Ambrose a Vampire RP

Xander couldn’t help but look at her and raised an eyebrow when she kneeled, shaken his head. “Get up; you’ll get your clothes dirty. A proper bow is all that is needed.” He muttered annoyed, trying not to be moved by her surprisingly kind words.

Ignoring her moving swiftly grateful that his tea was finally done, unlike most vampires who have grew lazy with their serfs, Xander knew how to do the basics almost as well as they did. There was nothing unworthy learning in his eyes. After all how could he expect them to do it when he couldn’t? Moving about he would get down a cup pausing. “Do you wish for some?” he offered, his voice perhaps holding a gentle tint although he tried his best for it not too.

If she was still kneeling he would sigh and start to fix his tea. “Why would I punish you? I dislike touching female serfs, and to punish I would have to do so in some way.” Sure he knew he could use tools, but that seemed almost cowardly in his eyes. “That and my father would probably be disappointed if I did.” He paused glancing over to her uncertain, perhaps thinking. “I could give you more chores I suppose if you insist . . . but I have a feeling your rant is out of foolish ignorance so I’ll forget you even gave it this time.” He would pause softening some before sighing and waving a hand as if waving her off. “Besides patience is something I need to work on, who better to help do so than someone who tends to tread on it so easily?”
Jennifer's shoulders relaxed and she slowly rose to her feet. Her wide blue eyes studied his face as he explained and she clasped her hands together patiently. "I would like some tea...," she replied, giving him a slight smile as she tested out the boundaries of her newfound freedom, "Oh but please, I can get it myself. It is my job, isn't it?" Reaching up, she swung open the cabinet and grasped a cup from the shelf, watching the steam rise as she poured the hot water into it. She held the cup tightly, waiting for it to cool some before drinking. "Master Alexander...may I ask why you dislike female serfs...?" she inquired, her voice low so as to not attract the attention of other serfs, "Forgive me if you do not wish to discuss it..." Truthfully, Jennifer was a bit relieved when he mentioned his dislike for female serfs. For at first, she believed it was just her; that he just thought she was unclean or contaminated, and that is why he avoided physical contact as much as he could.
With a nod Bret walked up behind her taking the brush skillfully from her hand. He grasped long blonde locks and began to brush. He held the hair in one hand and started from the bottom and work his way up. You broke less hair that way and it also prevented severe pulling of the scalp. He was gentle but firm with his strokes as his mind traveled elsewhere. “What style were you looking for exactly?” he asked snapping back to reality and setting the brush back down.

Her hair shone in the dwindling light and as she answered Bret began to light the candles around the room. He picked up the discarded duster resting it on a night stand and straightened a few pillows on her lavish bed. He was surrounded by the kind of wealth he had never dreamed of and in some ways represented everything he hated. "Keep in mind whatever I do to your hair will have to be taken down immediately considering it's close to your beds time," he said with smirk as he looked at her youthful face.

Vinnie looked to her confused, as if not having a clue what the ice was for. It was obvious he was new to such pains. He just leaned back, staying silent a while. He wouldn’t care if she touched him, and would allow if she tried as long as it didn’t get too personal in ways. “That big bad vampire down there, you are to do your best to avoid him. He’s the reason the serfs of this house are fearful and bruised like they are.”

He moved a hand to rub his sore eye only to wince and lower it to his side again, punching the bed some. “I think this blow may end up hurting his pride more than mine though.” He smirked, starting to get a bit of his good mood back with that alone. “Remember you’re MY serf, so you don’t have to tend to anyone, or answer to anyone besides me.” He said softly slowly closing both his eyes trying to relax away the pain.

His breath was soft as if he was mediating to calm a bit. “I am to prove myself worthy to them somehow or be disowned. I don’t even know where to begin though, nothing is ever good enough.” He smiled softly shaken his head. “If Eve was here he wouldn’t have hit me, couldn’t risk a witness to the attack.” His thoughts were roaming, trying to think of the best way to prove himself worthy but also to backhand his father socially in the process. “You wouldn’t have any ideas as to what I should do would you? I’m not sure they educate you that much . . . could be dangerous if they did. “ He paused sitting up opening his eyes getting an idea only to wince in pain when he did so. His grin of no good was back though, and it was all thanks to his serf. “You’re a genius, a real muse!”

