Ambrose a Vampire RP

Vinnie seemed to hesitate at first when his friend told him to put him down. He gently letting the boy to his feet, feeling a bit bad, knowing his reaction probably embarrassed his friend. He of gave a weak laugh when he was told it was a joke, willing to let it slide. “Good one.” He said after a few moments of looking over Adam a few times more making sure he really wasn’t sick. “You always manage to fool me off and on . . .” Course Adam would be leaving and it merely left Vinnie confused, calling out to the boy. “I’ll see you later then . . . I’m sorry if I embarrassed you!”

At that he would start to head home, climbing into the window to end up sitting on the ledge listening to the beautiful music till it stopped. Slowly he went to the closet door to knock gently on it. “I’m sorry Rose . . . I . . . I didn’t mean to be cruel to you, to give you false hopes.” He said through the door before given a weak smile. “And you are so taken those lesions, you sound horrible.” A lie sure, but . . . she seemed to not like it when he looked out for her . . . so the lie would have to do.

At that Vinnie would go to take a nice long shower and get changed before crashing into his bed finally . . . tonight had been emotional and confusion, and he even wonder if sleep would allow him to escape from his thoughts.

--- Merged Double Post ---

When Adam arrived home there would be his serf, sitting on the front mat awaiting his master. At first sight the guy would smile and stand at once running to his side. He deeply hoped his master wasn’t mad at him still. He had waited this whole time after all, and the last thing he wanted was to be shooed away. “Thank you for the yummy cat master.” He said happily, of course when the serf asked him what meal he wanted that would have been his answer.
Abram would smile at the fact that Mutt didn't seem upset at him anymore "At least that's one" he would mumble, his rambling interrupted by the thanking of a meal or such. He would offer a small smile and ruffle his hair. "Ataboy, let's get inside and ready for bed shall we?" sure he asked, but it wasn't exactly optional since Abram was exhausted in more than one sense and he just wanted to bathe away his troubles and have a late night meal, he glanced at his pet that was surely following him, and a warm welcoming bed to greet him and send him off. Well he had planned on all of the above, but he found the bed in his chamber much too appealing. "Come" he mumbled laying against the blankets, on the wrong side of his body.

“That’s one?” Mutt repeated some tilting his head confused only to smile and try to lick Abram again when he was praised. Prancing about his master he of course followed him not about to complain. It was when he saw the bed he hesitated and looked towards the door. “You, Go, Now.” He repeated the words he thought his master yelled at him earlier before slowly going over to lay where he was motioned too. “No punishment? But . . . you were so mad at me . . .” The poor thing was confused.
Iliana watched as he hurredly made the bed. He was obviously happier to be going into town today than he was letting on. The town wasn't very big, really, and surely nothing to be so happy about. She figured there may be something else going on in his head but dropped it when he walked over and took the brush from her, asking how she wanted her hair done. She sighed, looking in the mirror. "You know what?" she said. "I'll just leave it down." She took the brush back and laid it on the vanity. "I'm not much in the mood for the pins and tangles today. It looks better this way." She knew her parents probably would rather her leave looking all dolled up, but it wasn't what they wanted that mattered anymore. She looked perfectly fine with it left naturally, and there were plenty of other girls leaving theirs alone, too, although she figured their reason was that they were poor and lacked a Serf to do it for them. She shrugged, getting up and walking over to her wardrobe to pick out a dress, finally settling on a deep red one that matched her crimson eyes.
Jennifer nervously watched his hands as he reached out and grasped her chin. She could have pulled away, but she knew Alexander was anything but violet and so she stayed there patiently as he examined her. "Yes, I can file and sort, and I do wash my ears well. There's nothing wrong with them," she answered, a bit of terseness in her voice, "I...didn't answer that question before I guess because I thought you could see from the work I did."

