Ambrose a Vampire RP

Xander nodded, going through what she told him, trying to make sure she didn’t miss anything. Placing his small bag away as well, moving he was about to leave before frowning some. “Your tag, did you get your name added? Or do you want strangers to just refer to you as my serf?” He patted his horse gently before looking to her again . . . perhaps he could test tonight his new idea.
Jennifer looked down at the tag which hung from the leather strap about her neck. "I...I didn't know if you wanted me to get that myself. What would you like printed on it?" she asked, her eyes moving from the tag to his feet, "Just my name, since the address is already inscribed, right? O-or is there something important that I'm missing...?" She clasped her hands together in front of her, now fiddling with the bandage on his right wrist. Thankfully it was holding up and the blood had stopped flowing considerably so it was not visible on the material just yet.
Xander hesitated, before gently lifting his hand to touch the tag after it was back hanging around her neck. “That was what I planned; I thought I had made it clear.” His eyes stayed on the tag a nice distraction before he realized his hand was lingering too long. He would turn from her. “Why . . . do you think it needs something else? Is it missing something important?” He sighed placing a hand to his head. “Why are such simple things so difficult for you at times?”
"I was just asking if I remembered correctly," Jennifer replied with a bit of a sigh, resisting the strong urge to frown at the way he downgraded her. She was quite intelligent, it's just that she...she lost some of her level headedness when around Xander, it wasn't her fault.

Turning, she looked around until she saw a specific shop that looked geared towards tagging serfs. Immediately she began walking towards it, needing to get away from Alexander so she could cool her stubborness. She soon disappeared through the shop's doorway. Several serfs were in line, most with their masters, so she stepped into it and waited. The line moved fairly fast, though she bit her lip, seeing the way the tag engraver jerked the serfs around like wild dogs. When it was her turn, she sat down on the stool. "Name?" the engraver almost growled in a deep, gruff voice. "Jennifer," was her simple answer. Reaching out, he grabbed her collar and adjusted it so he could have easy access to the tag, then began to print her name into it. When he was finished, he barked, "Next!" and shoved her off the stool, almost sending her to her knees. Regaining her balance, she scurried out of the shop before grasping her tag and examining it. She'd never really seen her full name written out before, since she always put Jenny on her papers back in the serf plantation school, but she seemed to like how it was spelled. Cautiously, she made her way back to her master, though she went straight to the gray horse and rubbed behind its ears, her back to Alexander.
Xander was fiddling with the bag, not liking any of the items he would put it in the trash after awhile. They all hurt too much or left a mark too obvious in his eyes. HE would have to get creative, and in truth he was starting to get annoyed with some of the treatments vampires gave the serfs if some of those items were popular. He would watch her, frowning as it was her who kept her back to him. “Come here . . .” He frowned, she didn’t expect him to not make sure the name was done right did she? IF she came closer he would reach to take the tag once more studying it. “You didn’t have much trouble getting all the stuff I take it, and you now know how to come and go from her in case you wish to on your own, or I send you on errands?”
Kew blinked when she saw one of her siblings standing in the doorway. The vampirette swallowed nervously as he eyes both the Vampirette and the Serf. The older brother merely sighed in disgust. "Can't we have any useful people in this house?" He shook his head and tossed a piece of paper at Kew. "We need groceries, and mother figured it was a good time to put your new serf to proper use." The odd vampire then left without a word.
Jennifer crooned to the graceful, gray mare and pulled an apple from her pocket. "Now look what I have. Oh yes, and it's all yours," she murmured gently. She had the produce attendant slice it in half so she could give one half each to both horses. She smiled gently as she felt the horses' velvety muzzled graze her hands, chomping down on the sweet, juicy morsel. Stiffening at Xander's command, she slowly turned and made her way up to him, refusing now to look at his face when she knew he was watching. She looked instead his hands as he picked up the tag then when he was busy examining it, only then did she chance a glance at his face. "Not at all. You are to send me on as many errands as you wish," she answered plainly. Reaching up, she tucked her hair behind her ears as she waited for him to approve her new tag.
Lily looked down at the floor when he said that there was no one useful. After the boy left, Lily looked to her Mistress. "I'm sorry I'm not useful..." she said, her cheeks turning pink. She walked over to Kew, bowing slightly and holding out her hands for Kew to give her the grocery list. "Please let me go get the groceries for you, Miss Kew." She thought maybe she could impress Kew and her family if she made herself useful.
Glancing over it, it was her answer to his question that caused a light blush to trickle across his face. There might be a few minor marks on his hands, just small sections, one looking like he might have skinned or burned area’s somehow. “I see, you did well, let’s go home.” He didn’t even wait for her, he would untie his horse and head off ahead a bit more faster than the speed they took to get to the market.

