Ambrose a Vampire RP

Once the vampirette came close to the carriage, the other serf took her hand and escorted her inside. She sat comfortably and waited for Lily to climb in as well. However, the other serf did not bother helping Lily in the carriage, he simply sat in the coach seat. Once everyone was settled, the serf snapped the reins and the horses began to trot.

"So," began the vampirette, "Who is first on our list?"
An hour after her Master had left another serf had slipped into the room, a brown haired man with amber eyes. He seemed surprised to see Rosa there but it was more pleased to see the room cleaned. He had been kind but obviously broken, Rosa’s keen eyes had seen the scars marking his body and some marks she wasn’t familiar with. She could tell the type of whip used in a beating just based on the scars but he was different. It was almost as if he had so many scars they just melted together making it impossible to discern their start or end.

He glanced around the room a look of satisfaction passing across his face, “All’s well, as soon as that laundra’s handled,” he grunted making his way toward the pile.

“Um, if you don’t mind I can do that myself. Actually I can finish it in here if you will just bring me some cleaning soaps,” Rosa had asked not wanting to leave the safety of the room. Her idea of how the rest of her Master’s family behaved around their serfs struck fear into her heart and if she could put it off for much longer she would. The man grunted a reply leaving and then returning with a basin, a washboard, some cleaning soaps and a rope.

“I’m gonna fix ya up a clothes line stringing from one winda’ tu winda’,” he said climbing out her Master’s closet window with only a rope and some clamps. He hooked it so that she could hang the clothes from the window than move the rope for more free space. Rosa nodded in thanks as he left then set to work. However, first she stripped back down to her petticoats and corset not wanting to ruin her dress.

The work was harsh and grueling the steam of the hot water that she heated over the blazing fire in combination with the hot breeze filtering in and the actual blazing fire heated the room but the work needed to be done. She rubbed the dirt and sweat out of the clothing and than dumped and cleaned the water basin. Rosa left the supplies next to her bed organized neatly before hanging the garments to dry outside her window. It was at that moment that Vinnie returned finding her a sweating mess only half dressed. The serf hair was piled unceremoniously atop her head and whole body was flushed in the heat.
Lily sat across from her Mistress. When asked who was up first, she looked down at the list. The Vampires at the Plantation had taught her to read... Kind of. Some of the letters looked odd to her, but she tried her best. "First on the list is a young man named... A.... A-Abram..." she blushed, feeling like a total idiot. "I'm sorry, Miss Kew..."
As the heat in the room hit Vinnie, and the site of his serf, a paleness would fill his features. Had he not kept her safe enough? Had he leaving her alone just made things worse once more? He stayed put rolling a few ideas around in his head before entering the room. If she allowed he would try to wrap his arms around her, leaning in to whisper into her ear semi seductive. “Who else has dared to play with my serf?” Sure his head was jumping to the wrong conclusions, but in this house who could blame him?

She had a beauty sure, but his words and movements were more out of not knowing how to react. In his younger days he used to even be quite the player. She was a serf though, and never had he even thought of seducing one of those. If she allowed he would lean in more brushing his cheek against hers. She smelt of sweat of course, either from being worked hard, in one way or another. “What do you really want Rosa? Not what I want . . . not what you’ve always been told to want . . . but if you dig deep enough, what would you want more than anything in this world?”
The vampirette nodded and smiled positively. "You just need practice. I'm not so good at reading, either..." She, too, blushed with embarrassment and twirled her thumbs as the carriage slightly rocked with the terrain. "Starting tomorrow, how about we both learn to become better readers?"
Bret nodded making his way through the mansion and out to the stable yard. “The Missus wants a carriage hitched to go into town,” he said running a hand through his think blonde locks. He squinted his eyes in the sunlight as a groom nodded and began to lead about horses. Another groom through him a lead line and on the other end stood a small bay pony. Its coat was already gleaming so they just threw a harness over the animals back before hitching it to his partner and backing him between the carriage shafts.

