Ambrose a Vampire RP

Simon would frown at her words . . . was it having the opposite effect? He loved and adored his son, but he wasn’t sure he could stand two of him in his house. “He’s too busy for me.” He stated calmly as if that explained it all off only to smile. “But turnabout is fair play, he has earned that right . . . do you think I have been too busy for you, for you too though?” His smile weakened at that, basically asking while answering her with the whole ‘do you think I deserve this behavior from you’ in a polite way.

Simon would try to take her arm and lead her to the kitchen calling to a few serfs for a few things if he managed. It seemed he wasn’t one to follow Vincent’s strict system; then again it was his house. “He’s still young, just hit adulthood. I know this doesn’t excuse his behavior, he just . . . always felt he had to grow fast.” IF she allowed he would tend to her even using a piece of wood and fabric to make a brace of sort for her. “That’s why I have a huge favor to ask of you. A father can only stand by so long before stepping in to correct some mistakes he let side, or may have even caused.” Of course it seemed he was ignoring her question about helping her with the room furthest away for now.
Jennifer bit down so hard on her bottom lip that it began to bleed when she received the gentle scolding. She remained silent for a quite a while then finally managed to squeak, "I'm sorry..." Tears glazed over her light blue eyes. She was so confused, not knowing which way to turn or what to do anymore. She thought she'd had life all figured out...then she met Alexander.

As Simon carefully took her arm in his, the black haired girl seemed to melt completely, her entire body shaking as she sat down. She winced at the pain as he cleaned and wrapped her injury with skill and wisdom. She did her best but was powerless to stop the few hot tears that escaped her eyes and began to flow down her cheeks. "I don't understand....," she whispered, her voice quivering as she spoke, "One minute it seems as if we're finally getting along, then the next he looks at me as if I'm...his worst nightmare...." Her straight hair flowed over her thin shoulders. "Nothing I do or say pleases him....he jerks away if I merely brush against him by accident as if I'm some sort of deadly disease, yet just a bit earlier he told me how important I was to him...t-that we were now bonded."
Lily chattered with the group of Serfs, all of whom were still asking many questions. Lily just smiled and was polite, but after a few minutes she looked around and saw that her Mistress had vanished. Lily quickly deposited her empty bowl in the wash bin and took off through the mansion, looking for Kew. She was quickly lost in the eerie hallways, unsure of how to get back to the young Vampirette's room.

Lily wandered the halls for a very long time and realized she was in the wrong wing. Rather than turning down the hallway that led to Kew's room, she'd taken the opposite which led to her mother's. She saw her mistake and hurried to get back on track before the Vampiress saw her.
Simon would finish, taken out a handkerchief of his to wipe some of her tears before handing to her to use. “What is there not to understand, you are his worst nightmare.” He chuckled as it all seemed so simple to him. He paused to sit back a slightly serious look on his face before shrugging it off and going back to his smile thinking it over.

“Well I won’t go about telling you his personal business.” Simon had no clue she knew about his mother after all. His eyes scanned the girl in front of him carefully. “I can only say he worries more about what those out there think about him than his own health or what his family may think and feel.” He would start to double check her arm again not afraid of her at all. “I’m surprised he told you at all that you were important, or bonded. Seeing as that’s admitting a weakness or attachment to something that may easily crash about him what he worked so hard to prevent.”

At that a small chuckle left his lips as if it was all a big joke, or foolish in his eyes. “That boy is so like his mother in ways, he just . . . fears that at times.” He seemed not hurt by this talk as much and Xander was. “He mother left when he was around 30, that’s about 5 and a half for you humans if not given venom. He blames her of course, when he really should be blaming me. It was a loveless marriage after all, done mostly for show . . . only real love gain from it was Xander.” A weak smile as he shook his head. “I was always busy with work, and didn’t heed her much mind, and she seemed not to care that I was. I don’t know what he resents her more for . . . what he claims was her big sin and dishonor to the family name . . . or that she abandoned him.”

At that Simon would stand to start to put some of the extra stuff up. “In truth though it was probably the best thing she could have done for him. Taken him with, well was to an unknown life, and sticking around probably would have made things worse due to her life choice.” He really wasn’t going to give away the big she ran off with a serf, perhaps out of respect for his son.

