Ambrose a Vampire RP

Jennifer hurried downstairs and slipped into the kitchen, grateful that all the serfs had left to go complete their chores for the day. She rummaged through the drawers until she came to a small knife about the right size. She ran it under scalding hot water to disinfect and sanitize it, then waited for the heat to subside. When it was at a low enough temperature, she carefully took it in her left hand and held out her right wrist over a cup. Her hand quivering some, she gently poked the tip of the knife into the vein of her left wrist. She whimpered ever so softly but delt with the pain fairly well as she drew the knife across, forming a clean open slit. She then allowed the blood to run from the wound into the cup, filling it up to about the amount she guessed Alexander would need. Then, she washed off the knife as well as her new wound and wrapped it carefully in some cleath cloth, which served as gauze.

Jennifer grasped the cup in both hands and began her climb to the second floor. It wasn't long before she reached Alexander's chamber. Venturing inside, she set the cup ever so softly on his desk, close enough that he would see it. Planning to leave before she saw his reaction, she made a beeline for the doorway, expertly hiding her bandaged arm beneath her apron.
Amber was instantly relieved. Even if this one was playing the nice card for now, he was still one of them. She had to keep reminding herself of this, to not fall for this false charm. At his command to heel on command like a dog, no wait a dog would have more rights she responded with a flat “Yes.” No sir, no agreement, only a statement that he made himself clear.

Once more she was to follow him and had to match his quicker pace. He was handing her the layout on a silver platter, the aforementioned information had more uses than one. Though the whole speal about not going to the East Wing made Amber wonder if her curiosity would kill her before she would get herself killed doing more worthy things. His facial expression at the moment made it all that much harder. Lucky for her he kept ahead of her while he was talking, for when he brought up the man from before she made both a sour face and a plan to explore and find things for herself instead of being alone with him. Amber’s thoughts distracted her from her steps and she found herself stopping mere inches from bumping into

Xander was in surprise, and couldn’t help feel ill at the site of it alone. Had she not realized the reason why he had pass up on the feeding? What a foolish girl . . . he was trying to save her. Standing him gently took the cup to sip it as he went to try to hunt her down. If she had already hurt herself somewhere perhaps he could give her the venom there. IF he managed to find her he would simple say in that businesslike manner. “I can’t help but get the feeling I have angered you somehow.”
Jennifer hadn't made it too far just yet. Standing out in the hallway, she was peering down at the scrap of paper which had her instructions for the day on it. If she was going to get all this done before the market, she would have to hurry. When her eyes settled on taking care of some of the horses, however, they lit up instantly and she smiled. Hearing footsteps, she lifted her head and once again caught Alexander's eyes in her own. She quickly glanced away and cleared her throat. "O-oh, no you haven't angered me. I just...saw how much work you had to get done and you need the energy. So if you were going to skip the feeding anyway, I figured I might as well at least give you your energy," she explained thoughtfully, the stubborness that had been rising up in her a moment earlier melting away at his voice. Somehow, she just couldn't stay angry at Alexander when she was around him. He did something to her she couldn't explain, and it irritated her greatly that she didn't know what it was.

Raising an eyebrow, Timothy extended his arm and caught Amber's shoulder just before she ran into him, for she was looking everywhere except where she was going. The vampire sighed in exasperation; he had a lot of work to do with this girl. Shaking his head and rubbing his forehead, he turn right down another corridor. "Amber," he spoke up to make sure she was in pursuit. He continued to make his way down the corridor, which the farther they went, the more extravagant it became. Finally, he stopped and swung open two double doors of a room to the left. "This is my personal chamber. When I am not inhabiting it, I expect you to keep it clean and upkept. When I am dwelling here; however, you are to knock first unless I have specifically called for you," Timothy relayed the instructions concisely but at the same time, he studied Amber's gentle face out of the corner of his eye. She seemed to be plotting something...and he didn't like it.
Amber had barely caught her balance when she felt his cool grip stop and steady her. She gasped, now realizing just how cold his touch was. Saying nothing she remained silent for the duration. As she followed, always taking everything in, she began to feel as if she were in somewhat of a maze, she felt as if she were being led every which way. She started to notice a change in the decor and style as they continued further alone, and when he threw two doors open she glanced in to see a large and fancy bedroom, abetting a somewhat gloomy sense to it. She nodded to his instructions, easy enough. Keep clean, don’t disturb, petty annoyances she was so ‘thrilled’ to begin. Looking somewhat bored she would attempt to glance out a window if there was one nearby to catch sight of the horses while waiting further unwanted instruction.