It was when they were closer to the house, away from most, where fewer prying eyes were on them he would semi glance over his shoulder at her only to quickly look ahead again. “You . . . you really do enjoy the horses don’t you?” He asked softly, as he did his best to sit up straight. His words still held that stern tone, but there was that gentle under tone.
Jennifer blinked, her eyes widening a bit. "Hey! He just thinks he can leave me behind like that?" she thought, exasperated before she untied her mare and hopped into the saddle. Giving her a soft kick into the horse's sides, she cantered after her master, her black hair streaming out behind her. She caught up with him soon enough, but was still a bit surprised he would just leave her behind in the busy marketplace like that. Sitting up straight, she slowed her horse to a light trot, falling behind her master in line.

At his question, she leaned down and patted the gray mare's neck. "Yes...I found that I took a liking to them even more than my dancing studies," she answered, smiling down at the gentle creature that carried her, "For such a long time, they were my only friends...the only ones I could talk to without being beaten or scolded, because they didn't care. Even though they couldn't respond, I could always tell they were listening by the way they swiveled their ears towards my voice." She looked up, almost being able to feel his eyes watching her, but then averted them to the road, knowing he didn't like it when she stared.
Xander frowned some, finding her answer a bit depressing in itself, but understanding how it felt. “I see.” He said simply, before glancing back at her again, trying not to smile. “Then let’s test your skills with the horse shall we? You know the way home do you not?” He would see if this was another skill he would need to help her learn. He knew how to ride, basics, jump fences and such, knew she would probably only know not as much. But it would be interesting to see how much she caught on too or could do. “If so, do you wish to try to beat me there?”
Jennifer's eyes widened a second time, looking into her master's eyes to make sure he was serious. "You mean, a race?" she asked, excitement rising in her voice. She tried to keep her emotions contained but she had a very hard time holding back a smile. Her heart began to race slightly at the thought of the wind in her face. She nodded quickly when he asked if she knew the way home.
Kew shook her head and sighed. "You're not useless. We can go together." She smiled at Lily, then upon realizing the poor serf had no shoes to wear, Kew immediately rushed over to her wardrobe and pulled out an extra pair of slip-ons, handing them to Lily. The vampirette then felt her hair, which was still wet and undone. Grabbing a brush from her dresser, she began to slowly brush the long strands of hair.
“I don’t think a race would be proper, just a test to see how you can handle the horse and at what speeds.” Xander couldn’t help smile back at her some, trying not to let it show too much. She looked so happy then, and he would glance away some before he lost his head. Without given her fair warning though he would be off, and the little cheat would jump the nearest fence off the road making a beeline to the house. He was almost certain the serf wasn’t taught to jump, after all he just requested her to know enough to get them back and forth from errands and such.
Lily tried to smile a bit at Kew's reassuring words, though she was starting to believe what the boy said. She watched Kew run to the other side of the room and retrieve some shoes, handing them to the small Serf. Lily thanked the girl and quickly put them on. She asked if Kew would like any help with her hair. She'd never done hair before, but she was willing to try if Kew wanted her hair pulled up.
The vampiress tilted her head to the side. She then nodded and eagerly sat down on a chair in front of her dresser mirror. She wanted to see what skills the serf had acquired on her own, and she also was too lazy to take care of her hair herself. Plus it wasn't exactly the easiest thing for Kew to do since she herself was never taught how to properly care for hair. Either her mother or another serf would tend to that sort of thing.
Leaning over, Jennifer whispered into her gray mare's ear, "Alright, let's show him what we're made of, shall we?" Grinning she dug her heels into the horse's sides, even letting out a little, "Hyah!" which sent the horse propelling forward, giving chase to her Master Alexander. She leaned forward, gripping the horse's silky whitish-gray mane in her hands, feeling her powerful muscles bunch and release beneath her legs.

The gray mare reached a full gallop in no time, barreling towards the fence at break neck speed. Just as it seemed she would crash, Jennifer lifted up slightly to allow her mare to lift her front legs and launch into the air from her mighty back legs. For a moment, time seemed to slow down, almost stopping completely as rider and horse became one. The wind caressed Jenny's face with its breezy fingers and the pair soared over the fence. Extending her front legs, the mare finally hit the ground, Jennifer bracing herself for the impact.