He paused smirking as he looked back at her. “Shame at you for distracting me from the favor I have to ask of you.”
Jennifer obediently sat still as he wiped her cheeks then took the cloth in her free hand, wiping her eyes furiously to disperse any more tears. Looking up, she listened closely as he relayed the story. It was almost easier for her because since she never knew her own parents, she felt no attachment to them or what they'd done. She flinched as he picked up her arm once more, going over his work thoroughly to make sure it would last. "I just wish...I could make him happy, not make him have a mental breakdown..." she stated, smiling just a bit.

When she saw the smirk, immediately Jennifer knew that he was up to something. "Favor...? Well, w-what favor do you ask of me, Master Simon...?" she asked, a bit unsure and nervous about what he wanted her to do.
“Xander isn’t a child anymore, 100 years and his own serf means he is coming of age.” Simon sat down, seeming serious around her for once. “He has never shown any interest in that special way towards, well anyone. I fear if he keeps down this path . . . well he may end up marrying for the same reason I did. The very same reasons that caused the upsetting outcome to begin with.”

There was obvious worry about the older vampire’s face at that. “He isn’t comfortable around any female since his mother left. He also doesn’t seem interested in any males that way.” He would give a weak smile towards her. “I can’t go on these famous business trips and such with him, but you will be there every step of the way. He NEEDS to start looking for a nice female vampire, needs to start realizing they all aren’t out there just to hurt and leave him. Do you understand what my favor is now?”
"Serf, come here," a demanding voice from the vampiress called out. Lily was now caught within her web, and te vampiress was not about to let her go easily. Standing from her chair, she eyed the blonde Human, noting how similar she and Kew looked. "I have a command for you, and you do your best to keep this between you and I only. If you do not comply, you can think twice about keeping your life." Her cold dark eyes seemed to burn holes within the poor Human. "As you can see, Kew is no ordinary Vampire. Her blood is... Tainted. I only keep her around as a favor, but she is very dangerous because for what she is. A threat to the traditional ways of us Vampires." The elder vampiress then proceeded to sit down in her comfortable chair in front of a mannequin with an unfinished dress fitted on it. "Your job is to keep Kew in line. I do not want her associating with anyone outside this household, do you understand? Not only is she a target, but she could damage our family's honor and respect. You keep this to yourself, understand? Another thing I should tell you about... You will grow old, and you will die. Her birth defect causes her fangs to be empty of Vampire venom. And she obviously cannot break skin in her condition." The vampiress looked to the mannequin and began her craft. "You are dismissed."
Amber was genuinely shocked by the concern, even if it were only as to ‘protect his property’. Sure that her eyes were wide and there was almost a glimmer of hope in them at the idea of NOT having to wear a collar even if for only a short time, it was almost too much. She peered out the window, her hand touching her neck from time to time for the remainder of the ride.

Soon enough they heard the sound of even more horses, and the carriage slowed to a stop. Following him she gave the other man a slight nod as he helped her down. Her eyes couldn’t help but to scan the scenery and even Amber couldn’t say a thing against it, it was quite impressive actually. She made way to the horses and was sure to give them both some attention and thanking them for the ride. She would stay with them until she was ushered away or the horses themselves were sent back to the stables to be worked down.

Jennifer's thoughts were in a flurry as he listened to what Simon told her. It was true, Alexander would grow old and alone if he continued to push away all females from his life. Even though Jenny knew that she would most likely never find true love, being a serf and all, that didn't mean Alexander couldn't. She sat back in the chair, once again stroking her hair. "You...want me to spend more time around him, so that he'll become used to females...don't you...?" she asked, taking a deep breath. Right now, she didn't even want to catch a glimpse of her master. Whenever she thought of him, all she could see was the disappointment in his eyes and somewhere deep inside her, that really stung. "...I just don't know if I can ever face him again..."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Martin scowled at her advancement to the horses and immediately stormed up to her. "What do you think you're doing?! These are the Master's personal carriage horses, you should not even look at them without his permission!" he scolded her, raising his hand in an attempt to strike her down. As his arm came down, just about to make contact with her face, Timothy swiftly caught the butler's wrist tightly. "Martin, I am the Master of this household and she is now my own personal serf. If there is a punishment to be made, I and ONLY I shall handle it. Is that clear?" he spat, throwing away his butler's arm.