Timothy clasped his hands behind him, seeing she had received the instruction fairly well. However, he could tell she was distracted, more than likely by the beautiful creatures inhabiting the stables down below. His cold gaze settled on her eyes once more to catch her attention. "If you wish, you may go out and tend to my stallion for your first task. I believe it will set your mind more at ease and hopefully, you'll be more alert and attentive when Hanna gives you your instructions for the day," he stated, almost snapping at her but managing to keep his calm manner. As if on cue, a young woman, looking about in her twenties, bustled down the hallway, carrying a stack of clean, white towels in her arms. "Oh, Master Timothy," she greeted the vampire, curtsying and balancing the towels all at the same time. Her voice carried an Irish accent and an enormous smile crossed her lips as she beamed, seeing Amber.

"Hanna, please escort Amber, my new personal serf, downstairs to the kitchen then show her my stable. She will be tending to Gold and the two paints today for her first instruction," Timothy commanded her, though his voice was much more calm and compliant than when he spoke to his new pet, "When she is finished, I request her presence in my chamber to be given her dose of venom." "Right away, Sir," Hanna replied cheerfully, bowing once more to show the vampire her respect. "Come along now, young one," she bid Amber, beginning to walk down the hall once more. If Amber chose to follow, then Timothy's gaze would follow her as long as she was in sight as he stuffed his hands deep into his jacket pockets.
Amber jumped some when he spoke again and couldn't hide a smile when he told her that she could not only go outside, but to see the horses as well. She watched his expressions, knowing it best to try and get a read on any vampire you knew you would have to see again. Once he spoke of the ne named Hanna she heard the footsteps of the aforementioned, obviously busy in another task. She was glad to see this one, she seemed to have a kindness in her eyes and wasn’t a vampire to boot!

Listening as Timothy instructed the pair, Amber watched the two interact, noticing she didn’t shy away or seem fearful. A good sign, but alas Amber wasn’t about to write this one off as safe. She made that mistake with a vampire before, never again. Everything was fine and dandy until he spoke of her venom once more. Feeling herself pale she made sure to not let him see her face any longer and was quick to step in toe with Hanna.

The walk was a pleasant one, Hanna filled her in some on the daily workings of the estate and acted almost fondly towards Amber to her surprise. Then ended up in the kitchen where Hanna prepared tea with honey and Amber sliced bread and butter, and even found some meat for them to share. They sat quietly, Amber glancing out the window while eating, noticing from quick glances Hanna seemed to be thinking hard about something. The excited girl quickly finished and cleaned up and ran towards the doors with a panicked Hanna following her.

In no time at all Amber would be in the stables. An uncontainable smile was written across her face while her eyes were wide in awe. She went to each the horses in turn and bid a kind hello, noticing that one in particular was a less kind beast, but when he jumped at her she managed to keep her cool and talk kindly to him whilst clicking her tongue. That one she was smart enough to give some distance for now and didn’t try to pet. She was already feeding and prepping the stalls when an out of breath Hanna came in and lectured her. But of course Amber brushed her off, she had a job to do after all.

Perhaps it was what to come, or maybe she lost track of time trying to tend to all the horses, either way as the sun set and her chores plus some were completed she curled up in the hay and fell asleep. Her breathe would start out slow and soon she would be breathing contently, finally at peace.

The next morning, the sun shone through the half opened curtains of the Vampirette's previously dark room. The sunbeams rested on her face, illuminating her sleeping form. All seemed quiet except for the chirping of outside birds. It had rained the night before, and now water was slowly dripping from the ceiling. After all, the bell tower was directly above Kew's room, and only a few old boards of wood on the ceiling separated them.