The little vampirette had lead the serf to her little room. Running towards the window, Kew threw the curtains open, allowing the sun to pour its light inside the dark room. Unlike the rest of her family, Kew enjoyed the sunlight, but her mother would always order a serf to close the curtains. Her reason? Kew remembered, "I do not want a daughter who looks like she has slaved outside in the hot sun! Keep the sunlight out!"

Well, Kew had a new member to the household, and the sun was essential for Humans. If her mother didn't like it, Kew would simply explain that she didn't want a sickly looking serf; her mother would surely agree.

The Vampirette sprinted towards a large wardrobe against a wall on the other side of the room, opening its mahogany doors. Randomly selecting a few dresses and outfits she would provide the serf, Kew then jogged towards Lily to hand her the clothing. However, tripping over a dress that was dragging on the ground, the vampirette fell flat on the floor in a most comical way.
Iliana watched as he started brushing from the bottom. It tugged significantly less than her attempts at pulling straight down on it with the comb. She hadn't really thought about a specific style, just something simple, and she voiced this thought while he was lighting candles. She hoped that didn't seem like a silly thing to say. She was hoping he would do something simple so that she might be able to eventually copy it on her own.

As he straightened her bed up, he said something about her 'bed time', and she couldn't hold back the smile that turned into all-out laughter. "My bed time?" she asked, turning around in her seat to face him. "You think I really am a child, don't you?" She still had a huge grin on her face.

Xander allowed Jennifer to do as she pleased, moving to sit down and sip his tea when he realized the girl wasn’t going to just let him escape back to his studies. He supposed he couldn’t blame her, a new experience of course she would have a lot of questions. “Your only jobs are planned for you the day before unless it comes to business items with me.” He stated in a professional matter. “What you do other than those jobs are up to you.” He paused glancing to her firmly. “Except for breeding but I explained that before. I don’t have licenses for such, and any children produce would be taken to a plantation. There is also the messiness of love and I rather it not be in this house.”

He would continue to sip at his drink only to drop it in surprise when she asked her next question. Hissing as it burnt him, the cup falling to the ground shattering and probably making a mess of the floor. He did not move though, besides slightly twitching as he wasn’t sure how best to voice it. “It isn’t that . . . I dislike female serfs.” He said in a low dark voice, trying to keep his cool.

Taken a deep breath he would close his eyes figuring she would find out sooner or later, and that she might as well find out from him. “I merely don’t wish rumors to start about me and a female serf. I have worked too hard to . . . rebuild what I could thus far of my families’ reputation.” His eyes grew cold, but there was a deeper hurt in them as he wasn’t sure if he wished to continue. There was a long tense silence before he would actually mutter. “My mother ran off with her serf out of what she claimed to be love, leaving me at a young age and my father with little more than disgrace.”

He couldn’t even look at her now; he just sat there probably a bigger mess, confused at what to do. After awhile he merely whispered the following words. “I wish that to not get out anymore than it already has.”

Rosa nodded quietly letting his words sink in. "What drives me over the edge and what does he really like in serf?" she asked for with this knowledge she may be able to keep herself safe. She winced as he began to touch the wound about his eye, he had much to learn about injuries but hopefully he wouldn't need to know. There were very few people or vampires she deemed worthy of such atrocities like those experienced when hit, whipped or other wise punished.

"I don't mean to be forceful sir but if you would allow me to tend your eye I may be able to reduce the swelling," she said all the while listening to his words. His relationship with his family seemed far from enjoyable but she knew he was not asking for her opinion on the matter so she kept silent while either tending his wound or not, whichever he allowed. "I understand that your wishes and orders come first on my list. Speaking of that you said I need to make a to-do list but that can wait," she said sweeping her brunette hair away from her face.