"My sincerest apologies, Master Timothy...!" Martin stuttered, quickly bowing and fumbling with his hands. With that, Timothy turned to Amber. "Don't mind him, he has served the Arion household for many years. You are new and he should not have come down on you so harshly." His manner then became calm as he watched her stroke the horses' soft muzzles. It was finally nice to see someone have an interest in the magnificent beasts as much as he did. "Now come, Martin will take care of the horses," he instructed, swinging open the huge mahogany double doors, revealing the mansion inside.

Removing his white gloves, he motioned down the hallway. "The restroom is just down the corridor. I expect you to change into your new garments with haste and return back to me for further instruction." Even though Timothy definitely held his place at the top, he was level headed. However, his spirit was definitely troubled and his physical appearance deathly thin due to not having fed fresh blood in years. This caused him to be quite serious and stern most often.
Simon seemed to hesitate at that answer, before thinking it over. “I suppose that would work, or help as well. I was mostly hoping you could keep an eye out for some potential dates and collect a few numbers. Maybe set up some flirts without him even realizing it.” Simon smile seemed to fade some when he spoke of facing him again. “He’s that bad eh? Horrible and such, can’t be faced.” He tsked shaken his head. “Not sure how you will ever manage not seeing him, I mean you ARE his main serf now. If I felt that way I think I would do my best to push a chance and get past it. You know, make it work or force it too. Then again that’s the only way I know how to get past difficult moments and the pits and falls that come with inventing. Like I told him, staying bitter forever is not away to live. Do you really think he can be happy with the life he keeps pressuring himself to keep? That boy rarely takes a break, always doing paper work if not studying and trying to learn new things. Spreading himself so thin I almost expect him to drop due to exhausting at times.”
"I see...," Jennifer sighed, rising to her feet, "I...I'll see what I can do. But really, I'm not a matchmaker..." She bowed her head then straightened up. "Thank you for your kind words and help with my wrist," she told him, a smile crossing her troubled face. "I believe if I follow what he really wants of me first, then maybe things will be less tense between us and I can fulfill your expectations." Before she turned to go on her way, she grasped his arm gently and bent down, kissing the elder vampire's hand as a sign of respect.

With that done, she began to wander the halls in search of a suitable room. She felt as if her brain had turned to mush and she just needed to rest, let these circumstances sink in herself process them. At this point, she didn't care whether the room was way down by the entrance or right next door to Alexander. Truthfully, she had no clue where she was going, only looking for a bed to sleep in.
Lily cringed when she heard the Vampiress command her to enter the room. She listened carefully to what she had to say, fearing what the woman would do if she did not comply. Lily blushed when she was told that she was going to grow old and die. Kew was incapable of giving her the venom she would require to live forever with her Mistress. That meant that eventually, she would have to say good-bye to Kew, and her Mistress would move on and take in another pet.

Lily didn't quite understand what she was being told. Was she to keep Kew from leaving the house completely, or was she to protect her when she was out? Her mother said she was a 'target'; did that mean if she left the estate that someone would try to kill her? She assumed this meant that the Mistress could leave, she was just to make sure that Kew kept to herself while she was out.

The Vampiress dismissed the young Serf, and, still terrified, Lily quickly left the room without a word. She dashed down the hallway and finally found the door to Kew's room. She waited and tried to calm herself before knocking, so that the Vampirette would not know what happened or think that something was wrong. Once she had settled her nerves, she gently tapped on the door and waited for her owner to give permission to enter.

Simon would just chuckle heading back to his basement to work on his experiments once more. Deep down he hopes that the trouble would end quickly for both their cases. He was worried a little sure, but he was hoping for the best possible solution as well.

Xander would be up bright and early the next morning, but like always he kept mostly to his room. A list of chores would be handed to Jennifer, and if she wished she could handle delivering food and hot tea to her master. Simon’s scribbles seemed to have secretly added it before their last meeting and before she got the list. Something about making sure he didn’t over work himself. Like the old man was one to even talk.

Amber winced once she heard a raised voice and quickly turned to the speaker just as he went to strike her. Closing her eyes tightly all that came to her senses were more angered words, yet not aimed at her. She opened her eyes to see the man was nearly crapping his pants. She swallowed a laugh and quickly turned back to the horses as to hide it. She nodded at his apology, wondering where was the catch to all this before biding adieu to the majestic creatures and following him once more.

