time not to hold it in his mouth like he did before, but to gentle start to play a sweet and soothing melody, one of his few real joys.

Amber watched him as he tested out her name. "Wilde..." Most the vampires would inquire about it, but thankfully this one did not. She may have flinched some while he removed his glove and his hand came closer to her face. Once more she would be handled, her gaze was most unwelcome, as was the touch from someone such as him. While this one prodded he didn't go for more sensitive areas, not even accidentally. She gave him a point for decency before he asked her to hold up her arms and actually did so without much of a fight.

While he studied her she saw what he saw, things that couldn't be washed or hidden away if one looked closely enough. Though her hands were still considered soft, dainty would be pushing it with the work of the years showing through patches of toughness and faded lines. Once she felt he had been given enough of a look she yanked her hands away from him, proud of herself for not wincing too much at the touch of one of them.

The Vampirette slowly approached the young serf and gazed at her price. Turning to her mother, the Vampirette nodded, signalling that the Human, Lily, was who she wanted as her serf. Her mother sighed, for Lily was not the serf she would choose for her daughter, but she did say Kew could make her own decision this one time, even if the Vampiress thought it was a poor one.

After paying the amount the serf had cost, the elder Vampiress took a hold of the leash that was attached to Lily. Kew sighed, as it already seemed her mother would make the rest of the decisions for her, regarding her own serf. But it was futile to think that way, since Kew should have gotten used to it by now.

As the elder Vampiress lead Lily to the carriage, Kew gave a small timid smile towards the serf. Perhaps they could be best of friends? But Kew knew that it was a sin in the eyes of the Vampires... But Kew for once made her own life choice at that moment, she would not mistreat her serf as others had.

Poor Abram was casually reading while Mutt fiddled around some. That was easy enough to ignore until there was movement beside his head and Abram turned to see the pillow returned. He was so distracted by the pillow and why mutt had given it back that he was actually startled when his toy actually jumped onto the bed. He found himself chuckling at Mutt's antics, more focused on the boy curling up and getting comfortable, stealing glances, than the book he was previous preoccupied with.

He was pleasantly surprised when notes began to come from the flute, and a sweet melody came from the boy. Abram closed his eyes and just enjoyed the music, noticing that Mutt himself seemed almost.. tranquil.
The music continued, seeming to wash away worries and cares from the mutt’s mind. Fully relaxed since the first time his master got him. He would continue to play for a few hours before the song started to slow, and he would actually drift to sleep flute still held close to his mouth. He was so quiet sleeping, so peaceful and still, and if not told otherwise he would enjoy the softness that the end of the bed offered to him.
Jennifer had been looking out the window, almost in a sort of trance, when she was snapped back to reality by Xander's inquiry. Turning to face him, she pondered on how to answer this, for she really wasn't sure. No one had ever asked her of how or where to feed on her, they just did at their own leasure. Having this much freedom was exciting yet terrifying at the same time for the young woman. "As my master, you should choose the method that best suits your comfort level," she replied softly, glancing up at his eyes then back out the window, "I've never really thought about it before. At the plantation they just...fed as they pleased." She straightened up, turning to look out the window once more. She was surprised at the lengthy answer that had just flowed from her own mouth, especially towards a vampire and her new owner.

A frown crossed Timothy's normally expressionless face as she yanked away her hands. That behavior would definitely have to stop if she was to be his personal serf. However, he knew she was still young without any personal training so he would give her a second chance to learn her place if she became his. Taking a step back, he straightened up. "Walk back and forth," he instructed for his final examination. He needed to make sure her gait was even, no limps or lameness. For working around horses at the stable, even odd steps could startle them.
Abram made way back to his book, but kept glancing back at the now sleeping boy laying before him. Shifting his weight to his side, he turned his body around some to face the sleeping one. A hand tentatively went to the hair that was in the boys face and Abram pushed it away softly. The quiet and tranquilness were almost too much for him and sleep came early to this vampire tonight, even if it was only just a nap. If his Mutt were to awaken before the master he would see Abram much closer than he had been whilst he was awake. But until then time passed and nightfall came nearer.

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