Rosa paused trying to gather her thoughts, she was about to mention opening some form of independent store or restaurant but before she could an idea came to him. She gently rested a hand on his shoulder pushing him back into the chair, "Keep your eyes closed or else I can't heal this, and if you don't midn me asking what is a genius or muse?" she asked the new odd word rolling off her tongue like a foreign sphere.
Jennifer's cheeks blushed slight at the mention of breeding and she look slightly downward at her cup. He didn't know how relieved she was that he wasn't forcing her into it as some vampires do to gain money off their serfs' offspring. The black haired girl's hands shook, almost spilling her own tea as her master's cup shattered against the tiles below. Immediately she set down her own cup and stooped downwards to clean up the glass. "I-I'm sorry," she stammered, taking a towel and attempting to dry off his soaked pant leg hems as well as the tea on the floor, "I've soiled your good clothes!" She threw away the broken glass, her hands still quivering a bit. "I-I didn't know," she apologized a second time, "I'm so sorry of what you must have had to go through...I may not know much but I do know how that would affect a young boy such as yourself." Her light blue eyes were filled with a genuine concern, which was very rare for her to show towards a vampire. "Would you like me to draw you a bath, Master Alexander?" she asked, trying to make up for what felt like yet another mistake.
Lily walked into the tiny bedroom with her mistress, wondering why such a nice person with such a big home had such a small living space. She didn't say anything, though. She knew she hadn't talked much, but besides the fact that she was always taught to only speak when addressed, she also hadn't actually spoken to a Vampire in years.

When Kew opened the window and the light shone in, she was surprised to see that her mistress was unaffected. Was it just a myth that vampires would burn to ash in sunlight? She admitted she was relieved that it was false.

Kew rushed over and gathered some dresses from her wardrobe, then began runnin across the room with them. She tripped and fell facefirst onto the floor right as Lily reached out to catch her. She grabbed her arm in time to lessen the force of the fall but unfortunately her mistress still hit the floor. "Mistress! I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?" Lily spoke up in alarm. She helped the girl into a sitting position, still kneeling beside her on the ground. Kew, Lily expected, would probably be furious that her new Serf hadn't seen it coming and prevented it.

Vinnie couldn’t help laugh when she asked what his father liked in serfs. “Nothing, absolutely nothing, in fact I think he gets his kicks in kicking them.” He shook his head. “You just need to worry about any chores that obtain to me, cooking my meals, cleaning my stuff, you can make the list or what not but I thought they trained you in what we expected.”

He paused when she asked to tend before smiling a nodding, hissing lightly as the ice touched his eye. Actually taken her advice and trying to keep his eye closed, actually starting to think this serf might work well after all. “That reminds me, see that closet over there? It’s a pretty large walk-in, just a tiny bit smaller than my bathroom. If you don’t mind sharing your room with my clothes and some of my items, I want you to sleep in there. I even managed to fit a small bed in there for you.” He smiled proudly, it probably taken him so much work to do so. “This way you can avoid the rest of the family easier. They aren’t supposed to touch you since you’re not theirs, but with this family you never know. You can even use my bathroom if you need; sides’ best part is both these things will just annoy my parents even more.” He smiled proud of himself.

His eye was starting to numb now although the ice still stun in ways to the touch to it. “I bet if more vampires knew how it felt to get hit, you guys would be treated better.” He muttered annoyed, comments like that came from him often it seemed. He couldn’t help break out in a huge smile when she asked what a muse or genius was and he tried to place an arm around her shoulders much like he would do any of his friends and give her a slight hug. “The really didn’t teach you much of anything did they? A genius is someone who is really smart, smarter than most in fact, as for a muse, they are said to be the goddess’ that inspire art or inspiration.”

His smile faded a bit when another idea came to his mind. “You probably suck at the violin.” He didn’t want to be mean, but there was another idea that filtered his mind that he wished to follow through with. “Therefore I will set you up with the best violin teacher in the country, and you will learn besides vampires to be one of the best there is.” He looked at her seriously for a moment the best he could with one eye. “An hour or two a day Monday through Friday should do.” He was actually planning to set her up with lesions for the few hours his father was usually home a day awake. He wouldn’t tell her it was for her protection of course. He had his own little quirks at times.

He would lean back laying back down if she kept the ice to his eye or not, doing his best to keep his sore eye closed. “So . . .? Aren’t you going to ask me what the idea you inspired is? It will mean a lot more work for the both of us, but I think it might be worth it.”

Kew merely groaned and rubbed her forehead. Looking towards Lily, the vampirette smiled a bit awkwardly and embarrassed. Her cheeks became slightly pink at her blunder. Nodding to signal she was okay, Kew stood and happily handed the clothing to the other girl. "Thank you." Kew stated in a small voice.