Glancing over at stack of papers on his desk she'd laid there, Jennifer mentally slapped herself, only wishing she could do it in real life. Of course he wanted them sorted by date! How could she have been so stupid? When she'd come across several documents all pertaining to one person, then she'd sort them by date, but for some reason she hadn't thought to file the entire thing that way. Her cheeks reddened slightly and she averted her eyes away from her master's face.

"O-of course, I should have filed them by date in the first place... I-it was a simple mistake, a slip on my part. I'm sorry," Jennifer apologized, quite embarrassed, "The plantation taught me my basic schooling and from there I figured out how to file and sort in different orders. But, they never taught me anything extensive about business..." Her eyes flitted about the room as thought before piping up, "I-I am a quick learner though, if you were to give me further instruction on exactly how you want things done! I promise a mistake like that won't happen again." The nervousness in her voice and manner morphed to a state of determination as she sucked up her courage and looked Alexander in the eye once more.

Timothy was actually quite puzzled at Amber's reaction at first. Had he managed to subdue that stubborn, bull-headed personality so fast? However, when he brought up the subject of venom once more, the confusion vanished. Nope, there it was, laden in her voice and temperament. Timothy nodded and reached out, beckoning her closer. "You may sit or stand, however is most comfortable," he assured her. Then, with gentle fingers, he turned her arm so that her palm was facing upwards.

As the nobleman looked down at her wrist, he hesitated for just a moment. It had been so long...was he really ready to bond himself to a mere human? After the death of his parents', Timothy had to take over his father's business at such a young age. Of course, it was already in his blood and temperament to run his own household one day; it had just unexpected, so soon. Frowning, the young vampire dismissed the thoughts from his head. He needed this in order to stay strong; he had no time for pondering over such memories.

With a surprising placidity, Timothy raised Amber's slender arm to his lips, taking a moment to extend his fangs. Then, ever so gently, he sunk them into the flesh of her wrist. His eyes glanced to her face to watch expression for a few seconds before releasing his venom and drawing blood.
The little Vampirette smiled and nodded. "We have to make invitations first, though." She stated, holding out a finger. "I'm so excited for this party! It's been so long since I've met new Vampires, mother keeps me away from other Vampires unless she's with me. I don't know why though, but I can't wait!" Kew hopped up and down a little with an excited twinkle in her eyes. She hardly eve spoke, but when someone got her going, or when she was excited, she could keep going and going.

"Serf! Lily! Could you come here please?" Called out a familiar voice.It was the Vampiress of the household. "I need to speak with you again! Do not keep me waiting!" She had called out from the second story window of her crafting area.


Xavior scowled when she had called him "Reverie's pet". He was no pet, despite what others had said. He hardly even knew the girl, so he couldn't be a pet to her. Pets were close with their owners, but not him. She was just... The strange girl who bought him. Nothing more. Xavior then ignored the girl at her comments.
Lily was excited for the party too, although she hid her enthusiasm. Her Mistress seemed overjoyed. Then she heard the Vampiress's voice calling her up. She excused herself from Kew and walked inside. She quickly made her way up to the second story room, wondering what the Vampiress was going to tell her this time. Their last meeting hadn't been terribly pleasant.
Kew blinked once Lily had rushed off in a hurry to meet her mother, but she simply shrugged it off.

Once Lily arrived, the Vampiress closed the blinds of the windows and turned to Lily. "Unfortunately, everyone else is busy with preparations, that only you and Kew can hand out invitations. But remember what I have told you. I also do not want her engaging in long conversations, and if someone is following you, or seems suspicious, hurry back here, even if you are not finished sending out the invitations. I am giving you this chance, if you screw up, your life with be the cost to repay me." She turned back to Lily. "I have already created the invitations." The woman strolled over to a work desk and opened a drawer. She pulled out a stack of intricately decorated envelopes with wax seals. "That paper in your hands has all the addresses and names needed. Do not fail me." The vampiress then handed the stack of envelopes to the serf. "Anything suspicious, you report to me immediately."