The groom than handed him the reins, “We haven’t a person to spare; there is a hunting party this afternoon so here is the basics. We hitched you with the easiest horses and the Missus knows what she is doing but still make an effort. Basically you want to go left tug the left rein, SOFTLY, you want to go right tug the right rein, SOFTLY. You want to go give a little cluck if they don’t listen, and they will, flick the reins. If you need to stop just say woah and close your hands on the reins. These are our best horses so don’t mess them up.”

Bret could barely catch all that information but he had to. With a grunt he pulled himself into the drivers seat positioning the long reins in his hands carefully and clucking his tongue. The two horses moved on easily following his muddy directions with ease. HE directed them to the front of the mansion and stopped feeling mighty satisfied with himself.
"I asked you a question boy." Reverie wasn't mad though. Just a bit disappointed. Still she was not going to just let it go. "Now you are going to answer it for me please. I could send you back to your planantion and I know you would want that." It was clear he would be happy at any other place but in her service. "So I think I will keep you as a punishment." She smiled but it was a sad one. "I guess for both of us in a way."
Xavior sighed before finally answering his mistress. "No ma'am..." He murmured, hardly audible. The truth was, no matter how much he hated being in Reverie's service, he would prefer not to return to the plantation. And yet, that would be exactly what he wanted. The plantation was his true love, and yet he couldn't stand the harshness and the cruelty. But the plantation taught him to survive and how to be, in his eyes, a man. A true hard-working, honourable, man. More honourable than the Vampires.
Rosa was surprised by the sudden touch and flinched. For a moment she was tense scared of what might come next but nothing ever did. The serf relaxed into his touch letting her muscles relax a little so that he was supporting her just a bit. A smile curved across her lips, a kind of smile she had never felt before one that put a bit of fire in her belly and made her tongue witty and longing to tease and play. All though this feeling was foreign it was irresistible and filled her to the brim with satisfaction yet made her long for something more.

As his cold skin brushed against hers Rosa felt chill bumps rise wherever he touched her. The question caught her off guard and changed the mood yet it wasn’t so bad. It seemed as if he wasn’t mad at her anymore. She tried to think of what she really wanted, “This isn’t an easy question but I can try. I genuinely like to work, even doing the laundry or just cleaning it makes me feel useful however living in fear of being beaten or useless is nerve-racking. It keeps me awake at night so to stop working would do me no good,” she racked her brain for her one desire. Something she had longed for from the moment she saw it. “I want a horse, to have something dependent on me but is less complicated. Something that harness freedom and might let me borrow it,” she said hoping she didn’t sound materialistic.
Iliana walked into her parents' room. "Hello Iliana." her mother called. She was watching out the window in the direction of the stables, but when her daughter entered the room she closed the curtains. "I'm going into town." Iliana said. "With whom? I assume you're taking a few Serfs with you?" her mother replied. Iliana explained that she was going with Bret, to buy him clothing that was suitable for a servant of such a high end noble family, and a new tag for his collar, seeing as how his hadn't been engraved with his information yet. "He's calling for a carriage right now."

"Do be careful, dear. You seemed to have picked the worst of the lot. He has something up his sleeve, I can tell by his expressions and the way he acts. Any funny business from him needs to be brought to me." Iliana agreed. "It's just a trip mother, a few hours at most. I'll be okay." Her mother nodded and said goodbye and Iliana excused herself. "Have fun with that carriage situation!" Her mother called. She'd been watching Bret's crash course with the horses, but Iliana hadn't seen it and was unaware of what this meant.

The young vampiress walked outside, seeing the carriage already there, and wondered where Bret had gotten to. Then she realized what her mother meant. Bret was driving the carriage. "What are you doing up there?" Iliana asked. She was suddenly nervous about this trip. "You don't know how to lead the horses, do you??"

Vinnie wasn’t expecting her to relax, but he held her, supported her all she seemed to need. Making note that she seemed to ignore his first question he merely let a sigh escape, the only sign that something was up there. The answer to his other question though did manage a slight smile, a horse, it could be difficult, but maybe he could pull it off. “Well then it seems you’re the perfect serf for me after all.” He teased lightly.