The little vampirette usually had such bad luck happen to her, she was very clumsy. However, her family believed this to be caused from the fact her fangs were dull, stubby, and hardly developed; that her birth defect somehow affected her fate. Since Kew could not directly drink blood using her fangs, her mother had the serfs draw blood by cutting the palms of their hands.
Bret rolled his eyes as she laughed at his "little joke" whatever made her happy, he could keep the sarcasm coming all day. "I know you have to be around 100 but to me you have the looks of a fifteen year old child. I know what it means to age. I have had venom taken away from me allowing me to age a little bit older but it didn't change me. No age is a number that does not determine you. In the end you discover who 'you' are" he said beginning to plait the hair down her back.

He started with three braids. A small braid on each side of her head and another thicker braid running straight down her back. He began by twisting the tick braid into a bu coiling it over and over again until a pin wheel was formed. She than took the two small braids and allowed them to hang as loops srarting from the front of her head and ending in the back. He pinned them skillfully so the ends of the braids were unseen. "What do you think?" he asked.
Lily nodded when Kew said she was okay and noticed that she was not being scolded. In fact, it was just the opposite. Kew seemed to think that it was her own fault that the Serf had failed to catch her. Although the young Vampirette didn't blame Lily outright, Lily still blushed in embarrassment from what she knew was her own mistake.

Lily stood up and looked curiously at Kew when she was handed the gowns. "Miss, am I to lay these out for you to choose from?" she asked. She had never been allowed to wear such extravagant clothing, with the exception of the white dress she was wearing now, so she had no idea that her mistress intended for the Serf to wear them.
Xander tensed, allowing the girl to run around cleaning but not moving. He had said his peace, and now didn’t have a clue what to do or say. It was when she went to clean him that he would start to react again coming back from his dark place to pull away quickly out of surprised. “What . . . what are . . . don’t touch me!” His voice seemed more out of fear than out of anger or commands. This normally stern strict man . . . well was that really truly who he was? He crashed to the ground chair and all merely due to the panic of making sure she didn’t get close.

There was confusion in his eyes as they looked her over, as if he didn’t even recognize who she was, his body trembling slightly. He wasn’t used to being around females at all since his mother left. He had boycotted even his father’s Serf outside of feeding due to fear his father may also leave in the same way. It took a short while before he seemed to come back to his senses, calming slowly. Her questions sinking in as he glanced down at his outfit and at the floor. “What?” He repeated as if unsure before shaken his head and slowly getting up.

His mind still running circles, he closed his eyes taken a few deep breaths only to realize she was cleaning up his mess and to feel bad. “You . . . I . . . you don’t have to do that, you’re on break.” He said after awhile moving to go get a cloth, after picking up the chair to bend down and help her. He managed a frown as some of the rest of her words sunk in. “I don’t want your pity.” He managed to say coldly. “It’s my cross to bear, and I know I deserve such, it’s what makes me strong, and continues to push me.”
The vampirette shook her head. "They are yours." She stated simply. Galloping back to her wardrobe, instead of opening the doors, she pulled open a drawer with satin sheets and blankets. There was a small couch in the room, and until Kew could provide the serf with a bed, this would have to do. Kew then began to lay the sheets on the cushions, then layered the blanket on top. Speeding over to her full-sized bed, the vampirette then grabbed one of her pillows and placed it on the couch. After the serf's makeshift bed was completed, the dinner bell's piercing ring sounded throughout the household from the bell tower above it, signaling feeding time.

Lily's jaw dropped when she found out that her Mistress intended for her to wear such elegant attire. Before she could object, the hyperactive girl sped off again, this time grabbing sheets and blankets from the closet and putting over the small couch that was in the room. Was that... For the Serf to sleep on? Kew put some pillows on the bed, obviously proud of herself for turning a couch into a comfortable bed. Then again, Lily had been sleeping on the same torn blanket for fourteen years, even sleeping on the plush carpet would be luxury to her.