Xander paused stepping back at her comment on why she didn’t answer. His eyes studied her uncertain still . . . she had not seemed to listen before though as well. “I suppose.” Was all he answered, his words stern and it was obvious that he still thought she was hard of hearing. “You can keep them in the piles they are, but sort by date, then name of company.” He said calmly moving back to his desk, repeating himself on purpose to make sure she heard. “Also, go tell one of the serfs that they need to move a desk and chair from one of the other rooms into here for you.

He wasn’t about to let her leave the mess on his bed like that. “If you’re going to be my right hand, I’m going to need you to be close to my level when it comes to business.” He would glance back to look at her once more only to catch her looking into his eyes. Glancing away not able to keep staring into hers, or fearing that he would end up staring to long. “Perhaps, I could arrange a few hours of school for you a day. You would have to go to the village and back on your own. The class will have very few serfs learning, but if you’re willing it will better yourself.”
Shay frown at the serf. She wondered if maybe it was better to find someone...different from Xavior for Reverie. Her own serf had come back and spoke to her quickly.

"Have a good day serf. Do not harm yourself up there." Shay then left the area, going to locate her sister. Reverie was writing again when Shay entered the room. Reverie did not look up as her sister entered and paid her no attention. Shay ordered her serf to stay outside the study, turning to face her younger sister.


Reverie said nothing, her hand moving faster. Shay called to her a couple more times and eventually the young vampiress relented. She stopped what she was doing and looked up.

"Yes Shay?"

"You must speak to your serf. He is out there doing labor right now? Is that what you wanted?"

Reverie did not need this from her sister too. She shrugged lightly. "The boy is free to do as he wants when I am not in need of him. If he wants to fix the roof, let him." She looked back down at her poetry. "Besides it needs to be fixed."
Xavior sighed and continued what he was doing. His mind became lost in thought, and unfortunately, he didn't pay attention when he hammered his finger. Crying out in pain, he lost his balance and tumbled off the roof in a quite humorous manner. Once he caught his composure, he groaned and rubbed his head while sitting up.
Jennifer nodded but as he looked away, she rolled her eyes a bit. She hated being treated so much like a child... However, he was right about her not listening sometimes. It wasn't because she was hard of hearing, maybe sometimes she was just so focused on one thing that she blocked what else he'd been trying to tell her. "Alright," she replied, "I'll go get that done right now so you'll have a place to sleep tonight."

Hurrying out, she began searching the corridors for other serfs to help her. It took her a while, but soon she had two others to pick up a desk from the study not too far from Alexander's room, and she herself to pick up the chair. Jennifer was surprised at such efficiency that the others worked, despite the challenge of moving the heavy desk all the way down the corridor. She grimaced every now and then as a hand slipped, threatening to send the desk clattering to the floor, but the serfs always corrected themselves and soon had the desk in place aside Xander's. Jenny hustled in after them to put the chair in place.

A few locks had escaped from Jennifer's tight braid so she straightened up and tucked them quickly behind her ears before facing her master. "Here's the desk and I'll make sure to file them by date, then company name," she told him, repeating his careful instructions so he'd know she really had been listening.

The thought of going to school by herself for a few hours each day caused her lungs to freeze up for a few moments. Going into the market was one thing, and it didn't take that long; school, on the other hand, meant hours a day sitting at a tiny, cramped desk under a strict teacher. If she was going to sit at a desk for long periods of time, she'd rather it be the one she'd just brought into Alexander's study. "I won't be needing school," she spoke up promptly, crossing her arms a bit defiantly.
"And if he hurts himself, what would you do then? Do you want him to, is that it? Do you regret your purchase?"

"I regret my whole life," Reverie said softly. Shay looked shocked at her sister's admittance. She had always known that Reverie cared nothing for the life of a high ranked vampiress, nor being the youngest daughter of such a high mantience woman. But still Shay had never expected Reverie to come right out and say that she regretted her life. She opened her mouth to talk, but Reverie stood, brushing past Shay, her serf and then down the halls.