Went the dripping water, which began to annoy the Vampirette, even in her sleep.
Lily woke up long before her Mistress, quickly heading to the kitchen without waking Kew. Once there she met the older woman from last night, who helped her make a large, delicious breakfast for the sleeping vampirette. She arranged fruits, juices, a couple breads and muffins, and some oatmeal with fresh blueberries on a silver tray. Lily thanked thewoman for her assistance and picked up the platter, carrying it back to Kew's room to serve her Mistress breakfast in bed.

Lily tapped lightly on the door before entering so her mistress would rouse from sleep. "Good morning, Mistress Kew." Lily said politely, then she placed the tray beside Kew on the plush bed.
Hanna propped her hands up on her waist, shaking her head and tsking her tongue. "My my, isn't she a hyper one. I wonder what Master Timothy had in mind when he picked her out," she mused to herself, chuckling.

The stable was well built, yet small since it harbored only Timothy's personal horses. The two paints were chewing away at some of the hay left in their stall when Amber skipped in, but they immediately lifted their heads, their ears pricked towards the interesting sight. Other than the paints, there was gray, which wasn't the friendliest horse but was one of the best when it came to hunting parties. It swiveled its ears forward, then back as the energetic girl pranced just a little too close for comfort. It seemed to calm down as she spoke to it softly, but continued to stamp its feet nervously and flatten its ears. Hanna picked up the folds of her skirt and quickly followed behind Amber until she reached the temperamental gray. "Oh Jedediah, quit your tantrum. She isn't going to hurt you," she scolded lightly with her Irish voice, gently patting the horse's long nose.

They all were beautiful horses, however, there was only one that stood out from all of them. A magnificent buckskin stallion stood in the middle stall on the right row. Its coat shone like gold while its long mane and tail rippled downwards resembling pitch black silk. Upon the stall door was a silver plate with the name "Golden Wings" etched in white onto its shimmery surface. The buckskin lifted his noble, magnificently sculpted head, pricking his ears towards the intruder. No doubt he was the steed Timothy had ridden the first time to the plantation. He gave a low snort and extended his head, trying to catch the new serf's scent as she ran to and fro, tending to the horses' needs.

Little did Amber know that Timothy had a clear view of the stable from his window and was watching intently as she scurried inside. "Master Timothy." At the sound of Martin's voice, the vampire turned to face his loyal butler. "Sir, you should rest. Still not having fed in so long, you look about to collapse," he stated worriedly, smoothing out the bed's top cover. Timothy heaved a heavy sigh and ran his fingers through his hair, too tired to argue with his butler. "Alright, but make sure the new serf brings up hot tea in no longer than an hour," he responded firmly, taking a seat upon the wide, four poster bed. "Yes, Sir," the butler replied, hurrying out the door.

"Amber....Amber, honey, wake up," Hanna's gentle voice told the sleeping girl. Reaching out, she gently shook Amber's shoulder, "The Master shouldn't be kept waiting for his tea."
The Vampirette groaned and pulled the covers over her head. She was a difficult one to try to wake in morning. That is of course if her mother did not need her. However, once the aroma of a delicious meal was caught in her nostrils, the young girl sat straight up, however, bumping her head into Lily's in the process. Groaning, the vampirette held her head in pain. "Sorry..." She apologized. Kew's appearance was quite humorous. Her hair was messy, as if static electricity had taken a hold of her blonde locks. She had dark circles around her eyes, and the sheets and blankets of her bed were twirled, wrinkled, and out of place.
Xander’s eyes were strong but deep down he was glad it was she that looked away so he didn’t have too this time. A questioning look crossed his face, and he would look back to his room, busy was an understatement but it was all he knew. He did it to himself though, and he wasn’t going to deny that fact. “I see.” A simple answer as he thought it over more. “And at this thought of yours, did you think to consider why I may have skipped it today?” Business like always, but at least a bit more gentle in his question. “Where did you get the blood from, I have to be honest, I never was a fan of the site of blood . . . so please, although I know your being considerate, don’t do it this way again.”
"Oh, alright. I just was better than you having to touch me, since you seem to dislike it so much," Jennifer answered timidly, running her fingers over the bandage on her wrist, which she kept behind her back, "As to why you wanted to skip a feeding today...I-I'm not sure." She crinkled the list in her hands slightly, glancing a look at his face to see his expression. "Did you...want my appearance to turn to my real age?" she guessed, for she still looked only fourteen when in fact she was sixteen, two years older. She let her deep black hair fall partly across her face as she looked up at him, much like a confused puppy. She skillfully danced around the question he asked pertaining to where she got the blood; why did it matter?
Xander couldn’t help by seem a bit dazed by her words, taken a back but not in a negative light. “I come off as that harsh do I?” His voice actually soften some, what was he to do? He had a lot to worry about, but he wasn’t being fair to her was he? He would glance to the blood in the cup kicking himself for doing so before handing it to the nearest Serf that passed for them to put it away. He had tried to drink some, managed a little but the site of it really didn’t agree with him.