Following him inside now she made sure to take note of the layout of the less impressive, almost unwelcoming. Shaking the thought from her head she made way to the restroom, shifting the bag uncomfortably in her hands. She began to take off her dress, and wonder what to do of if so she quickly folded it and put it off to the side while putting on the new dress, with little mishap. The thing fit like a glove and she found herself glancing in the mirror, her amber eyes stood out completely now with the dress complimenting them.

She intentionally left the collar in the bag, knowing she would need it sooner or later, but a part of her wished the d*mned thing would just get and remain lost. With a sigh she stepped through the doors and went off to see what was to be done by her. An attempt to escape would be quite foolish when she knew nothing of the area or if this one was tolerable, so she only glanced wistfully out the windows wishing to be born under a different star.

Rosa looked up shocked, “Why would I be doing that?” she asked trying to follow his logic but before he could answer someone knocked at the window. She turned about worried what or whom she may see. Who knew what demons lurked or haunted the outside world. She was relieved to see it was someone her Master knew and she stepped back out of the way.

But it was someone else, a friend of her master’s. She took a step forward dropping low into a courtesy bowing her head in greeting. She wondered if she should leave or slip into her chamber, or the closet, while they spoke. Her eyes flit over the vampire who had entered the he wore long pants but also a blouse more similar to a woman’s. Master had called him Eve than also referred to her as Adam.

As they chatted she stood quietly listening until she was given further instruction. Once Master explained who Sir Abram was it became very clear to her. A small smile broke across her face, “Clever,” she said looking at them curiously.

However this smile vanished the moment he said he wanted to start a plantation. Rosa had risked beating to come work for this Master and avoid the life of breeder. She knew she had the temperament, frame and looks of any good Broodmother*. Was she now going to be thrust into this life? Rosa took a step back her face falling and looking down feeling herself begin to shake. She knew what it meant to be a broodmother, although she had never been a mom plantation handlers were very creative with their punishments.

*This is a play off of the word Broodmare, a female horse used for breeding.

The young black haired girl was fast asleep under the blankets of her bed. The night before, she pretty much had stumbled into the first room she came to, checked the drawers for clothes or personal items, and finding none she collapsed upon the bed in exhaustion. The sunlight shone through the window onto her gentle face but still she did not wake. She'd removed her crown braid just before she'd fallen asleep and now her long, straight black hair was sprawled in every direction across the pillow beneath her head. Her chest rose up and down ever so slightly with her soft breathing.

Groaning, she slowly began to awake from her deep slumber, the sunshine finally penetrating her eyelids and causing discomfort. Suddenly, she jerked to a sitting position, forgetting where she was and fear holding her tightly in its icy grip. It took a few minutes, but finally the events of the day before began resurfacing. Sighing, she threw off the covers and stood, immediately spotting the list laid so carefully on the dresser before her. She did her best to detangle her hair with her fingers, making it look presentable enough, then straightened out the wrinkles in her maid's outfit, that she'd slept in.

Grasping the list, her crystal blue eyes scanned over its contents. First things first, she should get started on the tea and hot biscuits for Master Alexander's breakfast. Groggily, she rubbed her eyes and made her way downstairs to the kitchen where she found most of the serfs were already up and bustling about. Feeling embarrassed that she'd slept in so late, she hurried to fill the kettle with water and hang it over the fire. The serfs explained to her how to make the biscuits and quickly handed her a silver tray. In no time, she had a scrumptious looking platter laden with steaming tea and two buttered biscuits.

Now came the hard part. She inhaled deeply, calming her mind, and traveled slowly up the stairs towards the dreaded chamber of her Master. When she arrived, she balanced the tray on her knee and softly knocked on the door, however, she dared not speak after the horrible situation of the day before.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Timothy sat up straight with an almost bewildered expression for a moment as his new pet walked out of the restroom. The dress looked simply stunning on her form, fitting perfectly. However, he was quick to mask his surprise, beckoning her over with his hand. "Now, are you going to tell me your real name or do I have to guess?" he asked, a bit of sarcasm coating his voice. From the start, he could tell that Wilde couldn't have been her real name; it sounded too much like a pet name given by the vampires running the plantation. His eyes instinctively wandered down to her wrist, his body aching for the nutrients only found in human blood, but he remained poised and relaxed, not giving away his need to his new serf.
Bret shrugged, "Wherever you like, it really doesn't matter to me as long as I don't shrivel up and die," he stated sarcastically. The only reason he hadn't run away yet was his strong desire to live forever. Once he figured out how to live forever without serving a vampire he was gone. He did not believe it was fair that one being had such power and he wanted to steal the secret and right the wrongs in the world. It was kind that his Mistress had asked but Bret forced himself to ignore the kindness. He needed to disconnect from all human emotion.
After a few moments, Kew had opened the door. She examined Lily for a moment, who seemed like she tried her best to calm herself, but there was still that unsettled vibe. Stepping to the side so the serf could enter, Kew yawned once again. Score gently closing the door behind her. The vampirette wanted to ask Lily what had happened, but it most likely had everything to do with her mother, and that was something she would rather not know.