The horse then continued her gallop, growing closer to Alexander with each passing second. Soon, the two horses were side by side, the glossy bodies almost moving together in unison. A wide, gleeful smile had taken over Jennifer's lips and her eyes were closed as she became lost in the ride. Her hair streamed out behind her like a black banner, the sun's light reflecting off its shiny surface. The two horses galloped together, none seeming faster than the other. The earth rumbled at their strong hooves pounding the ground and they whinnied into the wind. It was a magnificent sight to see, the riders one with their horses.

They remained exactly side by side until the last seconds when Jennifer once again leaned forward and gave her mare another swift kick into her sides. The horse seemed to put all her energy into that last few yards to the house, giving it all she had, and at the very last moment, Jennifer passed her master, only beating him by a few feet as they thundered onto Alexander's land in front of the mansion. It was breathtaking indeed.
Xander in truth wasn’t going to try to beat her, and when she joined him by his side, he almost fell off his horse by surprised. A worried look crossing his face as she seemed to close her eyes, making a note to lecture her on that later, but reminding himself he needed to be careful at these speeds as well. He actually slowed to watch her as well, walking to the house with his horse at the last bit. There was a gentle smile on his face seeing her so happy. She was distracted; he could relax at least a little.

Snapping back to his senses once he got closer to get that stern look on his face once more. “You are the biggest fool I know.” This time he didn’t want to break her mood . . . she looked so . . . lovely like that. She had scared him a little at the same time. Getting off his horse he would pat it gently. “Don’t ever close your eyes when going at high speeds; it only takes a hit of one branch to lose one’s head.” He frowned moving to look over the grey one, in truth not being able to take in any reaction she may give to this. “I’m glad you enjoy them, but take care as well, they can be deadly if not careful.”

At that he kept her back to her, but stayed there silently, she was expected to put up both horses and the items. He just had more he wanted to say . . . slowly he turned to face her. He knew he shouldn’t but he did want to see her reaction to his next comment. “Is there a favorite you have among the horses that I own? “ He was cold strict serious, all his guards were 100% up.
Lily took the brush from her Mistress, combing the long strands gently so as not to hurt her. She hoped that whatever she came up with wouldn't embarrass her Mistress. As the hair dried, she brushed it and twirled it around her fingers until it stuck in little spirals. She pulled some of the tight curls up, pinning them up in a loose bun and leaving parts down that curled the full length of her hair. (( )) After she finished styling it she looked at her Mistress, wondering whether she liked it. It had turned out very nicely for her first try, and Lily was proud of her work. "I'm sorry, I've never done hair before... I was imitating a style I saw another Serf fashioning once for her training..."
Jennifer was breathing heavily as she slowed to a canter, then a trot, and finally a walk, making sure to walk the horse in circles a few times for horses can't go from a dead run to standing still; it wasn't good for them. After she had walked the gray mare around a few times, she gracefully dismounted and grasped the reins of both horses as he scolded her for shutting her eyes. She gave him a sheepish smile, bowing her head some in embarrassment. She had just been so caught up in the ride, she had forgotten safety measures and just allowed herself to relax. "I-I'm sorry," she apologized breathlessly, "I got carried away."

Smiling at the horses, she stroked their foreheads, listening to the rest of his lecture on safety while riding. "I understand, Master Alexander. It won't happen again," she promised genuinely, turning to face him. Could it...could it be possible that he actually cared more about her safety than she had originally thought? When he inquired if she had a favorite, she paused to think, her face almost comical as she pondered the question. "I...well I am quite fond of this one," she finally answered truthfully, stroking the gray mare's muzzle, "She's got an even, smooth gait and is fairly calm, not spooked easily." She tilted her head to the side in a cute manner as she looked back at Xander. She wondered why he asked such a question.

Her breathing finally calmed enough so that she wasn't panting anymore. She chewed on her bottom lip, trying to hide her smile. The thrill of the ride still kept her heart pumping and she just couldn't seem to wipe the smile off her face. She hoped Alexander wasn't offended.
Xander nodded some he had a clue she liked it the best, after all it was the one she decided on for town. He was about to go on until she did a cute head turn thing and that darn annoying blush was back. Opening his mouth to try to speak, he found it difficult to keep his cool composure so turned around instead. Damn her for always making things so difficult.