“I suppose, I should explain myself . . . although I don’t think it will soften the way I must seem to you if I did.” He sighed and actually for once leaned against a wall. “I don’t want to risk getting close. Any such touch, or attention may form habits in which may end up repeating in public. I already have awful rumors to tend to as it is, and everyone is just waiting to see if I fall like my mother did. After all . . . we share the same sickening . . . blood.” Strict and to the point, but at least he was honest. He could have not cared and let her go about doing whatever.

A hand of his would run through his hair at the next part hearing her voice. “As for aging no, I merely would have to get too close to feed . . . in certain places, and . . . for some reason the thoughts of such brought me a new discomfort.” At that he would turn to head back to his work. “I don’t know how old you really are seeing as we both established the seller was crooked. Therefore, it would be foolish of me to risk such actions. Unless of course you wished to age, then I will allow it.”
Jennifer looked into his eyes in an almost comforting way. "That's the thing about the whole...vampire society. Everyone is so strict, having to follow all these rules. Why care what they think? Shouldn't the opinion of your loving father and family matter more...?" she asked, her voice a mere whisper as she looked down again, "He really misses being with you, you know...Your father, that is." She pulled her hair back away from her face, tucking it behind her ears cautiously. The last thing she wanted to do was anger him, but he needed to know how his father really felt about him.

"All I know is, society is too much for one to handle. No matter what happens, I...I want you to know that I won't...e-ever think you a disgrace," Jennifer murmured, her face reddening slightly in embarrassment at the statement she'd just allowed to flow from her mouth. That thought was supposed to have stayed in her head! "I-I'm sixteen, by the way, just so you know," she quickly added, hoping he hadn't been paying much attention to her previous thought she'd spoken aloud, "I-I uh...probably should tend to the horses now." Hoping to escape the awkward moment, she turned on her heel and started to walk away, though she knew she probably wouldn't get far.
Xander would glance up to her when she spoke of his father only to laugh a bit. “My father is busier than me usually. He doesn’t even take the time to rest like the rest of us. He goes till he passes out at his desk.” She really didn’t get the whole family dynamic it seemed, but that didn’t seem to bug him. “He’s always been that way.” Xander had to raise himself in that manner. “He lets me do what I wish, and cares less of what the other vampires might think, but he also knows there are limits. This is the world we live in; we can’t just change it at the drop of a hat.”

“We don’t get to write the rules; we merely follow what life lays out for us. This is true . . . but like when you rebelled from the plantation, I rebel the best I can from what I was given unfairly.” He paused though not sure how to answer why he cared what others think. “Because, what I am to them, is all I am in this world.” It was really that simple, he had no mother, his father was too busy, so the only ones to ever really give him attention even if it was in a negative life was those outside. Course her comment about never seeing him as a disgrace got such a cute ‘really’ look, like she should know how much a difference her views from there’s meant.

Hearing her age he gave a nod, making a mental note to it, not about to stop her from her work. “Do you wish to age then? If not I’m sure I can get you venom today if you’re that worried about it. It usually takes a few days for it to run out of a human’s system though.”
To her surprise, Alexander actually seemed...pleased that her opinion was so different from the mast majority of the vampire population. Jennifer's eyes glimmered slightly and she turned around, a gentle smile upon her lips. Finally! Something had pleased him. "Well, being your personal serf, I have all the time in the world to er...spend time with you, unlike your father and the other vampires. Uh, I mean here at the house where no one can see of course!" she chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of her neck, "B-but I understand about the rumors and such. It's...hard being looked down upon. If anyone, I should know."