A shrill bell rang. Lily jumped, almost dropping the gowns but managing to hold on. She looked around for the source of the terrifying noise. Her wide eyes trailed back to Kew, and she couldn't help but ask her owner what the loud ringing was.
Jennifer cried out and backed away at his sudden outburst. She watched but could do nothing as he fell to the floor with a thud, colliding with a nearby chair and knocking it over with a crash. Tears slowly welled in her eyes, seeing he truly was dazed, confused, and almost frightened in a way. What his mother had done so long ago must have scarred him deeply and he had been shut off from females for so long that he didn't know how to deal with them. She just stared, speechless when he picked himself up and began helping her clean the mess himself. She would have helped him to his feet but she dared not touch him after his reaction. "I-I'm so sorry! I'll go get one of the male serfs," she stammered, standing up on wobbly legs and hurrying out of the room.

She winced in pain, looking down at her left arm, which Xander had accidentally kicked during his outburst. Already, there was a purplish bruise forming around her wrist so she did her best to keep her arm from view. Before long, she had found one of the male serfs about the house and brought him back to assist her master. She'd done her best to clean up the broken glass and the floor looked fairly clean. "I-I'll...I'll go find some ice a-and get a warm bath running," she finally managed to say, seeing that Xander had a few nasty bumps and bruises from the fall. With that, she fled the room, leaving the male serf to attend the bewildered Alexander.

When she returned, she was carrying a bucket of ice and some rags, which she had trouble carrying due to her injured wrist. However, she made due and managed to set the heavy bucket up on the table. "This should help with his welts," she told the serf, knowing from experience that cold helps numb pain. She didn't stay to help, though, quickly exiting the kitchen and heading to the upstairs bathroom stationed next to Xander's personal chamber to draw the bath. When she reached the bathroom and had started the water, she pulled out some ice wrapped in a cloth which she had hidden in her pocket and placed it on her bruised wrist, inhaling sharply at the pain. Good thing she had delt with this sort of injury before and had learned not to cry out or yelp as the ice began to numb the dull throbbing in her wrist.
Rosa shook her head beginning to realize a life in this house was going to be difficult. It sounded as if her Master’s father was a menace and she must remain unseen at all times. IF the man was willing to strike his own son in this manner she had no desire to discover what lengths he would go to when facing a human girl like her.

At first Rosa thought he was joking. A serf living in the same wing let alone the same floor as his master was unheard of but she quickly realized this wasn’t another sarcastic joking remark it was the truth. All of his actions were stemmed from a desire to bring his family shame, an odd goal in Rosa’s eyes to say the least. “Please hold,” she said placing his hand on the block of ice and clothe so that it was held over his eye. She than took her uniform, violin and collar and carried them into his closet. She set them on the white linens of her cot before returning to her Master's side.

When she returned her Master's idea of a vampire’s reaction to being hit was enough to make her smile. “They say on the plantation that the serf system has always been in affect. It started hundreds of years ago and humans know no different because we are too similar to cattle.
Humans are the lesser being and therefore deserve lesser benefits...Do you really believe that if Vampires were forced to experience a lowly humans lifestyle things would change? ” Rosa added generally curious a note of hope in he voice. She wondered what the outcome would be if his father were to walk in at that moment.

As she listened to the definitions she began to commit them to memory however when he spoke of her training as a violinist things changed. “The plantation owner saw no danger in me learning to play which thus means I was trained to be the best I could be however if you still wish me to take lessons I understand,” Rosa added checking once again to see if the swelling was going down.

She smiled and complied asking him the question, “Why am I your muse? What genius plan have created?”
Once Xander was calmed he was fine but his serf seemed to dash about with a chicken when it lost its head. He tried to stop her to no prevail, after all he couldn’t just grab her and she was a quick one that was sure. He frowned disappointed as she brought in another serf, not about to help the other clean. He explained many times before to the girl that no one had to do what wasn’t planned. Of course, he expected to clean their own messes up, but this was HIS mess.

The serf of course was concerned, and Xander was trying to talk him into leaving when the girl was once again back this time with a bucket of ice and some rags. He still had some of his adrenaline going so he didn’t feel the pain yet, of course that would hit later. His eyes narrowed as she kept and ran away again. Trying to call out in time to catch her but probably only manage to say it after she was out the door once more. “STOP!”

He sighed in frustration placing a hand to his head feeling a headache coming on. She was quick, able, but sure seemed to have an issue when it came to listening. He would apologies to the male serf she brought him, offering a small sum to him if he cleaned up this mess for him today. A rare site in deed, only to wince and pull away in surprised as the serf put ice to some of his brushes. He glanced down realizing before sighing and grabbing the bucket of ice up with him.