Slowly he would pull away, moving to sit at his desk some, given her, her space. “I never said you didn’t have to work . . . in fact I told you I’m lazy, so you working just allow me to enjoy myself doing nothing.” He would cross his arms a bit thinking over the best way to continue. “I don’t plan to ever hit you, I promised Adam a long time ago that I wouldn’t physically attack anyone unless . . . well it was for his protection of sorts.” He gave a slight shrug at that, he always did his best to keep his promises.

His eyes went firm though, trying to catch hers a bit. “Although . . . you never did tell me . . . if anyone dared touch you while I was away.” He had to protect her, look after her now, he knew this. She was his responsibility and had no one to lean on but him. It was just another reason to try to be stronger.
Bret only had to wait before his Mistress arrived. She seemed surprised to see him up in the driver’s seat but than again he had never really worked with horses. “Well I was told to fetch a carriage, which last time I checked I was sitting on. Next I discovered you were short staffed and had to learn how to drive the carriage, hence the fact that I am sitting here instead of in the carriage. And thirdly yes I can lead a horse I am not incompetent,” he huffed rolling his eyes. "You can drive if you think your life may be in danger," Bret said offering the reins to his Mistress. "I am sure everyone would love to see a Vampire driving her serf about."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Rosa smiled as he stepped away making a comment about perfection. As he spoke she began to relax realizing he was behaving as he had yesterday. The serf just needed consistency and she could adjust but until she got Rosa became useless. She just needed to know what to expect and try to control it. His words were comforting and reassuring and she believed them without a doubt.

“Oh no, nobody touched me. I didn’t even leave the room. One of the male serfs brought me some cleaning supplies and hung me a clothes line…I did not know when you would return or where you had gone and you haven’t exactly made the rest of your house sounds safe,” she said looking down at her feet for a moment.

Than a though struck her suddenly remembering what he had been telling her the day before. She quickly grasped her journal and pen, “You said I was to formulate a list of things to be done everyday, would you like to do that now?” Rosa asked looking up pen poised in hand.
Vinnie seemed to relax more when she spoke of being safe and untouched. “Good, let’s try not to get this room too hot though.” He felt bad when she spoke of the safety of the house looking away. He couldn’t comfort that fear . . . after all it was all true. “Well . . . I guess you can always use the window if you want to get out. I don’t really go anywhere when they kick me out . . . I just sorta roam. I suppose I do visit Adam a lot but his family hates me.” There was a cute grin there at that. “Most the adults kind of hate us I should say . . . we weren’t the most conformed after all.”

It was when she asked for a list that he got a cute sweat drop. It sounded like work even coming up with stuff. Glancing around the room he merely shrugged. “You seem to have figured it all out. Do all that . . . stuff serf’s normally do. Oh . . . and you’re classes every night from five till seven, don’t be late. Although I don’t punish I can’t control the other vampires. I do know they won’t be too harsh though, seeing as you aren’t owned by them and there could be consequences if they are.

At that he would shrug make sure not to forget about anything. “Make sure I get my daily feeding and I’m sure everything else will just fall into place when we get to it.” He really was a tad too lay back, and at least he was managing to smile some again. “You can come and go as you please otherwise I guess . . . but I wouldn’t roam the house much. It isn’t my mother so much you should worry about as my father, and well . . . my older brother who has fallen into the same dark path.”