Pulling her wrapped arm from behind her back, she straightened out her apron, which was still quite wrinkled from being slept in. "If it would please you, I wouldn't mind looking a bit more my age. People tend to think I can't handle things, looking so young and all. B-but it's up to you, being my Master," she answered. Turning, she strolled to the window, peering down at the small stable in which the carriage and Xander's own horse were kept. She looked forward to stroking their manes and tending to them.
“Do you really think that would be appropriate?” Xander was back to his cold manner at her comments of spending time with him. He already spoke of the fear of what habits such things may end up creating. “You have your own work to do, and we’re both very busy. That and you need to learn how to relax, and enjoy your breaks. Now hurry along . . . if you want to hit the market. You also have to straighten yourself up still . . . can’t have you going about the house looking like I don’t care how my serf keeps herself.” He merely nodded his head when she spoke of wanting to age at least a bit more. “Then it’s decided, we will cancel the feedings until such time.”
"I...I suppose not," Jennifer agreed quickly. What was she thinking anyway? She was allowing herself to let her own guard down to a vampire, nonetheless! "Yes, work. I'll be doing that," she stated, turning and walking down the hallway. She needed to clear Alexander from her head, but somehow, he kept managing to jam his way into her thoughts. Oh well, at least she wouldn't have to worry about his fangs puncturing her skin for a few days. What would it be like to look in the mirror and see herself two years older? The thought excited her yet terrified her at the same time. "I hope I'll be taller," she wished, running her hand on the wall, "All the other serfs can scowl down at me right'd be nice to actually look at some of the serfs eye to eye."

She scurried down the stairs, flew through the kitchen, and made her way to the stables. Her eyes lit up as she walked inside, bringing back the memories of riding while she was on the plantation. Immediately, she approached the nearest horse and slowly held out her hand, crooning gently. "Hey there...I wonder what your name is," she murmured, lightly placing her palm on the warm, velvety muzzle. "Who cares about stuffy Alexander when I have you guys," she laughed softly. Gosh, it felt good to laugh. She hadn't in so long. The last time she remembered hearing her own laughter, it was during her combat training. She had skillfully knocked out the vampire's legs from under him and kicked him to the ground. He had been one of the ones who fed on her the roughest, so it was nice to teach him a lesson. Of course, he had beat her down and make sure to cause even more pain when he fed from then on, but it had felt nice, seeing him rub his jaw in discomfort.
Xander of course would go back to his work, doing what he could. Finding himself glancing to the door off and on, as if wondering when she would return for the market trip. He was annoyed that she managed to now distract him in ways, without even being there. There wasn’t much he could do about it though besides try to bury himself into his work . . . why was did doing such, seem easier before.
Jennifer then grabbed a pitch fork and began heaving flakes of hay into the horses' feed bins, humming as she did. Subconsciously, she found herself beginning to sway back and forth as a song formed in her head. Gradually, her body began to move more and more until she broke into a slow, flowing dance. Her graceful legs glided over the barn floor and her arms moved fluidly through the air as she went. Grabbing a bucket she dance back and forth from the water pump outside to the water bins for the majestic animals.

Finally, she let herself fall backwards into a pile of hay, smiling. Reaching up, she began to run her fingers through a beautiful bay horse's mane. She began crooning and talking to it and before long, she found herself pouring out all her troubles to the animal. The horse was busy, chewing mouthfuls of hay, but always kept its ears pricked towards her soothing voice. "Alexander....He just, infuriates me and it's only been a day since I've been here," she explained to the horse, continuously stroking its main and powerful shoulder, "Yet, I can't seem to stand up to him like I could the vampires on the plantation. I just...melt and my courage fades when he gives me that...that cold, uncaring stare." Looking into the horse's liquid brown eyes, she smiled and brushed its forelock away from its face. "What do you think of him? Does he ride well?" she asked, as if the horse could answer.