Eventually she made it outside just in time to see Xavior fall. She went a little wide-eyed and then smiled a little. When she was sure he was fine, she walked slowly over to him, biting her lip. She did regret her purchase but she would never say that.

"You should be more careful boy," she said, in her usual quiet voice.
"AH!" Xavior practically jumped out of his skin, not expecting Reverie. She sure has a way of sneaking up on people, he thought. He wobbled to his feet but winced in pain when he moved his left shoulder. "Sorry, Ma'am. I didn't mean to fall in front of you." He stated, not daring to look her in the eye.
"No it is quite alright," Reverie said softly looking at her serf. She wanted to go somewhere else. There was a nice hill that she occassional went to to read or write or even daydream. They had always met there, sitting beneath a large tree, talking and laughing. She hadn't been there since he had gone and she knew it would only make her feel more alone.

"You have not injured yourself, have you?" Whether she asked out of concern for him as a person or as an item that she could not let get damaged, was unclear.
"No ma'am." Xavior lied as to not cause any issues. For all he knew, if he was injured, she could simply cast him aside, or even kill him for being "damaged". Bending down, he decided to gather his tools which were cast all over in the grass.
Xander watched her run off, and when they returned with the desk he had them move it a tad further way than right next to his. This allowed for a space big enough to fit a small filing cabinet if needed. He didn’t plan to put one there of course, he just didn’t think being that close to her would be good for him. He nodded his thanks to the other Serfs, that was how he preferred his house ran, like a well oiled machine.

He wouldn’t look to Jennifer though; merely go back to wondering how he could get her more like that. A shake of his head he knew he probably never could, perhaps it was the nice change he needed though. The minor uniqueness he would allow in his house, if only for now.

It was her comment on schooling not being needed that got a raised eyebrow. “Really.” He would stand a smirk on his face. “Then . . . I can leave all of this to you? You will have the important stuff done at least by today, and I won’t even have to be around to do it?” Now he was being cruel, he knew she probably couldn’t handle half the stuff he did. It was just the fact . . . she thought she didn’t need school. That rubbed him wrong for some reason, why would anyone not want to learn new things?
Jennifer's blue eyes widened at his statement and she opened her mouth to speak but just couldn't find the words at first. Take care of ALL this work? By herself? However, she noticed the corner of his mouth turn upwards in a smirk and she knew he was just picking on her. She rubbed the back of her neck and shuffled to his bed, looking down at the paperwork.

"I love to learn new things and skills. It's's hard for me to learn in such an unfriendly environment. From my experience, 'school' just means being cooped up in a tiny room with a teacher who slaps your hand, or in my case your face, with his ruler if you dare flinch a muscle. You're forced to stare down at a text book for hours on end without breaks. If I am to learn, I...I want it to be straight from...from you," she explained, once again folding her arms across her chest and refusing to look at him, "I'd learn much better here than there at that horrid place." She pursed her lips together stubbornly in a hard line, frowning over at the back wall.

"Here, it's more hands on. If I'm doing something wrong, I know you'll correct me without unnecessary abuse and I can actually take a few moments to use the restroom," Jennifer continued, a hint of sarcasm coating her voice, before sticking her bottom lip out slightly in a sort of cute pout. She usually kept her sarcastic side hidden from Alexander, but she was annoyed and so some of it slipped through. She made sure she continued facing the wall, though, and not her master.
Xander would stop at her words, his smirk fading and a blush replacing it on his face. She . . . rather learn from him? It would be an honor for anyone to consider him a teacher . .. but . . . that wouldn’t be possible. “I don’t have that kind of time.” He said coldly his eyes moving back to his desk as he walked over to it. Motioning to a book shelf filled with all types of books he would sigh. She really would probably be no help outside of organization. He knew it was too much to expect more. “Use those to learn what you want.”