He would meet her in the bathroom slamming the bucket down on the floor, but not spilling a piece of ice in it. He was mad; it looked like she might have finally found his anger at last, not just his annoyance. “What do you think you’re doing?!” He approached her, and if she didn’t know better by now it might look like he might finally hit her. Instead he would lean over her to turn off the water and drain it, turning it back on, cold instead of hot this time.

“Have you truly not heard a thing I have said since you arrived here? How dare you get another serf to clean up a mess that is MINE to handle not anyone else’s! Do you really see me as such an incompetent idiot?” His eyes had a fire in them, emotions he hadn’t felt for years filled him. He was actually angry at someone other than his mother. It was something he did his best to not be, at least angry past a point.

He wasn’t even sure what he was going to do, but it all seemed to fade away when he spot the rag of ice on his arm. A gentle sigh escaping his lips, and he hesitantly reached to try to take it in his hand. “What happened? How did this happen?” There was actually a slight concern in his voice, perhaps starting to realize how angry he got with her, and feel bad for it. She just . . . knew how to push his buttons somehow. It was her first day there and she already had him doing foolish things, and wasting time and money.
When she had been so busy, trying to tend to everything at once, she thought she'd heard Xander call out her name once or twice but her brain was so confused that she just had to escape to the bathroom. when Alexander burst into the wash room in a rage, she clenched her eyes shut, sure he would strike her, but instead he changed the temperature of the water then began to scold her. His words stung worse than any beating could have induced. His eyes held such vibrant emotion that she dared not speak until he finished.

As he calmed down, she fought to keep the tears from spilling over and hid her wrist behind her back. "...i-it wasn't your mess..." she finally whispered, "It was mine since I was the one who caused you to drop it..." When he reached for her arm, she instinctively went to pull it away, but soon realized he only wanted to examine it and allowed him to take her bruised wrist in his hand. "It's nothing, Master Alexander," she told him quietly, "It happened on my own accord, and I probably deserved it..." She winced slightly, but hid her pain well if he fingered it lightly. Besides, he was hurt worse than she, it was only a small bruise and maybe a sprained wrist at most. She had just fled out of terror, not thinking things through. "I-I didn't know what to do o-or how to help...and I panicked..," she confessed, "I should have stopped to listen to you but at the time, I felt I was only making things worse."

The poor girl was so confused. The entire year, she was taught by the plantation to serve her master's every whim, to clean up after him, and respect him as the authority. How was she supposed to do that when the rules were so different here? "I guess I'll just have to learn...," she thought sadly but with determination.
Vinnie held the ice confused, watching Rosa only to laugh some. The closet was actually big enough to be a small room for her. “I take it you’re just excited to see your new home.” He said with pride watching her as he came back. “What do you think? Sorry it doesn’t have a window, but a small shelf, and a few candles and it will work nicely I think.”

Her words on the plantation system made his smile fade. “I guess keeping the serfs ignorant is a way to keep control of them.” He would wince his eye really hurting off and on, but never the less stood to get up and lock his door. He moved back to sit close to her and lean in to whisper actually serious for once.

“What . . . if I told you . . . that all might just be lies . . . well some of it. That it wasn’t always like that and my father was one who helped make it like that?” He sighed shaken his head when she asked about vampires changing. “We are who we are; the only thing that will change us is ourselves or how we are raised as a society.” Despite his jokes, and laziness Vinnie was really smart deep down. “I think if a few eyes were open, if people started to stand up for what was right, it has a slight chance of changing.” He paused removing the ice back to try to look at her the best he could. “But even I would have trouble finding serfs as my true equals due to how I was raised. It doesn’t mean I don’t believe they should be treated better though.”

The ice pack went back up at that, and he moved to lay back down deep in thoughts now. Knowing his serf probably disliked him for his words, and he deserved every bit of it in his eyes. “You’re still going to learn how to play properly.” He paused actually blushing some when she called herself his muse. “I guess I did say that didn’t I?” He managed a weak smile only to shake his head. “Don’t worry about the plan . . . I may have came up with it too quickly. I . . . I think I should talk it over with at least my good friend before fully deciding.”