He paused thinking it over before looking down again. “Well, you probably don’t see it as a dark path, you probably see it as how things should be. So you can do what you want . . . if I’m not a good enough master . . . I could always ask them to help me I guess.” That would be a great wound to his pride . . . a sign of defeat even, but he knew he wasn’t the only one he had to watch out for now.
Rosa nodded and a small flit across her face with the praise. The serf had not and idea of where she might go if he was not with her. There was nothing in town for her and climbing down the house seemed like a bit "much" just to do nothing and climb back inside. She listened quietly as he spoke of the relationship between families and his interactions with friends. It was all so different and interesting to her but she knew not to pry. The serf knew that with time everything would settle and she might learn more. All the while this was going on she was doing her best to put out the fire in the fireplace without completely drowning the embers. She picked through the wood pile until she found wood that had not dried yet, the branches were still green with life and moisture. She placed them on the fire watching as the flames looked for something to burn but couldn't succeed. Finally the fire died out licking the branches in cowardice like a small puppy.

"When would you prefer to feed?" she asked casually not caring either way. He would most likely want to feed after she had finished a meal since at that point her blood would be rich in nutrients. Of course she hadn't eat today but surprisingly she was not woozy or tired.

His comment about his father and brother made Rosa's skin curl and she simply shook her head once in a jerking motion, more for herself. She had to do something to show her distatste.
Iliana sighed, giving him a 'look' before opening the carriage door. She sat on the front side so that she could give him directions. "Snappy..." she mumbled as she sat down. She turned so that she could look out the window. "I didn't say you were incompetent, my point was that we didn't have you trained to do this, and I hope the crash course cuts it without an actual crash." She was sure he would do just fine, but it wouldn't be decent bantering if she gave up without a rude retort.
Reverie looked at him, studying him harder than she had ever before. She then smiled a little and nodded.

"Well you better begin to. I may have you do it while I am around to make sure you are doing as you are told." Reverie then picked up the book and started walking, gesturing for Xavior to follow her.
Xavior gave an awkward smile when she stared, examining him intently. He felt as if she was trying to peer into his soul, but Vampires couldn't do such a thing, could they? She already gave him a bit of a creepy feeling when she was around, and now she was staring at him! However, when she mentioned about sticking around him while he read from the book, that alone almost made his heart stop. Xavior was a bit strange, he loved the plantation, and hated it, and he also found Reverie both creepy, and intriguing. He was almost always undecided about anything that presented him with extreme emotions.

When she gestured for him to follow, he hesitated, but slowly moved his feet in motion with hers.

Lily smiled a huge grin. "That would be great, Miss Kew." she said happily. What could possibly be better than learning something new, WITH her Mistress right there with her learning the same thing? She blushed a little and thought that maybe they would learn to read better than anyone else! But that was silly. She just needed to learn enough to get by, and should just be happy that Kew was offering her such an invitation. "I think this Ab-ram person," she said, incorrectly saying the name because she thought it sounded the way it was spelled. "Is the closest to us... Is that why he's first? I mean we would want some sort of order so we aren't running all over the place like chickens with our heads cut off." She giggled a little bit, then suddenly went quiet, feeling rude for her lack of formality around her Mistress.
When Amber and consciousness became reacquainted she made sure to sit up slowly, knowing enough to not set her world topsy-tervy so soon. She took a moment to scan the room, having last remembered falling asleep with the horses. No that was wrong, memories came back to her once more and she remembered feeling faint. The blood. She winced as if by cue and realized herself to be in a room 'above her status' wondering if this was a show of guilt or just display of wealth. Figuring either way was politics she shrugged if off and went off to begin the new day. She tidied the room back up into pristine condition before going off to take care of the horses. If she wasn't disturbed after a few hours of chores and horsing around she may fall asleep and take a well deserved nap.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Abram would not respond to Mutt's eagerness. His reaction seemed like a sick and cruel perversion, one he wanted nothing of. Without a word he left the room, leaving the poor pet to his own whims, which perhaps wasn't all that bad considering the mood bearing down on his owner. There was nothing he could do now, he knew enough about the bond that he was now stuck like this, but it was by his own choice, after all if he didn't what would become of the wreck of a serf abandoned in his bedroom? With a sigh he would be outside once more, trying to clear the insanity in his own head.
Kew began to laugh at Lily's analogy. "You're absolutely right. Abram first, then who's next?" She asked, slightly leaning forward to view the paper in the serf's hands.