Had he truly given up on her already? His eyes going back to the paper’s his hand quickly scribing out words and filling in forms. It was like she was no longer there as he once more got to his work. Only after awhile, if she didn’t get back to work he would say. “By date.” It was important to him to have those sorted . . . he had deadlines to meet, and he needed to know which was best to get done first. “Any none forms, appointments, or other business stuff that I need not to attend to file away for me, the rest place on my desk in order of date.”
“Yes, I’d rather learn from you,” Jennifer replied after glancing over at her master and seeing his startled expression. She repeated the statement once more spitefully in case he was “hard of hearing” himself. As she faced the wall once more, she couldn’t help a small smirk from appearing on her lips.

Jennifer sighed softly when Alexander said he didn’t have enough time. She knew he really needed help with his business affairs but he was too stubborn to take a little time to show her a few things. Glancing at the books, she tilted her head a bit to read the titles. There was quite a lot there, but not enough to really teach her all she needed to know about being a business secretary.

Jennifer placed her hands upon her hips and thought about the matter hard. She would have to go to school…it was the only option to please Alexander. A scowl crossed her face as she made the decision; she didn’t have to like it. Feeling quite irritated by her master’s attitude, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her journal, which she now kept on her at all times. She ripped out a piece of plain, white paper from the back, very quietly so as not to disturb Xander, crumpling it up into a tiny ball. She then turned to make sure Alexander was busy with his work and not looking at her. When his eyes no longer faced her, she smiled and held up the itty bitty crumbled ball between her pointer finger and thumb. Sticking out her tongue, she then flung the crumple towards the back of Xander’s head, hitting him spot on.

Immediately after her deed was done, Jenny turned back to the stacks of paperwork on his bed, immersing herself in filing and sorting. The thing was, she had done such things many times at the plantation, and had mastered the art of looking innocent. Of course, at the plantation, the attendants slowly, eventually caught on to her tricks and it usually resulted in many unpleasant beatings, but hey, at least she got a kick out of it first. Though no smile crossed her lips physically, she was definitely chuckling on the inside as her nimble fingers restacked the paperwork according to date, waiting to see if Alexander responded.
Lily nodded as she listened to the Vampiress giving her additional instructions. Either Kew was a well-kept secret of the family, or she was a well-sought-after prize for other vampires to attack. "Yes Ma'am." Lily said at the end to signal that she understood the Vampiress's orders. She curstied, took the letters from the woman, and excused herself so she could get started on the deliveries.

Lily returned to Kew with the stack of invitations. She asked the Vampirette is she was ready to go pass the letters out and what their mode of transportation would be. It would be much easier to keep her Mistress safe in a carriage, but she didn't know the distance between the homes of the guests.
Xander glanced back at her with a stern look when she started to repeat herself to now mock him. Did she really not see how difficult she was? He couldn’t help but shaken his head, at least she wasn’t fearful and reserved as much, like when they first met. He preferred his serfs willing to take a stand at times, as long as it didn’t mess up any of his hard work. Then again that didn’t change the fact that most his serfs still lived in fear, or did what they were told without protest, not understanding this, due to his normal strict nature.

He would let it slide without a single word as he went back to his work. Then the paper hit and his head would move forward slightly as it did, no more than a natural reaction. Moving a hand to the back of his head to check, finding of course nothing was wrong or stuck to him. He would turn once more to face her, watching her work and that innocent act. His eyes looking around to spot the paper on the floor, he would merely raise an eyebrow not understanding the game at hand. Turning back to once more work, he didn’t have time for this, and she was probably bored anyways.