When Jennifer had finally finished her conversation with the gentle beast, she brushed the hay from her maid's uniform, grimacing. "Great...I guess I'll have to bathe before going to the market," she sighed, "Or Master Alexander might throw a fit." Entering the house, she made her way to the restroom. However, she made sure to keep a careful eye out in case Alexander might be wandering the halls. She always peeked around the corner before continuing down in that direction and kept her footsteps light so as to avoid detection.
Xander of course wouldn’t be roaming, he would stick himself to his room as always. If he knew she hadn’t straightened up before doing her chores even he would have given her a lecture. In his eyes everything must look it’s best in case anyone came a calling at a moment’s time.

Instead of doing work he found himself reshuffling papers, moving them around, but getting little else done. He had to go to one of the plantations and expect them next week and that was something that had started to bug him since he got Jennifer. Wondering if he should just leave her at home . . . it wasn’t like he was going to be gone more than the day after all. He paused a deep frown crossing his face as he wondered why he was letting the girl off so easily. If he wasn’t careful she would get lazy, perhaps useless even.

She did mention something about being around him more . . . perhaps his thoughts early were wrong. Maybe keeping her around would help his reactions to her more. He couldn’t help start to ponder if she threw him off just because she was new, it would explain a bit more . . . wouldn’t it? His eyes trailed about the papers again . . . perhaps he could teacher her to do some of the more educated work. Work he was sure most serfs didn’t have the knowledge to handle, but if . . . he taught her perhaps.
Finding the restroom after about fifteen minutes of searching the huge house, she slipped inside and turned on the water. Looking at herself in the mirror, she pursed her lips together. She was a mess; thank heaven she hadn't run into Alexander on the way here. Seeing a brush on the counter, she grasped it and began brushing out the tangles as well as straw from her long, black hair.

When the tub was full, she undressed, thankful to finally get rid of the awful corset which made it quite hard to breathe. She turned the handle, shutting off the water, and tested the temperature with her hand to make sure it was hot enough to cleanse her but not so much that she couldn't bare it. Finding it manageable, she slipped in, inhaling sharply at the intense warmth that surrounded her thin body. Taking some soap and rag, she then began washing herself from head to toe, making sure to scrub behind her ears and wash the rest of the hay out of her hair. It took some time, but finally she stepped out, clean as a whistle. Quickly she reached for a nearby towel and dried off, extracting as much water as she could from her hair.

However, Jennifer ran into a problem, looking at her maid's outfit. It was soiled from her work in the barn and she couldn't go out to the market wearing it. "Ooh, what to do...," she said worriedly, glancing about. She couldn't just put it back on and go to her room to change, because then it would make her dirty and smelling like a horse again. This was certainly a predicament. Her face colored deeply as she thought about having to make a dash for her room in only a towel. "Perfect, Jennifer, look at the mess you've gotten yourself into!" she sighed angrily.
What in the world was taken that girl so long? Xander had been careful with not over working her due to her arm. Now he was really wondering if she was slacking, or perhaps she changed her mind about the market. She could have at least had the decent sense to tell him if she did.

. . . more paper shuffling before another thought came to his mind. The girl didn’t show him where or how she got him the blood. Taken a deep sigh he placed his head in his hand imagining her passed out somewhere due to lack of blood. How troublesome.

Standing almost at once he would start to ask around about where she might be. One probably seeing her head down the hall he sighed doing so himself before calling out. “Jennifer?” How inappropriate and embarrassing to do so, but he wasn’t going to risk losing his serf due to feeling such.
Jennifer nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of her master's voice. What would she do now? "I-I'm just freshening up is all! However, I'm afraid I don't have anything else to wear to the market and don't have time to wash the outfit you originally gave me," she finally responded loudly enough for him to hear. Her hair spilled over her shoulder, sending water droplets down her arms and neck since it was still wet. "Maybe there's something your father's serf has that I could wear until we get some more clothes from the market?" she suggested, praying that the whole situation would turn out alright.

Her wrist still stung slightly from the hot water, but the bandage was holding up well. All she would have to do is pay a visit to the kitchen and re-wrap it before they left to go into town.

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