Lily looked back down at the list, looking at the name after Abram. Rather than try to read off all of the names, she moved to sit beside her Mistress to try to read them together.











"It's this one..." she said, pointing to the name 'Marcus'. She looked down through the list, realizing that there were a lot of names that she couldn't read, and she hoped that she wouldn't mispronounce them when she walked up to deliver the messages.

Vinnie glanced up to her with a gentle smile shrugging his shoulders when she asked when he preferred his feeds. “Once a day.” He smirked, sure he was teasing her a bit, but in truth he really didn’t care. When it came to Rosa he still felt at a great lost as to what to do. He had no clue what she had managed or not that day yet.

Moving to his window he would glance out it enjoying the cool air of the outside. “I can’t really stay too long.” He spoke honestly not about to start keeping the obvious from her now. “Parent think if they kick me out daily that I will manage to make something of myself. If they catch me up here, I’m not sure what they might do.” He glanced back at her looking her over. “I guess taken you for a walk won’t work with you looking like that though. Unless you really want to go, and can hurry to get ready.”

--- Merged Double Post ---


Xander couldn’t help given a soft sigh when she brought him supper. Once more wondering if she was being difficult or really didn’t hear him before when he said he didn’t want any. He would merely pick up the plate and move it to sit it on the bed. Taken up the tea only to sip and keep up on his desk.

He would stay silently ignoring her for a short while before lowering his pen to his desk. “I should really find more use for your talents then this.” His words were soft; he couldn’t help but feel bad keeping her locked away with him. “Maybe . . . help managing the household, something that keeps you more active and less doing something that doesn’t seem to be something you enjoy.” At that he would lean back, wondering if he could ask his father for more ideas. Simon was an eccentric after all, and usually could find a way for most things to work.

--- Merged Double Post ---


The mutt merely smiled, tilting his head as his master left. He seemed unconcerned either way, a bit confused but unconcerned never the less. When he felt he was along he would stand, pacing the room a bit before finding his lute. At that he would move to sit on the window ledge to play, his sweet music drifting where it wished.
"Well what needs to be done today?" Rosa asked blushing as she realized how skimpily dressed she was. But she could not just throw her dress on immediately. Oh no she needed to clean herself a bit before doing so. "I mean do you need me to balance in accounts or write out letters?" At this point the serf really hadn't a clue where the money came from, she figured some of it had to come personally from her Master and not just his family.

Rosa continued about her work of hanging garments on the clothes line while she awaited an answer. Sitting idle was nearly impossible for her, the serf needed to constantly do something. It was almost hard wired in her brain that relaxation equated to harsh words or beatings.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"And you definitely don't need any excitement. I mean you are already toeing the line of what is proper with your scandalous loose hair and your refusal to wear a corset," he sniped back a smile curling across his lips. Oh this Vampiress was good, he wasn't actually mad he just wanted to tease her and she seemed to get that. Her mistress wasn't too big for her petticoats and knew how to have a little fun. "By the way O'Great Mistress of mine what is your name, or would you rather such an Honorable name not dare touch my tongue."
Iliana laughed at his comments, knowing he was joking and trying to come up with responses as quickly as he was throwing out 'snide' comments. She looked down at her attire. It wasn't too terribly scandalous, but she knew she would get some rude looks while she was out. But she would just give them right back. She twirled her hair around her fingers while he was asking about her name. She wondered if maybe he really didn't know her name? It would be odd, but she hadn't really properly introduced herself. She climbed up and rested her arms on the window so she was almost directly beside Bret. "Well I'm certainly not fond of the name 'Mistress'..." she said. "So how about just Iliana?"
"I think we need to make a change in our relationship," Reverie said so suddenly in their walk that it almost surprised her too. She looked down at the street with a quiet smile. She knew Xavior was following her, so she kept talking. "Don't you agree?"

Reverie looked up to see the hill she had intended to head too. She would fix this mess she had made there. Xavior would learn his place as her serf and she would begin her healing process. It would be best for them both.

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