If given time to think over what just happened he would simply stay. “You don’t have to work here with me if you don’t want too. As I stated the first day . . . we can find you chores more to your liking.” His business manner had a slight undertone; he really didn’t want the girl to be unhappy in her life. “As long as you know enough to help me on trips, I am sure the rest will fall into place.” After all, he had been managing alone all this time before she came.
Jennifer shied away slightly at his stern look. Why was it whenever he scolded her with his eyes, it hurt worse than if he had beat her? "Alright alright, I'll go to school. I really do want to help you with your work so you can actually sleep at night," she gave in, rubbing the back of her neck. Bending over, she swiftly carried all the piles of paperwork she had laid out on his bed over to the new desk and laid them out. She sat down, leaned over the desk, and began to continue the work she'd started, going through each stack and refiling them in the correct order by date then company.

Even though she was efficient, there was such a massive load of documents to go through that Jennifer remained at the desk for at least an hour, maybe two just filing the paperwork she had originally grabbed correctly. However, she seemed so resolute in doing the job right, she became absorbed in her work, even forgetting Alexander was even there for once. When she had finished all the paperwork she had started out with, she reached over and began taking small stacks of unorganized documents from Xander's desk to sort and file. Her long black braid draped over one shoulder and swished back and forth as her arms moved continuously about her desk. Beginning to catch on, she also did some extra work, writing down notes about certain important documents Alexander should pay attention to first and such. It had taken nearly five hours, but she had finally organized every single slip of paper from Alexander's desk. They now sat neatly in rows on both desks, for if they all sat on one it would be too overly crowded as Xander's desk had once been.

Jennifer nearly jumped out of her skin at the bell that rang out through the house, calling most every serf to come help prepare dinner. Her light blue eyes flicked to the clock upon the wall, assuring her it was indeed almost time for supper. Taking a deep breath, she scooted back the chair and rose to her feet. Her back ached slightly but it was of no concern to her and she promptly walked to her master's desk. Without a word, she set down a couple sheets of paper with her careful notes she'd taken on important documents as well as a few bills that needed to be payed. She hoped it pleased him, but was too embarrassed from her mistake earlier to speak up and ask. Turning, she made her way towards the door.
“I sleep at night.” Xander gave a slight protest wondering what changed her mind all of a sudden. His eyes glancing over his bed when it was finally cleared, making him feel a little more comforted . . . it was there if he needed it. “I just had a lot of work to catch up on.” He wasn’t trying to make excuses, he wasn’t even sure why he was explaining himself to her, he had no need too. It was her job to just to her work; his personal business was no concern of hers.

Throughout the work Xander would shoot her a side glance, as if to check on her, or make sure she knew what she was doing. Her braid catching his eyes off and on, it swing at times hypnotic. He seemed unphased by the ring of the bell, and was about to take up the sheets only to realize she was about to leave. Swiftly he would turn to try to catch her arm. “You don’t need to go . . . well . . . unless you’re going to take a break.” Now he felt foolish . . . why had he went to grab her, why did it matter if she went to help or stayed. Maybe he felt he was over working her as it was, and should relieve her of the other duties due to it. “Like I said the only chores you have is these . . . unless you want more.”

IF he had manage to grab her arm he would be still holding it only to release it now as if just noticing. “I’m sorry.” He would mutter excusing himself back to his work.
Jennifer had almost made it to the door when she suddenly felt something grasp her arm, bringing her to a halt. She blinked, a bit confused, then turned to look. Alexander had reached out and now her arm was stuck fast in his gentle grip. The way he looked at her and told her she didn't need to leave almost caused her heart to throb for the poor young man. He was truly lonely...always alone up here. She smiled softly; even if they didn't get alone in conversation, it was comforting to know that just her presence made it less lonely for him. He had been shut up for so long, he needed this; he needed her to be around even if it only was he needed to get used to handling females.

"O-oh, well I was only going to help with supper but there are enough serfs, I don't have to," Jenny responded, a bit of cheerfulness in her voice, "I already tended to the horses this morning so they won't need to be checked on or exercised until after supper before it gets too dark." She held back a chuckle as he released his grip and muttered an apology, staring back down at his work. "No, it is no problem at all," she answered, walking back to his desk and coming to a stop to the right of him. "Do you need me to get you anything while I'm up?" she then inquired.


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