--- Merged Double Post ---

Xander looked over the arm gently sighing, only to realize he was touching her and quickly let go stepping back to keep his distance. It was easier to see her face from there, the way she quivered in ways and he was at a loss of words. If she started to cry he wouldn’t have a clue what to do. Hesitating he glance to her wrist again wondering if it was the pain that caused it. Certainly it couldn’t have been him and his words, serfs were used to that right? Worse even . . . most didn’t even take half a heart, but then again it’s been awhile since he was around a female one.

Muttering under his breath he would take up her arm quickly before kissing the wound. One of the few things he remembered his mother doing to make them all better. Maybe just maybe it worked, although he knew no science proved such things. Afterwards he would move to try to sit on the side of the tub. “You’re going to do your best to make me go grey at such a young age aren’t you?” His words were soft, there was no use putting up coldness now, and he had hoped it was private enough for no one to see or rumors to spread.

“I remind you once more, the serfs here only do what are assigned the night before. If you make a mess you clean it up, if I make a mess I clean it up, if it’s a big mess I assign it as a duty or pay a tad bit extra for what I consider overtime. I keep this place running clean like a business, every gear and cog oiled and when one falls out of place the whole system could fall apart. I . . . I don’t keep the serfs in line like other vampires do, so all I have to keep it working well is my system. I have found it works out better this way in the long run, the serfs work hard, and the happiness means I don’t have to worry about finding new serfs due to deaths or run-a-ways.”

He closed his eyes wondering how many times he would have to explain it to the girl before it sunk in. “You did not make me drop it, it was my own foolish ways that caused the mess, and therefore it was mine to take care of. You need not blame yourself for every mistake like you did where you came from.” He would lean back and try to relax but he really couldn’t with the only seat being the tub, and he could already feel the pain of the burns and brushes start to sink in.

“You did make things worse.” He would continue after awhile his eyes still closed perhaps more comfortable that way, he couldn’t see how close she was then. “You mustn’t let panic control you like that again. Working with and around me you need to keep a level head. If that had happened at a meeting, or outside in front of others . . . well I would hate to see the mess it would be. Years of work down the drain. IF I fall apart . . . I suppose . . . I need you to stay strong and fix it properly, not run around like a fool. You need to think wisely before reacting.”

There was another one of those tense silences, as Xander thought about how to explain something important to her. “Do you know what it means to be my main serf? Why every 100 years a vampire gets a special serf of their own?”
Jennifer reddened in the face and bowed her head slightly, now quite embarrassed at the mess she'd caused. Her eyes widened in surprise at the gentleness in which he held her arm and kissed her bruise but she remained quiet. As he explained, she slowly let his words sink in. He was right, this was HIS house and she needed to follow HIS rules, not those of the plantation from which she came. "I...I believe I understand," she replied, her expression one of realization. Her mannerisms became calmer and more relaxed as the tension between them subsided rather quickly. Now she could see quite clearly where she went wrong. If only she'd just stopped to listen, it would have saved much anger and confusion. Part of the reason she was beaten so much at the plantation was her lack of listening skills; daydreaming when asked a question, not responding soon enough because she hadn't listened carefully to understand the instruction, etc...

Seeing how the pain was beginning to affect him, she slowly leaned over and grasped a rag full of ice. "May I?" she asked, gesturing to the painful welts on his arms, "It will help soothe the burning..." If he agreed, she would then tenderly dab the more serious injuries, getting him used to the cold sensation before holding it on for longer. She pondered his question about what it means to be a main serf deeply before answering. "...All I know is what I've been told. That...your kind needs the nourishment only found in human blood. In exchange for this, you give me your venom which keeps me alive...," she responded quietly, glancing up at his face.

Xander looked confused opening his eyes when she asked him ‘may I?’ There was a great hesitation in him, and his body actually seemed to tremble some. His eyes shooting to the bedroom door before, back to her, he was obviously unsure. “Close . . . close and lock the door first.” He knew it was silly for him to be this way but he really couldn’t help it.

If she went to do so, he would start to take off his tux jacket, and now stained shirt. His stomach was well fit, due to him being so active all the time, but it was red because of the tea he had split. Pulling away slightly at first as she went to tend to him, out of fear or pain it wasn’t certain. After awhile he just placed both hands to his sides and clenched the tub keeping tensed the whole time.