“I suppose, if you take up it’s every need and tend to it, as in it would only be fair no one else should in this matter . . . you can have it.” He was facing the back of his horse now feeling the defeat still of merely looking at her. One of his fist clenched to the saddle as he tried to calm the blush he could feel burning his cheeks.
Jennifer's jaw dropped open and she nearly fell over from surprise. " own...h-horse?" she stammered, completely blown away. She'd never known a serf to have such a grand present or responsibility such as the graceful, amazing beast the stood beside her, nuzzling her pocket for more apple slices. "T-this isn't...a-a joke? I-I can...h-have her?" she stuttered, her knees becoming wobbly, threatening to give out from under her. Her heart pounded even more against her chest, threatening to jump right out of her throat.

If Alexander would reply with a yes, she would feel the urge to run up and give her master a squeeze but knowing that was a big no-no, she would throw her arms around the gray mare's neck and hugged her tightly. She didn't care of the horse's normally shiny coat was laden with sweat, she was hers...all hers. "I promise to take the best care of you. To brush you every day that your coat gleams like silk and keep your mane and tail free from tangles and burrs," she murmured into the gray mare's ear. Jennifer buried her face into the horse's mane and neck, successfully hiding a tear of joy that had managed to escape her eye. "Thank you, Master Alexander...thank you," she whispered.
“Difficult.” Was Xander’s answer when she kept questioning what he just said. “Maybe it isn’t a memory thing, maybe you’re just hard of hearing. Yes, as long as it’s tended to it’s yours.” He stood there, and would glance back in fear at the sudden movement she made only to give a soft smile seeing it was towards the horse. “Make sure it doesn’t interfere with your other duties though.” He spoke trying to hand her the reigns to his as a hint.

He couldn’t keep his cold expression up when she was like that, so in truth he wished she would just hurry off with her new prize. “They need lots of exercise, don’t forget that, and now perhaps you’ll have something to do on your breaks.” He would stand there waiting, wanting to escape in ways. “I will see you on time tomorrow? Properly dressed and such?”
Jennifer nodded, forgetting about Alexander for a moment and becoming lost in her new present. Feeling the reigns in Alexander's clenched hand brush against her arm, she blinked and quickly scrambled to take it from him. "O-oh, I'm sorry. Yes, I should go put them away now. I'll be up bright and early tomorrow," she responded, beginning to lead the two horses away. Before she was totally out of sight, however, she glanced back at Alexander. She smiled ever so slightly, her blue eyes glinting with happiness, and then she was gone, having disappeared around the corner. She led the horses straight to the barn, untacked them, and brushed their coats furiously until all dirt and sweat had been removed. She then heated some water, creating an oat mash, which she fed to the two, feeling they definitely deserved it.

When she was finished in the barn, she put all the supplies they had gained at the market then hummed softly as she made her way upstairs to her room, her dresses hanging over one arm and a cloth bag with her hairbrush, hair ties, and basic cleanliness items over the other. She made it to her room and disappeared inside. First, she put all their items in their places, hanging up her new clothing in the closet. She made sure Alexander hadn't seen them, wanting them to be a surprise later on. He may not even notice but hey, it was worth a shot. Second, she undressed and changed into a simple white nightgown, also having been bought at the market earlier. She took the brush and ran it through her long, black locks, removing any heavy tangles she came across gently with her fingers.

Finally, she splashed her face with water from her wash basin on the little end table and dried it off. Her mind kept wandering back to Alexander and what he had done. Maybe he was truly kind, deep down inside under all his troubles and duties to fulfill. She pulled her legs up in an indian style as she sat upon her twin bed and ran over the events of the day in her mind. Slowly, her eyelids began to droop and a yawn escaped her lungs as she rubbed her eyes. Eventually, she lay down, placing her head upon her pillow. She was determined to rise early the next day and be up even before Alexander himself to make up for sleeping in that morning. She couldn't think about these thoughts for long, however, and she closed her eyelids, falling into a surprisingly peaceful slumber.
Xander wondered why being slightly ignored by a mere serf hurt him a tad. He of course turned as soon as she had the reigns to head in. The poor guy had fallen behind tending to his serf once more. At least he could get back to focusing once more. He would wash up, first getting on a clean suit seeing as he wouldn’t be able to sleep anytime soon.

There he sat at his desk working trying to at least catch up to the stuff he would have got done in the two days. For the first time in his life he ended up pulling a Simon. He found himself drifting at first, and before even realizing it he was asleep head rested on his desk. He was probably dreaming of doing his work still or he would have woken in realization. This would be how she would find him in fact the next morning. Resting peacefully, using his desk as a pillow.

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