Strollig over to her wardrobe, Kew pulled out a nightgown before walking to the bath room to bathe. She looked back at Lily. The serf had been through a lot for the day, perhaps she would like to relax and clean up. "You can bathe first." She stated.
Iliana realized that Bret didn't seem to care about much of anything, other than being sarcastic. She found often that it could be over and done with much quicker if she bit the Serf on the neck, and it was usually less painful for the most part since the venom was put into a much bigger vein and numbed them quicker than on the wrist. She got up and walked over to where he was standing, having to look up to see him. She only reached his shoulders' height. She asked if this was okay.
Bret nodded bending his knees slightly so she could better reach his shoulder. He unbuttoned his vest and half of his shirt so that his shoulder and most of his scarred torso was revealed. It was no shock that his whipping would leave white criss crossings across his body but in a few place his ribs were still a bit yellowish. Daily fights with multiple opponents leaving their "calling cards" all of his chest would leave marks. They of course would only last a few more days but they still ached. The throbbing had long ago faded. To be truthful the thing that bothered him most was the bruise over his eye.
Lily walked into the room and took the nightgown that her Mistress handed her, once again confused as to why she was being treated so well, but surely not objecting to it. Her mistress had even offered to let her bathe first. She kindly objected. "Please, Mistress, I insist you go first. It's important that you be well rested." She couldn't imagine taking a bath before her mistress, it seemed downright inappropriate that she be clean and Kew not.
Abram’s touch lightened when he saw his beloved wince. He became to fuse inwardly of the man that called himself Vinny’s father. He pushed a loose lock from his face but his hand would soon be frozen while the man spoke words that tugged on his heartstrings. Pulling his hand away, he tussled his own hair, wishing that one day those words wouldn’t hurt, wouldn’t cut, his face a skillful blank. “A… plantation?” Oh do clue me in, for I can not fathom where this may go” to be honest he had a slight idea, but he noticed he wasn’t the only one feeling dread at his words in the room.


Xander, couldn’t help checking his time. The food was late . . . he was one to have a set time for every one of his needs. It was how he kept busy, kept distracted from the past that haunted him. “You’re late.” He spoke calmly as he heard the knock, having not a clue whom was bringing him his food. That stern strict manner shared towards most his serfs.

When/if she entered, he would be seated at that desk, papers spread out everywhere as he tried to fill out, sort and handle them all. It seemed like Xander did his best to have his hands in most things, from the plantations, to the schooling, to politics even. Probably more of an investor at times, but so busy he didn’t even look up to see who it is. “Has the new serf woke yet? We need to get her tag changed, I don’t think she’s capable of handling a market run alone yet.”

Iliana saw that Bret was marked with many scars, probably from fights at the Plantation. She wondered if the Vampires had put them there or if he had just been a mischievous one that often got into fights with the other humans. She leaned up and bit his neck, taking blood while injecting the venom he would need to stay the same age. She couldn't help but wonder how humans could stand having their flesh ripped open on a daily basis. Sure, they would live forever if they received venom, but it had to hurt, right?
Jennifer slowly grasped the knob and swung open the door then carried the breakfast tray inside. She was surprised by the amount of paperwork all over the entire room. This couldn't be good for his health. She looked down in shame as he mentioned the statement of her not being able to handle the market run alone, but she knew it was true and accepted that fact. She spied an empty place on his desk where there was minimal clutter so she could set the tray down but knew better than to startle him. Cautiously, she cleared her throat. "Yes, she's awake," she answered him, her voice a mere whisper.

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