It was probably obvious by then it was more out of discomfort of she being a female, than of the pain he was in. He could deal with pain . . . this was closer than even the male serfs got at times. Most they did was dress him. “Why are you doing this?” He asked her confused, after all, it wasn’t her job, and he made it clear to her many times before. “You do realize you don’t have to right?”

He would glance away as he realized he got distracted by his original conversation feeling foolish and ashamed. How did this girl manage to keep pushing him off track? “Yes . . . yes of course your right. If you don’t get the venom you get old and most of your kind die by the age of sixty or older.” Xander did his best to be a jack of all trades in ways. But that doesn’t explain why we need a main Serf each.” He actually managed a sad smile at that shaken his head. “You . . . can get venom from any vampire to survive, can you not?”

After a pause he hesitantly moved to look at her trying to catch her eyes with his. This was a serious matter, he was about to let out a big secret, and maybe even a deadly one. He deserved to look her in the eyes when he did. “You are my life force in away now.” He said calming, sure it was vague but he planned to explain it in more details. “You see, although you can get venom with many, we can only bond with one.” He shook his head once more, knowing how much trouble he could get in for telling her. “Amusing isn’t it, we depend on you more due to that, yet we treat you no more special than cattle at most.”

At that he would look away once more, not sure why he told her, perhaps he felt she needed to know how important it was to keep her around him. Why he couldn’t just get a new serf if she kept messing up, how much he had to rely on her now. “It takes a powerful and sometimes painful ceremony for a vampire to be able to bind to someone new.” At that he would close his eyes allowing the pain to num his emotions. “That is why I need you as a partner in my business, well as much of one as a serf can be, to be strong and able; but to be inline and proper at least in public.” He sighed, wondering if this would all be too much for her. “You held your head up; you seemed so strong . . . together in ways. It’s why I picked you. That is what I need.”

Jennifer nodded and rose to her feet, traveling to the door then shutting and locking it securely before walking back to her master. She picked up the rag full of ice once more, gently going over the many welts and bumps he had received from his fall earlier. She looked up as he asked her why she felt the need to take care of his wounds so. Thinking for a moment first, she replied in a soft tone, "I guess, it's because I hate seeing others in pain. I went through so much agony at the plantation, but had no one to help me there...which is why I try to take care of others in pain, giving them a privilege I never had." An awkward smile crossed her lips. "Foolish, right?"

Leaning over to her left, she dipped the rag into the cold water in the tub then began to wash away any residue the tea had left on his stomach as well as dried blood from a few cuts and scrapes. She listened intently as she continued to baby his bumps and welts. "Yes, I suppose you are right," she replied in answer to his question about receiving venom. Many different vampires had given her the doses of venom she needed on the plantation. She felt his mood change and looked up. He stared directly into her eyes, which meant it was probably something very serious he had to tell her. As he explained of the bond they now shared, her light, crystal blue eyes widened in shock. She had no clue that was why vampires only took on one main serf. She even paused a moment of tending to his injuries then continued again as the information swirled around in her brain.

"I guess, since you were so truthful with me, I should be truthful to you... I-I have a rebellious side. At my plantation, I had the biggest record of trying to escape out of all the others my age. When you saw me the first time, you stubborn spirit," Jennifer told him, dipping the rag back into the water and continuing, now moving to tend to the welts on his arms. "The plantation owner wanted to make sure he could get a profit for me, so...he thought up the worst punishments possible, determined to break me. Of course, he never did...a-as you saw earlier, when I got ahead of myself, but I really forced that rebellion deep down inside of me because the was just too great for me to handle." She glanced up at his face to see his reaction and if he was even listening before continuing. "That strong spirit still resides in me, but really today has been a bit frightening for me, having just been taken from the world I always knew into a world totally different..." Once again, she wrung out the cloth over the tub. "I am strong enough to support just takes some getting used to this new situation I'm in...I hope you understand."

She laid her hands in her lap for a few minutes, remembering the situation that had arisen when she had first arrived. "That's why when you offered me so much freedom to even leave the house on my own to visit the market, I seemed so unsure. I didn't know if those feelings of running away still resided in my brain and when I got out into the open if they'd take over or not..."

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